995 resultados para pet animal


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Neste Oil has introduced plant oils and animal fats for the production of NExBTL renewable diesel, and these raw materials differ from the conventional mineral based oils. One subject of new raw materials study is thermal degradation, or in another name pyrolysis, of these organic oils and fats. The aim of this master’s thesis is to increase knowledge on thermal degradation of these new raw materials, and to identify possible gaseous harmful thermal degradation compounds. Another aim is to de-termine the health and environmental hazards of identified compounds. One objective is also to examine the formation possibilities of hazardous compounds in the produc-tion of NExBTL-diesel. Plant oils and animal fats consist mostly of triglycerides. Pyrolysis of triglycerides is a complex phenomenon, and many degradation products can be formed. Based on the literature studies, 13 hazardous degradation products were identified, one of which was acrolein. This compound is very toxic and dangerous to the environment. Own pyrolysis experiments were carried out with rapeseed and palm oils, and with a mix-ture of palm oil and animal fat. At least 12 hazardous compounds, including acrolein, were analysed from the gas phase. According to the experiments, the factors which influence on acrolein formation are the time of the experiment, the sphere (air/hydrogen) in which the experiment is carried out, and the characteristics of the used oil. The production of NExBTL-diesel is not based on pyrolysis. This is why thermal degradation is possible only when abnormal process conditions prevail.


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Peering into the field of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the outsider realizes that many of the therapeutic strategies tested (in animal models) have been successful. One also may notice that there is a deficit in translational research, i.e., to take a successful drug in mice and translate it to the patient. Efforts are still focused on novel projects to expand the therapeutic arsenal to 'cure mice.' Scientific reasons behind so many successful strategies are not obvious. This article aims to review the current approaches to combat AD and to open a debate on common mechanisms of cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection. In short, either the rodent models are not good and should be discontinued, or we should extract the most useful information from those models. An example of a question that may be debated for the advancement in AD therapy is: In addition to reducing amyloid and tau pathologies, would it be necessary to boost synaptic strength and cognition? The debate could provide clues to turn around the current negative output in generating effective drugs for patients. Furthermore, discovery of biomarkers in human body fluids, and a clear distinction between cognitive enhancers and disease modifying strategies, should be instrumental for advancing in anti-AD drug discovery.


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Automatic flow procedures based on the multicommutation concept, dedicated to the determination of 3-hydroxybutyrate, glucose and cholesterol are proposed. The enzymes were immobilized on glass beads and packed into mini-columns that were coupled to a flow system. Sampling throughputs of 55, 40 and 40 determinations per hour, linear response from 10 to 150, 50 to 600, 25 to 125 mg L-1, detection limits of 1.5, 14 and 4 mg L-1 and relative standard deviations of 1, 2 and 2% for 3-hydroxybutyrate, glucose and cholesterol, respectively, were achieved.


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We present a 53-year-old man with a vocal cord paralysis observed as a primary manifestation of lung carcinoma. Tc-99m MDP whole body bone scan was performed and resulted in a normal scintiscan. The bone scan did not reveal any suspicious foci of uptake. The possibility of bone metastasis was taken into consideration. A whole body F18-FDG-PET scan showed intense uptake in the left upper lung corresponding to the primary tumor. A bronchial biopsy confirmed infiltration by small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). SCLC is composed of poorly differentiated, rapidly growing cells with diseases usually occurring centrally rather than peripherally. It metastasizes early. The whole-body F18-FDG-PET scan clearly demonstrated a focus of increased uptake in the second lumbar vertebral body suspicious for osteolytic metastasis. A lytic bone metastasis was confirmed by MRI. The patient then received therapy and underwent follow up abdominal CT. The scan showed blastic changes in the L2 vertebra suggesting response to treatment.


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Atherosclerosis is a vascular inflammatory disease causing coronary artery disease, myocardial infarct and stroke, the leading causes of death in Finland and in many other countries. The development of atherosclerotic plaques starts already in childhood and is an ongoing process throughout life. Rupture of a plaque and the following occlusion of the vessel is the main reason for myocardial infarct and stroke, but despite extensive research, the prediction of rupture remains a major clinical problem. Inflammation is considered a key factor in the vulnerability of plaques to rupture. Measuring the inflammation in plaques non-invasively is one potential approach for identification of vulnerable plaques. The aim of this study was to evaluate tracers for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of vascular inflammation. The studies were performed with a mouse model of atherosclerosis by using ex vivo biodistribution, autoradiography and in vivo PET and computed tomography (CT). Several tracers for inflammation activity were tested and compared with the morphology of the plaques. Inflammation in the atherosclerotic plaques was evaluated as expression of active macrophages. Systematic analysis revealed that the uptake of 18F-FDG and 11C-choline, tracers for metabolic activity in inflammatory cells, was more prominent in the atherosclerotic plaques than in the surrounding healthy vessel wall. The tracer for αvβ3 integrin, 18Fgalacto- RGD, was also found to have high potential for imaging inflammation in the plaques. While 11C-PK11195, a tracer targeted to receptors in active macrophages, was shown to accumulate in active plaques, the target-to-background ratio was not found to be ideal for in vivo imaging purposes. In conclusion, tracers for the imaging of inflammation in atherosclerotic plaques can be tested in experimental pre-clinical settings to select potential imaging agents for further clinical testing. 18F-FDG, 18F-galacto-RGD and 11C-choline choline have good properties, and further studies to clarify their applicability for atherosclerosis imaging in humans are warranted.


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Aquest projecte treballa sobre la possibilitat d'aplicar tècniques d'enregistrament binaural en animals, en concret, en una cabra domèstica. Mitjançant uns micròfons col·locats dins les seves orelles i una petita càmera de vídeo muntada sobre el seu cap, s'obté un material audiovisual que permet fer-se una idea aproximada de com és la seva percepció del món. En base a un estudi de cognició comparada, es pretén trobar maneres de transformar els enregistraments obtinguts per tal d'adaptar el marc psicoacústic humà al de l'animal. L'objectiu és que una persona pugui sentir com ho fa un animal, encara que sigui d'una manera aproximada. Els materials obtinguts al llarg dels enregistraments són el punt de partida per a la construcció de paisatges sonors i peces audiovisuals diverses. Així doncs, el treball s'inicia amb el disseny i construcció d'un micròfon binaural, continua amb enregistraments de camp en animals i acaba amb l'edició, el processat i la composició dels paisatges sonors finals.


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Methodologies of extraction of lipids from chicken breast and oats flakes were evaluated: Soxhlet, Folch et al., Bligh & Dyer and Hara & Radin. For chicken breast, the methods Soxhlet, Folch et al. and Bligh & Dyer presented the highest yields in total lipids. With oat flakes, the methods Soxhlet and Bligh & Dyer presented higher yields than the Hara & Radin and Folch et al. The Soxhlet method affected the quality of the lipid fraction in both samples. Extracted lipid components were separated by thin layer chromatography, the chloroform-methanol based was more efficient to extract the neutral and polar lipids.


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In this work it is proposed a simple and versatile undergraduate chemical experiment in polymer and environmental technology based on the process of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) hydrolysis. Polyethylene terephthalate from post-consume bottles is submitted to a controlled partial hydrolysis which allows the students to follow the reaction by a simple procedure. The students can explore the reaction kinetics, the effect of catalysts and the exposed polyethylene terephthalate surface area on the hydrolysis reaction. The second and innovative part of this experiment is the technological and environmental application of the hydrolyzed polyethylene terephthalate as a material with cation exchange properties. The surface hydrolyzed polyethylene terephthalate can be used as adsorbent for cationic contaminants.


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Industrial hazardous wastes must receive appropriate treatment to ensure a safe disposal to humans and environment. One of the techniques adopted for this purpose is the stabilization/solidification in polymer matrices. This paper evaluated the use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate as an incorporation matrix of incinerator ash. The polymer and the ash were submitted to an extrusion process in different percentages. The final product was evaluated through thermal and leaching tests and the leachate extracts constituents were determinated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed a reduction in the release of substances up to 99% by mass for the conditions used.


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Antimony is a common catalyst in the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate used for food-grade bottles manufacturing. However, antimony residues in final products are transferred to juices, soft drinks or water. The literature reports mentions of toxicity associated to antimony. In this work, a green, fast and direct method to quantify antimony, sulfur, iron and copper, in PET bottles by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented. 2.4 to 11 mg Sb kg-1 were found in 20 samples analyzed. The coupling of the multielemental technique to chemometric treatment provided also the possibility to classify PET samples between bottle-grade PET/recycled PET blends by Fe content.


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Polyethilenetherephtalate (PET) is commonly used in manufacturing of beverage bottles representing a didactic appeal in thermal analysis education due to its presence in the student's day life. Additionally such polymer presents well defined thermal analytical curves and a well known thermal behavior. TGA curve is used to present the thermal stability. The thermal history effects in the thermal properties of a PET sample from a soft drink bottle are used to demonstrate the effect of different heating/cooling conditions on glass transition, melting, crystallization and crystalline degree using DSC curves.


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This is an overview of LC-MS techniques applied for macrolide determination in food, including sample preparation and method validation, as well as the policies adopted by international agencies regarding their presence in food. Techniques for the analysis of macrolides in food normally include solid phase or liquid-liquid extraction followed by HPLC. UHPLC presents advantages in running time, detectability and solvent consumption. Triple-quadrupoles are the most common analyzers in instruments used for the determination of contaminants in food, but time-of-flight and ion-trap spectrometers have been successfully applied for analyses focusing on the investigation of structural formula or the presence of degradation products.


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The determination of veterinary drug residues in foods of animal origin is an important issue because of the risk these compounds pose to human health in addition to their persistence and tendency to bioaccumulate. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the area and this review presents the state of the art in sample preparation procedures associated with chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry for multiresidue determination of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin at concentration levels suitable for the control of residues and contaminants in food.


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