977 resultados para methyl 8 hydroxy 2,2 dimethyl 2h 1 chromene 6 carboxylate


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether left ventricular end-systolic (ESD) diameters £ 51mm in patients (pt) with severe chronic mitral regurgitation (MR) are predictors of a poor prognosis after mitral valve surgery (MVS). METHODS: Eleven pt (aged 36±13 years) were studied in the preoperative period (pre), median of 36 days; in the early postoperative period (post1), median of 9 days; and in the late postoperative period (post2), mean of 38.5±37.6 months. Clinical and echocardiographic data were gathered from each pt with MR and systolic diameter ³51mm (mean = 57±4mm) to evaluate the result of MVS. Ten patients were in NYHA Class III/IV. RESULTS: All but 2 pt improved in functional class. Two pt died from heart failure and infectious endocarditis 14 and 11 months, respectively, after valve replacement. According to ejection fraction (EF) in post2, we identified 2 groups: group 1 (n=6), whose EF decreased in post1, but increased in post2 (p=0.01) and group 2 (n=5), whose EF decreased progressively from post1 to post2 (p=0.10). All pt with symptoms lasting £ 48 months had improvement in EF in post2 (p=0.01). CONCLUSION: ESD ³51mm are not always associated with a poor prognosis after MVS in patients with MR. Symptoms lasting up to 48 months are associated with improvement in left ventricular function.


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FUNDAMENTO: A detecção do limiar anaeróbico (LA) pela análise da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (LiVFC) pode significar uma nova maneira de avaliação da capacidade funcional cardiorrespiratória (CFCR) em pré-adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Testar o método de LiVFC para detecção do LA em pré-adolescentes não obesos (NO), obesos (O) e obesos mórbidas (OM), a fim de determinar diferenças em sua CFCR. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 30 pré-adolescentes, com idades entre 9 e 11 anos, divididos em três grupos de 10: a) grupo NO - índice de massa corpórea (IMC) com percentil do National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion entre 5 e 85; b) grupo O - IMC de percentil entre 95 e 97 e c) grupo OM - IMC com percentil acima de 97. Todos foram submetidos a um protocolo incremental realizado em esteira rolante e registraram-se os batimentos cardíacos para detecção do LiVFC, que foi determinado pelo valor de 3,0 ms do índice do desvio-padrão 1 (SD1), extraído dos intervalos RR. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios no momento do LiVFC mostraram maiores valores para o grupo NO, destacando-se: a) VO2 (ml/kg/min) NO = 27,4 ± 9,2; O = 13,1 ± 7,6 e OM = 11,0 ± 1,7; b) FC (bpm): NO = 156,3 ± 18,0; O =141,7 ± 11,4 e OM = 137,7 ± 10,4; e c) distância percorrida (metros): NO = 1.194,9 ± 427,7; O = 503,2 ± 437,5 e OM = 399,9 ± 185,1. CONCLUSÃO: O LiVFC se mostrou efetivo para avaliação da CFCR e poderá vir a ser aplicado como método alternativo à ergoespirometria em determinadas situações.


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Migmatites produced by low-pressure anatexis of basic dykes are found in a contact metamorphic aureole around a pyroxenite-gabbro intrusion (PX2), on Fuerteventura. Dykes outside and inside the aureole record interaction with meteoric water, with low or negative delta O-18 whole-rock values (+0.2 to -3.4 parts per thousand), decreasing towards the contact. Recrystallised plagioclase, diopside, biotite and oxides, from within the aureole, show a similar evolution with lowest delta O-18 values (-2.8, -4.2, - 4.4 and -7.6 parts per thousand, respectively) in the migmatite zone, close to the intrusion. Relict clinopyroxene phenocrysts preserved in all dykes, retain typically magmatic delta O-18 values up to the anatectic zone, where the values are lower and more heterogeneous. Low delta O-18 values, decreasing towards the intrusion, can be ascribed to the advection of meteoric water during magma emplacement, with increasing fluid/rock ratios (higher dyke intensities towards the intrusion acting as fluid-pathways) and higher temperatures promoting increasing exchange during recrystallisation.


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Value for Money Report – The Efficiency and Effectiveness of Long-Stay Residential Care for Adults within the Mental Health Services Executive Summary and Contents PDF 164kb Chapters 1 and 2 – Introduction and Service Objectives PDF 504kb Chapter 3 plus annexes – Service Effectiveness and Efficiency PDF 3.7mb Chapter 4 – Service Resources PDF 2.4mb Chapters 5, 6 and 7 – Future Funding and Alternative Approaches, Key Performance Indicators, Conclusions and Recommendations PDF 2.4mb Appendices 1 to 6


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Chronic growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion in rats leads to increased isometric force without affecting the unloaded shortening velocity of isolated cardiac papillary muscles, despite a marked isomyosin shift toward V3. To determine if alterations occurred at the level of the contractile proteins in rats bearing a GH-secreting tumor (GH rats), we examined the mechanical properties of skinned fibers to eliminate the early steps of the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism. We found that maximal active tension and stiffness at saturating calcium concentrations (pCa 4.5) were markedly higher in GH rats than in control rats (tension, 52.9 +/- 5.2 versus 38.1 +/- 4.6 mN.mm-2, p < 0.05; stiffness, 1,105 +/- 120 versus 685 +/- 88 mN.mm-2.microns-1, p < 0.01), whereas values at low calcium concentrations (pCa 9) were unchanged. In addition, the calcium sensitivity of the contractile proteins was slightly but significantly higher in GH rats than in control rats (delta pCa 0.04, p < 0.001). The crossbridge cycling rate, reflected by the response to quick length changes, was lower in GH rats than in control rats (62.0 +/- 2.6 versus 77.4 +/- 6.6 sec-1, p < 0.05), in good agreement with a decrease in the proportion of alpha-myosin heavy chains in the corresponding papillary muscles (45.5 +/- 2.0% versus 94.6 +/- 2.4%, p < 0.001). The changes in myosin heavy chain protein phenotype were paralleled by similar changes of the corresponding mRNAs, indicating that the latter occurred mainly at a pretranslational level. These results demonstrate that during chronic GH hypersecretion in rats, alterations at the myofibrillar level contribute to the increase in myocardial contractility observed in intact muscle.


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In heart transplantation (HTx), acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is infrequent but carries high mortality and increased risk of graft vasculopathy. The diagnosis requires evidence of acute graft dysfunction, capillary lesions on endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), and immunopathological criteria of antibodymediated injury. Multiple markers of antibody-mediated injuries have been proposed, but there is ample debate on their usefulness. In kidney transplantation, C4d deposition in peritubular capillaries is a reliable marker of alloantibody-dependant graft injury. In this study, we prospectively screened all EMBs for C4d and CD68 in new HTx recipients, and correlated pathological fi ndings with immunological evidence of donor-specifi c antibodies (DSA) and graft dysfunction. Methods Between Nov 05 and Aug 08, we had 22 HTx, and 17 cases were analysed. All recipients received polyclonal rabbit anti-thymocytes globulin, calcineurin inhibitors, mycophenolate mofetil, and corticosteroids (weaning in 6 -12 months). They had EMB every 1-2 weeks in the fi rst 3 months, and then monthly for 9 months. C4d and CD 68 were assessed by immunochemistry. Echocardiography and DSA assessment or crossmatch (early phase) were realised if C4d or CD68 staining was positive. Results There was 1 early and 1 late AMR. Table 1 C4d and CD68 positive, at least 1 EMB 6 / 17; 35% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, at least 2 consecutive EMBs 3 / 17; 17.5% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, and graft dysfunction 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, with DSA and crossmatch + 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated Table 2 C4d and CD68 positive, at least 1 EMB 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, at least 2 consecutive EMBs 1 /17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive and graft dysfunction 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated C4d and CD68 positive, and + DSA 1 / 17; 6% 1 treated Conclusion In this single-center experience, C4d / CD68 positive staining was frequent in the early phase and raised the question of false positive cases of AMR. However, these markers showed high specifi city for the diagnosis of AMR in the late phase. Of course these data need to be confi rmed in larger multi-center studies.


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OBJETIVO: analisar a associação entre idade materna, resultados perinatais e via de parto. MÉTODOS: foram analisadas as informações de todas as pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia de um hospital universitário terciário do Maranhão, no período de Julho a Dezembro de 2006. Foram alocadas em três grupos: adolescentes (10 a 19 anos), adultas (20 a 34 anos) e mulheres de idade avançada (>35 anos). As variáveis estudadas foram cor, escolaridade, situação conjugal, renda familiar, paridade, número de consultas no pré-natal, idade gestacional no início do pré-natal, local do pré-natal, duração da gestação, tipo de parto, índice de Apgar no quinto minuto e peso ao nascer. Os dados foram processados no programa Epi-Info versão 3.4.1 e foram analisadas as associações entre as variáveis pela razão dos produtos cruzados, a Odds Ratio (OR), com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. RESULTADOS: em 2.196 pacientes, foi verificada frequência de 25% dos partos em adolescentes, 69% em adultas e 6% de mulheres em idade avançada. Entre as adolescentes foi verificado maior risco de prematuridade (OR=1,46;IC95%=1,14-1,88) e baixo peso ao nascer (OR=1,47; IC95%=1,13-1,90), maior frequência de partos normais entre todos os grupos (65,2%), além da associação com início tardio do pré-natal (OR=1,86; IC95%=1,43-2,43), menor número de consultas (OR=2,03;IC95%=1,57-2,63) e uso de abortivo no início da gestação (OR=2,34; IC95%=1,38-3,98). Em mulheres com idade avançada constatamos forte associação com diabetes mellitus (OR=9,00; IC95%=3,18-25,19), pré-eclâmpsia (OR=4,38; IC95%=3,02-6,34), ruptura prematura de membranas (OR=5,81; IC95%=3,08-10,89), além de maior chance do índice de Apgar no quinto minuto ser menor que sete (OR=2,90; IC95%=1,37-6,01) e maior frequência de parto operatório cesáreo (60,3%). CONCLUSÕES: a gravidez na adolescência esteve associada a início tardio e menor número de consultas no pré-natal, uso de abortivo no início da gestação, baixa escolaridade, ausência de companheiro, baixo peso ao nascer, prematuridade e menor incidência de desproporção céfalo-pélvica e pré-eclâmpsia. No grupo de gestantes com idade avançada houve maior freqüência de diabetes, pré-eclâmpsia, ruptura prematura das membranas, índice de Apgar no quinto minuto menor que sete e maior frequência de parto operatório cesáreo.


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Les nanomatériaux sont de plus en plus présents dans les produits consommables du quotidien. L’argent est le métal le plus utilisé en nanotechnologie pour ses propriétés antimicrobiennes. Par différentes voies d’entrée, les nanoparticules d’argent (nAg) se retrouvent dans l’environnement en quantité significative, notamment dans les sols suite à la valorisation agricole des biosolides municipaux. Il est prévu qu’une interaction négative sur la communauté microbienne terrestre ait des répercussions sur la fertilité du sol et les processus biogéochimiques. Les mesures de l’activité enzymatique ont déjà montré leur efficacité et leur sensibilité dans la détection d’une perturbation physique et chimique du sol. Les effets potentiels des nAg sur l’écosystème terrestre ont été évalués en mesurant l’activité des enzymes β-D-glucosidase (EC, leucine-aminopeptidase (EC, phosphomonoesterase (EC 3.1.3) et arylsulfatase (EC intervenant dans les cycles des éléments essentiels C, N, P et S, respectivement. L’activité enzymatique est mesurée à l’aide d’une technique basée sur la fluorescence qui requière des substrats synthétiques liés à un fluorophore. Un sol de type sableux a été échantillonné au Campus Macdonald de l’Université McGill (Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qc) puis exposé aux nAg (taille ~20 nm) ou à la forme ionique Ag+ (Ag-acetate) à des concentrations nominales de 1,25 × 10-3, 1,25 × 10-2, 0,125, 1,25, 6,25 et 31,25 mg Ag kg-1 sol. De plus, le rôle de la matière organique (MO) a été évalué en effectuant un amendement du sol avec un compost de feuilles. Pour mieux comprendre les effets observés, des analyses de spéciation de l’Ag ont été réalisées. Les concentrations en Ag dissous ont été déterminées après filtration à travers des membranes de 0,45 µm ou de 3 kDa (~1 nm, ultrafiltration) pour séparer la phase particulaire des ions dissous. De façon générale, une inhibition de l’activité enzymatique a été observée pour les 4 enzymes en fonction de l’augmentation de la concentration en Ag (totale et dissoute) mais elle est significativement moins importante avec l’ajout de la MO. Les résultats suggèrent que l’inhibition de l’activité des enzymes aux faibles expositions aux nAg est due aux nanoparticules puisqu’une très faible fraction des nAg est réellement dissoute et aucun effet significatif n’a été observé pour les sols traités à des concentrations similaires en Ag+. Par contre, les effets mesurés aux concentrations plus élevées en nAg sont semblables aux expositions à l’Ag+ et suggèrent un rôle de l’Ag colloïdale dans l’inhibition du processus enzymatique des sols.


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The TA2 phonon dispersion curves of Ni-Mn-Ga alloys with different compositions which transform to different martensitic structures have been measured over a broad temperature range covering both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases. The branches show an anomaly (dip) at a wave number that depends on the particular martensitic structure, and there is softening of these anomalous phonons with decreasing temperature. This softening is enhanced below the Curie point, as a consequence of spin-phonon coupling. This effect is stronger for systems with higher electronic concentration.


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We report on measurements of the adiabatic second-order elastic constants of the off-stoichiometric Ni54Mn23Al23 single-crystalline Heusler alloy. The variation in the temperature dependence of the elastic constants has been investigated across the magnetic transition and over a broad temperature range. Anomalies in the temperature behavior of the elastic constants have been found in the vicinity of the magnetic phase transition. Measurements under applied magnetic field, both isothermal and variable temperature, show that the value of the elastic constants depends on magnetic order, thus giving evidence for magnetoelastic coupling in this alloy system.


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A study of the magneto-optical (MO) spectral response of Co nanoparticles embedded in MgO as a function of their size and concentration in the spectral range from 1.4 to 4.3 eV is presented. The nanoparticle layers were obtained by sputtering at different deposition temperatures. Transmission electron microscopy measurements show that the nanoparticles have a complex structure which consists of a crystalline core having a hexagonal close-packed structure and an amorphous crust. Using an effective-medium approximation we have obtained the MO constants of the Co nanoparticles. These MO constants are different from those of continuous Co layers and depend on the size of the crystalline core. We associate these changes with the size effect of the intraband contribution to the MO constants, related to a reduction of the relaxation time of the electrons into the nanoparticles.