793 resultados para learning for change
No per??odo de 2004 a 2008, o Minist??rio da Sa??de, conveniado com institui????es de ensino superior, ofereceu aos servidores dos n??cleos estaduais da sa??de um curso de especializa????o sobre Planejamento Estrat??gico e Pol??ticas P??blicas com o objetivo de informar, esclarecer e discutir o Sistema ??nico de Sa??de (SUS). A pesquisa discute esse programa educacional enquanto estrat??gia de mudan??a de cultura organizacional no Sistema ??nico de Sa??de. Dois dos principais focos do programa educacional foram a compreens??o dos pressupostos filos??ficos do SUS pelos funcion??rios do Minist??rio da Sa??de e a transforma????o do conhecimento t??cito dos servidores em conhecimento sistematizado via elabora????o de monografias, na perspectiva da incorpora????o de uma nova vis??o sobre o SUS. Foi utilizada abordagem metodol??gica quali-quantitativa, com uso de question??rios, entrevistas e grupos focais com os 636 respondentes que participaram do curso. A an??lise dos resultados considerou a avalia????o que os servidores/alunos faziam do curso, suas expectativas, suas necessidades de reconhecimento do trabalho e de satisfa????o pessoal, e a monografia realizada. Os resultados indicam a ocorr??ncia de aprendizagem e sensibiliza????o para as mudan??as; no entanto, no n??vel individual fatores organizacionais como a participa????o, comunica????o, reconhecimento de compet??ncias e pr??ticas de Recursos Humanos foram mencionados como entraves para o aprendizado e modifica????o da cultura organizacional. Conclui-se que os processos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos pela organiza????o devem ser processos continuados e n??o estrat??gias de a????o pontuais.
Para que a diversidade possa se fazer presente, a base da educação de alunos com necessidade educativas especiais (n.e.e.) precisa se construir numa abordagem de apoio colaborativo. Neste relato buscamos evidenciar o processo de repensar a avaliação educacional de um aluno da segunda série. A partir do trabalho com a professora e a pedagoga, definimos aspectos a serem avaliados e um projeto educativo para o aluno a ser trabalhado na sala de aula. O estudo deste caso desencadeou uma atitude de mudança quanto à avaliação nos profissionais das séries iniciais, trazendo à tona inúmeras questões sobre o processo de avaliação naquela escola. Os dados nos mostraram a processualidade do trabalho e como é difícil passar de uma avaliação diagnóstica por especialistas para uma avaliação pedagógica das condições de ensino-aprendizagem.
Due to its recent economic success, Brazil is considered an emerging country, but is it an emerging power concerning global environmental governance? This article argues that although Brazil has a sui generis profile, it can only be considered an emerging power in some environmental regimes, such as global climate change. Thus, international relations theory needs more analytical instruments to assess the impact of emerging powers in global environmental governance
The European Union's (EU) decision to include aviation into the Emissions Trade Scheme was heatedly contested. Countries around the world, but mainly the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa group (BRICS) and the US, denounced the EU's initiate as illegal and unilateral. Following a decade of frustrated negotiations at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this paper interrogates why such measure, in principle climate-friendly, inspired so much global resentment. I argue that concerns with competitiveness and risks of legal inconsistency are important, but insufficient elements to explain the core of the conflict. The paper suggests that the EU was strongly criticized because third countries perceived this action as an imposed solution, which fostered an environment of distrust. Therefore, I claim that the problem has more to do with a normative divide than with a substantive divergence on what should be done regarding aviation emissions. My analysis is informed by the present literature on the links between trade and climate change, but gives particular weight to first-hand information through interviews with key stakeholders. The paper is divided in three parts. First, it presents the scope of the EU directive in historical perspective. Second, it explores the EU's measure through three different angles: legal, economical and political. The final part explores some possible solutions to overcome these divergences.
In recent years, erratic global climate conditions have generated an incessant series of natural disasters in China. This article seeks to explore China's climate change policies. This article addresses the impacts of climate change on China's environment and China's perception, principle, objective and policy actions in response to climate change.
Como organização regional, o papel da União Europeia na governança global do clima enfrenta obstáculos que não se aplicam a nenhuma outra parte da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC) e do Protocolo de Quioto. Avaliando essa singularidade, este artigo fornece uma analise teórica e empírica de como os elementos de actorness (reconhecimento, capacidade, oportunidade e coesão) definem a participação da UE no regime internacional de mudanças climáticas.
This article describes the Brazilian position on forests and climate change from 1997 to 2012. It argues that it has evolved from a veto, which excluded from the climate change regime emissions from the conversion of native forests, to a proposition, as Brazil offered its approach to the international community. It explains the change with domestic developments: governance over deforestation, the emergence of new and relevant actors, and presidential diplomacy.
With regards to the debate about governance of climate change, it should be assumed that the Amazon region plays an important role, as this large area is highly vulnerable to its effects. In this sense, this article aims to discuss how some Amazonian municipalities of Brazil have been taking part in the complexes and multilayered processes of climate governance.
This paper aims to describe the processes of teaching illustration and animation, together, in the context of a masters degree program. In Portugal, until very recently, illustration and animation higher education courses, were very scarce and only provided by a few private universities, which offered separated programs - either illustration or animation. The MA in Illustration and Animation (MIA) based in the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave in Portugal, dared to join these two creative areas in a common learning model and is already starting it’s third edition with encouraging results and will be supported by the first international conference on illustration and animation (CONFIA). This masters program integrates several approaches and techniques (in illustration and animation) and integrates and encourages creative writing and critique writing. This paper describes the iterative process of construction, and implementation of the program as well as the results obtained on the initial years of existence in terms of pedagogic and learning conclusions. In summary, we aim to compare pedagogic models of animation or illustration teaching in higher education opposed to a more contemporary and multidisciplinary model approach that integrates the two - on an earlier stage - and allows them to be developed separately – on the second part of the program. This is based on the differences and specificities of animation (from classic techniques to 3D) and illustration (drawing the illustration) and the intersection area of these two subjects within the program structure focused on the students learning and competencies acquired to use in professional or authorial projects.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of organizational change undergone by a large Portuguese business group within the context of the environmental agenda and the role of accounting as a mechanism for change. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reports the results of a case study conducted between 2006 and 2009. Information was obtained from semi-structured interviews and secondary sources. Organizational changes were analyzed using Laughlin’s model in order to identify which category reflected most of the changes introduced to address environmental matters. Findings – This paper offers evidence that change is not a homogeneous phenomenon. Additionally, it confirms previous studies’ findings which found that accounting did not play a significant role in the process of organizational change within the context of the environmental agenda. Originality/value – This paper seeks to complement the research in this area by integrating observations from a case study into an existing model of levels of organizational change according to how a Portuguese business group incorporated environmental issues into its processes, policies and corporate culture.