923 resultados para gestational hypertension


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Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottosuomen perusterveydenhiollon hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa suosituksia näyttöön perustuvien Käypä hoito -suositusten käytön edistämiseksi perusterveydenhuollon hoitotyössä. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa arvioitiin Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottoa terveyskeskuksissa. Toisessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteita ja kokemuksia hoitosuosituksen käyttöönotosta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitohenkilöstön näkemyksiä hoitosuosituksen käyttöä edistävistä tekijöistä. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuositus oli ylilääkäreiden ja ylihoitajien mukaan otettu käyttöön lähes kaikissa terveyskeskuksissa, mutta heidän näkemyksensä suositusten käyttöönottoa koskevista terveyskeskuksissa tehdyistä sopimuksista erosivat toisistaan monilta osin. Myös käyttöönoton toteutuksessa oli suurta vaihtelua terveyskeskusten välillä. Toteutustavan perusteella ääripäissä sijaitsevat terveyskeskukset luokiteltiin yksittäisin ja monin keinoin käyttöönottoa tukeneiksi. Hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteet olivat hyvin myönteisiä ja hoitosuosituksia pidettiin luotettavina tiedonlähteinä, ja niiden uskottiin parantavan hoidon laatua. Hoitosuositusten paikallinen soveltaminen sekä johdon ja lääkäreiden tuki olivat hoitajien mielestä keskeisiä käyttöönotossa, vaikkakin tulosten mukaan kaikki käytetyt keinot olivat yhteydessä positiivisempiin hoitosuositusasenteisiin sekä aktiivisempaan hoitajien itsensä ilmaisemaan hoitosuositusten käyttöön. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Käypä Hoito -suositukset on hyväksytty osaksi kliinistä hoitotyön käytäntöä. Niiden käytön tehostamiseksi tulisi kiinnittää huomiota suositusten paikalliseen soveltamiseen ja eri ammattiryhmien tehtäväkuvien määrittelyyn. Tähän tarvitaan terveyskeskusten johdon ja lääkäreiden selkeää tukea.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate parameters related with arterial pressure and metabolic profile in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (POS). METHODS: This monocentric study at the University Hospital Endocrinology Section included 60 women aged 18-45 years, 42 being diagnosed with POS and acting as 18 controls. All women were subjected to transvaginal ultrasound and monitored for arterial pressure for 24 h in the ambulatory (MAP). Venous blood samples were taken between 07.00 and 09.00, after 12 h fasting. Basal (BG) and fasting glucose concentrations, total cholesterol and its fractions, triglycerides and insulin (to calculate the homeostatic assay insulin-resistance, HOMA-IR) were measured. Collected data were the mean arterial blood pressure (24-h awake/sleep cycle), arterial pressure nocturnal descensus, glycemia and fasting glucose for HOMA-IR, and lipid profile. The Student's t test was used to compare homogeneous variables; the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare non-homogeneous variables; the Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to search for correlation between the variables. The c² test was used for comparison of the absence of nocturnal descensus. Significance was taken as p<0.05. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients with POS was 27.4±5.5 (18-45 years, n=42) and the body mass index (BMI) was 30.2±6.5 kg/m² (18.3-54.9). In the Control Group, the mean age was 31.4±6.1 (18-45 years) and the BMI was 27.1±6.2 kg/m² (18.3-54.9, n=18). No difference in the metabolic parameters and insulin resistance was observed between the two groups. Comparison between these parameters and MAP showed that the only parameter with a correlation was the BMI, independent of the POS diagnosis. This was not seen in nocturnal descensus, which was uncorrelated with POS and any of the other studied parameters. CONCLUSION: POS women do not show higher arterial blood pressure, glycemia, HDL-col, TG, HOMA-IR and BMI compared to non-POS women. However, POS patients showed correlation between arterial pressure and BMI, suggesting that obesity is a primary factor involved in arterial pressure changes in these patients.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the value of uterine artery Doppler sonography during the second and third trimesters in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcome in low-risk women. METHODS: From July 2011 to August 2012, a total of 205 singleton pregnant women presenting at our antenatal clinic were enrolled in this prospective study and were assessed for baseline demographic and obstetric data. They underwent ultrasound evaluation at the time of second and third trimesters, both included Doppler assessment of bilateral uterine arteries to determine the values of the pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) and presence of early diastolic notch. The endpoint of this study was assessing the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of Doppler ultrasonography of the uterine artery, for the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes including preeclampsia, stillbirth, placental abruption and preterm labor. RESULTS: The mean age of cases was 26.4±5.11. The uterine artery PI and RI values for both second (PI: 1.1±0.42 versus 1.53±0.59, p=0.002; RI: 0.55±0.09 versus 0.72±0.13, p=0.000 respectively) and third-trimester (PI: 0.77±0.31 versus 1.09±0.46, p=0.000; RI: 0.46±0.10 versus 0.60±0.14, p=0.010 respectively) evaluations were significantly higher in patients with adverse pregnancy outcome than in normal women. Combination of PI and RI >95th percentile and presence of bilateral notch in second trimester get sensitivity and specificity of 36.1 and 97% respectively, while these measures were 57.5 and 98.2% in third trimester. CONCLUSIONS: According to our study, it seems that uterine artery Doppler may be a valuable tool for the prediction of a variety of adverse outcomes in second and third trimesters.


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PURPOSE:To evaluate factors associated with hypertension in Brazilian women of 50 years of age or more.METHODS:A cross-sectional population based study using self-reports. A total of 622 women were included. The association between sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral factors and the woman's age at the onset of hypertension was evaluated. Data were analyzed according to cumulative continuation rates without hypertension, using the life-table method and considering annual intervals. Next, a Cox multiple regression analysis model was adjusted to analyze the occurrence rates of hypertension according to various predictor variables. Significance level was pre-established at 5% (95% confidence level) and the sampling plan (primary sampling unit) was taken into consideration.RESULTS:Median age at onset of hypertension was 64.3 years. Cumulative continuation rate without hypertension at 90 years was 20%. Higher body mass index (BMI) at 20–30 years of age was associated with a higher cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient=0.078; p<0.001). Being white was associated with a lower cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient= -0.439; p=0.003), while smoking >15 cigarettes/day was associated with a higher rate over time (coefficient=0.485; p=0.004).CONCLUSION:The results of the present study highlight the importance of weight control in young adulthood and of avoiding smoking in preventing hypertension in women aged ≥50 years.


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Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) is the term to describe a set of malignant placental diseases, including invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumor and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor. Both invasive mole and choriocarcinoma respond well to chemotherapy, and cure rates are greater than 90%. Since the advent of chemotherapy, low-risk GTN has been treated with a single agent, usually methotrexate or actinomycin D. Cases of high-risk GTN, however, should be treated with multiagent chemotherapy, and the regimen usually selected is EMA-CO, which combines etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine. This study reviews the literature about GTN to discuss current knowledge about its diagnosis and treatment.


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PURPOSE: To compare two single-agent chemotherapy (ChT) regimens evaluating, in first-line treatment, response and side effects and, in final single-agent treatment, the outcomes, among Brazilian patients with low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2002. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of two concurrent cohorts with 194 low-risk GTN patients: from 1992 to 2012, as first-line treatment, 115 patients received 4 intramuscular doses of methotrexate alternated with 4 oral doses of folinic acid (MTX/FA) repetead every 14 days and, since 1996, 79 patients received an endovenous bolus-dose of actinomycin D (Act-D), biweekly. At GTN diagnosis, patient opinion was taken into consideration when defining the initial single-agent ChT regimen, and when there was resistance or toxicity to one regimen, the other drug was used preferentially. This study was approved by the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre Ethical Committee. RESULTS: Both groups were clinically similar (p>0.05). In first-line treatments, frequency of complete response was similar (75.7% with MTX/FA and 67.1% with bolus Act-D); the number of ChT courses -median 3 (range: 1-10) with MTX/FA and 2 (range: 1-6) with bolus Act-D - and the time to remission -median 9 weeks (range: 2-16) with MTX/FA and 10 weeks (range: 2-16) with bolus Act-D) - were not different between the groups. In both groups, first-line side effects frequency were high but intensity was low; stomatitis was higher with MTX/FA (p<0.01) and nausea and vomit with Act-D (p<0.01). Final single-agent ChT responses were high in both groups (94.8% with MTX/FA and 83.5% with bolus Act-D; p<0.01) and 13% higher in the group initially treated with MTX/FA. Rates of hysterectomy and of GTN recurrence were low and similar. No patient died due to GTN. CONCLUSION: The two regimens had similar first-line ChT response. Final single-agent response rates were high and similar in both groups but the final single-agent remission rate was higher in the MTX/FA group.


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METFORMIININ KÄYTTÖ RASKAUSDIABETEKSESSA Raskausdiabeteksella tarkoitetaan sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriötä, joka todetaan ensimmäisen kerran raskauden aikana. Hoidolla voidaan vähentää raskausdiabetekseen liittyviä äidin ja vastasyntyneen haittoja. Lääkitystä tarvitaan, jos ruokavaliohoidolla ei saavuteta hyvää sokeritasapainoa. Perinteisesti lääkityksenä on käytetty insuliinia, mutta metformii¬nin käyttöä insuliinin vaihtoehtona on ehdotettu. Metformiini läpäisee istukan, mutta sen läpäisymekanismi ei ole selvillä. Tämän tutkimuskokonaisuuden pääasiallisin tarkoitus oli verrata metformiinin tehokkuutta ja turvallisuutta insuliiniin raskausdiabeteksen hoidossa selvittämällä lääkkeen vaiku¬tusta äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia, mitkä tekijät ennustavat insulii¬nin tarvetta metformiinin lisänä, jotta saavutettaisiin hyvä sokeritasapaino. Metformiinin annoksen vaikutus äitiin ja vastasyntyneeseen arvioitiin mittaamalla metformiinin pitoisuus äidistä, ja sikiön puolelta napanuoran veressä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös aktiivisen kuljetusproteiinin (OCT) merkitystä metformiinin kulkeutumiseen istukan läpi perfusiomalla istukkaa ex vivo . Ex vivo istukkaperfuusiotutkimuksen tulokset viittasivat siihen, että OCT-kuljetusproteiinilla ei ollut todennäköisesti merkittävää osuutta metformiinin kulkeutumisessa istukan läpi. Metformiinin pitoisuusmittaukset synnytyksen yhteydessä osoittivat metformiinin siirtyvän sikiöön istukan läpi suuressa määrin (96 %) kertymättä kuitenkaan sikiön verenkiertoon. Metformiinin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta vastasyntyneen hyvinvointiin. Maksi¬maalisella metformiinin annostuksella ja korkealla metformiinipitoisuudella todettiin olevan suotuisa vaikutus äidin painon nousuun raskauden aikana. Insuliiniin verrattuna metformiini ei lisännyt äidin, sikiön tai vastasyntyneen haittatapahtumia, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta synnytystapaan. Sokeritasapaino insuliini- ja metformiinilääkityksen aikana oli yhtäläinen arvioitaessa sitä HbA1c- ja fruktosamiinimittauksilla, mutta 21 % metformiinin käyttäjistä tarvitsi lisäksi insuliinia hyvän sokeritasapainon saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimuksesssa todettiin, että mitä iäkkäämpi äiti oli, mitä varhaisemmassa raskauden vaiheessa sokerirasitus oli tehty ja lääkitys aloitettu, ja mitä korkeammat HbA1c ja fruktosamiinipitoisuudet olivat, sitä suuremmalla todennäköisyydellä metformiinin lisänä tarvittiin insuliinia.


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Calcium ions (Ca2+) trigger the contraction of vascular myocytes and the level of free intracellular Ca2+ within the myocyte is precisely regulated by sequestration and extrusion mechanisms. Extensive evidence indicates that a defect in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ plays a role in the augmented vascular reactivity characteristic of clinical and experimental hypertension. For example, arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) have an increased contractile sensitivity to extracellular Ca2+ and intracellular Ca2+ levels are elevated in aortic smooth muscle cells of SHR. We hypothesize that these changes are due to an increase in membrane Ca2+ channel density and possibly function in vascular myocytes from hypertensive animals. Several observations using various experimental approaches support this hypothesis: 1) the contractile activity in response to depolarizing stimuli is increased in arteries from hypertensive animals demonstrating increased voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel activity in hypertension; 2) Ca2+ channel agonists such as Bay K 8644 produce contractions in isolated arterial segments from hypertensive rats and minimal contraction in those from normotensive rats; 3) intracellular Ca2+ concentration is abnormally increased in vascular myocytes from hypertensive animals following treatment with Ca2+ channel agonists and depolarizing interventions, and 4) using the voltage-clamp technique, the inward Ca2+ current in arterial myocytes from hypertensive rats is nearly twice as large as that from myocytes of normotensive rats. We suggest that an alteration in Ca2+ channel function and/or an increase in Ca2+ channel density, resulting from increased channel synthesis or reduced turnover, underlies the increased vascular reactivity characteristic of hypertension


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Angiotensin II (ANG II) and vasopressin (AVP) act together with the mechanical effect of aortic constriction in the onset of acute aortic coarctation hypertension. Blockade of ANG II and AVP V1 receptors demonstrated that ANG II acts on the prompt (5 min) rise in pressure whereas AVP is responsible for the maintenance (30-45 min) of the arterial pressure elevation during aortic coarctation. Hormone assays carried out on blood collected from conscious rats submitted to aortic constriction supported a role for ANG II in the early stage and a combined role for both ANG II and AVP in the maintenance of proximal hypertension. As expected, a role for catecholamines was ruled out in this model of hypertension, presumably due to the inhibitory effect of the sinoaortic baroreceptors. The lack of afferent feedback from the kidneys for AVP release from the central nervous system in rats with previous renal denervation allowed ANG II to play the major role in the onset of the hypertensive response. Median eminence-lesioned rats exhibited a prompt increase in proximal pressure followed by a progressive decline to lower hypertensive levels, revealing a significant role for the integrity of the neuroaxis in the maintenance of the aortic coarctation hypertension through the release of AVP. In conclusion, the important issue raised by this model of hypertension is the likelihood of a link between some vascular territory - probably renal - below the coarctation triggering the release of AVP, with this vasoconstrictor hormone participating with Ang II and the mechanical effect of aortic constriction in the acute aortic coarctation hypertension


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of bradykinin in the inhibitory action of captopril in hypertension induced by L-NAME in anesthetized rats. Male Wistar rats (260-320 g) were anesthetized with chloralose and arterial blood pressure was recorded with a polygraph pressure transducer. The hypertensive effect of L-NAME was studied in rats pretreated with saline, captopril or HOE 140 plus captopril. The effect of captopril was also studied during the sustained pressor effect of L-NAME. The acute pressor effect of L-NAME (10 mg/kg, iv) was significantly reduced by iv pretreatment with 2 mg/kg captopril (D increase of 49 ± 4.9 mmHg reduced to 20 ± 5.4 mmHg, P = 0.01). The pressor effect of L-NAME (D increase of 38 ± 4.8 mmHg) observed in rats pretreated with captopril and HOE 140 (0.1 mg/kg, iv) was not significantly different from that induced by L-NAME in rats pretreated with saline (P = 0.09). During the sustained pressor effect induced by L-NAME (D increase of 49 ± 4.9 mmHg) captopril induced a significant (P<0.05) reduction in arterial blood pressure (D decrease of 22 ± 3.0 mmHg). The present results demonstrate that the acute pressor effect of L-NAME is reduced by captopril and this inhibitory effect may be partly dependent on the potentiation of the vasodilator actions of bradykinin


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The arterial baroreceptor reflex system is one of the most powerful and rapidly acting mechanisms for controlling arterial pressure. The purpose of the present review is to discuss data relating sympathetic activity to the baroreflex control of arterial pressure in two different experimental models: neurogenic hypertension by sinoaortic denervation (SAD) and high-renin hypertension by total aortic ligation between the renal arteries in the rat. SAD depresses baroreflex regulation of renal sympathetic activity in both the acute and chronic phases. However, increased sympathetic activity (100%) was found only in the acute phase of sinoaortic denervation. In the chronic phase of SAD average discharge normalized but the pattern of discharges was different from that found in controls. High-renin hypertensive rats showed overactivity of the renin angiotensin system and a great depression of the baroreflexes, comparable to the depression observed in chronic sinoaortic denervated rats. However, there were no differences in the average tonic sympathetic activity or changes in the pattern of discharges in high-renin rats. We suggest that the difference in the pattern of discharges may contribute to the increase in arterial pressure lability observed in chronic sinoaortic denervated rats.


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Connexin43 (Cx43), the predominant gap junction protein of muscle cells in vessels and heart, is involved in the control of cell-to-cell communication and is thought to modulate the contractility of the vascular wall and the electrical coupling of cardiac myocytes. We have investigated the effects of arterial hypertension on the expression of Cx43 in aorta and heart in three different models of experimental hypertension. Rats were made hypertensive either by clipping one renal artery (two kidney, one-clip renal (2K,1C) model) by administration of deoxycorticosterone and salt (DOCA-salt model) or by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME model). After 4 weeks, rats of the three models showed a similar increase in intra-arterial mean blood pressure and in the thickness of the walls of both aorta and heart. Analysis of heart mRNA demonstrated no change in Cx43 expression in the three models compared to their respective controls. The same 2K,1C and DOCA-salt hypertensive animals expressed twice more Cx43 in aorta, and the 2K,1C rats showed an increase in arterial distensibility. In contrast, the aortae of L-NAME hypertensive rats were characterized by a 50% decrease in Cx43 and the carotid arteries did not show increased distensibility. Western blot analysis indicated that Cx43 was more phosphorylated in the aortae of 2K,1C rats than in those of L-NAME or control rats, indicating a differential regulation of aortic Cx43 in different models of hypertension. The data suggest that localized mechanical forces induced by hypertension affect Cx43 expression and that the cell-to-cell communication mediated by Cx43 channels may contribute to regulating the elasticity of the vascular wall.


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Cardiopulmonary reflexes are activated via changes in cardiac filling pressure (volume-sensitive reflex) and chemical stimulation (chemosensitive reflex). The sensitivity of the cardiopulmonary reflexes to these stimuli is impaired in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and other models of hypertension and is thought to be associated with cardiac hypertrophy. The present study investigated whether the sensitivity of the cardiopulmonary reflexes in SHR is restored when cardiac hypertrophy and hypertension are reduced by enalapril treatment. Untreated SHR and WKY rats were fed a normal diet. Another groups of rats were treated with enalapril (10 mg kg-1 day-1, mixed in the diet; SHRE or WKYE) for one month. After treatment, the volume-sensitive reflex was evaluated in each group by determining the decrease in magnitude of the efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) produced by acute isotonic saline volume expansion. Chemoreflex sensitivity was evaluated by examining the bradycardia response elicited by phenyldiguanide administration. Cardiac hypertrophy was determined from the left ventricular/body weight (LV/BW) ratio. Volume expansion produced an attenuated renal sympathoinhibitory response in SHR as compared to WKY rats. As compared to the levels observed in normotensive WKY rats, however, enalapril treatment restored the volume expansion-induced decrease in RSNA in SHRE. SHR with established hypertension had a higher LV/BW ratio (45%) as compared to normotensive WKY rats. With enalapril treatment, the LV/BW ratio was reduced to 19% in SHRE. Finally, the reflex-induced bradycardia response produced by phenyldiguanide was significantly attenuated in SHR compared to WKY rats. Unlike the effects on the volume reflex, the sensitivity of the cardiac chemosensitive reflex to phenyldiguanide was not restored by enalapril treatment in SHRE. Taken together, these results indicate that the impairment of the volume-sensitive, but not the chemosensitive, reflex can be restored by treatment of SHR with enalapril. It is possible that by augmenting the gain of the volume-sensitive reflex control of RSNA, enalapril contributed to the reversal of cardiac hypertrophy and normalization of arterial blood pressure in SHR.


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Obesity is the most common cause of human essential hypertension in most industrialized countries. Although the precise mechanisms of obesity hypertension are not fully understood, considerable evidence suggests that excess renal sodium reabsorption and a hypertensive shift of pressure natriuresis play a major role. Sympathetic activation appears to mediate at least part of the obesity-induced sodium retention and hypertension since adrenergic blockade or renal denervation markedly attenuates these changes. Recent observations suggest that leptin and its multiple interactions with neuropeptides in the hypothalamus may link excess weight gain with increased sympathetic activity. Leptin is produced mainly in adipocytes and is believed to regulate energy balance by acting on the hypothalamus to reduce food intake and to increase energy expenditure via sympathetic activation. Short-term administration of leptin into the cerebral ventricles increases renal sympathetic activity, and long-term leptin infusion at rates that mimic plasma concentrations found in obesity raises arterial pressure and heart rate via adrenergic activation in non-obese rodents. Transgenic mice overexpressing leptin also develop hypertension. Acute studies suggest that the renal sympathetic effects of leptin may depend on interactions with other neurochemical pathways in the hypothalamus, including the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4-R). However, the role of this pathway in mediating the long-term effects of leptin on blood pressure is unclear. Also, it is uncertain whether there is resistance to the chronic renal sympathetic and blood pressure effects of leptin in obese subjects. In addition, leptin also has other cardiovascular and renal actions, such as stimulation of nitric oxide formation and improvement of insulin sensitivity, which may tend to reduce blood pressure in some conditions. Although the role of these mechanisms in human obesity has not been elucidated, this remains a fruitful area for further investigation, especially in view of the current "epidemic" of obesity in most industrialized countries.


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It is well known that essential hypertension evolves in most patients with "near normal" levels of plasma renin activity. However, these levels appear to be responsible for the high levels of arterial pressure because they are normalized by the administration of angiotensin II converting inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonist. In experimental animals, hypertension can be induced by the continuous intravenous infusion of small doses of angiotensin II that are not sufficient to evoke an immediate pressor response. However, this condition resembles the characteristics of essential hypertension because the high levels of blood pressure exist with normal plasma levels of angiotensin II. It is suggested that small amounts of angiotensin whose plasma levels are inappropriate for the existing size of extracellular volume stimulate oxidative stress which binds nitric oxide forming peroxynitrite. The latter compound oxidizes arachidonic acid producing isoprostaglandin F2a (an isoprostane) which is characterized by a strong antinatriuretic vasoconstrictor renal effect. In this chain of reactions the vasoconstrictor effects derived from oxygen quenching of nitric oxide and increased isoprostane synthesis could explain how hypertension is maintained with normal plasma levels of renin.