1000 resultados para calor de adsorção
Livro de resumos das Conferências Plenárias e das Comunicações Orais e em Poster apresentadas no congresso internacional "40ª Reunião Ibérica de Adsorção" que decorreu nos dias 5, 6 e 7 de setembro de 2016, na Universidade de Évora.
The recent values of heat flow data obtained for Greenland and West Antarctica are higher than it was supposed. In West Antarctica, values higher than 200mW/m2were found (Schroeder et al,2014) and in Greenland, values higher than 140 mW/m2 were detected in the Central part (Petrunin et al,2013). Thermal conductivity values of ice are relatively low at atmospheric pressure. This means that if we consider heat flowing by conduction, near the surface of the globe, with this heat flow values, the thermal gradients mill be elevated. A possible reason presented for the high heat flow values in Greenland is the existence of a thin lithosphere. The study of the ice melting near the poles is related with the changes in sea level. Obtaining this parameter is difficult. The time interval with measurement is not enough to obtain clear information about the past..The spatial distribution of heat flow shows clearly zones in the oceans with high values. How can this heat influence water movements in that regions and the temperature in the oceans?
Heat flow density determinations have been done in a large part of the surface of the planet Earth. As a consequence, new heat flow density maps and estimates of global values of heat lost through the surface of the Earth has been done. In this work, we present some problems related with this matter. In the last three decades, we have learn many things related with heat flow, but there are yet many problems without answers.
En los últimos años, la modificación que el medio urbano ejerce sobre el clima regional a una escala local, la llamada isla de calor urbana, ha sido uno de los fenómenos más estudiados, dado que tiene una relación directa con el confort y la calidad de vida de la población. Es por ello que el presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar los primeros resultados de la estimación la isla de calor urbana en Santa Teresita, una localidad balnearia ubicada en el centro este de la provincia de Buenos Aires, a los 33º 33´ 00´´ S y 56º 41´ 00´´ O. La ciudad ha nacido y crecido con un fin turístico asociado al clima templado oceánico y a sus atractivas playas. Se efectuaron mediciones de temperatura del aire y humedad relativa a través de la ciudad para determinar la forma y la intensidad de la isla de calor urbano utilizando estaciones móviles e información de una estación meteorológica fija y datos del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. La ciudad presenta una variación climática generada por las edificaciones, la incidencia del mar y de la vegetación, diferente a lo largo del día.Palabras Clave: Isla de calor urbana – Temperatura - Humedad relativa - Santa Teresita, ArgentinaAbstracIn the last years, the modification that the urban way exercises on the regional climate to a local scale, the so called urban heat island, has been one of the most studied phenomena ast it has a direct relation with the comfort and quality of life of the population. It is for it that the present work takes as an object present the initial results of estimating the urban heat island in Santa Teresita, a touristic locality located in the central eastern province of Buenos Aires, the 33º 3 ‘00 “ S and 56º40‘00 “ W. The city was born and grew up with a tourism associated with the moderate oceanic climate and with their attractive beaches. There were effected measurements of temperature of the air and relative dampness across the city to determine the form and the intensity of the urban heat island using mobile stations and information from a wheater station data sets and the Meteorological National Service. The city has a diverged climate generated by the buildings, the incident of the sea and of the vegetation, different throughout the day.Key words: Urban heat island - Temperature - Relative dampness - Santa Teresita, Argentina.
The post harvest cooling and/or freezing processes for horticultural products have been carried out with the objective of removing the heat from these products, allowing them a bigger period of conservation. Therefore, the knowledge of the physical properties that involve heat transference in the fig fruit Roxo de Valinhos is useful for calculating projects and systems of food engineering in general, as well as, for using in equations of thermodynamic mathematical models. The values of conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the whole fig fruit-rami index were determined, and from these values it was determined the value of the specific heat. For these determination it was used the transient method of the Line Heat Source. The results shown that the fig fruit has a thermal conductivity of 0.52 W m-1°C, thermal diffusivity of 1.56 x 10-7 m² s-1, pulp density of 815.6 kg m-3 and specific heat of 4.07 kJ kg-1 °C.
This work approaches the forced air cooling of strawberry by numerical simulation. The mathematical model that was used describes the process of heat transfer, based on the Fourier's law, in spherical coordinates and simplified to describe the one-dimensional process. For the resolution of the equation expressed for the mathematical model, an algorithm was developed based on the explicit scheme of the numerical method of the finite differences and implemented in the scientific computation program MATLAB 6.1. The validation of the mathematical model was made by the comparison between theoretical and experimental data, where strawberries had been cooled with forced air. The results showed to be possible the determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient by fitting the numerical and experimental data. The methodology of the numerical simulations was showed like a promising tool in the support of the decision to use or to develop equipment in the area of cooling process with forced air of spherical fruits.
Application of mechanical vibration to aid fluidization and to improve heat, mass and momentum transfer are usual processes in agricultural industry and it has found nowadays extensive applications in particle processing of materials difficult-to-fluidized. Equations and experimental data found in literature for the aerodynamics characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds are presented and discussed, emphasizing the vibration effect in the bed.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
En este trabajo fueron determinados experimentalmente el calor específico, conductividad térmica, difusividad térmica y densidad del jugo de lulo en el rango de contenido de agua de 0.55 a 0.90 (p/p en base húmeda) y en temperaturas variando de 4 a 78.6 °C. La conductividad térmica y el calor específico fueron obtenidos utilizando el mismo aparato - una célula constituida de dos cilindros concéntricos - operando en estado estacionario y no- estacionario, respectivamente. La difusividad térmica fue obtenida a través del método de Dickerson y la densidad determinada por picnometria. Tanto la temperatura como el contenido de agua presentaron una fuerte influencia en los datos experimentales de las propiedades termofísicas del jugo de lulo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron utilizados para obtener modelos matemáticos y predecir estas propiedades en función de la concentración y la temperatura.
Datos de humedad de equilibrio de polvo de pulpa de lulo (PL) con y sin aditivos - 58% de maltodextrina (MD) o 58% de goma Arábiga (GA) - fueran determinados en las temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 y 50 °C utilizando el método estático gravimétrico para un rango de actividades de agua entre 0.06 y 0.90. Las isotermas presentaran formato sigmoidal del tipo III, y el modelo de Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) fue ajustado satisfactoriamente a los datos experimentales de humedad de equilibrio en función de la actividad de agua. La adición de encapsulantes afecto las isotermas de tal manera que en la misma actividad de agua, las muestras PL + GA y PL + MD presentaron un menor contenido de humedad de equilibrio y no fueron afectadas por la variación de temperatura. Los calores isostéricos de sorción de las pulpas en polvo con encapsulantes fueron mayores (menos negativos) con relación a las pulpas de lulo en polvo, sugiriendo la existencia de sitios polares más activos en el producto sin adición de GA o MD. Una relación exponencial empírica fue utilizada para describir la dependencia del calor de sorción con el contenido de humedad del material.
Amyloglucosidase enzyme was produced by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3122 from solid-state fermentation, using deffated rice bran as substrate. The effects of process parameters (pH, temperature) in the equilibrium partition coefficient for the system amyloglucosidase - resin DEAE-cellulose were investigated, aiming at obtaining the optimum conditions for a subsequent purification process. The highest partition coefficients were obtained using 0.025M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 and 25ºC. The conditions that supplied the highest partition coefficient were specified, the isotherm that better described the amyloglucosidase process of adsorption obtained. It was observed that the adsorption could be well described by Langmuir equation and the values of Qm and Kd estimated at 133.0 U mL-1 and 15.4 U mL-1, respectively. From the adjustment of the kinetic curves using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm, the adsorption (k1) and desorption (k2) constants were obtained through optimization by the least square procedure, and the values calculated were 2.4x10-3 mL U-1 min-1 for k1 and 0.037 min-1 for k2 .
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção de isotermas de dessorção de filés de bonito (Sarda sarda), previamente salgados a vácuo e defumados com fumaça líquida. As isotermas foram obtidas a quatro temperaturas (5, 25, 40 e 60 ºC) em condições de dessorção, através do método gravimétrico estático, com soluções salinas saturadas. Os dados experimentais foram ajustados a quatro modelos da literatura (BET linearizado, GAB, Henderson e Oswin modificado). Os resultados mostraram que as isotermas tomaram forma sigmoidal de tipo II e que o modelo de Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer (GAB) foi aceitável para modelar os dados experimentais. O calor isostérico de dessorção, um parâmetro necessário para simular e projetar adequadamente o secador, também foi calculado e pode ser representado através de um modelo matemático simples, em função da umidade de equilíbrio.