676 resultados para bioengineered microenvironment
A short-term whole-skin organ culture model has been established to enable the investigation of cell cycle perturbations in epidermal layer cells following exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). This model affords the opportunity to manipulate the growth and nutrient conditions, and to perform detailed biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of skin cells in their normal epidermal layer microenvironment. The use of this model is described in this chapter.
In both Australia and Brazil there are rapid changes occurring in the macroenvironment of the dairy industry. These changes are sometimes not noticed in the microenvironment of the farm, due to the labour-intensive nature of family farms, and the traditionally weak links between production and marketing. Trends in the external environment need to be discussed in a cooperative framework, to plan integrated actions for the dairy community as a whole and to demand actions from research, development and extension (R, D & E). This paper reviews the evolution of R, D & E in terms of paradigms and approaches, the present strategies used to identify dairy industry needs in Australia and Brazil, and presents a participatory strategy to design R, D & E actions for both countries. The strategy incorporates an integration of the opinions of key industry actors ( defined as members of the dairy and associated communities), especially farm suppliers ( input market), farmers, R, D & E people, milk processors and credit providers. The strategy also uses case studies with farm stays, purposive sampling, snowball interviewing techniques, semi-structured interviews, content analysis, focus group meetings, and feedback analysis, to refine the priorities for R, D & E actions in the region.
Molecular tools for the species-specific detection of Gluconacetobacter sacchari, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, and Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens from the pink sugarcane mealybug (PSMB) Saccharicoccus sacchari Cockerell (Homiptera: Pseudococcidae) were developed and used in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and in fluorescence in situ hybridizations (FISH) to better understand the microbial diversity and the numerical significance of the acetic acid bacteria in the PSMB microenvironment. The presence of these species in the PSMB occurred over a wide range of sites, but not in all sites in sugarcane-growing areas of Queensland, Australia, and was variable over time. Molecular probes for use in FISH were also designed for the three acetic acid bacterial species, and shown to be specific only for the target species. Use of these probes in FISH of squashed whole mealybugs indicated that these acetic acid bacteria species represent only a small proportion of the microbial population of the PSMB. Despite the detection of Glac. sacchari, Glac. diazotrophicus, and Glac. liquefaciens by PCR from different mealybugs isolated at various times and from various sugarcane-growing areas in Queensland, Australia, these bacteria do not appear to be significant commensals in the PSMB environment.
During puberty, pregnancy, lactation and postlactation, breast tissue undergoes extensive remodelling and the disruption of these events can lead to cancer. In vitro studies of mammary tissue and its malignant transformation regularly employ mammary epithelial cells cultivated on matrigel or floating collagen rafts. In these cultures, mammary epithelial cells assemble into three-dimensional structures resembling in vivo acini. We present a novel technique for generating functional mammary constructs without the use of matrix substitutes.
The regulation of osteoclast differentiation in the bone microenvironment is critical for normal bone remodeling, as well as for various human bone diseases. Over the last decade, our knowledge of how osteoclast differentiation occurs has progressed rapidly. We highlight some of the major advances in understanding how cell signaling and transcription are integrated to direct the differentiation of this cell type. These studies used genetic, molecular, and biochemical approaches. Additionally, we summarize data obtained from studies of osteoclast differentiation that used the functional genomic approach of global gene profiling applied to osteoclast differentiation. This genomic data confirms results from studies using the classical experimental approaches and also may suggest new modes by which osteoclast differentiation and function can be modulated. Two conclusions that emerge are that osteoclast differentiation depends on a combination of fairly ubiquitously expressed transcription factors rather than unique osteoclast factors, and that the overlay of cell signaling pathways on this set of transcription factors provides a powerful mechanism to fine tune the differentiation program in response to the local bone microenvironment.
Coral bleaching (the loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates from reef-building corals) is most frequently caused by high-light and temperature conditions. We exposed the explants of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata to four combinations of light and temperature in late spring and also in late summer. During mid-summer, two NOAA bleaching warnings were issued for Heron Island reef (Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia) when sea temperature exceeded the NOAA bleaching threshold, and a 'mild' (in terms of the whole coral community) bleaching event occurred, resulting in widespread S. pistillata bleaching and mortality. Symbiotic dinoflagellate biomass decreased by more than half from late spring to late summer (from 2.5x10(6) to 0.8x10(6) dinoflagellates cm(2) coral tissue), and those dinoflagellates that remained after summer became photoinhibited more readily (dark-adapted F (V) : F (M) decreased to (0.3 compared with 0.4 in spring), and died in greater numbers (up to 17% dinoflagellate mortality compared with 5% in the spring) when exposed to artificially elevated light and temperature. Adding exogenous antioxidants (D-mannitol and L-ascorbic acid) to the water surrounding the coral had no clear effect on either photoinhibition or symbiont mortality. These data show that light and temperature stress cause mortality of the dinoflagellate symbionts within the coral, and that susceptibility to light and temperature stress is strongly related to coral condition. Photoinhibitory mechanisms are clearly involved, and will increase through a positive feedback mechanism: symbiont loss promotes further symbiont loss as the light microenvironment becomes progressively harsher.
Objectives. Receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) have been demonstrated to be critical regulators of osteoclast generation and activity. In addition, RANKL has been implicated as an important mediator of bone erosion in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, the expression of RANKL and OPG at sites of pannus invasion into bone has not been examined. The present study was undertaken to further elucidate the contribution of this cytokine system to osteoclastogenesis and subsequent bone erosion in RA by examining the pattern of protein expression for RANKL, OPG and the receptor activator of NF-kappa B (RANK) in RA at sites of articular bone erosion. Methods. Tissues from 20 surgical procedures from 17 patients with RA were collected as discarded materials. Six samples contained only synovium or tenosynovium remote from bone, four samples contained pannus-bone interface with adjacent synovium and 10 samples contained both synovium remote from bone and pannu-bone interface with adjacent synovium. Immunohistochemistry was used to characterize the cellular pattern of RANKL, RANK and OPG protein expression immediately adjacent to and remote from sites of bone erosion. Results. Cellular expression of RANKL protein was relatively restricted in the bone microenvironment; staining was focal and confined largely to sites of osteoclast-mediated erosion at the pannus-bone interface and at sites of subchondral bone erosion. RANK-expressing osteoclast precursor cells were also present in these sites. OPG protein expression was observed in numerous cells in synovium remote from bone but was more limited at sites of bone erosion, especially in regions associated with RANKL expression. Conclusions. The pattern of RANKL and OPG expression and the presence of RANK-expressing osteoclast precursor cells at sites of bone erosion in RA contributes to the generation of a local microenvironment that favours osteoclast differentiation and activity. These data provide further evidence implicating RANKL in the pathogenesis of arthritis-induced joint destruction.
Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage that elicits a cellular program of damage control coordinated by the kinase activity of ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM). Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta)-1, which is activated by radiation, is a potent and pleiotropic mediator of physiologic and pathologic processes. Here we show that TGF beta inhibition impedes the canonical cellular DNA damage stress response. Irradiated Tgf beta 1 nail murine epithelial cells or human epithelial cells treated with a small-molecule inhibitor of TGF beta type I receptor kinase exhibit decreased phosphorylation of Chk2, Rad17, and p53; reduced gamma H2AX radiation-induced foci; and increased radiosensitivity compared with TGF beta competent cells. We determined that loss of TGF beta signaling in epithelial cells truncated ATM autophosphorylation and significantly reduced its kinase activity, without affecting protein abundance. Addition of TGF beta restored functional ATM and downstream DNA damage responses. These data reveal a heretofore undetected critical link between the microenvironment and ATM, which directs epithelial cell stress responses, cell fate, and tissue integrity. Thus, Tgf beta 1, in addition to its role in homoeostatic growth control, plays a complex role in regulating responses to genotoxic stress, the failure of which would contribute to the development of cancer; conversely, inhibiting TGF beta may be used to advantage in cancer therapy.
La Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica (IPF) è una malattia polmonare cronica, irreversibile la cui eziologia risulta essere ignota, caratterizzata da un processo fibrotico progressivo che inizia nel tratto respiratorio inferiore. Le persone affette da IPF presentano età media compresa tra 55 e 77 anni. L’incidenza annuale di IPF è stata recentemente stimata tra 14 e 42,7 casi per 100.000 persone e tale dato risulta essere in aumento. IPF fa parte delle malattie Polmonari Idiopatiche Interstiziali (IIP) che comprendono patologie con quadri istologici e clinici differenti. Le affezioni su cui si concentrerà questo studio sono: UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) caratterizzata da fibrosi interstiziale e dalla presenza di foci fibrotici connessi alla pleura e corrispondente al quadro anatomopatologico della maggior parte dei casi di IPF; NSIP (Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia) simile alla UIP ma con maggiore uniformità temporale e spaziale delle manifestazioni; Sarcoidosi, malattia granulomatosa ad eziologia ignota. Attualmente la gravità della IPF, che implica una mortalità del 50% dei pazienti a 5 anni dall’esordio, e la scarsa efficacia farmacologica nel rallentarne la progressione vedono il trapianto polmonare come unica possibilità di sopravvivenza nelle forme più severe. Al momento non è chiaro il meccanismo patogenetico di insorgenza e progressione della IPF anche se sono stati individuati alcuni fattori scatenanti quali fumo di sigaretta, infezioni respiratorie e inquinanti atmosferici; tuttavia nessuno di tali elementi può da solo determinare un così esteso e progressivo rimodellamento del parenchima polmonare. Numerose sono le evidenze di come il substrato genetico, le alterazioni del rapporto morte/proliferazione cellulare e le citochine svolgano un ruolo nella genesi e nella progressione della malattia, ma non sono ancora chiari i fenomeni biologico-cellulari che la sostengono e, quindi, quali siano i punti di attacco per poter incidere terapeuticamente nel modificare l’evoluzione della IPF. Poiché il nostro laboratorio ha partecipato alla scoperta dell’esistenza di cellule staminali nel polmone umano normale, uno degli obiettivi finali di questo progetto si basa sull’ipotesi che un’alterazione del compartimento staminale svolga un ruolo cruciale nella eziopatogenesi di IPF. Per questo in precedenti esperienze abbiamo cercato di identificare nella IPF cellule che esprimessero antigeni associati a staminalità quali c-kit, CD34 e CD133. Questo lavoro di tesi si è proposto di condurre un’indagine morfometrica ed immunoistochimica su biopsie polmonari provenienti da 9 pazienti affetti da UIP, 3 da NSIP e 5 da Sarcoidosi al fine di valutare le alterazioni strutturali principali imputabili alle patologie. Preparati istologici di 8 polmoni di controllo sono stati usati come confronto. Come atteso, è stato osservato nelle tre patologie esaminate (UIP, NSIP e Sarcoidosi) un significativo incremento nella sostituzione del parenchima polmonare con tessuto fibrotico ed un ispessimento dei setti alveolari rispetto ai campioni di controllo. L’analisi dei diversi pattern di fibrosi presenti fa emergere come vi sia una netta differenza tra le patologie con una maggiore presenza di fibrosi di tipo riparativo e quindi altamente cellulata nei casi di UIP, e NSIP mentre nelle Sarcoidosi il pattern maggiormente rappresentato è risultato essere quello della fibrosi replacement o sostitutiva. La quantificazione delle strutture vascolari è stata effettuata tenendo separate le aree di polmone alveolare rispetto a quelle occupate da focolai sostitutivi di danno (componente fibrotica). Nei campioni patologici analizzati era presente un significativo riarrangiamento di capillari, arteriole e venule rispetto al polmone di controllo, fenomeno principalmente riscontrato nel parenchima fibrotico. Tali modifiche erano maggiormente presenti nei casi di NSIP da noi analizzati. Inoltre le arteriole subivano una diminuzione di calibro ed un aumento dello spessore in special modo nei polmoni ottenuti da pazienti affetti da Sarcoidosi. Rispetto ai controlli, nella UIP e nella Sarcoidosi i vasi linfatici risultavano inalterati nell’area alveolare mentre aumentavano nelle aree di estesa fibrosi; quadro differente si osservava nella NSIP dove le strutture linfatiche aumentavano in entrambe le componenti strutturali. Mediante indagini immunoistochimiche è stata documentata la presenza e distribuzione dei miofibroblasti, positivi per actina muscolare liscia e vimentina, che rappresentano un importante componente del danno tissutale nella IPF. La quantificazione di questo particolare fenotipo è attualmente in corso. Abbiamo inoltre analizzato tramite immunoistochimica la componente immunitaria presente nei campioni polmonari attraverso la documentazione dei linfociti T totali che esprimono CD3, andando poi a identificare la sottopopolazione di T citotossici esprimenti la glicoproteina CD8. La popolazione linfocitaria CD3pos risultava notevolmente aumentata nelle tre patologie analizzate soprattutto nei casi di UIP e Sarcoidosi sebbene l`analisi della loro distribuzione tra i vari distretti tissutali risultasse differente. Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per l`analisi dei linfociti CD8pos. La componente monocito-macrofagica è stata invece identificata tramite la glicoproteina CD68 che ha messo in evidenza una maggiore presenza di cellule positive nella Sarcoidosi e nella UIP rispetto ai casi di NSIP. I dati preliminari di questo studio indicano che il rimodellamento strutturale emo-linfatico e cellulare infiammatorio nella UIP si differenziano rispetto alle altre malattie interstiziali del polmone, avanzando l’ipotesi che il microambiente vascolare ed immunitario giochino un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della malattia
The purpose of this investigation was to study the dissolution behavior of paracetamol and ibuprofen in the presence of a range of selected potential excipients. First, a pH-solubility profile was generated for both drugs, and the effect of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the intrinsic dissolution rate was investigated. It was established that both drugs dissolved according to the diffusion-layer model. Paracetamol solubility (approximately 20.3 mg mL -1) did not vary from pH 1.2-8.0, corresponding to the in vivo range in the gastrointestinal tract. Ibuprofen had an intrinsic solubility of approximately 0.06 mg mL-1, and pKa was calculated as 4.4. Second, the effects of selected potential excipients (lactose, potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and tartaric acid) were evaluated by measuring the effect of the inclusion of each additive in the dissolution medium on drug solubility, drug intrinsic dissolution rate, and solution viscosity. The results were evaluated using the diffusion-layer model, and it was determined that for paracetamol, the collected data fitted the model for all the excipients studied. For ibuprofen, it was found that there were differences between the excipients that raised the solution pH above the pK a to those that did not. For the excipients raising the pH above the pKa, the effect on intrinsic dissolution rate was not as high as that expected from the change in drug solubility. It was postulated that this might be due to lack of penetration of the excipient into the drug boundary layer microenvironment. Formulators may calculate the effect of adding an excipient based on solubility increases but may not find the dissolution rate improvement expected. Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Inc.
The opening up of the Chinese economy and the associated transfer of technology from abroad have been taking place at an accelerating pace. Technology is crucial to China's industrial development. It is a productive resource and has a vital role in the process of economic and social development. This article provides an overview of technology transfer into China, focusing on recent developments, and examines the macroenvironmental and microenvironmental influences which foreign enterprises must consider when making investments or technology transfer decisions. Cases of companies engaged in international technology transfer are used to illustrate the discussion on the microenvironment. To be successful, foreign investors and suppliers of technology must respond to China's industrial priorities and pursue projects that are compatible with the country's broad policy goals as well as the corporate objectives of Chinese partners. The article concludes by listing a number of points to which attention should be paid before a decision is made to transfer technology to China.
Tear component deposition onto contact lenses is termed `spoilation' and occurs due to the interaction of synthetic polymers with their biological fluid environment. Spoilation phenomena alter the physico-chemical properties of hydrophilic contact lenses, diminishing the optical properties of the lens; causing discomfort and complications for the wearer. Eventually these alterations render the lens unwearable. The primary aim of this interdisciplinary study was to develop analytical techniques capable of analysing the minute quantities of biological deposition involved, in particular the lipid fraction. Prior to this work such techniques were unavailable for single contact lenses. It is envisaged that these investigations will further the understanding of this biological interfacial conversion. Two main analytical techniques were developed: a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and fluorescence spectrofluorimetry. The HPLC method allows analysis of a single contact lens and provided previously unavailable valuable information about variations in the lipid profiles of deposited contact lenses and patient tear films. Fluorescence spectrophotofluorimetry is a sensitive non-destructive technique for observing changes in the fluorescence intensity of biological components on contact lenses. The progression and deposition of tear materials can be monitored and assessed for both in vivo and in vitro spoiled lenses using this technique. An improved in vitro model which is comparable to tears and chemically mimics ocular spoilation was also developed. This model allows the controlled study of extrinsic factors and hydrogel compositions. These studies show that unsaturated tear lipids, probably unsaturated fatty acids, are involved in the interfacial conversion of hydrogel lenses, rendering them incompatible with the ocular microenvironment. Lipid interaction with the lens surface then facilitates secondary deposition of other tear components. Interaction, exchange and immobilisation (by polymerisation) of the lipid layer appears to occur before the final and rapid growth of more complex, insoluble discrete deposits, sometimes called `white spots'.
Chronic systemic immunosuppression in cell replacement therapy restricts its clinical application. This study sought to explore the potential of cell-based immune modulation as an alternative to immunosuppressive drug therapy in the context of pancreatic islet transplantation. Human amniotic epithelial cells (AEC) possess innate anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties that were utilized to create localized immune privilege in an in vitro islet cell culture system. Cellular constructs composed of human islets and AEC (islet/AEC) were bioengineered under defined rotational cell culture conditions. Insulin secretory capacity was validated by glucose challenge and immunomodulatory potential characterized using a peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation assay. Results were compared to control constructs composed of islets or AEC cultured alone. Studies employing AEC-conditioned medium examined the role of soluble factors, and fluorescence immunocytochemistry was used to identify putative mediators of the immunosuppressive response in isolated AEC monocultures. Sustained, physiologically appropriate insulin secretion was observed in both islets and islet/AEC constructs. Activation of resting PBL proliferation occurred on exposure to human islets alone but this response was significantly (p <0.05) attenuated by the presence of AEC and AEC-conditioned medium. Mitogen (phytohaemagglutinin, 5 µg/ml)-induced PBL proliferation was sustained on contact with isolated islets but abrogated by AEC, conditioned medium, and the islet/AEC constructs. Immunocytochemical analysis of AEC monocultures identified a subpopulation of cells that expressed the proapoptosis protein Fas ligand. This study demonstrates that human islet/AEC constructs exhibit localized immunosuppressive properties with no impairment of ß-cell function. The data suggest that transplanted islets may benefit from the immune privilege status conferred on them as a consequence of their close proximity to human AEC. Such an approach may reduce the need for chronic systemic immunosuppression, thus making islet transplantation a more attractive treatment option for the management of insulin-dependent diabetes.
The underlying theme of this thesis is one of exploring the processes involved in the enhancement of percutaneous absorption. The development of an attenuated total reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic method to analyse diffusion of suitable topically applied compounds in membrane is described. Diffusion coefficients (D/h2) and membrane solubility (AO) for topically applied compounds were determined using a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. This method was employed to determine the diffusional characteristics of a model permeant, 4-cyanophenol (CP), across silicone membrane as a function of formulation applied and permeant physicochemical properties. The formulations applied were able to either affect CP diffusivity and/or its membrane solubility in the membrane; such parameters partially correlated with permeant physicochemical properties in each formulation. The interplay during the diffusion process between drug, enhancer and vehicle in stratum corneum (SC) was examined. When enhancers were added to the applied formulations, CP diffusivity and solubility were significantly enhanced when compared to the neat propylene glycol (PG) application. Enhancers did not affect PG diffusivity in SC but enhancers did affect PG solubility in SC. PG diffusion closely resembled that of CP, implying that the respective transport processes were inter-related. Additionally, a synergistic effect, which increases CP diffusivity and membrane solubility in SC, was found to occur between PG and water. Using 12-azidooleic acid (AOA) as an IR active probe for oleic acid, the simultaneous penetration of CP, AOA and PG into human stratum corneum was determined. It was found that the diffusion profiles for all three permeants were similar. This indicated that the diffusion of each species through SC was closely related and most likely occurred via the same route or SC microenvironment.
Background: Human islet transplantation would offer a less invasive and more physiological alternative than whole pancreas transplantation and insulin injections respectively for the treatment of diabetes mellitus if islet graft survival can be improved. Initial recipient post-transplant insulin independence declines to <10% after 5 years. Factors contributing to graft failure include enzymatic disruption of the islet microenvironment during isolation, diabetogenic effects of immunosuppressants and metabolic stress resulting from slow revascularisation. Aims: To investigate the effect of co-culture in both static (SC) and rotational culture (RC) of BRINBDII beta-cells (Dl1) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) on Dl1 insulin secretion; and the effect of a thiazolidinedione (TZD) on DII function and HUVEC proliferation. To assess the effect of culture media, SC, RC and a TZD on human islet morphology, insulin secretion and VEGF production. To initiate in vivo protocol development for assessment of revascularisation of human islet grafts. Methods: D11 cells were cultured +/-TZD and co-cultured with HUVEC +/-TZD in SC and RC. Dl1 insulin secretion was induced by static incubation with low glucose (1.67mM), high glucose (l6.7mM: and high glucose with 10mM theophylline (G+T) and determined by ELISA. HUVEC were cultured +/-TZD in SC and RC and proliferation was assessed by ATP luminescence assay and VEGF ELISA. D II and HUVEC morphology was determined by immunocytochemistry. Human islets were cultured in SC and RC in various media +/-TZD. Insulin secretion was determined as above and VEGF production by fluorescence immunocytochemistry (FI) and ELISA. Revascularisation of islet grafts was assessed by vascular corrosion cast and FI. Results: Dll cultures showed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal; this was enhanced by RC and further improved by adding 10mM TZD. Untreated Dll/HUVEC co-cultures displayed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal, again enhanced by RC and improved with 10mM TZD. 10mM TZD significantly increased HUVEC proliferation over control. Human islets maintained in medium 199 (mI99) in SC and RC exhibited comparable maintenance of morphology and insulin secretory profiles compared to islets maintained in RPMI, endothelial growth media and dedicated islet medium Miami# I. All cultures showed significantly increased insulin secretion in response to 16.7mM and G+T over basal; this was enhanced by RC and in certain instances further improved by adding 25mM TZD. TZD increased VEGF production and release as determined by ELISA. Post-implant vascular corrosion casts of mouse kidneys analysed by x-ray micro tomography indicates a possible TZD enhancement of microvessel growth via VEGF upregulation. Conclusions: D II /HUVEC co-culture in SC or RC does not alter the morphology of either cell type and supports D 11 function. TZD improves 0 I I and D I I/HUVEC SC and RC co-culture insulin secretion while increasing HUVEC proliferation. Human islet RC supports islet functional viability and structural integrity compared to SC while the addition of TZD occasionally further improves secretagogue induced insulin secretion. Expensive, 'dedicated' islet media showed no advantage over ml99 in terms of maintaining islet morphology or function. TZD upregulates VEGF in islets as shown by ELISA and suggested by x-ray micro tomography analysis of vascular corrosion casts. Maintenance of islets in RC and treatment with TZD prior to transplant may improve the functional viability and revascularisation rate of islet grafts.