952 resultados para basic duality
The free action for massless Ramond-Ramond fields is derived from closed superstring field theory using the techniques of Siegel and Zwiebach. For the uncompactified Type IIB superstring, this gives a manifestly Lorentz-covariant action for a self-dual five-form field strength. Upon compactification to four dimensions, the action depends on a U(1) field strength from 4D N = 2 supergravity. However, unlike the standard Maxwell action, this action is manifestly invariant under the electromagnetic duality transformation which rotates F-mn into epsilon(mnpq)F(pq).
Solid Ln-OKCO3-DMCP compounds, where Ln represents lanthanides (III) and yttrium (III) ions and DMCP is the anion 4-dimethyiaminocinnamylidenepyruvate, have been prepared. Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG, DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction powder patterns and elemental analysis have been used to characterize the compounds. The thermal stability as well as the thermal decomposition of these compounds were studied using an alumina crucible in an air atmosphere.
The hydrated basis carbonates of lanthanides and yttrium were prepared by precipitation from homogeneous solution via the hydrolysis of urea, without the addition of an auxiliary anion. Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG-DTG), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) have been used in the study of these compounds in CO2 atmosphere. The results lead to the composition and thermal stability of the studied compounds, and also to a comparative study with reported results in air atmosphere.
A thermostimulated sol-gel transition in a system prepared by mixing a ZrOCl(2) acidified solution to a hot H(2)SO(4) aqueous solution was studied by dynamic theological measurements and quasi-elastic light scattering. The effect of temperature and of molar ratio R(S) = [Zr]/[SO(4)] on the gelation kinetics was analyzed using the mass fractal aggregate growth model. This study shows that the linear growth of aggregates occurs at the early period of transformation, while bidimensional growth occurs at the advanced stage. The bidimensional growth can be shifted toward monodimensional growth by decreasing the aggregation rate by controlling the temperature and/or molar ratio R(S). EXAFS and Raman results gave evidence that the linear chain growth is supported by covalent sulfate bonding between primary building blocks. At the advanced stage of aggregation, the assembly of linear chains through hydrogen bonding gave rise to the growth of bidimensional particles.
The hydrated basis carbonates of lanthanides and yttrium were prepared by precipitation from homogeneous solution via the hydrolysis of urea, without the addition of an auxiliary anion. Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG-DTG), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) have been used in the study of these compounds in CO2 atmosphere. The results lead to the composition and thermal stability of the studied compounds, and also to a comparative study with reported results in air atmosphere. © 1993.
The Weyl-Wigner prescription for quantization on Euclidean phase spaces makes essential use of Fourier duality. The extension of this property to more general phase spaces requires the use of Kac algebras, which provide the necessary background for the implementation of Fourier duality on general locally compact groups. Kac algebras - and the duality they incorporate - are consequently examined as candidates for a general quantization framework extending the usual formalism. Using as a test case the simplest nontrivial phase space, the half-plane, it is shown how the structures present in the complete-plane case must be modified. Traces, for example, must be replaced by their noncommutative generalizations - weights - and the correspondence embodied in the Weyl-Wigner formalism is no longer complete. Provided the underlying algebraic structure is suitably adapted to each case, Fourier duality is shown to be indeed a very powerful guide to the quantization of general physical systems.
The Weyl-Wigner correspondence prescription, which makes great use of Fourier duality, is reexamined from the point of view of Kac algebras, the most general background for noncommutative Fourier analysis allowing for that property. It is shown how the standard Kac structure has to be extended in order to accommodate the physical requirements. Both an Abelian and a symmetric projective Kac algebra are shown to provide, in close parallel to the standard case, a new dual framework and a well-defined notion of projective Fourier duality for the group of translations on the plane. The Weyl formula arises naturally as an irreducible component of the duality mapping between these projective algebras.
Superstring field theory was recently used to derive a four-dimensional Maxwell action with manifest duality. This action is related to the McClain-Wu-Yu Hamiltonian and can be locally coupled to electric and magnetic sources. In this letter, the manifestly dual Maxwell action is supersymmetrized using N = 1 and N = 2 superspace. The N = 2 version may be useful for studying Seiberg-Witten duality. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Using the conformal compensator superfields of N = 2 D = 4 supergravity, the Type IIB S-duality transformations are expressed as a linear rotation which mixes the compensator and matter superfields. The classical superspace action for D = 4 compactifications of Type IIB supergravity is manifestly invariant under this transformation. Furthermore, the introduction of conformal compensators allows a Fradkin-Tseytlin term to be added to the manifestly SL(2,Z)-covariant sigma model action of Townsend and Cederwall. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The standard eleven-dimensional supergravity action depends on a three-form gauge field and does not allow direct coupling to five-branes. Using previously developed methods, we construct a covariant eleven-dimensional supergravity action depending on a three-form and six-form gauge field in a duality-symmetric manner. This action is coupled to both the M-theory two-brane and five-brane, and corresponding equations of motion are obtained. Consistent coupling relates D = 11 duality properties with self-duality properties of the M5-brane. From this duality-symmetric formulation, one derives an action describing coupling of the M-branes to standard D = 11 supergravity. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
In the present paper we introduce a hierarchical class of self-dual models in three dimensions, inspired in the original self-dual theory of Towsend-Pilch-Nieuwenhuizen. The basic strategy is to explore the powerful property of the duality transformations in order to generate a new field. The generalized propagator can be written in terms of the primitive one (first order), and also the respective order and disorder correlation functions. Some conclusions about the charge screening and magnetic flux were established. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
We employ the Dirac-like equation for the gauge field proposed by Majorana to obtain an action that is symmetric under duality transformation. We also use the equivalence between duality and chiral symmetry in this fermionlike formulation to show how the Maxwell action can be seen as a mass term. ©2000 The American Physical Society.