799 resultados para and Institutional Educators (CHRIE)


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This dissertation traces a set of historical transformations the Darwinian evolutionary narrative has undergone toward the end of the twentieth century, especially as reflected in Anglo-American popular science books and novels. The study has three objectives. First, it seeks to understand the organizing logic of evolutionary narratives and the role that assumptions about gender and sexuality play in that logic. Second, it asks what kinds of cultural anxieties evolutionary theory raises and how evolutionary narratives negotiate them. Third, it examines the possibilities and limits of narrative transformation both as a historical phenomenon and as a theoretical question. This interdisciplinary dissertation is situated at the intersection of science studies, cultural studies, literary studies, and gender studies. Its understanding of science as a cultural practice that both emerges from and contributes to cultural expectations and institutional structures follows the tradition of science studies. Its focus on the question of popular appeal and the mechanisms of cultural change arises from cultural studies. Its view of narrative as a structural phenomenon is grounded in literary studies in general and feminist narrative theory in particular. Its understanding of gender and sexuality as implicated in discourses of epistemic authority builds on the view of gender and sexuality as contingent cultural categories central to gender studies. The primary material consists of over 25 British and American popular science books and novels, published roughly between 1990 and 2005. In order to highlight historical transformations, these texts are read in the context of Darwin s The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man, on the one hand, and such sociobiological classics as E. O. Wilson s On Human Nature and Richard Dawkins s The Selfish Gene, on the other. The research method combines feminist narrative analysis with cultural and historical contextualization, emphasizing discursive abruptions, recurrent narrative patterns, and underlying continuities. The dissertation demonstrates that the relationship between Darwin s evolutionary narrative and late twentieth-century evolutionary narratives is characterized by reemphasis, omissions, and continuous rewriting. In particular, contemporary evolutionary discourse extends the role assigned to reproduction both sexual and narrative in Darwin s writing, generating a narrative logic that imagines the desire to reproduce as the driving force of evolution and posits the reproductive sex act as the endlessly repeated narrative event that keeps the story going. The study argues that the popular appeal of evolutionary accounts of gender, sexuality, and human nature may arise, to an extent, from this reproductive narrative dynamic. This narrative dynamic, however, is not logically invulnerable. Since the continuation of the evolutionary narrative relies on successful reproduction, the possibility of reproductive failure poses a constant risk to narrative futurity, arousing cultural anxieties that evolutionary narratives need to address. The study argues that evolutionary narratives appease such anxieties by evoking a range of cultural narratives, especially romantic, religious, and national narratives. Furthermore, the study shows that the event-based logic of evolutionary narratives privileges observable acts over emotions, pleasures, identities, and desires, thus engendering a set of conceptual exclusions that limits the imaginative scope of evolution as a cultural narrative.


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One of the effects of the Internet is that the dissemination of scientific publications in a few years has migrated to electronic formats. The basic business practices between libraries and publishers for selling and buying the content, however, have not changed much. In protest against the high subscription prices of mainstream publishers, scientists have started Open Access (OA) journals and e-print repositories, which distribute scientific information freely. Despite widespread agreement among academics that OA would be the optimal distribution mode for publicly financed research results, such channels still constitute only a marginal phenomenon in the global scholarly communication system. This paper discusses, in view of the experiences of the last ten years, the many barriers hindering a rapid proliferation of Open Access. The discussion is structured according to the main OA channels; peer-reviewed journals for primary publishing, subject- specific and institutional repositories for secondary parallel publishing. It also discusses the types of barriers, which can be classified as consisting of the legal framework, the information technology infrastructure, business models, indexing services and standards, the academic reward system, marketing, and critical mass.


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Research on unit cohesion has shown positive correlations between cohesion and valued outcomes such as strong performance, reduced stress, less indiscipline, and high re-enlistment intentions. However, the correlations have varied in strength and significance. The purpose of this study is to show that taking into consideration the multi-component nature of cohesion and relating the most applicable components to specific outcomes could resolve much of the inconsistency. Unit cohesion is understood as a process of social integration among members of a primary group with its leaders, and with the larger secondary groups of which they are a part. Correspondingly, included in the framework are four bonding components: horizontal (peer) and vertical (subordinate and leader) and organizational and institutional, respectively. The data were collected as part of a larger research project on cohesion, leadership, and personal adjustment to the military. In all, 1,534 conscripts responded to four questionnaires during their service in 2001-2002. In addition, sociometric questionnaires were given to 537 group members in 47 squads toward the end of their service. The results showed that platoons with strong primary-group cohesion differed from other platoons in terms of performance, training quality, secondary-group experiences, and attitudes toward refresher training. On the sociometric level it was found that soldiers who were chosen as friends by others were more likely to have higher expected performance, better performance ratings, more positive attitudes toward military service, higher levels of well-being during conscript service, and fewer exemptions from duty during it. On the group level, the selection of the respondents own group leader rather than naming a leader from outside (i.e., leader bonding) had a bearing not only on cohesion and performance, but also on the social, attitudinal, and behavioral criteria. Overall, the aim of the study was to contribute to the research on cohesion by introducing a model that takes into account the primary foci of bonding and their impact. The results imply that primary-group and secondary-group bonding processes are equally influential in explaining individual and group performance, whereas the secondary-group bonding components are far superior in explaining career intentions, personal growth, avoidance of duty, and attitudes toward refresher training and national defense. This should be considered in the planning and conducting of training. The main conclusion is that the different types of cohesion components have a unique, positive, significant, but varying impact on a wide range of criteria, confirming the need to match the components with the specific criteria.


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The forestry sector provides a number of climate change mitigation options. Apart from this ecological benefit, it has significant social and economic relevance. Implementation of forestry options requires large investments and sustained long-term planning. Thus there is a need for a detailed analysis of forestry options to understand their implications on stock and flow of carbon, required investments, value of forest wealth, contribution to GNP and livelihood, demand management, employment and foreign trade. There is a need to evaluate the additional spending on forestry by analysing the environmental (particularly carbon abatement), social and economic benefits. The biomass needs for India are expected to increase by two to three times by 2020. Depending upon the forest types, ownership patterns and land use patterns, feasible forestry options are identified. It is found among many supply options to be feasible to meet the 'demand based needs' with a mix of management options, species choices and organisational set up. A comparative static framework is used to analyze the macro-economic impacts. Forestry accounts for 1.84% of GNP in India. It is characterized by significant forward industrial linkages and least backward linkage. Forestry generates about 36 million person years of employment annually. India imports Rs. 15 billion worth of forest based materials annually. Implementation of the demand based forestry options can lead to a number of ecological, economic and institutional changes. The notable ones are: enhancement of C stock from 9578 to 17 094 Mt and a net annual C-sequestration from 73 to 149 Mt after accounting for all emissions; a trebling of the output of forestry sector from Rs. 49 billion to Rs. 146 billion annually; an increase in GDP contribution of forestry from Rs. 32 billion to Rs. 105 billion over a period of 35 years; an increase in annual employment level by 23 million person years, emergence of forestry as a net contributor of foreign exchange through trading of forestry products; and an increase in economic value of forest capital stock by Rs. 7260 billion with a cost benefit analysis showing forestry as a profitable option. Implementation of forestry options calls for an understanding of current forest policies and barriers which are analyzed and a number of policy options are suggested. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Factors influencing the effectiveness of democratic institutions and to that effect processes involved at the local governance level have been the interest in the literature, given the presence of various advocacies and networks that are context-specific. This paper is motivated to understand the adaptability issues related to governance given these complexities through a comparative analysis of diversified regions. We adopted a two-stage clustering along with regression methodology for this purpose. The results show that the formation of advocacies and networks depends on the context and institutional framework. The paper concludes by exploring different strategies and dynamics involved in network governance and insists on the importance of governing the networks for structural reformation through regional policy making.


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Solid material thrown away as unused from various sectors such as agricultural, commercial, domestic, industrial and institutional constitutes solid wastes. This places an enormous strain on natural resources and seriously undermines efficient and sustainable development. Management of Municipal Solid Waste discusses the ways to salvage the situation through efficient management of solid wastes from waste generation to final disposal. The various processes such as waste generation, collection, storage, processing, recovery, transport, and disposal, are explained with the support of case studies. The book discusses reduction of waste at the source and to foster implementation of integrated solid waste management systems that are cost-effective and protect human health and the environment.


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Resumen: El clima emocional no es la simple suma de las emociones individuales sino un afecto colectivo generado por cómo los individuos interactúan unos con otros como respuestas colectivas a sus condiciones económicas, políticas y sociales (de Rivera, 2014). Por su parte, en el contexto argentino la inseguridad es el principal problema social percibido en los últimos años. Sobre este marco, se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de analizar el clima emocional, la percepción de inseguridad y el miedo al delito junto a otros factores psicosociales asociados, y de explorar los perfiles perceptivos diferenciales según el auto-posicionamiento ideológico. La muestra, intencional, estuvo compuesta por 516 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados dan cuenta de un clima emocional negativo (enfado y desesperanza), baja confianza institucional, frustración anómica y alta percepción de inseguridad. Se observan diferencias al comparar a los participantes en función de su autoposicionamiento ideológico. La percepción del clima emocional es más positivo cuánto más a la izquierda se ubican los participantes, manifestando mayor seguridad, menor desesperanza y enfado. Exhiben además menos miedo al delito, menor preocupación por la inseguridad y menor probabilidad de victimización. Sin embargo, quienes se posicionan ideológicamente hacia la derecha muestran mayores niveles de frustración anómica, y la confianza (o desconfianza) institucional varía por el posicionamiento ideológico en función de la institución. Finalmente, la heteropercepción de inseguridad es mayor que la autopercepción, surgiendo de este modo mecanismos defensivos como la ilusión de invulnerabilidad, que conllevan mayor riesgo.


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Resumen: Este ensayo establece una territorialización de los lenguajes teatrales alternativos como zona específica de la cultura urbana, y los historiza en la tradición de la escena independiente argentina. Analiza el contexto específico de la crisis financiera que eclosionó en 2001 y la producción más reciente, dando cuenta de un periodo tan conflictivo en lo económico como prolífico en lo teatral. Se describen las actividades de gestión y producción escénicas, que incluyen la búsqueda de espacios, subsidios y respaldo institucional, y la implementación de estrategias de difusión y explotación. Estas labores específicas son desarrolladas de manera particular por numerosos teatristas argentinos de entre 30 y 40 años, ya legitimados, incluso a nivel internacional. Estos dramaturgos-actores-directores co-construyen representaciones sociales compartidas, y manifiestan diferentes modalidades estratégicas asociativas, tales como la rotación de roles y el trabajo en colaboración.


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Resumen: En su obra The morality of law, Lon Fuller pretende indicar ocho principios de la legalidad (principles of legality) que orientan la actividad de la legislación. La legalidad se presenta como un ejemplo de una concepción procedimental o institucional del derecho natural (procedure natural law o institutional natural law). El objeto del “iusnaturalismo institucional” de Fuller no es el contenido ético universal del derecho (derecho natural sustantivo), sino su modo formal-procedimental de existencia (derecho natural institucional). Este artículo tiene cuatro partes. Primero, el proyecto del iusnaturalismo institucional; segundo, los ocho principios de la legalidad de Fuller señalando su presencia también en las obras de Tomás de Aquino, Hobbes y Von Hayek; tercero, algunos conceptos de Wittgenstein y de John Searle que iluminan el aspecto metodológico del iusnaturalismo institucional y cuarto, se apuntará que el proyecto de un iusnaturalismo institucional ya está presente en la reflexión tomista sobre el ius gentium. En la conclusión, se recurrirá a las contribuciones de Jeremy Waldron para establecer el locus del iusnaturalismo institucional en el interior de la tradición iusnaturalista.


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Analisa questões sobre a judicialização dos conflitos e o ativismo judicial, bem como aspectos referentes à Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC 33/2011) que visa alterar dispositivos do texto magno a fim de aumentar ou criar o controle do Legislativo sobre algumas das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal.


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Prepared for the Handbook of the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Forthcoming in Edgard Elgar Publisher. Anna Mignosa and Ilde Rizzo (editors)


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Traz um estudo sobre como e por que a imagem pública do Congresso Nacional pode ser vista como cronicamente negativa no senso comum, nas sondagens de opinião pública e nas representações da mídia informativa, bem como nas percepções dos atores políticos. Com esse objetivo, além da síntese de reflexões teóricas que podem ser relacionadas ao campo interdisciplinar da comunicação política, foi realizada uma série de entrevistas qualitativas com 20% dos parlamentares que formavam a Câmara dos Deputados na Legislatura 2003/2007. Embora as conclusões apontem para uma forte conexão entre tal imagem negativa, recorrentes escândalos políticos e questões institucionais de caráter estrutural e conjuntural, há também nesse contexto uma insuficiência de pluralismo político e social que revela um problema maior e mais complexo: a crise da democracia representativa - pois as organizações da sociedade civil não dispõem de canais adequados de participação que permitam a representação equilibrada de suas demandas tanto na mídia quanto no campo político parlamentar.


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As condições de produção jornalística das mídias legislativas da Câmara dos Deputados são apresentadas neste trabalho a partir de três eixos de análise: cultura política, cultura jornalística e cultura institucional. Delineados para explicar as interferências e influências de diferentes campos sociais na atividade jornalística, esses conceitos são explicitados através dos dados empíricos coletados por meio de observação-participante e entrevistas em profundidade com os atores envolvidos no processo. As duas técnicas de caráter etnográfico foram utilizadas na construção de uma etnografia da produção das quatro mídias legislativas mantidas pela instituição: TV Câmara, Agência Câmara, Rádio Câmara e Jornal da Câmara. A conclusão do trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre os conceitos de comunicação política, comunicação institucional e comunicação pública, conforme eles aparecem nos veículos de comunicação do Parlamento.


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[ES] La creación de empresas desde las universidades no sólo es una vía de transferencia de tecnología sino que además contribuye al desarrollo de la economía regional. Sin embargo, debido al carácter relativamente reciente del fenómeno de las spin-offs universitarias, no abundan los estudios empíricos sobre el tema. En este trabajo analizamos qué factores presentes en las universidades influyen en la creación de spin-offs desde la óptica de la teoría de los recursos. Los resultados indican que los recursos financieros e institucionales se encuentran relacionados positivamente con el emprendimiento universitario.


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A representação política é essencialmente uma relação entre representante e representado. A natureza dessa relação variou ao longo do tempo e assumiu diferentes formatos políticos e institucionais. Pitkin, ao abordar essas variações e sistematizar o tema da representação política, fornece instrumentos que permitem uma reflexão sobre as experiências de representação inscritas nas Cartas Constitucionais democráticas do Brasil de 1934, 1946 e 1988. Reflexão essa que, complementada à luz do pensamento de teóricos da representação política como Guizot, Mill e Manoïlesco, permitem observar que a representação, além de ser uma relação entre representante e representado, é também um fenômeno que envolve, no Estado Moderno, a questão do governo da nação e da incorporação dos valores democráticos, materializados, em parte, sob a forma do voto, das eleições, como participação indireta, e em parte, sob a forma da participação não-eleitoral, a partir de outros formatos institucionais.