925 resultados para ZnO:Ga
Background.-A number of extraneous factors have been implicated in the effectiveness of treatment of headache, including patient beliefs about aspects of the treatment or persons delivering the treatment. Objective.-The concept of external locus of control for headaches refers to patients with a high level of belief that headache and relief are influenced primarily by health care professionals. The aim of this study was to examine whether external locus of control is associated with a reduction in frequency of cervicogenic headaches among patients treated by a physiotherapist. Design.-A recent randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of physiotherapy among 200 patients with headache enabled a test of this relationship. Treatment consisted of manipulative therapy, therapeutic exercise, or a combination of the 2. Analysis of relative change in headache frequency was conducted after 6 weeks of treatment and at 3- and 12-month follow-up appointments. Results.-Results of the analysis indicated that participants with relatively high external Headache-Specific Locus of Control scores were more likely to achieve a reduction in headache frequency if they received the combined manipulative therapy and exercise therapy, compared with those who received no treatment. This was not determined for the group who received manipulative therapy, which is a treatment received passively by the patient. Conclusions.-The interpretation of these findings is considered in the context of nongeneralization to the other physiotherapy treatment groups and sustained reduction in headache frequency following withdrawal of treatment. The pattern of findings suggests that characteristics of the therapy were more pertinent than characteristics of the therapist.
The polyphase evolution of the Serido Belt (NE-Brazil) includes D, crust formation at 2.3-2.1 Ga, D-2 thrust tectonics at 1.9 Ga and crustal reworking by D-3 strike-slip shear zones at 600 Ma. Microstructural investigations within mylonites associated with D-2 and D-3 events were used to constrain the tectono-thermal evolution of the belt. D-2 shear zones commenced at deeper crustal levels and high amphibolite facies conditions (600-650 degreesC) through grain boundary migration, subgrain rotation and operation of quartz Q-prism slip. Continued shearing and exhumation of the terrain forced the re-equilibration of high-T fabrics and the switching of slip systems from (c)-prism to positive and negative (a)-rhombs. During D-3, enhancement of ductility by dissipation of heat that came from syn-D-3 granites developed wide belts of amphibolite facies mylonites. Continued shearing, uplift and cooling of the region induced D-3 shear zones to act in ductile-brittle regimes, marked by fracturing and development of thinner belts of greenschist facies mylonites. During this event, switching from (a)-prism to a basal slip indicates a thermal path from 600 to 350 degreesC. Therefore, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics in polydeformed rocks from the Serido Belt preserve the record of two major events, which includes contrasting deformation mechanisms and thermal paths. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Disposition kinetics of [H-3] palmitate and its low-molecular-weight metabolites in perfused rat livers were studied using the multiple-indicator dilution technique, a selective assay for [H-3] palmitate and its low-molecular-weight metabolites, and several physiologically based pharmacokinetic models. The level of liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP), other intrahepatic binding proteins (microsomal protein, albumin, and glutathione S-transferase) and the outflow profiles of [H-3] palmitate and metabolites were measured in four experimentalgroups of rats: 1) males; 2) clofibrate-treated males; 3) females; and 4) pregnant females. A slow-diffusion/bound model was found to better describe the hepatic disposition of unchanged [H-3] palmitate than other pharmacokinetic models. The L-FABP levels followed the order: pregnant female > clofibrate-treated male > female > male. Levels of other intrahepatic proteins did not differ significantly. The hepatic extraction ratio and mean transit time for unchanged palmitate, as well as the production of low-molecular-weight metabolites of palmitate and their retention in the liver, increased with increasing L-FABP levels. Palmitate metabolic clearance, permeability-surface area product, retention of palmitate by the liver, and cytoplasmic diffusion constant for unchanged [H-3] palmitate also increased with increasing L-FABP levels. It is concluded that the variability in hepatic pharmacokinetics of unchanged [H-3] palmitate and its low-molecular-weight metabolites in perfused rat livers is related to levels of L-FABP and not those of other intrahepatic proteins.
This paper delineates the development of a prototype hybrid knowledge-based system for the optimum design of liquid retaining structures by coupling the blackboard architecture, an expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO and genetic algorithm (GA). Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces under a user-friendly environment, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking, and member sizing optimization. For structural optimization, GA is applied to the minimum cost design of structural systems with discrete reinforced concrete sections. The design of a typical example of the liquid retaining structure is illustrated. The results demonstrate extraordinarily converging speed as near-optimal solutions are acquired after merely exploration of a small portion of the search space. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid retaining structures.
The alternative sigma factor sigB gene is involved in the stress response regulation of Listeria monocytogenes, and contributes towards growth and survival in adverse conditions. This gene was examined to determine if it could be a useful indicator of lineage differentiation, similar to the established method based on ribotyping. The sigB sequence was resolved in four local L. monocytogenes strains and the phylogenetic relationship among these, and a further 21 sigB gene sequences from strains of different serotype and lineage including two Listeria innocua strains, obtained from the GenBank database were determined. The sigB nucleotide sequences of these 25 Listeria strains were then examined for single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) sites that could differentiate between the three lineages. Based on nucleotide sequences L. monocytogenes lineage F serotype 1/2b and 4b clustered together, lineage II/serotype 1/2a and 1/2c strains clustered together, lineage III/serotypes 4a and 4c strains clustered together and L. innocua strains clustered together as an outgroup. SNPs differentiating the three lineages were identified. Individual allele-specific PCR reactions based on these polymorphisms were successful in grouping known and a further 37 local L. monocytogenes isolates into the three lineages. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
The ability to generate enormous random libraries of DNA probes via split-and-mix synthesis on solid supports is an important biotechnological application of colloids that has not been fully utilized to date. To discriminate between colloid-based DNA probes each colloidal particle must be 'encoded' so it is distinguishable from all other particles. To this end, we have used novel particle synthesis strategies to produce large numbers of optically encoded particle suitable for DNA library synthesis. Multifluorescent particles with unique and reproducible optical signatures (i.e., fluorescence and light-scattering attributes) suitable for high-throughput flow cytometry have been produced. In the spectroscopic study presented here, we investigated the optical characteristics of multi-fluorescent particles that were synthesized by coating silica 'core' particles with up to six different fluorescent dye shells alternated with non-fluorescent silica 'spacer' shells. It was observed that the diameter of the particles increased by up to 20% as a result of the addition of twelve concentric shells and that there was a significant reduction in fluorescence emission intensities from inner shells as an increasing number of shells were deposited.
Chronic stress impairs cognitive function, namely on tasks that rely on the integrity of cortico-limbic networks. To unravel the functional impact of progressive stress in cortico-limbic networks we measured neural activity and spectral coherences between the ventral hippocampus (vHIP) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in rats subjected to short term stress (STS) and chronic unpredictable stress (CUS). CUS exposure consistently disrupted the spectral coherence between both areas for a wide range of frequencies, whereas STS exposure failed to trigger such effect. The chronic stress-induced coherence decrease correlated inversely with the vHIP power spectrum, but not with the mPFC power spectrum, which supports the view that hippocampal dysfunction is the primary event after stress exposure. Importantly, we additionally show that the variations in vHIP-to-mPFC coherence and power spectrum in the vHIP correlated with stress-induced behavioral deficits in a spatial reference memory task. Altogether, these findings result in an innovative readout to measure, and follow, the functional events that underlie the stress-induced reference memory impairments.
Development of suitable membranes is a fundamental requisite for tissue and biomedical engineering applications. This work presents fish gelatin random and aligned electrospun membranes cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA). It was observed that the fiber average diameter and the morphology is not influenced by the GA exposure time and presents fibers with an average diameter around 250 nm. Moreover, when the gelatin mats are immersed in a phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS), they can retain as much as 12 times its initial weight of solution almost instantaneously, but the material microstructure of the fiber mats changes from the characteristic fibrous to an almost spherical porous structure. Cross-linked gelatin electrospun fiber mats and films showed a water vapor permeability of 1.37 ± 0.02 and 0.13 ± 0.10 (g.mm)/(m2.h.kPa), respectively. Finally, the processing technique and cross-linking process does not inhibit MC-3T3-E1 cell adhesion. Preliminary cell culture results showed good cell adhesion and proliferation in the cross-linked random and aligned gelatin fiber mats.
Thermal degradation of as electrospun chitosan membranes and samples subsequently treated with ethanol and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) have been studied by thermogravimetry (TG) coupled with an infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The influence of the electrospinning process and cross-linking in the electrospun chitosan thermal stability was evaluated. Up to three degradation steps were observed in the TG data, corresponding to water dehydration reaction at temperatures below 100 ºC, loss of side groups formed between the amine groups of chitosan and trifluoroacetic acid between 150 – 270 ºC and chitosan thermal degradation that starts around 250 ºC and goes up to 400 ºC. The Kissinger model was employed to evaluate the activation energies of the electrospun membranes during isothermal experiments and revealed that thermal degradation activation energy increases for the samples processed by electrospinning and subsequent neutralization and cross-linking treatments with respect to the neat chitosan powder.
Era objectivo do presente trabalho o desenvolvimento de um biossensor baseado na inibição da amidase de Pseudomonas aeruginosa para a quantificação de ureia em diversas amostras com recurso a um eléctrodo selectivo de iões amónio (ISE). A ureia é um poderoso inibidor do centro activo da amidase (Acilamida hidrolase EC de Pseudomonas aeruginosa a qual catalisa a hidrólise de amidas alifáticas produzindo o ácido correspondente e amónia. O extracto celular de Pseudomonas aeruginosa L10 contendo actividade de amidase foi imobilizado em membranas de poliétersulfona modificadas (PES) e em membranas de nylon Porablot NY Plus na presença de gelatina e de glutaraldeído (GA) como agente bifuncional. Estas membranas foram posteriormente utilizadas na construção do biossensor baseado no ISE, utilizando acetamida como substrato, a reacção enzimática foi seguida medindo os iões amónio produzidos pela hidrólise da amida alifática, e a resposta do biossensor apresentada como a velocidade inicial da reacção (mV.min-1). A optimização dos parâmetros de imobilização foi efectuada de acordo com a metodologia ANOVA. Assim, a mistura de 30μL extracto celular, 2μL GA (5%) e 10 μL Gelatina 15% (p/v) foi a que conduziu a uma melhor resposta do biossensor. Efectuou-se ainda o estudo de optimização de alguns parâmetros experimentais pH e tempo de incubação em ureia, este conduziu ao valor pH=7,2 como pH óptimo de resposta do biossensor e 20 min como tempo óptimo de incubação das membranas nas soluções de ureia, sendo neste caso a resposta do biossensor dada pela diferença das respostas do biossensor antes e após incubação. A calibração do biossensor foi efectuada em soluções contendo concentrações conhecidas de ureia preparadas em tampão Tris, leite e vinho caseiro, exibindo um limite de detecção de 2,0 ×10-6 M de ureia. A incubação das membranas em hidroxilamina 2M por um período de 2h permitiu a recuperação de 70% da actividade enzimática da membrana. O biossensor apresentou uma elevada estabilidade de armazenamento por um período de 55 dias revelando uma perda de apenas 15% da sua resposta. O biossensor desenvolvido apresenta uma sensibilidade de 58,245 mV.min-1 e um tempo de resposta de aproximadamente 20s. A resposta do biossensor foi linear para concentrações de ureia presentes no vinho na gama de 4-10 μM de ureia.
We report on structural, electronic, and optical properties of boron-doped, hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at a substrate temperature of 150 degrees C. Film properties were studied as a function of trimethylboron-to-silane ratio and film thickness. The absorption loss of 25% at a wavelength of 400 nm was measured for the 20 nm thick films on glass and glass/ZnO:Al substrates. By employing the p(+) nc-Si:H as a window layer, complete p-i-n structures were fabricated and characterized. Low leakage current and enhanced sensitivity in the UV/blue range were achieved by incorporating an a-SiC:H buffer between the p- and i-layers.
A series of large area single layers and heterojunction cells in the assembly glass/ZnO:Al/p (SixC1-x:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SixC1-x:H)/Al (0
A series of large area single layers and glass/ZnO:AVp(SixC1-x:H)/i(Si:H)/n(SixC1-x:H)/AI (0 < x < 1) heterojunction cells were produced by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PE-CVD) at low temperature. Junction properties, carrier transport and photogeneration are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (J-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. For the heterojunction cells atypical J-V characteristics under different illumination conditions are observed leading to poor fill factors. High series resistances around 106 Q are also measured. These experimental results were used as a basis for the numerical simulation of the energy band diagram, and the electrical field distribution of the structures. Further comparison with the sensor performance gave satisfactory agreement. Results show that the conduction band offset is the most limiting parameter for the optimal collection of the photogenerated carriers. As the optical gap increases and the conductivity of the doped layers decreases, the transport mechanism changes from a drift to a diffusion-limited process.
An optimized ZnO:Al/a-pin SixCl1-x:H/Al configuration for the laser scanned photodiode (LSP) imaging detector is proposed. The LSP utilizes light induced depletion layers as detector and a laser beam for readout. The effect of the sensing element structure, cell configuration and light source flux are investigated and correlated with the sensor output characteristics. Experimental data reveal that the large optical gap and the low conductivity of the doped a-SixC1-x:H layers are responsible by an induced inversion layer at the illuminated interfaces which blocks the carrier collection. These insulator-like layers act as MIS gates preventing image smearing. The physical background of the LSP is discussed.
An optimized ZnO:Al/a-pin SixC1-x:H/Al configuration for the laser scanned photodiode (LSP) imaging detector is proposed and the read-out parameters improved. The effect of the sensing element structure, cell configuration and light source flux are investigated and correlated with the sensor output characteristics. Data reveals that for sensors with wide band gap doped layers an increase on the image signal optimized to the blue is achieved with a dynamic range of two orders of magnitude, a responsivity of 6 mA W-1 and a sensitivity of 17 muW cm(-2) at 530 nm. The main output characteristics such as image responsivity, resolution, linearity and dynamic range were analyzed under reverse, forward and short circuit modes. The results show that the sensor performance can be optimized in short circuit mode. A trade-off between the scan time and the required resolution is needed since the spot size limits the resolution due to the cross-talk between dark and illuminated regions leading to blurring effects.