747 resultados para ZNO NANOWIRES


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Polypyridylkomplexe von Ruthenium(II) besitzen eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, z. B. in Farbstoff-sensibilisierten Solarzellen und als Photokatalysatoren. [Ru(bpy)3]2+ ist einer der prominentesten Ruthenium(II)-Komplexe und besitzt langlebige angeregte 3MLCT-Zustände mit einer Lebensdauer von 1 µs und einer Lumineszenz-Quantenausbeute von 10%. [Ru(bpy)3]2+ ist chiral und kann Stereoisomere bilden, wenn die Liganden unsymmetrisch substituiert sind oder im Falle von oligonuklearen rac/meso-Komplexen. Bis-tridentate Komplexe wie [Ru(tpy)2]2+ sind achiral und umgehen damit unerwünschte Stereoisomere. [Ru(tpy)2]2+ besitzt jedoch enttäuschende photophysikalische Eigenschaften mit einer 3MLCT-Lebensdauer von nur etwa 0.2 ns und einer Quantenausbeute von ≤ 0.0007%. Die Anbringung von Substituenten an [Ru(tpy)2]2+ sowie die Aufweitung der Liganden-Bisswinkel auf 90° bewirken deutlich verbesserte Eigenschaften der emittierenden 3MLCT-Zustände. rnDieser Strategie folgend wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit neue bis-tridentate Ruthenium(II)-Komplexe entwickelt, synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Durch Anbringen von Ester-Substituenten und Verwenden von Liganden mit erweiterten Bisswinkeln konnten 3MLCT-Lebensdauern von bis zu 841 ns und Quantenausbeuten von bis zu 1.1% erreicht werden. Die neuen bis-tridentaten Komplexe weisen eine deutlich erhöhte Photostabilität im Vergleich zu tris-bidentatem [Ru(bpy)3]2+ auf. rnDie Komplexe wurden als Emitter in Licht-emittierenden elektrochemischen Zellen eingebaut und zeigen Elektrolumineszenz mit einer tiefroten Farbe, die bis ins NIR reicht. Ebenso wurden die Komplexe als Lichtsammler in Farbstoff-sensibilisierten Solarzellen getestet und erreichen Licht-zu-Energie-Effizienzen von bis zu 0.26%. rnDinukleare, stereochemisch einheitliche Ruthenium(II)-Komplexe wurden oxidiert um die Metall-Metall-Wechselwirkung zwischen Ru(II) und Ru(III) in der einfach oxidierten Spezies zu untersuchen. Die unterschiedlichen Redoxeigenschaften der beiden Rutheniumzentren in den verwendeten dinuklearen Verbindungen führt zu einer valenzlokalisierten Situation in der keine Metall-Metall-Wechselwirkung beobachtet wird. Ebenso wurde die Oxidation eines einkernigen Ruthenium(II)-Komplexes sowie dessen spontane Rückreduktion untersucht.rnEnergietransfersysteme wurden mittels Festphasensynthese hergestellt. Dabei ist ein Bis(terpyridin)ruthenium(II)-Komplex als Energie-Akzeptor über eine unterschiedliche Anzahl an Glycineinheiten mit einem Cumarin-Chromophor als Energie-Donor verknüpft. Bei einer kleinen Zahl an Glycineinheiten (0, 1) findet effektiver Energietransfer vom Cumarin- zum Ruthenium-Chromophor statt, wogegen bei zwei Glycineinheiten ein effektiver Energietransfer verhindert ist.rnLicht-induzierte Ladungstrennung wurde erreicht, indem Bis(terpyridin)ruthenium(II)-Komplexe als Chromophore in einem Donor-Chromophor-Akzeptor-Nanokomposit eingesetzt wurden. Dabei wurde ein Triphenylamin-enthaltendes Blockcopolymer als Elektronendonor und ZnO-Nanostäbchen als Elektronenakzeptor verwendet. Bei Bestrahlung des Chromophors werden Elektronen in die ZnO-Nanostäbchen injiziert und die Elektronenlöcher wandern in das Triphenylamin-enthaltende Blockcopolymer. rnrn


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Structure characterization of nanocrystalline intermediates and metastable phases is of primary importance for a deep understanding of synthetic processes undergoing solid-to-solid state phase transitions. Understanding the evolution from the first nucleation stage to the final synthetic product supports not only the optimization of existing processes, but might assist in tailoring new synthetic paths. A systematic investigation of intermediates and metastable phases is hampered because it is impossible to produce large crystals and only in few cases a pure synthetic product can be obtained. Structure investigation by X-ray powder diffraction methods is still challenging on nanoscale, especially when the sample is polyphasic. Electron diffraction has the advantage to collect data from single nanoscopic crystals, but is limited by data incompleteness, dynamical effects and fast deterioration of the sample under the electron beam. Automated diffraction tomography (ADT), a recently developed technique, making possible to collect more complete three-dimensional electron diffraction data and to reduce at the same time dynamical scattering and beam damage, thus allowing to investigate even beam sensitive materials (f.e. hydrated phases and organics). At present, ADT is the only technique able to deliver complete three-dimensional structural information from single nanoscopic grains, independently from other surrounding phases. Thus, ADT is an ideal technique for the study of on-going processes where different phases exist at the same time and undergo several structural transitions. In this study ADT was used as the main technique for structural characterization for three different systems and combined subsequently with other techniques, among which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), cryo-TEM imaging, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).rnAs possible laser host materials, i.e. materials with a broad band emission in the near-infrared region, two unknown phases were investigated in the ternary oxide system M2O-Al2O3-WO3 (M = K, Na). Both phases exhibit low purity as well as non-homogeneous size distribution and particle morphology. The structures solved by ADT are also affected by pseudo-symmetry. rnSodium titanate nanotubes and nanowires are both intermediate products in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorods which are used as additives to colloidal TiO2 film for improving efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The structural transition from nantubes to nanowires was investigated in a step by step time-resolved study. Nanowires were discovered to consist of a hitherto unknown phase of sodium titanate. This new phase, typically affected by pervasive defects like mutual layer shift, was structurally determined ab-initio on the basis of ADT data. rnThe third system is related with calcium carbonate nucleation and early crystallization. The first part of this study is dedicated to the extensive investigations of calcium carbonate formation in a step by step analysis, up to the appearance of crystalline individua. The second part is dedicated to the structure determination by ADT of the first-to-form anhydrated phase of CaCO3: vaterite. An exhaustive structure analysis of vaterite had previously been hampered by diffuse scattering, extra periodicities and fast deterioration of the material under electron irradiation. rn


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Metallische Nanopartikel und ihre Oxide (z.B. ZnO NP, TiO2 NP und Fe2O3 NP) werden aufgrund ihrer chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften häufig als Additive in der Reifenproduktion, in Katalysatoren, Lebensmitteln, Arzneimitteln und Kosmetikprodukten verwendet. Künftig wird ein kontinuierlicher Anstieg der industriellen Anwendung (~ 1663 Tonnen im Jahr 2025) mit gesteigerter Freisetzung in die Umwelt erwartet, was zwangsläufig zu einer vermehrten Aufnahme über das respiratorische Epithel führt. Metalldampffieber ist als gesundheitsschädigender Effekt von Metalloxid-haltigen Aerosolen (z.B. ZnO) nach Inhalation bekannt. Immunreaktionen, wie beispielsweise Entzündungen, werden häufig mit der Entstehung von Sauerstoffradikalen (ROS) in Verbindung gebracht, die wiederum zu DNA-Schäden führen können. Drei mögliche Ursachen der Genotoxität werden angenommen: direkte Interaktion von Nanopartikeln mit intrazellulären Strukturen, Interaktion von Ionen dissoziierter Partikel mit intrazellulären Strukturen sowie die Entstehung von ROS initiiert durch Partikel oder Ionen.rnDie vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit den Mechanismen der Genotoxizität von ZnO Nanopartikeln (ZnO NP), als Beispiel für metallische Nanopartikel, im respiratorischen Epithel. In der Studie wurde gezielt die intrazelluläre Aufnahme und Verteilung von ZnO NP, deren Toxizität, deren DNA schädigendes Potential sowie die Aktivierung der DNA damage response (DDR) analysiert.rnEs konnten kaum internalisierte ZnO NP mittels TEM detektiert werden. Innerhalb der ersten Sekunden nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP wurde spektrofluorometrisch ein starker Anstieg der intrazellulären Zn2+ Konzentration gemessen. In unbehandelten Zellen war Zn2+ in granulären Strukturen lokalisiert. Die Behandlung mit ZnO NP führte zu einer Akkumulation von Zn2+ in diesen Strukturen. Im zeitlichen Verlauf verlagerten sich die Zn2+-Ionen in das Zytoplasma, sowie in Zellkerne und Mitochondrien. Es wurde keine Kolokalisation von Zn2+ mit den frühen Endosomen und dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum beobachtet. Die Vorbehandlung der Zellen mit Diethylen-triaminpentaessigsäure (DTPA), als extrazellulärem Komplexbildner, verhinderte den intrazellulären Anstieg von Zn2+ nach Behandlung mit den Partikeln.rnDie Behandlung mit ZnO NP resultierte in einer zeit- und dosisabhängigen Reduktion der zellulären Viabilität, während die intrazelluläre ROS-Konzentrationen in den ersten 30 min leicht und anschließend kontinuierlich bis zum Ende der Messung anstiegen. Außerdem verringerte sich das mitochondriale Membranpotential, während sich die Anzahl der frühapoptotischen Zellen in einer zeitabhängigen Weise erhöhte. rnDNA Doppelstrangbrüche (DNA DSB) wurden mittels Immunfluoreszenz-Färbung der γH2A.X foci sichtbar gemacht und konnten nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP detektiert werden. Die Vorbehandlung mit dem Radikalfänger N-Acetyl-L-Cytein (NAC) resultierte in stark reduzierten intrazellulären ROS-Konzentrationen sowie wenigen DNA DSB. Die DNA Schädigung wurde durch Vorbehandlung mit DTPA ganz verhindert.rnDie Aktivierung der DDR wurde durch die Analyse von ATM, ATR, Chk1, Chk2, p53 und p21 mittels Western Blot und ELISA nach Behandlung mit ZnO NP überprüft. Der ATR/Chk1 Signalweg wurde durch ZnO NP nicht aktiviert. Die Komplexierung von Zn2+ resultierte in einer verminderten ATM/Chk2 Signalwegaktivierung. Es zeigte sich, dass das Abfangen von ROS keinen Effekt auf die ATM/Chk2 Signalwegaktivierung hatte.rnZusammengefasst wurde festgestellt, dass die Exposition mit ZnO NP in der Entstehung von ROS, reduzierter Viabilität und vermindertem mitochondrialem Membranpotential resultiert, sowie zeitabhängig eine frühe Apoptose initiiert. ZnO NP dissoziierten extrazellulär und wurden schnell als Zn2+ über unbekannte Mechanismen internalisiert. Die Zn2+-Ionen wurden im Zytoplasma, sowie besonders in den Mitochondrien und dem Zellkern, akkumuliert. Die DDR Signalgebung wurde durch ZnO NP aktiviert, jedoch nicht durch NAC inhibiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass DTPA die DDR Aktivierung komplett inhibierte. Die Behandlung mit ZnO NP induzierte DNA DSB. Die Inhibition von ROS reduzierte die DNA DSB und die Komplexierung der Zn2+ verhinderte die Entstehung von DNA DSB.rnDiese Daten sprechen für die Dissoziation der Partikel und die hierbei freigesetzten Zn2+ als Hauptmediator der Genotoxizität metallischer Nanopartikel. rn


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Le celle solari a film sottile sono tra le alternative più promettenti nel campo fotovoltaico. La ricerca di materiali non tossici ed economici per la passivazione delle superfici è di fondamentale importanza. Il presente è uno studio sulla morfologia di film sottili di ZnS. I campioni analizzati sono stati cresciuti tramite DC sputtering a diversa potenza (range 50-150W) per studiare le connessioni tra condizioni di deposizione e proprietà strutturali. Lo studio è stato condotto mediante acquisizione di mappe AFM. E' stata effettuata un'analisi dei buchi (dips) in funzione della potenza di sputtering, per individuare il campione con la minore densità di dips in vista di applicazioni in celle solari a film sottile. I parametri strutturali, quali la rugosità superficiale e la lunghezza di correlazione laterale sono stati determinati con un'analisi statistica delle immagini. La densità e dimensione media dei grani sono state ricavate da una segmentazione delle immagini. Le analisi sono state svolte su due campioni di ZnO per fini comparativi. Tramite EFM sono state ottenute mappe di potenziale di contatto. Tramite KPFM si è valutata la differenza di potenziale tra ZnS e un layer di Al depositato sulla superficie. La sheet resistance è stata misurata con metodo a quattro punte. Dai risultati la potenza di sputtering influenza la struttura superficiale, ma in maniera non lineare. E' stato individuato il campione con la minore rugosità e densità di dips alla potenza di 75 W. Si è concluso che potenze troppo grandi o piccole in fase di deposizione promuovono il fenomeno di clustering dei grani e di aumentano la rugosità e densità di dips. E' emersa una corrispondenza diretta tra morfologia e potenziale di contatto alla superficie. La differenza di potenziale tra Al e ZnS è risultata inferiore al valore noto, ciò può essere dovuto a stati superficiali indotti da ossidi. Il campione risulta totalmente isolante.


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Background Predominantly, studies of nanoparticle (NPs) toxicology in vitro are based upon the exposure of submerged cell cultures to particle suspensions. Such an approach however, does not reflect particle inhalation. As a more realistic simulation of such a scenario, efforts were made towards direct delivery of aerosols to air-liquid-interface cultivated cell cultures by the use of aerosol exposure systems. This study aims to provide a direct comparison of the effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs when delivered as either an aerosol, or in suspension to a triple cell co-culture model of the epithelial airway barrier. To ensure dose–equivalence, ZnO-deposition was determined in each exposure scenario by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Biological endpoints being investigated after 4 or 24h incubation include cytotoxicity, total reduced glutathione, induction of antioxidative genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO–1) as well as the release of the (pro)-inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Results Off-gases released as by-product of flame ZnO synthesis caused a significant decrease of total reduced GSH and induced further the release of the cytokine TNFα, demonstrating the influence of the gas phase on aerosol toxicology. No direct effects could be attributed to ZnO particles. By performing suspension exposure to avoid the factor “flame-gases”, particle specific effects become apparent. Other parameters such as LDH and HO–1 were not influenced by gaseous compounds: Following aerosol exposure, LDH levels appeared elevated at both timepoints and the HO–1 transcript correlated positively with deposited ZnO-dose. Under submerged conditions, the HO–1 induction scheme deviated for 4 and 24h and increased extracellular LDH was found following 24h exposure. Conclusion In the current study, aerosol and suspension-exposure has been compared by exposing cell cultures to equivalent amounts of ZnO. Both exposure strategies differ fundamentally in their dose–response pattern. Additional differences can be found for the factor time: In the aerosol scenario, parameters tend to their maximum already after 4h of exposure, whereas under submerged conditions, effects appear most pronounced mainly after 24h. Aerosol exposure provides information about the synergistic interplay of gaseous and particulate phase of an aerosol in the context of inhalation toxicology. Exposure to suspensions represents a valuable complementary method and allows investigations on particle-associated toxicity by excluding all gas–derived effects.


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The aim of this study was to test whether the status of the adjacent tooth surface has an influence on the signal of a new laser fluorescence (LF) device for the detection of approximal caries. Seventy-eight teeth were selected from a pool of extracted permanent human molars, frozen at -20 degrees C until use. Before being measured the teeth were defrosted, cleaned, and any calculus removed. As a control, a defined approximal surface of each tooth was measured with the LF device holding the tip with the detecting- and the reverse-side on it, but without a neighboring tooth contacting the surface. The proximal site under examination was then placed adjacent to a tooth, which had deep dentinal caries, a composite restoration, a provisional ZnO-Eugenol restoration, or a ceramic restoration. The adjacent tooth with the ZnO-Eugenol restoration, the composite restoration, and the dentinal caries all demonstrated a statistically significant increase of LF readings on sound tooth surfaces. Teeth with enamel or dentinal caries were only slightly (and not statistically significantly) influenced by the different types of neighboring surfaces compared with the control LF readings. It can be concluded that caries detection of approximal tooth surfaces with the new LF system might be influenced by the condition of the adjacent tooth surface.


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Energy crisis and worldwide environmental problem make hydrogen a prospective energy carrier. However, storage and transportation of hydrogen in large quantities at small volume is currently not practical. Lots of materials and devices have been developed for storage hydrogen, but to today none is able to meet the DOE targets. Activated carbon has been found to be a good hydrogen adsorbent due to its high surface area. However, the weak van der Waals force between hydrogen and the adsorbent has limited the adsorption capacity. Previous studies have found that enhanced adsorption can be obtained with applied electric field. Stronger interaction between the polarized hydrogen and the charged sorbents under high voltage is considered as the reason. This study was initiated to investigate if the adsorption can be further enhanced when the activated carbon particles are separated with a dielectric coating. Dielectric TiO2 nanoparticles were first utilized. Hydrogen adsorption measurements on the TiO2-coated carbon materials, with or without an external electric field, were made. The results showed that the adsorption capacity enhancement increased with the increasing amount of TiO2 nanoparticles with an applied electric field. Since the hydrogen adsorption capacity on TiO2 particles is very low and there is no hydrogen adsorption enhancement on TiO2 particles alone when electric field is applied, the effect of dielectric coating is demonstrated. Another set of experiments investigated the behavior of hydrogen adsorption over TiO2-coated activated carbon under various electric potentials. The results revealed that the hydrogen adsorption first increased and then decreased with the increase of electric field. The improved storage was due to a stronger interaction between charged carbon surface and polarized hydrogen molecule caused by field induced polarization of TiO2 coating. When the electric field was sufficient to cause considerable ionization of hydrogen, the decrease of hydrogen adsorption occurred. The current leak detected at 3000 V was a sign of ionization of hydrogen. Experiments were also carried out to examine the hydrogen adsorption performances over activated carbon separated by other dielectric materials, MgO, ZnO and BaTiO3, respectively. For the samples partitioned with MgO and ZnO, the measurements with and without an electric field indicated negligible differences. Electric field enhanced adsorption has been observed on the activated carbon separated with BaTiO3, a material with unusually high dielectric constant. Corresponding computational calculations using Density Functional Theory have been performed on hydrogen interaction with charged TiO2 molecule as well as TiO2 molecule, coronene and TiO2-doped coronene in the presence of an electric field. The simulated results were consistent with the observations from experiments, further confirming the proposed hypotheses.


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Recently nanoscale junctions consisting of 0-D nanostructures (single molecule) or 1-D nanostructures (semiconducting nanowire) sandwiched between two metal electrodes are successfully fabricated and characterized. What lacks in the recent developments is the understanding of the mechanism behind the observed phenomena at the level of atoms and electrons. For example, the origin of observed switching effect in a semiconducting nanowire due to the influence of an external gate bias is not yet understood at the electronic structure level. On the same context, different experimental groups have reported different signs in tunneling magneto-resistance for the same organic spin valve structure, which has baffled researchers working in this field. In this thesis, we present the answers to some of these subtle questions by investigating the charge and spin transport in different nanoscale junctions. A parameter-free, single particle Green’s function approach in conjunction with a posteriori density functional theory (DFT) involving a hybrid orbital dependent functional is used to calculate the tunneling current in the coherent transport limit. The effect of spin polarization is explicitly incorporated to investigate spin transport in a nanoscale junction. Through the electron transport studies in PbS nanowire junction, a new orbital controlled mechanism behind the switching of the current is proposed. It can explain the switching behavior, not only in PbS nanowire, but in other lead-chalcogenide nanowires as well. Beside this, the electronic structure properties of this nanowire are studied using periodic DFT. The quantum confinement effect was investigated by calculating the bandgap of PbS nanowires with different diameters. Subsequently, we explain an observed semiconducting to metallic phase transition of this nanowire by calculating the bandgap of the nanowire under uniform radial strain. The compressive radial strain on the nanowire was found to be responsible for the metallic to semiconducting phase transition. Apart from studying one dimensional nanostructure, we also present transport properties in zero dimensional single molecular junctions. We proposed a new codoping approach in a single molecular carborane junction, where a cation and an anion are simultaneously doped to find the role of a single atom in the device. The main purpose was to build a molecular junction where a single atom can dictate the flow of electrons in a circuit. Recent observations of both positive and negative sign in tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) the using same organic spin-valve structure hasmystified researchers. From our spin dependent transport studies in a prototypical organic molecular tunneling device, we found that a 3% change in metal-molecule interfacial distance can alter the sign of TMR. Changing the interfacial distance by 3%, the number of participating eigenstates as well as their orbital characteristic changes for anti-parallel configuration of the magnetization at the two electrodes, leading to the sign reversal of the TMR. Apart from this, the magnetic proximity effect under applied bias is investigated quantitatively, which can be used to understand the observed unexpectedmagnetismin carbon basedmaterials when they are in close proximity with magnetic substrates.


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) obtained much attention because of their unusual structures and properties as well as their potential applications. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effects of synthesis conditions on the structures of MOFs, (2) the thermal stability of MOFs, (3) pressure-induced amorphization, and (4) the effect of high-valent ions on the structure of a MOF. This research demonstrated that the crystal structure of MOF-5 could be controlled by drying solvents. If the vacuum solvent is dimethylformamide (DMF), the crystal structure of MOF-5 is tetragonal. In contrast, if the DMF is displaced by CH2Cl2 before the vacuum, the obtained MOF-5 occupies a cubic structure. Furthermore, it was found that the tetragonal MOF-5 exhibited a mediate surface area (300-1000 m2/g). The surface area of tetragonal MOF-5 is also dependent on Zn(NO3)2/H2BDC (H2BDC: terephthalic acid) molar ratios used for its synthesis. The optimum ratio is 1.38, at which synthesized tetragonal MOF-5 exhibits the highest crystallinity and surface area (1297 m2/g). The thermal stability and decomposition of MOF-5 were systematically investigated. The thermal decomposition of cubic and tetragonal MOF-5s resulted in the same products: CO2, benzene, amorphous carbon, and crystal ZnO. The thermal decomposition is due to breaking carboxylic bridges between benzene rings and Zn4O clusters. Identifying structural relationships between crystalline and noncrystalline states is of fundamental interest in materials research. Currently, amorphization of solid materials at ambient temperature requires an ultra-high pressure (several GPa). However, this research demonstrated that MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can be irreversibly amorphized at ambient temperature by employing a low compressing pressure of 3.5 MPa, which is 100 times lower than that required for amorphization of other solids. Furthermore, the pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) of MOFs is strongly dependent on the changeability of bond angles. If the geometric structure of a MOF can allow bond angles to be changed without breaking bonds, it can easily be amorphized by compression. This can explain why MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can easily be amorphized via compression than Cu-BTC. It is generally recognized that zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) occupy much higher stability than other types of MOFs. The representative of ZIFs is Zn(2-methylimidazole)2 (ZIF-8) exhibiting high-decomposition temperature and high chemical resistance to various solvents. However, so far, it is still unknown whether the high stability of ZIF-8 can be challenged by ions, which is important for its modification by doping ions. In this research, we performed aqueous salt solution treatment on ZIF-8, and the results showed that anions (Cl¯ and NO3¯) in a solution exhibited no effect on the crystal structure of ZIF-8. However, the effect of cations (in a solution) on structure of ZIF-8 strongly depends on the cation valences. The univalent metal cations showed no effect on the structure of ZIF-8, whereas the bivalent or higher-valent metal cations caused the collapse of ZIF-8 crystal structure. Therefore, structure stability of ZIF-8 is considered when it is subjected to the application, in which high-valent metal cations are involved.


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In my Ph.D research, a wet chemistry-based organic solution phase reduction method was developed, and was successfully applied in the preparation of a series of advanced electro-catalysts, including 0-dimensional (0-D) Pt, Pd, Au, and Pd-Ni nanoparticles (NPs), 1-D Pt-Fe nanowires (NWs) and 2-D Pd-Fe nanoleaves (NLs), with controlled size, shape, and morphology. These nanostructured catalysts have demonstrated unique electro-catalytic functions towards electricity production and biorenewable alcohol conversion. The molecular oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is a long-standing scientific issue for fuel cells due to its sluggish kinetics and the poor catalyst durability. The activity and durability of an electro-catalyst is strongly related with its composition and structure. Based on this point, Pt-Fe NWs with a diameter of 2 - 3 nm were accurately prepared. They have demonstrated a high durability in sulfuric acid due to its 1-D structure, as well as a high ORR activity attributed to its tuned electronic structure. By substituting Pt with Pd using a similar synthesis route, Pd-Fe NLs were prepared and demonstrated a higher ORR activity than Pt and Pd NPs catalysts in the alkaline electrolyte. Recently, biomass-derived alcohols have attracted enormous attention as promising fuels (to replace H2) for low-temperature fuel cells. From this point of view, Pd-Ni NPs were prepared and demonstrated a high electro-catalytic activity towards ethanol oxidation. Comparing to ethanol, the biodiesel waste glycerol is more promising due to its low price and high reactivity. Glycerol (and crude glycerol) was successfully applied as the fuel in an Au-anode anion-exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC). By replacing Au with a more active Pt catalyst, simultaneous generation of both high power-density electricity and value-added chemicals (glycerate, tartronate, and mesoxalate) from glycerol was achieved in an AEMFC. To investigate the production of valuable chemicals from glycerol electro-oxidation, two anion-exchange membrane electro-catalytic reactors were designed. The research shows that the electro-oxidation product distribution is strongly dependent on the anode applied potential. Reaction pathways for the electro-oxidation of glycerol on Au/C catalyst have been elucidated: continuous oxidation of OH groups (to produce tartronate and mesoxalate) is predominant at lower potentials, while C-C cleavage (to produce glycolate) is the dominant reaction path at higher potentials.


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BACKGROUND: Engineered nanoparticles are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and their toxicological effects on human health, as well as on the ecosystem, have become a concern. Since initial contact with nanoparticles occurs at the epithelium in the lungs (or skin, or eyes), in vitro cell studies with nanoparticles require dose-controlled systems for delivery of nanoparticles to epithelial cells cultured at the air-liquid interface. RESULTS: A novel air-liquid interface cell exposure system (ALICE) for nanoparticles in liquids is presented and validated. The ALICE generates a dense cloud of droplets with a vibrating membrane nebulizer and utilizes combined cloud settling and single particle sedimentation for fast (~10 min; entire exposure), repeatable (<12%), low-stress and efficient delivery of nanoparticles, or dissolved substances, to cells cultured at the air-liquid interface. Validation with various types of nanoparticles (Au, ZnO and carbon black nanoparticles) and solutes (such as NaCl) showed that the ALICE provided spatially uniform deposition (<1.6% variability) and had no adverse effect on the viability of a widely used alveolar human epithelial-like cell line (A549). The cell deposited dose can be controlled with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) over a dynamic range of at least 0.02-200 mug/cm(2). The cell-specific deposition efficiency is currently limited to 0.072 (7.2% for two commercially available 6-er transwell plates), but a deposition efficiency of up to 0.57 (57%) is possible for better cell coverage of the exposure chamber. Dose-response measurements with ZnO nanoparticles (0.3-8.5 mug/cm(2)) showed significant differences in mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory (IL-8) and oxidative stress (HO-1) markers when comparing submerged and air-liquid interface exposures. Both exposure methods showed no cellular response below 1 mug/cm(2 )ZnO, which indicates that ZnO nanoparticles are not toxic at occupationally allowed exposure levels. CONCLUSION: The ALICE is a useful tool for dose-controlled nanoparticle (or solute) exposure of cells at the air-liquid interface. Significant differences between cellular response after ZnO nanoparticle exposure under submerged and air-liquid interface conditions suggest that pharmaceutical and toxicological studies with inhaled (nano-)particles should be performed under the more realistic air-liquid interface, rather than submerged cell conditions.


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The precise arraying of functional entities in morphologically well-defined shapes remains one of the key challenges in the processing of organic molecules1. Among various π-conjugated species, pyrene exhibits a set of unique properties, which make it an attractive compound for the utilization in materials science2. In this contribution we report on properties of self-assembled structures prepared from amphiphilic pyrene trimers (Py3) consisting of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. Depending on the geometry of a pyrene core substitution (1.6-, 1.8-, or 2.7- type, see Scheme), the thermally-controlled self-assembly allows the preparation of supramolecular architectures of different morphologies in a bottom-up approach: two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets3 are formed in case of 1.6- and 2.7-substitution4 whereas one-dimensional (1D) fibers are built from 1.8- substituted isomers. The morphologies of the assemblies are established by AFM and TEM, and the results are further correlated with spectroscopic and scattering data. Two-dimensional assemblies consist of an inner layer of hydrophobic pyrenes, sandwiched between a net of phosphates. Due to the repulsion of the negative charges, the 2D assemblies exist mostly as free-standing sheets. An internal alignment of pyrenes leads to strong exciton coupling with an unprecedented observation (simultaneous development of J- and H-bands from two different electronic transitions). Despite the similarity in spectroscopic properties, the structural parameters of the 2D aggregates drastically depend on the preparation procedure. Under certain conditions extra-large sheets (thickness of 2 nm, aspect ratio area/thickness ~107) in aqueous solution are formed4B. Finally, one-dimensional assemblies are formed as micrometer-long and nanometer-thick fibers. Both, planar and linear structures are intriguing objects for the creation of conductive nanowires that may find interest for applications in supramolecular electronics.


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The precise arraying of functional entities in morphologically well-defined shapes remains one of the key challenges in the processing of organic molecules1. Among various π-conjugated species, pyrene exhibits a set of unique properties, which make it an attractive compound for the utilization in materials science2. In this contribution we report on properties of self-assembled structures prepared from amphiphilic pyrene trimers (Py3) consisting of phosphodiester-linked pyrenes. Depending on the geometry of a pyrene core substitution (1.6-, 1.8-, or 2.7- type, see Scheme), the thermally-controlled self-assembly allows the preparation of supramolecular architectures of different morphologies in a bottom-up approach: two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets3 are formed in case of 1.6- and 2.7-substitution4 whereas one-dimensional (1D) fibers are built from 1.8- substituted isomers. The morphologies of the assemblies are established by AFM and TEM, and the results are further correlated with spectroscopic and scattering data. Two-dimensional assemblies consist of an inner layer of hydrophobic pyrenes, sandwiched between a net of phosphates. Due to the repulsion of the negative charges, the 2D assemblies exist mostly as free-standing sheets. An internal alignment of pyrenes leads to strong exciton coupling with an unprecedented observation (simultaneous development of J- and H-bands from two different electronic transitions). Despite the similarity in spectroscopic properties, the structural parameters of the 2D aggregates drastically depend on the preparation procedure. Under certain conditions extra-large sheets (thickness of 2 nm, aspect ratio area/thickness ~107) in aqueous solution are formed4B. Finally, one-dimensional assemblies are formed as micrometer-long and nanometer-thick fibers. Both, planar and linear structures are intriguing objects for the creation of conductive nanowires that may find interest for applications in supramolecular electronics.


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Concretions of iron and manganese oxides and hydrous oxidesóobjects commonly called manganese nodulesóare widely distributed not only on the deep-sea floor but also in shallow marine environments1. Such concretions were not known to occur north of Cape Mendocino in the shallow water zones bordering the North-East Pacific Ocean until the summer of 1966 when they were recovered by one of us (J. W. M.) in dredge samples from Jervis Inlet, a fjord approximately 50 miles north-west of Vancouver, British Columbia.


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Basement lavas from Sites 756, 757, and 758 on Ninetyeast Ridge are tholeiitic basalts. Lavas from Sites 756 and 757 appear to be subaerial eruptives, but the lowermost flows from Hole 758A are pillow lavas. In contrast to the compositional variation during the waning stages of Hawaiian volcanism, no alkalic lavas have been recovered from Ninetyeast Ridge and highly evolved lavas were recovered from only one of seven drill sites (DSDP Site 214). All lavas from Site 758 have relatively high MgO contents (8-10 wt%), and they are less evolved than lavas from Sites 756 and 757. Although abundances of alkali metals in these Ninetyeast Ridge basalts were significantly modified by postmagmatic alteration, abundances of other elements reflect magmatic processes. At Site 757 most of the lavas are Plagioclase cumulates, but lava compositions require two compositionally distinct, AhCb-rich parental magmas, perhaps segregated at relatively low mantle pressures. In addition, at both Sites 756 and 758 more than one compositionally distinct parental magma is required. The compositions of these Ninetyeast Ridge lavas, especially those from Site 758, require a source component with a depleted composition; specifically, the abundance ratios Th/Ta, Th/La, Ba/Nb, Ba/La, and La/Ce in these lavas are generally less than the ratios inferred for primitive mantle. Lavas from Ninetyeast Ridge and the Kerguelen Archipelago have very different chondrite-normalized REE patterns, with lower light REE/heavy REE (LREE/HREE) ratios in lavas from Ninetyeast Ridge. However, lavas from Sites 757 and 758 have Pb isotope ratios that overlap with the field defined by lavas from the Kerguelen Archipelago (Weis and Frey, this volume). Therefore, these Ninetyeast Ridge lavas contain more of a component that is relatively depleted in LREE and other highly incompatible elements, but have similar amounts of the component that controls radiogenic Pb isotopes. A model involving mixing between components related to a depleted source and an enriched plume source has been proposed for the oldest Kerguelen Archipelago basalts and Ninetyeast Ridge lavas. Although the incompatible element characteristics of the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas are intermediate between depleted MORB and Kerguelen Archipelago basalts, these data are not consistent with a simple two-component mixing process. A more complex model is required.