764 resultados para Work and existence
Slides for a Level 3 Digital Practice and Theory lecture on using CC, promoting your work and ways to get it out there, some demonstration on the economic value of sharing.
Considering that the employment contract suspension responds to labor stability,one of the most important principles of labor law is important to study it because itsprincipal purpose is to maintain the link between de employer and the employeedespite the presence of adversity or other situations that would break up the relationshipin other fields. However, at the occurrence of any of the grounds of suspensionmay be presented some questions or voids that it will try to be answer in this paper.Consequently we shall refer first to the definition, purpose and characteristics of thesuspension. Subsequently, will be analyzed in detail every single ground of contractsuspension in Colombia. Then, will be studied the effects of the suspension andwe will refer to the resumption of work, and conclude with the comparative analysisof the figure in some Hispanic countries (Mexico, Paraguay and Spain).
Back injuries identification and diagnoses in the transition of the Taylor model to the flexiblemodel of production organization, demands a parallel intervention of prevention actors at work. This study uses simultaneously three intervention models (structured action analysis, muscle skeletal symptoms questionnaires and muscle skeletal assessment) for work activities in a packaging plant. In this study seventy and two (72) operative workers participated (28 workers with muscle skeletal evaluation). In an intervention period of 10 months, the physical, cognitive, organizational components and productive process dynamics were evaluated from the muscle skeletal demands issues. The differences established between objective exposure at risk, back injury risk perception, appreciation and a vertebral spine evaluation, in prior and post intervention, determines the structure for a muscle skeletal risk management system. This study explains that back injury symptoms can be more efficiently reduced among operative workers combining measures registered and the adjustment between dynamics, the changes at work and efficient gestures development. Relevance: the results of this study can be used to pre ent back injuries in workers of flexible production processes.
This research is focused on an exploratory study developed with Pymes managers and theirroles as intrapreneurs. Using their leadership to impel innovation into organizations.Looking to determined how Pymes employers incentive into organizations individuals or groupinnovations. Therefore, it is possible to think that managers lead the innovation process, whichis classified gradually according to companies needs in order to improve their competitiveness.Organization must have intrapreneuring and organized culture with flexible structure to generateindividual autonomy. A characteristic is the amount of capital risk needed; that is why it isnecessary encourage their work and their risk tolerance.
En el ámbito organizacional es necesario interiorizar y aplicar conceptos que generen herramientas que hagan posible el adecuado funcionamiento de las empresas a efectos de generar mejores resultados, no sólo en términos monetarios sino también sociales y éticos. En la actualidad, el entendimiento de las situaciones, circunstancias y relaciones que se dan dentro de una empresa es un factor relevante para la implementación de estrategias y técnicas, en aras de aumentar la productividad y la eficiencia de las compañías. Es allí donde empieza a tomar importancia la presencia de un líder en la compañía que actúe como agente de cambio y sea considerado como un modelo a seguir capaz de enfrentar situaciones emergentes, tanto positivas como negativas y así generar un cambio, deseos de mejora, propuestas inspiradoras e innovadoras. Lo anterior con el fin de proponer nuevas estrategias que beneficien a todos los involucrados, para así lograr los objetivos proyectados, evitando al máximo los posibles riesgos en que se pueda incurrir. A lo largo de la revisión teórica se tratará el modelo del liderazgo de rango total como un tipo de liderazgo donde el líder es capaz de moldear los puntos de vista, las percepciones, las actitudes y las creencias de los seguidores. Lo anterior sin dejar a un lado los demás estilos de liderazgo que componen el modelo de liderazgo de rango total, el cual puede ser considerado e incluido como una variable interesante en la realización de estudios para analizar la existencia de la relación entre el estilo de liderazgo y los resultados organizacionales.
Este documento presenta una visión amplia de la Teoría de Integración Económica desde el punto de vista de la teoría de unión aduanera. Se argumenta que dicha teoría carece de integración y que los recientes desarrollos en el tema no parecen resolver esta falla. A pesar de esto, se sugiere que los desarrollos teóricos surgidos a partir del trabajo seminal de Viner y posteriormente desarrollados por otros teóricos, son aún útiles como herramienta de investigación empírica en el tema.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.
Socially responsible human resource management constitutes the conceptual-theory framework of the thesis. The results obtained from the empirical part show the existence of three clusters inasmuch as the application of socially responsible practices for promoting job quality in the case of Catalonia: the group of workers in “organizations with low-level of social responsibility”; those who work in a environment of “work practices for implication” and the group of workers in a environment oriented to “health and safety at work”. Among the determining factors in applying these practices we can find characteristics of the firms where the employees work as well as personal characteristics and those of the job. The research also shows that, in general, applying socially responsible management in human resources does have positive effects on the worker and therefore creates greater trust in management, increased job satisfaction, less stress at work and a lower intention to quit a job.
El autor relee algunas propuestas culturales de los ensayos de Montalvo. Comienza por defender el rasgo de la polémica, en cuanto una herramienta estética y ética: la emplea con afán literario –en el mismo estilo de Sarmiento, González Prada, entre otros– y también como escritor vinculado a la política militante, para incentivar así a una audiencia poco letrada. En su pensamiento, señala oscilaciones entre ideas europeizantes, hispanoamericanistas y claramente latinoamericanistas. Hay coincidencias entre Montalvo y Pedro Henríquez Ureña al pensar lo latinoamericano, su noción se mueve entre aquella de lo nacional y del sujeto popular (vínculos con Martí y Bello). Considera a la nación como una totalidad cooperativa, en una propuesta anticolonial, de carácter republicano: donde prevalecieran la libertad de opinión, la fraternidad, y la democracia. Analiza las ideas de Montalvo sobre las masas populares, destacando el rasgo humanista en las acepciones de civilización y barbarie (que sería lo opuesto a la paz que se obtiene por el respeto y no por el miedo a los gobernantes o a la Iglesia). Montalvo aboga por la creación de un pueblo virtuoso a partir del trabajo y de un equilibrio entre la razón y los placeres, justifica la necesidad de la ilustración popular y de que un héroe guíe al pueblo (no que lo esclavice). Sin embargo, al momento de definir las clases sociales significativamente no considera las nociones de casta. Al referirse al pueblo afro, vuelve a sostener que es la esclavitud la que los coloca en una situación inferior, insistiendo en que no existe una inferioridad innata.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the EU body responsible for advising EU institutions on fundamental rights, is equipped with a Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) to ensure an on-going and structured exchange of information and feedback between the FRA and Civil Society. When the FRA was founded in 2007, there was little pre-existing knowledge on how to design such a Platform; hence, the development of the relationship between the FRA and Civil Society over the first five years proved an interesting experiment. Although the Platform was never intended as a mechanism of democratic co-decision making, it is far more than a loose marketplace where Civil Society actors across the spectrum of fundamental rights themes gather. The Platform offers channels of consultation and exchange not only among the participants but also with the FRA. It allows for cross-pollination, ensuring informed grassroots input into FRA work and FRA expertise flow to Civil Society actors. This synergetic relationship builds upon both the self-organising forces of Civil Society and the terms of references of the FRP as defined by the FRA. The Platform allows to find a certain unity in the remarkable diversity of fundamental rights voices. To what degree, however, the Platform’s dynamics allow the transformation of sometimes ‘compartmentalised’ single human rights discussions into wider trans-sectoral and transnational debates within the Human Rights Community depends on the motivation and the interest(s) of the different Civil Society players.
In this paper, a review is undertaken of the major models currently in use for describing water quality in freshwater river systems. The number of existing models is large because the various studies of water quality in rivers around the world have often resulted in the construction of new 'bespoke' models designed for the particular situation of that study. However, it is worth considering models that are already available, since an existing model, suitable for the purposes of the study, will save a great deal of work and may already have been established within regulatory and legal frameworks. The models chosen here are SIMCAT, TOMCAT, QUAL2E, QUASAR, MIKE-11 and ISIS, and the potential for each model is examined in relation to the issue of simulating dissolved oxygen (DO) in lowland rivers. These models have been developed for particular purposes and this review shows that no one model can provide all of the functionality required. Furthermore, all of the models contain assumptions and limitations that need to be understood if meaningful interpretations of the model simulations are to. be made. The work is concluded with the view that it is unfair to set one model against another in terms of broad applicability, but that a model of intermediate complexity, such as QUASAR, is generally well suited to simulate DO in river systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Rising nitrate levels have been observed in UK Chalk catchments in recent decades, with concentrations now approaching or exceeding legislated maximum values in many areas. In response, strategies seeking to contain concentrations through appropriate land management are now in place. However, there is an increasing consensus that Chalk systems, a predominant landscape type over England and indeed northwest Europe, can retard decades of prior nitrate loading within their deep unsaturated zones. Current levels may not fully reflect the long-term impact of present-day practices, and stringent land management controls may not be enough to avert further medium-term rises. This paper discusses these issues in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive, drawing on data from recent experimental work and a new model (INCA-Chalk) that allows the impacts of different land use management practices to be explored. Results strongly imply that timelines for water quality improvement demanded by the Water Framework directive are not realistic for the Chalk, and give an indication of time-scales over which improvements might be achieved. However, important unresolved scientific issues remain, and further monitoring and targeted data collection is recommended to reduce prediction uncertainties and allow cost effective strategies for mitigation to be designed and implemented. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Standard form contracts are typically developed through a negotiated consensus, unless they are proffered by one specific interest group. Previously published plans of work and other descriptions of the processes in construction projects tend to focus on operational issues, or they tend to be prepared from the point of view of one or other of the dominant interest groups. Legal practice in the UK permits those who draft contracts to define their terms as they choose. There are no definitive rulings from the courts that give an indication as to the detailed responsibilities of project participants. The science of terminology offers useful guidance for discovering and describing terms and their meanings in their practical context, but has never been used for defining terms for responsibilities of participants in the construction project management process. Organizational analysis enables the management task to be deconstructed into its elemental parts in order that effective organizational structures can be developed. Organizational mapping offers a useful technique for reducing text-based descriptions of project management roles and responsibilities to a comparable basis. Research was carried out by means of a desk study, detailed analysis of nine plans of work and focus groups representing all aspects of the construction industry. No published plan of work offers definitive guidance. There is an enormous amount of variety in the way that terms are used for identifying responsibilities of project participants. A catalogue of concepts and terms (a “Terminology”) has been compiled and indexed to enable those who draft contracts to choose the most appropriate titles for project participants. The purpose of this terminology is to enable the selection and justification of appropriate terms in order to help define roles. The terminology brings an unprecedented clarity to the description of roles and responsibilities in construction projects and, as such, will be helpful for anyone seeking to assemble a team and specify roles for project participants.
Interdependency and Care over the Lifecourse draws upon theories of time and space to consider how informal care is woven into the fabric of everyday lives and is shaped by social and economic inequalities and opportunities. The book comprises three parts. The first explores contrasting social and economic contexts of informal care in different parts of the world. The second looks at different themes and dynamics of caring, using fictional vignettes of illness and health, child care, elderly care and communities of care. The book examines the significance to practices of care throughout the lifecourse of: understandings and expectations of care emotional exchanges involved in care memories and anticipations of giving and receiving care the social nature of the spaces and places in which care is carried out the practical time-space scheduling necessary to caring activities. Finally the authors critically examine how the frameworks of caringscapes and carescapes might be used in research, policy and practice. A working example is provided. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of care work, health and social care, geography, sociology of the family and social policy as well as those in business and policy communities trying to gain an understanding of how work and informal care interweave
The community pharmacy service medicines use review (MUR) was introduced in 2005 ‘to improve patient knowledge, concordance and use of medicines’ through a private patient–pharmacist consultation. The MUR presents a fundamental change in community pharmacy service provision. While traditionally pharmacists are dispensers of medicines and providers of medicines advice, and patients as recipients, the MUR considers pharmacists providing consultation-type activities and patients as active participants. The MUR facilitates a two-way discussion about medicines use. Traditional patient–pharmacist behaviours transform into a new set of behaviours involving the booking of appointments, consultation processes and form completion, and the physical environment of the patient–pharmacist interaction moves from the traditional setting of the dispensary and medicines counter to a private consultation room. Thus, the new service challenges traditional identities and behaviours of the patient and the pharmacist as well as the environment in which the interaction takes place. In 2008, the UK government concluded there is at present too much emphasis on the quantity of MURs rather than on their quality.[1] A number of plans to remedy the perceived imbalance included a suggestion to reward ‘health outcomes’ achieved, with calls for a more focussed and scientific approach to the evaluation of pharmacy services using outcomes research. Specifically, the UK government set out the main principal research areas for the evaluation of pharmacy services to include ‘patient and public perceptions and satisfaction’as well as ‘impact on care and outcomes’. A limited number of ‘patient satisfaction with pharmacy services’ type questionnaires are available, of varying quality, measuring dimensions relating to pharmacists’ technical competence, behavioural impressions and general satisfaction. For example, an often cited paper by Larson[2] uses two factors to measure satisfaction, namely ‘friendly explanation’ and ‘managing therapy’; the factors are highly interrelated and the questions somewhat awkwardly phrased, but more importantly, we believe the questionnaire excludes some specific domains unique to the MUR. By conducting patient interviews with recent MUR recipients, we have been working to identify relevant concepts and develop a conceptual framework to inform item development for a Patient Reported Outcome Measure questionnaire bespoke to the MUR. We note with interest the recent launch of a multidisciplinary audit template by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) in an attempt to review the effectiveness of MURs and improve their quality.[3] This template includes an MUR ‘patient survey’. We will discuss this ‘patient survey’ in light of our work and existing patient satisfaction with pharmacy questionnaires, outlining a new conceptual framework as a basis for measuring patient satisfaction with the MUR. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the NHS Surrey Research Ethics Committee on 2 June 2008. References 1. Department of Health (2008). Pharmacy in England: Building on Strengths – Delivering the Future. London: HMSO. www. official-documents.gov.uk/document/cm73/7341/7341.pdf (accessed 29 September 2009). 2. Larson LN et al. Patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care: update of a validated instrument. JAmPharmAssoc 2002; 42: 44–50. 3. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2009). Pharmacy Medicines Use Review – Patient Audit. London: RPSGB. http:// qi4pd.org.uk/index.php/Medicines-Use-Review-Patient-Audit. html (accessed 29 September 2009).