974 resultados para Word Processing
Processing simulation is at the bottom of the coral technology of VM and is also difficult due to the complexity of mechanism and diversity of parameters. Previously much research has been mainly carried out on the geometrical simulation or physical simulation respectively. The aim of this paper is to study the processing simulation in laser surface treatment based on the mechanism, put forward the architecture of the whole processing simulation and give the models of the processing. As a result the data structure layers in the whole simulation is presented.
The Intelligent Measuring Sub-System in the Computer Integrated and Flexible Laser Processing System
Based on the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system, develop the intelligent measuring sub-system. A novel model has been built to compensate the deviations of the main frame, a new-developed 3-D laser tracker system is applied to adjust the accuracy of the system. Analyzing the characteristic of all kinds of automobile dies, which is the main processing object of the laser processing system, classify the types of the surface and border needed to be measured and be processed. According to different types of surface and border, develop 2-D adaptive measuring method based on B?zier curve and 3-D adaptive measuring method based on spline curve. During the data processing, a new 3-D probe compensation method has been described in details. Some measuring experiments and laser processing experiments are carried out to testify the methods. All the methods have been applied in the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system invented by the Institute of Mechanics, CAS.
Bayesian quantum signal processing methods with an application to interferometric phase measurements
Las proteínas son biopolímeros con potenciales propiedades para aplicaciones en el campo de envases por su capacidad para formar films con buenas propiedades barrera en condiciones secas. Además, al ser biodegradables y provenir de recursos renovables, ofrecen importantes ventajas desde el punto de vista medioambiental y económico. Sin embargo, los films basados en proteínas son frágiles y presentan una baja resistencia a la humedad, por lo que se requiere su modificación para fabricar materiales útiles en las condiciones de servicio.El objetivo de esta tesis es reducir la absorción de humedad y simultáneamente mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales fabricados con proteína de soja. Para ello es necesaria la adición de sustancias que puedan interaccionar con los grupos polares de la proteína, reduciendo así su carácter hidrofílico y la absorción de humedad, y que a la vez puedan actuar como plastificantes, reduciendo la fragilidad del material fabricado. Además, las condiciones de procesado también influyen en las propiedades del material, por tanto, la optimización del procesado es otro de los objetivos de la tesis.Para poder conseguir la mejora de las propiedades del material y, en concreto, aquellas requeridas por el sector del envase, como son las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la humedad, la tesis se ha centrado en tres áreas: plastificación por adición de glicerol; mezclado con sustancias naturales como gelatinas, ácidos, aceites y azúcares; y procesado por los métodos húmedo y seco.
[EN]Measuring semantic similarity and relatedness between textual items (words, sentences, paragraphs or even documents) is a very important research area in Natural Language Processing (NLP). In fact, it has many practical applications in other NLP tasks. For instance, Word Sense Disambiguation, Textual Entailment, Paraphrase detection, Machine Translation, Summarization and other related tasks such as Information Retrieval or Question Answering. In this masther thesis we study di erent approaches to compute the semantic similarity between textual items. In the framework of the european PATHS project1, we also evaluate a knowledge-base method on a dataset of cultural item descriptions. Additionaly, we describe the work carried out for the Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) shared task of SemEval-2012. This work has involved supporting the creation of datasets for similarity tasks, as well as the organization of the task itself.
311 p. : il.
利用OM及FEM研究了铁基合金Nd:YAG脉冲激光熔凝区的几何形态及其变化规律、以及熔凝的热物理过程;利用OM、SEM、TEM、X-射线衍射仪及磨损实验机,研究了两种铁基热模具材料脉冲激光熔凝组织及其时效组织结构,以及熔凝区规则离散分布规律对材料抗磨损性能的影响。在10~5~10~7W/cm~2的脉冲激光平均功率密度范围内,可得到热传导型和深熔型两类强化区,当临界平均功率密度大于5 * 10~5W/cm~2,同时临界激光作用时间大于2ms时,热传导型强休区向深熔型强休区转变。熔化过程中,在熔池中形成上部以对流传热为主,底部以导热为主的传热模式,流场、温度场和压力场均随脉冲激光作用时间变化,最大流速、压力和温度梯度分别可达100m/s、数个大气压和10~(8-9) ℃C/m量级。凝固过程中,固液界面上的最大温度梯度、凝固速率和冷却速度时间和空间位置变化,分别可达10~(8-9) ℃/m量级、10~(-1)m/s量级和10~(7-8) ℃/s量级,其中冷却速度得到实验验证。亚共晶合金铸铁脉冲激光熔凝组织为δ-铁素体与M_3C的层片状共晶组织,还含有部分γ-奥氏体和少量的高碳孪晶马氏体组织,δ-铁素体和γ-奥氏体中均存在高密度位错亚结构。5CrMnMo钢脉冲激光熔凝组织由板条马氏体及少量的孪晶马氏体构成,马氏体中也存在高密度位错亚结构。上述两种组织经高温时效后,仍保持较细的晶粒,并有大量细小均匀弥散分布的碳化物析出,其中铸铁熔凝组织析出M_(23)C_6碳化物,M_(23)C_6可在M_3C/γ-奥氏体相界面或M_3C内部原位形核,亦可在δ-铁素体中弥散析出。两种材料的熔凝组织及其时效组织的显微硬度均明显高于相应的原始组织,也高于激光连续扫描熔凝的结果。脉冲激光规则离散熔凝加工在材料表面形成软硬相间的“原位”功能层,能显著降低裂纹形成的敏感性,提高材料表层的抗磨粒磨损性能,时效后仍具有较好的抗磨损性能。以熔凝强化区直径作为中心间距进行规则离散熔凝处理可使材料表面获得最佳抗磨损性能。
Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough pathogen, secretes several virulence factors among which adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) is essential for establishment of the disease in the respiratory tract. ACT weakens host defenses by suppressing important bactericidal activities of the phagocytic cells. Up to now, it was believed that cell intoxication by ACT was a consequence of the accumulation of abnormally high levels of cAMP, generated exclusively beneath the host plasma membrane by the toxin N-terminal catalytic adenylate cyclase (AC) domain, upon its direct translocation across the lipid bilayer. Here we show that host calpain, a calcium-dependent Cys-protease, is activated into the phagocytes by a toxin-triggered calcium rise, resulting in the proteolytic cleavage of the toxin N-terminal domain that releases a catalytically active "soluble AC''. The calpain-mediated ACT processing allows trafficking of the "soluble AC'' domain into subcellular organella. At least two strategic advantages arise from this singular toxin cleavage, enhancing the specificity of action, and simultaneously preventing an indiscriminate activation of cAMP effectors throughout the cell. The present study provides novel insights into the toxin mechanism of action, as the calpain-mediated toxin processing would confer ACT the capacity for a space- and time-coordinated production of different cAMP "pools'', which would play different roles in the cell pathophysiology.
This report is a detailed description of data processing of NOAA/MLML spectroradiometry data. It introduces the MLML_DBASE programs, describes the assembly of diverse data fues, and describes general algorithms and how individual routines are used. Definitions of data structures are presented in Appendices. [PDF contains 48 pages]
This report outlines the NOAA spectroradiometer data processing system implemented by the MLML_DBASE programs. This is done by presenting the algorithms and graphs showing the effects of each step in the algorithms. [PDF contains 32 pages]