939 resultados para Waveform generators
A reduction in the time required to locate and restore faults on a utility's distribution network improves the customer minutes lost (CML) measurement and hence brings direct cost savings to the operating company. The traditional approach to fault location involves fault impedance determination from high volume waveform files dispatched across a communications channel to a central location for processing and analysis. This paper examines an alternative scheme where data processing is undertaken locally within a recording instrument thus reducing the volume of data to be transmitted. Processed event fault reports may be emailed to relevant operational staff for the timely repair and restoration of the line.
The impact of power fluctuations arising from fixed-speed wind turbines on the magnitude and frequency of inter-area oscillations was investigated. The authors used data acquisition equipment to record the power flow on the interconnector between the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland systems. By monitoring the interconnector oscillation using a fast Fourier transform, it was possible to determine the magnitude and frequency of the inter-area oscillation between the Northern Ireland electricity system and that of the electricity supply board. Analysis was preformed to determine the relationship (if any) between the inter-area oscillation and the observed wind power generation at the corresponding time. Subsequently, regression analysis was introduced to model this relationship between the FFT output and the wind power generation. The effect of conventional generators on the magnitude and frequency of the inter-area oscillation was also considered.
The inertia of fixed-speed wind turbine generators (WTGs) helps to mitigate under-frequency transients, promotes fault ride-through and damps inter-area oscillations. It is therefore important to quantify this inertia. The authors use measured wind farm responses during under-frequency transients to provide this information. They discuss the extent of the data and the criteria used to select certain events for further analysis. The estimation of WTG inertia is based on a induction generator model. The basis of the model will be described. The manner in which the model is applied to estimate the inertia from the measured data is then explained. Finally, the implications of the results for power system operation are assessed.
Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we present AGWAN (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the AGWAN model to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using the Enron “who communicates with whom” social graph, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to the structure of real-world graphs.
Sounds such as the voice or musical instruments can be recognized on the basis of timbre alone. Here, sound recognition was investigated with severely reduced timbre cues. Short snippets of naturally recorded sounds were extracted from a large corpus. Listeners were asked to report a target category (e.g., sung voices) among other sounds (e.g., musical instruments). All sound categories covered the same pitch range, so the task had to be solved on timbre cues alone. The minimum duration for which performance was above chance was found to be short, on the order of a few milliseconds, with the best performance for voice targets. Performance was independent of pitch and was maintained when stimuli contained less than a full waveform cycle. Recognition was not generally better when the sound snippets were time-aligned with the sound onset compared to when they were extracted with a random starting time. Finally, performance did not depend on feedback or training, suggesting that the cues used by listeners in the artificial gating task were similar to those relevant for longer, more familiar sounds. The results show that timbre cues for sound recognition are available at a variety of time scales, including very short ones.
The nonlinear scattering of pulses by periodic stacks of semiconductor layers with magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The three-wave mixing technique has been applied to the analysis of the waveform evolution in the stacks illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different central frequencies and lengths. The effects of external magnetic bias, and stack physical and geometrical parameters on the properties of the scattered waveforms are discussed. © 2013 IEEE.
The pulsed second harmonic generation (SHG) by periodic stacks of nonlinear semiconductor layers with external magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The products of nonlinear scattering in the three-wave mixing process are examined. It is demonstrated that the waveform evolution in magnetoactive weakly nonlinear semiconductor periodic structure illuminated by Gaussian pulse is strongly affected by the magnetic bias and collision frequency of the carriers. The effect of nonreciprocity on the SHG efficiency is discussed and illustrated by the examples. © 2013 European Microwave Association.
This study presents a new method for determining the transmission network usage by loads and generators, which can then be used for transmission cost/loss allocation in an explainable and justifiable manner. The proposed method is based on solid physical grounds and circuit theory. It relies on dividing the currents through the network into two components; the first one is attributed to power flows from generators to loads, whereas the second one is because of the generators only. Unlike almost all the available methods, the proposed method is assumption free and hence it is more accurate than similar methods even those having some physical basis. The proposed method is validated through a transformer analogy, and theoretical derivations. The method is verified through application to the IEEE 30 bus system and the IEEE 118 test system. The results obtained verified many desirable features of the proposed method. Being more accurate in determining the network usage, in an explainable transparent manner, and in giving accurate cost signals, indicating the best locations to add loads and generation, are among the many desirable features.
Although pumped hydro storage is seen as a strategic key asset by grid operators, financing it is complicated in new liberalised markets. It could be argued that the optimum generation portfolio is now determined by the economic viability of generators based on a short to medium term return on investment. This has meant that capital intensive projects such as pumped hydro storage are less attractive for wholesale electricity companies because the payback periods are too long. In tandem a significant amount of wind power has entered the generation mix, which has resulted in operating and planning integration issues due to wind's inherent uncertain, varying spatial and temporal nature. These integration issues can be overcome using fast acting gas peaking plant or energy storage. Most analysis of wind power integration using storage to date has used stochastic optimisation for power system balancing or arbitrage modelling to examine techno-economic viability. In this research a deterministic dynamic programming long term generation expansion model is employed to optimise the generation mix, total system costs and total carbon dioxide emissions, and unlike other studies calculates reserve to firm wind power. The key finding of this study is that the incentive to build capital-intensive pumped hydro storage to firm wind power is limited unless exogenous market costs come very strongly into play. Furthermore it was demonstrated that reserve increases with increasing wind power showing the importance of ancillary services in future power systems. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Structural and functional change in the microcirculation in type 1 diabetes mellitus predicts future end-organ damage and macrovascular events. We explored the utility of novel signal processing techniques to detect and track change in ocular hemodynamics in patients with this disease. 24 patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes mellitus, and 18 age-and-sex matched control subjects were studied. Doppler ultrasound was used to interrogate the carotid and ophthalmic arteries and digital photography to image the retinal vasculature. Frequency analysis algorithms were applied to quantify velocity waveform structure and retinal photographic data at baseline and following inhalation of 100% oxygen. Frequency data was compared between groups. No significant differences were found in the resistive index between groups at baseline or following inhaled oxygen. Frequency analysis of the Doppler flow velocity waveforms identified significant differences in bands 3-7 between patients and controls in data captured from the ophthalmic artery (p<0.01 for each band). In response to inhaled oxygen, changes in the frequency band amplitudes were significantly greater in control subjects compared with patients (p<0.05). Only control subjects demonstrated a positive correlation (R=0.61) between change in retinal vessel diameter and frequency band amplitudes derived from ophthalmic artery waveform data. The use of multimodal signal processing techniques applied to Doppler flow velocity waveforms and retinal photographic data identified preclinical change in the ocular microcirculation in patients with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus. An impaired autoregulatory response of the retinal microvasculature may contribute to the future development of retinopathy in such patients.
Methods are presented for developing synthesisable FFT cores. These are based on a modular approach in which parameterisable blocks are cascaded to implement the computations required across a range of typical FFT signal flow graphs. The underlying architectural approach combines the use of a digital serial data organisation with generic commutator blocks to produce systems that offer 100% processor utilisation with storage requirements less than previous designs. The approach has been used to create generators for the automated synthesis of FFT cores that are portable across a broad range of silicon technologies. Resulting chip designs are competitive with manual methods but with significant reductions in design times.
We express various sets of quantum correlations studied in the theoretical physics literature in terms of different tensor products of operator systems of discrete groups. We thus recover earlier results of Tsirelson and formulate a new approach for the study of quantum correlations. To do this we formulate a general framework for the study of operator systems arising from discrete groups. We study in detail the operator system of the free group Fn on n generators, as well as the operator systems of the free products of finitely many copies of the two-element group Z2. We examine various tensor products of group operator systems, including the minimal, the maximal, and the commuting tensor products. We introduce a new tensor product in the category of operator systems and formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for its equality to the commuting tensor product in the case of group operator systems.
Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we presentAgwan (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the Agwanmodel to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using real-world directed and undirected graphs as input, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to graph structure.
The small signal stability of interconnected power systems is one of the important aspects that need to be investigated since the oscillations caused by this kind of instability have caused many incidents. With the increasing penetration of wind power in the power system, particularly doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), the impact on the power system small signal stability performance should be fully investigated. Because the DFIG wind turbine integration is through a fast action converter and associated control, it does not inherently participate in the electromechanical small signal oscillation. However, it influences the small signal stability by impacting active power flow paths in the network and replacing synchronous generators that have power system stabilizer (PSS). In this paper, the IEEE 39 bus test system has been used in the analysis. Furthermore, four study cases and several operation scenarios have been conducted and analysed. The selective eigenvalue Arnoldi/lanczos's method is used to obtain the system eigenvalue in the range of frequency from 0.2 Hz to 2 Hz which is related to electromechanical oscillations. Results show that the integration of DFIG wind turbines in a system during several study cases and operation scenarios give different influence on small signal stability performance.
Electric vehicles (EV) are proposed as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport and support increased wind power penetration across modern power systems. Optimal benefits can only be achieved, if EVs are deployed effectively, so that the exhaust emissions are not substituted by additional emissions in the electricity sector, which can be implemented using Smart Grid controls. This research presents the results of an EV roll-out in the all island grid (AIG) in Ireland using the long term generation expansion planning model called the Wien Automatic System Planning IV (WASP-IV) tool to measure carbon dioxide emissions and changes in total energy. The model incorporates all generators and operational requirements while meeting environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance constraints to optimize economic dispatch and unit commitment power dispatch. In the study three distinct scenarios are investigated base case, peak and off-peak charging to simulate the impacts of EV’s in the AIG up to 2025.