935 resultados para Ultrasonic bath
Introducció Aquest treball, aborda l'atenció domiciliaria a les persones amb dependència des de la perspectiva de la teràpia ocupacional a la comarca d’Osona. Conèixer aquesta tipologia de persones i la seva problemàtica, ha de servir per adaptar les infraestructures d’aquests serveis a fi de donar millor resposta a les seves necessitats. Objectiu Descriure la tipologia d'usuaris que es deriven al servei de Teràpia Ocupacional Domiciliària a la comarca d'Osona Metodologia S'ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu preliminar d'una mostra (n=65) de usuaris de la base de dades del Banc D'ajudes Tècniques (BAT Osona) del Consell Comarcal d'Osona. En aquest estudi s'han analitzat les variables de sexe, edat, nivell funcional, diagnòstic, situació familiar, agents derivadors, motius de derivació i problemàtica principal detectada. Resultats S'indica un perfil femení de la mostra (72,09%), amb una mitjana d'edat de 74,41 anys. A nivell funcional, la mitjana de puntuació ha estat de 65 punts en l'Ìndex de Barthel, en persones amb patologia osteoarticular en el 18,60% dels casos. La situació familiar situa un perfil compartit de persones que viuen en família (41,86%) o soles (39,53%). En les derivacions al servei, el 58,13% dels casos es fa des dels Ajuntaments i per dificultats en el quarto de bany (46,51%). La problemàtica més detectada en aquests domicilis és la dificultat per l'accés a la banyera (67,40%). Conclusió Aquests resultats ens indiquen una clara tipologia de persones que s’han d’atendre i unes problemàtiques en la seva vivenda que provoquen serioses dificultats de desenvolupament funciona. Es precís, en futures investigacions acotar encara més aquets perfils i problemàtiques a fi de precisar les estratègies d’intervenció i optimitzar millor aquest tipus de recursos.
The optimization of a traditional technique of cellular disruption by abrasion was carried out and a process using ultrasonic waves associated with glass pearls to extract beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces marxianus proposed. In the first case, the effects of the diameter and weight of the pearls in relation to the volume of cellular suspension and amount of time for cellular disruption were evaluated. The efficiency of the new process of cellular disruption was evaluated by varying the length of time of sonification and comparing with the method of abrasion under the same conditions. The proposed method can be efficiently applied to obtain beta-galactosidase at laboratory scale.
Extraction and clean-up are essential points in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) analysis in a solid matrix. This work compares extraction techniques and clean-up procedures for PAH analysis. PAH levels, their toxicological significance and source were also evaluated in the waters of the Cocó and Ceará rivers. The efficiency of PAH recovery was higher for the soxhlet and ultrasonic techniques. PAH recovery varied from 69.3 to 99.3%. Total PAH concentration (ΣHPA) varied from 720.73 to 2234.76 µg kg-1 (Cocó river) and 96.4 to 1859.21 µg kg-1 (Ceará river). The main PAH sources are pyrolytic processes and the levels were classified as medium so that adverse effects are possible.
Mild steel blankets were covered with electrolytic copper thin layer, from cyanide bath, being evaluated the influence of the carbonate concentration in the physiochemical properties of those deposits. The cell voltage decreased as the current intensity decreased, but the adherence of the deposit was not enhanced, showing that the increment of carbonate concentration causes substantial problems. Chemical solubilization reactions of air-bearing carbon dioxide and oxidation of free cyanide ions through dissolved oxygen evolved in the anodic processes contribute to the copper plating to occur in an inefficient way. The best optimal conditions require a carbonate concentration below 50 g L-1.
The study consists is the application of zeolites NaX, NaY and A as builder in detergent formulations to eliminate the hardness of water. Therefore, the adsorption of ions Ca+2 and Mg+2 were evaluated, and the effect of the cleaning action of the surfactant sodium dodecil sulfate (SDS) through tests of detergency. The experiments were conducted in bath system (with shaking) and quantification of metals was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. Zeolite A showed the best results for adsorption of Ca++ and Mg++ with retention rates of around 90 and 70% respectively and acted positively on the action of cleaning the surfactant SDS.
The sorption of thiamethoxam in a Brazilian Oxisol was determined in soil samples with and without organic matter for two different dephs (0-0.1 and 0.4-0.7 m). The results indicated a predominant sorption of thiamethoxam on soil without organic matter. The following Kd values of 4.25 mL g-1 (0-0.1 m, r² = 0.8534) and 5.30 mL g-1 (0.4-0.7 m, r² = 0.9884) and Kf values, 7.65 mL g-1 (0-0.1 m, r² = 0.9623) and 7.72 mL g-1 (0.4-0.7 m, r² = 0.9775) were obtained. Those sorption coefficient values indicated a small interaction between thiamethoxam for both original soil and soil without organic matter.
From the environmental point of view, the textile sector is outstanding for the generation of large amounts of biorecalcitrant effluents. In this paper the textile effluent biodegradability, both before and after its treatment with Fenton's Reagent, were compared by means of biologic tests. These tests showed that the Fenton treatment lowered the biodegradabilty of practically all tested effluents, except one specific effluent from a scouring bath of polyester fibers, which achieved a 93% COD removal. This removal was due to a significant phase separation (oil/water).
The present manuscript shows the synthesis of nickel hydroxide supported in carbon (Ni(OH)2/C) as a alternative material for catalytic alcohol oxidation in alkaline medium. The Ni(OH)2/C was synthesized in different percentage using a sonic bath. No current densities variation during successive cyclic voltammetry experiments was observed. The Ni(OH)2/C electrodes exhibit a potent and persistent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of different alcohols. In addition, alcohols electooxidation occurs in less positive potential compared with noble metal catalyst.
We carried out an electrochemical study about zinc electrodeposition onto GCE and HOPG substrates from an electrolytic plating bath containing 0.01M ZnSO4 + 1M (NH4)2SO4 at pH 7. Under our experimental conditions the predominant chemical species was the complex [ZnSO4(H2O)5]. The chronoamperometric study showed that zinc electrodeposition follows a typical 3D nucleation mechanism in both substrates. The average dG calculated for the stable nucleus formation was 6.92 x 10-21 J nuclei"1 and 1.35 x 10-20 J nuclei"1 for GCE and HOPG, respectively. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed different nucleation and growth processes on GCE and HOPG substrates at same overpotential.
Mn, Zn, Fe, Cd, Pb and Hg were determined in Zn-C and alkaline batteries manufactured along almost 20 years. After samples disassembly the electroactive components were treated with aqua regia in bath ice for 24 h. Metals were analyzed by ICP-OES. Zn and Mn amounts did not vary significantly. Fe amount decreased, specially after 2000. Hg, Cd and Pb amounts dramatically decreased along time, being virtually absent in alkaline batteries manufactured after 2005. Pb still remains in Zn-C samples. Scanning electron microscopy of batteries manufactured in 1997 and 1998 showed the presence of Bi, In and Cr in the plastic/paper anode-cathode separator.
Ion exchange method was employed by means of surface modification of the glass powders of LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3) system submitted to a 70wt% NaNO3/30wt% NaSO4 bath salt followed by a heat treatment. Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence was used to evaluate the efficiency of ion exchange, while optical dilatometry was employed to evaluate sintering of compacts. Evaluation of the structure of sintered bodies was made by scanning electron microscopy. Substitution of Li+ ions by Na+ ions on the surface of powders during heat treatments of 450 and 600 ºC for 2-10 h promoted an increase in densification of the sintered bodies.
Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be easily distinguished due to their reactivity towards tribromoisocyanuric acid (TBCA). The test is performed by adding TBCA to the alcohol in a test tube heated in a boiling water bath. Orange color develops in the tube containing the primary alcohol, light yellow is observed in the tube containing the secondary alcohol while the tertiary alcohol results in a colorless mixture.
Ultrasound as a metrology tool has many applications in health care, industrial, and chemical analyses. Ultrasonic techniques are rapid, low-cost, non-invasive, and highly repeatable. Although ultrasound can be used to measure emulsions, no effort had been made thus far to optimize its sensitivity for metrological analysis. In this work, a technique for analyzing oil in water was validated. The wave velocity and attenuation were chosen as the ultrasonic parameters. The technique was implemented in the boundary region established by law for effluents from industrial plants involved with biofuel manufacturing. A technical effort of this study was to establish stable emulsions in concentrations close to the desired limit of study. The phase behaviours of pseudo-ternary oil, sodium chloride, and sodium lauryl sulphate were studied. The composition in the widest region of the diagram allowed for the formation of a stable emulsion, from which the ultrasound measurement was carried out. An analytical curve was obtained using ultrasonic attenuation to determine the content of oils and greases in wastewater ranging 15–240 ppm. The speed of sound did not appear to be an applicable parameter for this application. The technique was demonstrated to be an important alternative solution for the continuous monitoring of wastewater with regard to oil concentrations.
This work describes the development of an alternative acetate bath for the electrochemical codeposition of Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes at low pH that is stable for several weeks and produces electrodes with good performance for chlor-alkali electrolysis. Physical characterization of the electrode surface was made using X ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis (EDX). The evaluation of the material as electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) was carried out in brine solution (160 g L-1 NaCl + 150 g L-1 NaOH) at different temperatures through steady-state polarization curves. The Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes obtained with this bath have shown low overpotentials for the her, around 0.150 V at 353 K, and good stability under continuous long-term operation for 260 hours. One positive aspect of this cathode is that the polarization behavior of the material shows only one Tafel slope over the temperature range of 298 - 353 K.