946 resultados para Turning moment
Resistively loaded helical antennas, used in the normal mode and horizontally polarised, are modelled using the moment method above typical lossy ground. The distributed resistive loading was adjusted to maintain a two octave bandwidth. The centre frequency of 1 m dipoles was reduced from 250 MHz for the straight resistive wire to 50 MHz for a helix of pitch 2.5 cm and diameter 5 cm. The reduction in efficiency required to maintain the bandwidth for this helix was 12 dB. This agrees reasonably with the theory for small antennas in free space. The results were also verified by comparing measurements performed on a monopole resistively loaded helical antenna in a watertank with the numerical model used elsewhere.
Purpose: Because it is believed that bone may respond to exercise differently at different ages, we compared bone responses in immature and mature rats after 12 wk of treadmill running. Methods: Twenty-two immature (5-wk-old) and 21 mature (17-wk-old) female Sprague Dawley rats were randomized into a running (trained, N = 10 immature, 9 mature) or a control group (controls, N 12 immature, 12 mature) before sacrifice 12 wk later. Rats ran on a treadmill five times per week for 60-70 min at speeds up to 26 m.min(-1). Both at baseline and after intervention, we measured total body, lumbar spine, and proximal femoral bone mineral, as well as total body soft tissue composition using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in vivo. After sacrificing the animals, we measured dynamic and static histomorphometry and three-point bending strength of the tibia. Results: Running training was associated with greater differences in tibial subperiosteal area, cortical cross-sectional area, peak load, stiffness, and moment of inertia in immature and mature rats (P < 0.05). The trained rats had greater periosteal bone formation rates (P < 0.01) than controls, but there was no difference in tibial trabecular bone histomorphometry. Similar running-related gains were seen in DXA lumbar spine area (P = 0.04) and bone mineral content (BMC; P = 0.03) at both ages. For total body bone area and BMC, the immature trained group increased significantly compared with controls (P < 0.05), whereas the mature trained group gained less than did controls (P < 0.01). Conclusion: In this in vivo model, where a similar physical training program was performed by immature and mature female rats, we demonstrated that both age groups were sensitive to loading and that bone strength gains appeared to result more from changes in bone geometry than from improved material properties.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of [C-14]diclofenac, [C-14]salicylate and [H-3]clonidine using a single pass rat head perfusion preparation. The head was perfused with 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulfonic acid-buffered Ringer's solution. Tc-99m-red blood cells and a drug were injected in a bolus into the internal carotid artery and collected from the posterior facial vein over 28 min. A two-barrier stochastic organ model was used to estimate the statistical moments of the solutes. Plasma, interstitial and cellular distribution volumes for the solutes ranged from 1.0 mL (diclofenac) to 1.6 mL (salicylate), 2.0 mL (diclofenac) to 4.2 mL (water) and 3.9 mL (salicylate) to 20.9 mL (diclofenac), respectively. A comparison of these volumes to water indicated some exclusion of the drugs from the interstitial space and salicylate from the cellular space. Permeability-surface area (PS) products calculated from plasma to interstitial fluid permeation clearances (CLPI) (range 0.02-0.40 mL s(-1)) and fractions of solute unbound in the perfusate were in the order: diclofenac>salicylate >clonidine>sucrose (from 41.8 to 0.10 mL s(-1)). The slow efflux of diclofenac, compared with clonidine and salicylate, may be related to its low average unbound fraction in the cells. This work accounts for the tail of disposition curves in describing pharmacokinetics in the head.
The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.
A new modeling approach-multiple mapping conditioning (MMC)-is introduced to treat mixing and reaction in turbulent flows. The model combines the advantages of the probability density function and the conditional moment closure methods and is based on a certain generalization of the mapping closure concept. An equivalent stochastic formulation of the MMC model is given. The validity of the closuring hypothesis of the model is demonstrated by a comparison with direct numerical simulation results for the three-stream mixing problem. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Predisposition to melanoma is genetically heterogeneous. Two high penetrance susceptibility genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, have so far been identified and mapping is ongoing to localize and identify others. With the advent of a catalogue of millions of potential DNA polymorphisms, attention is now also being focused on identification of genes that confer a more modest contribution to melanoma risk, such as those encoding proteins involved in pigmentation, DNA repair, cell growth and differentiation or detoxification of metabolites. One such pigmentation gene, MC1R, has not only been found to be a low penetrance melanoma gene but has also been shown to act as a genetic modifier of melanoma risk in individuals carrying CDKN2A mutations. Most recently, an environmental agent, ultraviolet radiation, has also been established as a modifier of melanoma risk in CDKN2A mutation carriers. Hence, melanoma is turning out to be an excellent paradigm for studying gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
Commonplace incivility is a topic of longstanding interest within social theory, perhaps best exemplified by Goffman's studies of the interaction order. Nevertheless we know very little about its distribution and expression in everyday life. Current empirical work is dominated by criminological agendas. These tend to focus on more serious and illegal activities rather than minor deviant acts that are simply inconsiderate or rude. The paper reports findings from a focus group study conducted in Melbourne, Australia that set out to benchmark everyday incivilities. The results suggest that perpetrators of incivility have a surprisingly broad social distribution as does the range of locales that might be characterised as 'high risk'. Turning to the work of Putnam and Wolfe, we call for a research focus on low-level incivilities as key symptoms of the state of civic virtue and the strength of moral ties within civil society. Drawing on Virilio, Bauman and Durkheim, it is suggested that the experience of incivility is underpinned by the growth of freedom and movement in contemporary urban settings, and has ambivalent implications that not only invoke boundary maintenance and retreatism, but also offer the possibility for boundary expansion and tolerance of difference.
This paper describes a coupled knowledge-based system (KBS) for the design of liquid-retaining structures, which can handle both the symbolic knowledge processing based on engineering heuristics in the preliminary synthesis stage and the extensive numerical crunching involved in the detailed analysis stage. The prototype system is developed by employing blackboard architecture and a commercial shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO. Its present scope covers design of three types of liquid-retaining structures, namely, a rectangular shape with one compartment, a rectangular shape with two compartments and a circular shape. Through custom-built interactive graphical user interfaces, the user is directed throughout the design process, which includes preliminary design, load specification, model generation, finite element analysis, code compliance checking and member sizing optimization. It is also integrated with various relational databases that provide the system with sectional properties, moment and shear coefficients and final member details. This system can act as a consultant to assist novice designers in the design of liquid-retaining structures with increase in efficiency and optimization of design output and automated record keeping. The design of a typical example of the liquid-retaining structure is also illustrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
O mercado de trabalho sofreu profundas transforma????es desde o come??o do capitalismo at?? o momento atual, sendo poss??vel compar??-lo a uma loteria, na qual os trabalhadores passaram a competir entre si por ascens??o profissional. Os bilhetes dessa loteria s??o os investimentos em capital humano. Nela haver??, necessariamente, vencedores e perdedores, com os primeiros apropriando-se do trabalho dos ??ltimos. Dessa realidade, surge uma nova forma de explora????o do trabalho, cujo instrumento de legitima????o ?? o capital humano, que refor??a a tend??ncia inerente do capitalismo ?? gera????o de desigualdade e coloca limita????es ?? vis??o tradicional de combate ?? desigualdade baseada na democratiza????o do capital humano. O crescimento tamb??m tem limita????es na redu????o da desigualdade, tendo em vista que a motiva????o microecon??mica que gera o crescimento macroecon??mico ?? justamente a busca pela desigualdade.
Este paper defende duas id??ias. A primeira, ?? apresentar os diferentes processos da reforma do Estado mexicano, analisados sob as prioridades diversas no decorrer do tempo. As reformas econ??mica, pol??tica, social e administrativa tiveram prioridades e objetivos divergentes. A reforma econ??mica foi sistem??tica e congruente, a pol??tica foi defensiva e pouco abrangente, e a social foi problem??tica e confusa. A reforma administrativa foi, comparativamente, limitada. Uma proposta para desenvolver um sistema administrativo respons??vel pelo servi??o p??blico foi postergada nos ??ltimos 12 anos at?? que, em maio de 1997, finalmente a atual administra????o prop??s um programa de moderniza????o. A segunda id??ia ?? que, mesmo que a atual administra????o tenha a inten????o de desenvolver um novo sistema de accountability e um plano de carreira para o servi??o p??blico, parece plaus??vel que a tradicional pol??tica de controle, atrav??s da estrutura administrativa, possa ser prejudicada se essas propostas realmente reduzirem o poder discricion??rio dos altos cargos p??blicos e submeterem reservas p??blicas a um esquema de controle social mais aberto e formal. Logo, ?? poss??vel dizer que a alternativa escolhida pelos reformistas foi usar uma abordagem gerenciadora, onde a melhoria dos procedimentos e a implementa????o de algumas t??cnicas administrativas avan??adas substituem, pelo menos at?? agora, uma transforma????o mais profunda da estrutura administrativa. Uma estrat??gia de gerenciamento permite, pelo menos at?? o momento, a melhoria dos servi??os atrav??s do aumento da participa????o de servidores p??blicos, sem prejudicar a atual administra????o, como um instrumento para implementar diferentes agendas pol??ticas usando recursos p??blicos. Nosso argumento ?? que, como o programa de moderniza????o est?? sendo implantado, ?? importante estudar minuciosamente as possibilidades de se implementar a reforma do servi??o p??blico e melhorar a responsabilidade do sistema, dada a particular rela????o que existe entre a administra????o p??blica e o sistema pol??tico no M??xico.
O objetivo deste artigo ?? expor e explicar um momento espec??fico da evolu????o pol??tico institucional brasileira. S??o explorados os conflitos que est??o na origem da escolha e a implementa????o de uma nova ordem pol??tico-administrativa no p??s-1930. S??o examinadas as origens, a concep????o e os objetivos que guiaram a inven????o de um aparelho burocr??tico que, juntamente com o interventor federal, n??o s?? controlou as elites pol??ticas regionais, mas tamb??m contribuiu para a organiza????o do poder do Estado em bases nacionais, cooperando para viabilizar a capacidade estatal: os Departamentos Administrativos. Analiso o contexto pol??tico, os antecedentes legais e as inova????es institucionais do decreto-lei n?? 1202/39, a fim de responder a duas quest??es bem espec??ficas: por que e com que objetivo essa lei sobre a administra????o dos estados e dos munic??pios foi criada durante o Estado Novo?
Esta tese investiga como dois grupos de funcion??rios p??blicos seleciona dos para as carreiras de Estado no Brasil aprendem a desempenhar as suas fun????es. Deste m odo, busca compreender os processos de aprendizagem, formais e informais, da e ntrada desses servidores p??blicos como alunos nos espa??os destinados ?? sua forma????o, at?? sua inser ????o nos espa??os de trabalho, como aprendizes. A pesquisa justifica-se porque, sendo as am ostras estudadas consideradas boas refer??ncias no servi??o p??blico, faz-se necess??ri o compreender como se d?? a aprendizagem para o exerc??cio dessas carreiras de Estado. Quatro dimens??es s??o consideradas para investigar a aprendizagem dos funcion??rios p??blicos: primeira, o surgimento e evolu????o da forma????o em administra????o p??bli ca no Pa??s. Segunda, as escolas de governo, lugares prop??cios ?? aprendizagem, influente s para a administra????o p??blica do Pa??s, inclinados ?? discuss??o de novas solu????es e cr??ticos na identifica????o, an??lise e apropria????o das experi??ncias verificadas em outras realidades. Te rceira, os cursos de forma????o inicial, espa??os para o primeiro contato com a fun????o escol hida e os seus desafios, saberes necess??rios e ferramentas dispon??veis. Quarta, a inse r????o no ambiente de trabalho, decisiva para o processo de aprendizagem social dos funcion??rios novatos por interm??dio das comunidades de pr??tica.
The maintenance of arterial pressure at levels adequate to perfuse the tissues is a basic requirement for the constancy of the internal environment and survival. The objective of the present review was to provide information about the basic reflex mechanisms that are responsible for the moment-to-moment regulation of the cardiovascular system. We demonstrate that this control is largely provided by the action of arterial and non-arterial reflexes that detect and correct changes in arterial pressure (baroreflex), blood volume or chemical composition (mechano- and chemosensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes), and changes in blood-gas composition (chemoreceptor reflex). The importance of the integration of these cardiovascular reflexes is well understood and it is clear that processing mainly occurs in the nucleus tractus solitarii, although the mechanism is poorly understood. There are several indications that the interactions of baroreflex, chemoreflex and Bezold-Jarisch reflex inputs, and the central nervous system control the activity of autonomic preganglionic neurons through parallel afferent and efferent pathways to achieve cardiovascular homeostasis. It is surprising that so little appears in the literature about the integration of these neural reflexes in cardiovascular function. Thus, our purpose was to review the interplay between peripheral neural reflex mechanisms of arterial blood pressure and blood volume regulation in physiological and pathophysiological states. Special emphasis is placed on the experimental model of arterial hypertension induced by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in which the interplay of these three reflexes is demonstrable.
Foram investigadas as representações sociais de filho biológico em casais que se submeteram às tecnologias reprodutivas. Nossos objetivos foram analisar a trajetória de vida do casal a partir do momento em que foi constatada a infertilidade e identificar as representações sociais de filho biológico. Cinco casais da Grande Vitória, ES foram entrevistados e nenhum deles havia obtido êxito com relação à gravidez após o tratamento. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas individualmente. O roteiro seguiu o mesmo padrão para ambos os cônjuges, incluindo itens sobre a constatação da infertilidade, o tratamento realizado, o significado da maternidade, paternidade, casamento e filho biológico. A análise dos resultados apontou para um fortalecimento do vínculo no casamento após o diagnóstico de infertilidade e evidenciou a importância que os casais atribuem ao filho biológico. Os elementos de representações sociais que apareceram fortemente foram: "sangue do meu sangue", descendência, semelhança física e pressão social.
Diante do colapso financeiro de 2008, este trabalho retoma a teoria econômica proposta por Hyman P. Minsky com o objetivo de esclarecer as circunstâncias que propiciaram uma crise financeira tão profunda. A estrutura analítica de Minsky é marcada pela Hipótese da Instabilidade Financeira, a qual aponta para fatores endógenos ao próprio sistema capitalista como o principal causador de instabilidades financeiras. Este processo, caracterizado principalmente por um avanço desfavorável no nível de endividamento dos agentes, constrói um ciclo de estágios que pode se desenvolver para uma crise financeira ou um colapso sistêmico, definidos como “Momento Minsky” e “Colapso Minsky”. Este cenário descrito por Minsky, também analisado à luz de teorias mais recentes como as de Gary A. Dymski e Alessandro Vercelli, é conhecido por “ciclo minskyano”. Ao adotar estes preceitos da análise teórica de Minsky, é possível visualizar como o processo de desregulamentação e fragilização financeira dos Estados Unidos nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 proveram condições para a crise do subprime e, posteriormente, o colapso financeiro de 2008. De maneira similar, é possível observar que a análise teórica de Minsky também é aplicável à crise que afeta a economia brasileira no final de 2008. A fragilização financeira que se inicia no Brasil poucos anos antes da crise, acentuada no setor exportador de commodities, cria a condição para o “momento Minsky brasileiro”, demonstrando que apesar das falhas da análise teórica de Minsky, que supõe uma economia fechada com características da economia estadunidense, é possível visualizar uma relação de causa e efeito da recente crise financeira com a teoria minskyana.