995 resultados para Titus <Römisches Reich, Kaiser>Titus <Römisches Reich, Kaiser>


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[ES]Se aborda el papel y la importancia que desempeñaron las artes plásticas como elemento propagandístico durante el Tercer Reich, centrándonos en la escultura, la pintura y los carteles. Asimismo, se analiza la trayectoria de los diferentes autores artísticos y su participación durante el perío que comprende el Tercer Reich.


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vorgelegt von Valerio Benedetti


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Mode of access: Internet.


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[EUS] Alemaniar III. Reich-eko garaian ikusentzuneko porpagandaren arloan hanibat film estreinatu ziren. Horietako bat Adibide modura hartuz, Süss Judutarra, lanean Goebbelsek Der Angriff egunkarian argitaratutako judutarren dekalogoa eta NSDAPko 25 puntuetan agertzen den antisemitismoa filman nola islatzen den aztertuko da.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Ce mémoire analyse le processus de romanisation et de colonisation de Xanten-Vetera, une région frontalière de l’Empire romain située en basse Rhénanie dans la province romaine de Germania inferior. À l’intérieur d’un cadre temporel inclus entre les conquêtes de Jules César et le milieu du second siècle apr. J.-C., l’étude cherche à comprendre et à restituer la présence militaire ainsi que le développement des peuplades civiles sur place, du fait des transferts de population et de l’immigration gallo-romaine. Le processus de romanisation est analysé en tenant compte des réalités ethnographiques, sociales et culturelles et selon les théories les plus actuelles de la recherche moderne sur ce sujet. Comme il s’agit d’une agglomération située sur une voie fluviale en périphérie de l’Empire, le concept de « frontière » y est évalué afin d’estimer si Xanten-Vetera constituait une zone de convergence ou de divergence par rapport à l’espace rhénan. Dans un deuxième temps, cette recherche analyse le contexte militaire et social durant lequel l’empereur Trajan prit la décision d’octroyer le statut de colonie à ce territoire qui devint la Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Cette démarche qui se veut régionale souligne la nature particulière de l’histoire de Xanten-Vetera sous le Haut Empire ; les migrations et les tragédies à l’intérieur de cet espace géographique ont façonné un endroit au destin unique en Germanie et dans l’Empire romain. Enfin, ce travail fournit un exemple pertinent de l’évolution des motivations qui ont guidé les politiques coloniales sous les Julio-Claudiens, les Flaviens et les Antonins et suggère l’essor des groupes de pression non militaires dans ce contexte.


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El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar la forma en la cual la política exterior expansionista y racista del Tercer Reich repercutió en la invasión militar de Checoslovaquia y en la creación de un régimen fascista en Croacia. El surgimiento del Tercer Reich implicó el desencadenamiento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, generando un cambio en la configuración del Sistema Internacional. Desde el ascenso de Hitler al poder en 1933, Alemania proyectó una discursiva racista y expansionista en su política exterior, con el objetivo de configurar un nuevo ordenamiento europeo. Por lo anterior, la política exterior del Tercer Reich justificó la invasión de Checoslovaquia basándose en los principios del espacio vital que permitieron adherir el territorio al Reich, e influyó en el ascenso del régimen fascista de Ante Pavelić en Croacia, quien colaboró para la consecución del interés nacional racial alemán.


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Introduction. This is a pilot study of quantitative electro-encephalographic (QEEG) comodulation analysis, which is used to assist in identifying regional brain differences in those people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to a normative database. The QEEG comodulation analysis examines spatial-temporal cross-correlation of spectral estimates in the resting dominant frequency band. A pattern shown by Sterman and Kaiser (2001) and referred to as the anterior posterior dissociation (APD) discloses a significant reduction in shared functional modulation between frontal and centro-parietal areas of the cortex. This research attempts to examine whether this pattern is evident in CFS. Method. Eleven adult participants, diagnosed by a physician as having CFS, were involved in QEEG data collection. Nineteen-channel cap recordings were made in five conditions: eyes-closed baseline, eyes-open, reading task one, math computations task two, and a second eyes-closed baseline. Results. Four of the 11 participants showed an anterior posterior dissociation pattern for the eyes-closed resting dominant frequency. However, seven of the 11 participants did not show this pattern. Examination of the mean 8-12 Hz amplitudes across three cortical regions (frontal, central and parietal) indicated a trend of higher overall alpha levels in the parietal region in CFS patients who showed the APD pattern compared to those who did not have this pattern. All patients showing the pattern were free of medication, while 71% of those absent of the pattern were using antidepressant medications. Conclusions. Although the sample is small, it is suggested that this method of evaluating the disorder holds promise. The fact that this pattern was not consistently represented in the CFS sample could be explained by the possibility of subtypes of CFS, or perhaps co-morbid conditions. Further, the use of antidepressant medications may mask the pattern by altering the temporal characteristics of the EEG. The results of this pilot study indicate that further research is warranted to verify that the pattern holds across the wider population of CFS sufferers.


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This paper argues for a future-oriented, inclusion of Engineering Model Eliciting Activities (EngMEAs) in elementary mathematics curricula. In EngMEAs students work with meaningful engineering problems that capitalise on and extend their existing mathematics and science learning, to develop, revise and document powerful models, while working in groups. The models developed by six groups of 12-year students in solving the Natural Gas activity are presented. Results showed that student models adequately solved the problem, although student models did not take into account all the data provided. Student solutions varied to the extent students employed the engineering context in their models and to their understanding of the mathematical concepts involved in the problem. Finally, recommendations for implementing EngMEAs and for further research are discussed.