980 resultados para Sedimentary-rocks


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A predominant sigmoidal clinoform deposit extends from the Yangtze River mouth southwards 800 kin along the Chinese coast. This clinoform is thickest (similar to 40m) between the 20 and 30 m isobaths and progressively thins offshore, reaching water depths of 60 and 90 m and distances up to 100 km offshore. Clay mineral, heavy metal, geochemical and grain-size analyses indicate that the Yangtze River is the primary source for this longshore-transported clinoform deposit. Pb-210 chronologies show the highest accumulation rates (> 3 cm/yr) occur immediately adjacent to the Yangtze subaqueous delta (north of 30 degrees N), decreasing southward alongshore and eastward offshore. The interaction of strong tides, waves, the China Coastal Current, winter storms, and offshore upwelling appear to have played important roles in trapping most Yangtze-derived sediment on the inner shelf and transporting it to the south. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sediment geochemical technique was employed to assess how the sediment records reflect the environmental changes of Jiaozhou Bay, a semi-enclosed bay adjacent to Qingdao, China. In the past hundred years, Jiaozhou Bay has been greatly impacted by human interventions. A dated core sediment by Pb-210 chronology was analyzed for trace metals including Li, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn together with C, N, P and BSi. Based on the research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages: (1) before the 1980s characterized by relatively low sedimentation rate, weak heavy metal pollution and scarce eutrophication; (2) from the 1980s to 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, polluted by heavy metals and the frequent occurrence of red tide; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been meliorated including the heavy metal pollution and hypernutrification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sandstone-type uranium deposits are frequently found close to oil fields or uraniferous sandstones contain bitumen or petroleum. However, few evidence has been presented to indicate the association of uranium mineralization with petroleum oxidation. Thus, Dongsheng uranium deposit in Ordos Basin and Qianjiadian deposit in Kailu Basin are taken for examples to solve the puzzle. Integration data from sedimentary petrology, mineralogy, race elements geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and organic geochemistry, the uranium and petroleum sources, and diagenetic paragenesis of the host sandstone are analyzed, and then the genetic relationship between microbes, petroleum and uranium deposits are discussed. The observation under microscope shows that the host sandstone samples from Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Dongsheng deposit contained different kinds of metamorphic rock fragments, which should have been derived form outcrops north to this basin. The LREE/HREE ratios of gneiss and amphibolite sampled from outcrops were close to the highest and the lowest LREE/HREE ratios of the sandstones with well-compared chondrite-normalized REE patterns, respectively. So these results consistently indicated that parent rocks of sandstones were mainly contributed from these two kinds of metamorphic rocks. There was very high Th/U ratio for granite gneiss, which was a mainly potential U resource. Hydrocarbon inclusions and adsorbed hydrocarbons are observed under fluorescence microscope in the host sandstone of Dongsheng uranium deposit, suggesting that the sandstones may have been utilized as oil migration pathways. Based on biomarker parameters, it is indicated that the inclusion oils and adsorbed hydrocarbons were marginally mature to mature, and were derived from humic-sapropel type organic matter under poor reducing freshwater to semi-saline environment. The features are similar to those of organic matter extracted from Triassic sandstone and source rock, but are different from that of cretaceous sandstone. Thus, it can be concluded that the inclusion oils and adsorbed hydrocarbons were mainly derived from Triassic lacustrine facies source rock. Observation results under Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Microprobe with Energy Spectrum Analysis show that, in Dongsheng area, the main uranium ore mineral is coffinite. The coffinite is intimately intergrown or coexists with pyrite and calcite, thus, the solution during mineralization stage is inferred to be alkaline. The alkaline environment is not favored for uranium to be pre-concentrated by absorption, and then be reduced abiogenetically. δ34S of pyrite and δ13C of calcite indicate that pyrite was formed by bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) and part of the carbon of calcite has been dirived from oxidation of petroleum, respectively. Additionally, petroleum is found biodegraded. All the lines of evidence consistently indicate that petroleum was involved in uranium mineralization. Coffinite with microbe-like structures is found in the high U sandstone samples and is composed of nanoparticles, indicating the coffinite is biogenic. The conclusion are also supportted by laboratory experiment studies, which have shown that SRB are capable of utilizing U(VI) as the preferred electron acceptor for respiration and reduce U(VI) to U(IV) directly, coupled the oxidaton of organic matter and sulfate reduction. Based on the research results mentioned above, in the Dongsheng area, coffinite is likely to have formed by mixing of brine containing petroleum derived from Triassic with uranium-bearing meteoric water from outcrops north to Ordos Basin. SRB utilize hydrocarbon as carbon source, and directly reduce U(VI) resulting in precipitation of coffinite. The product of metabolism, H2S and CO2, was precipitated as pyrite and calcite during mineralization stage. Petroleum in fluid inclusions and adsorbed type in host sandstone from Lower Cretaceous Yaojia Formation in Qianjiadian uranium deposit, Kailu Basin, are derived from Jurassic Jiufotang Formation in this basin and the uranium mineral consists mainly of pitchblende. The δ34S and δ13C values of pyrite and calcite during mineralization stage indicate SRB have likely degraded petroleum, which is similar to that of Dongsheng deposit. The alkaline environment as indicated by the diagenetic mineral assemblage calcite, Fe dolomite, pyrite and pitchblende deposit suggests that U ore in the Qiangjiajiadian has a similar origin, i.e., direct reduction by SRB. However, less part of pitchblende is intergrown with kaolinite, suggesting the solution during mineralization stage is acidic. The environment is favorable for U(VI) to be adsorded on quartz or other mineral, and then reduced by H2S produced by SRB. Thus, it can be concluded that U(VI) reduction with petroleum oxidation by SRB and other microbes is an important ore-forming mechanism in petroleum-related sandstone-type uranium deposits. The finding is significant in that it provides a theoretical basis for exploration of both uranium and petroleumr.


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The exploration and study in recent years shows that the upper Paleozoic in the east of Ordos Basin possesses major exploration potential, so it is necessary to have a comprehensive and synthetic research in this area. Following the guideline of T.A. Cross’s high resolution sequences stratigraphy and combined with sedimentology, the strata and sequence in the research area are divided and correlated. This paper emphasizes on the reservoir in this area and its major fruits are: Firstly, form the framework of the high sequence stratigraphy through mainly studying on the data of core, well drilling and field section combining. Then, think that the best reservoir formation mainly appears in the middle or lower part of long arising semi-cycle, and focus on A type and C1 middle sequence cycle that contributes to the development of formation. Next, think the sedimentary source mainly comes from the epimetamorphic crystalline basement in the north of the Ordoes Basin through analyzing depositional background, researching on sandstone petrography, distribution characteristics of the sedimentary system as well as researching on heavy mineral combination characteristics. Fourthly, give priority to Zizhou-Qingjian area for the first time and gain seven lithofacies paleography maps in the No.2 member of Shanxi and the No.8 member of Shihezi through using the method of isochronal lithofacies paleogeography mapping, then bring forth that Sh2 is mainly developed a type I sequence under the margin of ramp lake-basin background. Fifthly, through researching on the characteristics of reservoir petrography and diagenesis, think that all researched areas experienced compaction and cementation, and there is different types of rocks, only little of the primary pores that are made up of litharenite and lithoclastic quartz sandstone is left, while in lithoclastic quartz sandstone, there are still many primary pores Sixthly, through studying on pore types, microstructure, as well as physical property on the key formation, think that the researched area mostly appears typical low pore, low porosity and permeability, which mainly result from sedimentary and diagenesis. Lastly, through researching on classified evaluation in the key formation, productivity analysis, and combing with reservoir distribution, the researched area is divided into three parts, and think that exploration should be emphasized on formation I and II. The characteristics of sandstones distribution in Sh23 member, gas formation distribution and open flow capacity of exploitation well are all consistent properly with the results of reservoir comprehensive evaluation in this thesis proved by the gas production development in 2006.


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Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are the important process to form reservoirs in sedimentary basins, and their researches are usually very difficult to be done in petroleum geology. In this paper, the west segment of northern margin of the Qaidam Basin was selected as study area. The concept of fault open coefficient, that combines multi-factors dealing with fault sealing, was applied to estimate semi-quantitatively the sealing characteristics of six faults which were considered controlling the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. The data from boreholes were investigated to appraise the permeable characteristics of lithology combinations upon and beneath the unconformity surface. The result suggests that the basal conglomerates consist frequently the carriers. The data from boreholes and outcrops were collected to describe the sand carrier system. In order to eliminate the influence of inverse activities of the basin that made the formations be very steep, author adopts the phase method to build the basin models: for the steps before Pliocene the recovered true thickness maps were used to build the basin block; for the steps after Pliocene, the structure maps of today were used to build the basin block. During the modeling process, the results were calibrated by various measured data . the modeled results includes the dynamic evolvement course of trap form phase, vitrinite reflectance mature, the source rock expelled hydrocarbon intensity and fluid potential and petroleum plays. Author integrates the source rock expelled hydrocarbon intensity, fluid potential and carrier system and apply the migration technology based on percolation theory to simulate the oil and gas migration and accumulation course in the main accumulation times. The dominant pathways of oil and gas may show clearly the prospect distribution. Based on the hydrocarbon migration characteristics, the main control factors were synthesized, that including the effective source rock distribution, the match relationship of structural trap forming and hydrocarbon expelling from source rocks, the unconformity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic, the structures and the faults movement at Quaternary Finally, the author figures out the prospect plays in the study area.


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The black rock series of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area are important source rocks and have exceptional characteristics of sediment, biology, element geochemistry, carbon and oxygen isotope, organic geochemistry and etc. These characteristics are the reflection of important geology events. Due to scarce system research, many problems that relate to the development mechanism of source rocks are not solved. And this restricts the exploration of Oil and gas in South China. In this paper, author studied the palaeo-climate, palaeo-structure and palaeo-environment of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian in Yangtze area by sedimentology, palaeobiology and geochemistry, especially the element geochemistry and isotope geochemistry. The environment model of source rocks is established and some conclusions are drawn. The Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian sediment types in Yangtze area are mostly black shales, next, mudstone, shell limestone and siltystone. During the Late Ordovician and Earily Silurian periods, a series of big upheaval and depressed are distributed in Yangtze area, and the strata pattern of interphase upheaval and depressed led to Yangtze palaeosea isolated with outside sea. So the stagnant and anoxic environment that are the favorable factor of rich organic black shales sediment is formed in Yangtze area. That Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of the lower Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation exhibits moderate chemistry weathering suggests they were deposited under the circumstances of the warm and humid climate. However, the large difference of the CIA values of N.extraordinarius-N.ojsuensis biozone suggests that climate is changeful. Therefore, there were two different kinds of climates in the course of the deposition of the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation. During the Late Ordovician - Earily Silurian periods, in Yangtze palaeosea, the surface water which is full of rich nutriment and abundant bacterium - algae has high palaeo-productivity that is obvious difference in the different space – time. The content of sulphate changes gradually from the surface water columns to the deep water columns. That is, salinity in the surface water columns is serious low and the salinity in deep water columns is normal. Salinity delamination is favor of the forming of deep anoxic environment. During Wufeng period, the oxidated and low sulfate environment exists in the upper Yangtze palaeosea, while the anoxic and normal salinity environment occurs in the lower Yangtze palaeosea. During the Late Wufeng and Guanyinqiao periods, the steady anoxic environment is replaced by oxidated environment. During the Longmaxi period, layered and anoxic environment recur. In Yangtze area, studies of δ13C of sedimentary organic carbon show a positive δ13C excursion up to 4‰ in the Guanyinqiao stage and then, acute negative excursion in the earily Longmaxi stage. These organic carbon isotopes curve are not only efficient measure of carving up strata borderline, but also reflected the change of originality productivity. These organic carbon isotopes curves showed the process of the enhanced embedding of the global organic carbon. Anoxic event is the main factor of increasing organic carbon embedding speed. And the reduced organic carbon embedding in Hirnantian stage is due to the water column with abundant oxygen. The δ34S values are gradually positive excursion from P.pacificus biozone to N.extraordinarius biozone, and reach the maximum in the Upper Hirnantian stage. Then, the δ34S values are negative excursion. The excursions of δ13C and δ34S reflect the acute change of environment. The formation of source rocks is largely dependent on the nature of organisms from which kerogen is derived and the preservation conditions of organic matter, which are fundamentally dependent on a favourable combination of various elements in which organisms live and are subsequently buried. These elements include palaeoclimate, palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Based on above mentioned circumstance, the coupling connection of source rock and the palaeoclimate, and of palaeostructure and palaeoenvironmental conditions are confirmed, and the “anoxic-marginal depression-photosynthesis” environemental model is established. It is indicated that anoxic played important role in production of organic matter. The produced organic matter was accumulated in marginal depression of the Yangtze area. The photosynthesis is favor of the high productivity. Source rocks have a good perspective, like that of “hot shale” deposited in North Africa.


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Pyrite is the most stable iron-sulfide in reduced environment, and plays an important role in geochemical iron-sulfur cycling of sediments. Thus, the presence of pyrite in sediments and rocks is an important indicator of sedimentary environments. Previous studies on the thermal products of pyrite showed that all of the products (e.g., pyrrhotite, magnetite, hematite) have strong capability of carrying remanence. To deepen our understanding of the environmental and paleomagnetic significances of pyrite, the mineral transformation processes of pyrite upon heating were systematically investigated in this study using intergrated rock magnetic experiments (in both argon and air atmospheres) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The room temperature susceptibility of the paramagnetic pyrite is about 2.68×10-5 SI. In argon atmosphere (reducing environment), pyrite was transformed into monoclinic stable single domain (SD) pyrrhotite above 440 C. The corresponding coercive force and remanence coercivity are about 20 mT and 30 mT, respectively. In contrast, in air atmosphere (oxidation environment), the intermediate thermal products of pyrite are magnetite and pyrrhotite, which were quickly further oxidated to SD hematite, which has coercivity of about 1400 mT. In addition, the hematite particles gradually grow from SD to PSD grain size region by multiple heating runs. The transformation processes of pyrite in oxidation atomosphere can be interpreted by three possible pathways: (1) pyrite→magnetite→hematite; (2) pyrite→pyrrhotite→magnetite→hematite; and (3) pyrite→pyrrhotite→hematite. Low-temperature magnetic experiments show no transitions for pyrite. Despite that low-temperature magnetic method is not suitable for identification of pyrite, it is clear in this study that the high-temperature thermomagnetic measurements (e.g.,  -T and J-T curves) are very sensitive to the presence of pyrite in sediments and rocks. Nevertheless, for the thermal treatment products, low-temperature magnetic measurements showed the 34 K transition of pyrrhotite and the 250 K Morine transition of hematite. Iron-sulfide has also been found on Martian meteorolites by other workers. Therefore, systematic study of rock magnetism of pyrite (and other iron-sulfides) and their products will have great significances for both paleomagnetism and planetary magnetism.


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The Beishan orogenic collage locates at the triple-joint among Xinjiang, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia Provinces, at which the Siberian, Tarim and North China plates join together. It also occupies the central segment of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The main study area in the present suty focused on the southwest part of the Beishan Mountain, which can be subdivided into four units southernward, the Mazhongshan continental block, Huaniushan Arc, Liuyuan suture zone and Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc. 1. The Huaniushan Arc was formed by northernward dipping subduction from the Orcovician to Permian, in which volcanic rocks ranging from basic to acidic with island arc affinity were widely developed. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger southward, whichs indicates a southward rollback of slab. The granitiod intrusions are mainly composed of I type granites, and their geochemical compositions suggest that they have affinities of island arc settings. In the early Paleozoic(440Ma-390Ma). The Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc, however, were produced in the southernward dipping subduction system from Carboniferous to Permian. Volcanic rocks from basic to acidic rocks are typical calcic-alkaline rocks. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger northernward, indicating subdution with a northernward rollback. The granitiod intrusions mainly consist of I-type granites, of which geochemical data support they belong to island arc granite. 2. Two series of adakite intrusions and eruptive rocks have been discovered in the southern margin of the Huaniushan Island Arc. The older series formed during Silurian (441.7±2.5Ma) are gneiss granitoid. These adakite granites intruded the early Paleozoic Liuyuan accretionary complex, and have the same age as most of the granite intrusions in the Huanniushan Arc. Their geochemical compostions demonstrate that they were derived from partial melting of the subudcted oceanic slab. These characteristics indicate a young oceanic crust subduction in the early Paleozoic. The late stage adakites with compositons of dacites associate with Nb-enriched basalts, and island arc basalts and dacites. Their geochemistries demonstrate that the adakites are the products of subducted slab melts, whereas the Nb-enriched basalt is products of the mantle wedge which have metasomatized by adakite melts. Such a association indicates the existences of a young ocean slab subduction. 3. The Liuyuan suture zone is composed of late Paleozoic ophiolites and two series of accretionary complexes with age of early Paleozoic. The early Paleozoic accretionary complex extensively intruded by early Palozioc granites is composed of metamorphic clastics, marble, flysch, various metamorphic igneous rocks (ultramafic, mafic and dacite), and eclogite blocks, which are connected by faults. The original compositions of the rocks in this complex are highly varied, including MORB, E-MORB, arc rocks. Geochronological study indicates that they were formed during the Silurian (420.9±2.5Ma and 421.1±4.3Ma). Large-scale granitiods intruded in the accretionary complex suggest a fast growth effect at the south margin of the Huaniushan arc. During late Paleozoic, island arc were developed on this accretionary complex. The late Paleozoic ophiolite has an age of early Permian (285.7±2.2Ma), in which the rock assemblage includes ultra-mafic, gabbros, gabbros veins, massive basalts, pillow basalt, basaltic clastic breccias, and thin layer tuff, with chert on the top.These igneous rocks have both arc and MORB affinities, indicating their belonging to SSZ type ophiolite. Therefore, oceanic basins area were still existed in the Liuyuan area in the early Permian. 4. The mafic-ultramafic complexes are distributed along major faults, and composed of zoned cumulate rocks, in which peridotites are surrounded by pyroxenite, hornblendites, gabbros norite and diorite outward. They have island-arc affinities and are consistent with typical Alaska-type mafic-ultramafic complexes. The geochronological results indicate that they were formed in the early Permian. 5. The Liuyuan A-type granite were formed under post-collisional settings during the late Triassic (230.9±2.5Ma), indicating the persistence of orogenic process till the late Triassic in the study area. Geochronological results suggested that A-type granites become younger southward from the Wulungu A-type granite belt to Liuyuan A-type granite belt, which is in good agreement with the accretionary direction of the CAOB in this area, which indicate that the Liuyuan suture is the final sture of the Paleo-Asin Ocean. 6. Structural geological evidence demonstrate the W-E spreading of main tectonic terrenes. These terrenes had mainly underwent through S-N direction contraction and NE strike-faulting. The study area had experienced a S-N direction compression after the Permian, indicating a collisional event after the Permian. Based on the evidene from sedimentary geology, paleontology, and geomagnetism, our studies indicate that the orogenic process can be subdivided into five stages: (1) the pre-orogenic stage occurred before the Ordovicain; (2) the subduction orogenic stage occurred from the Orcovician to the Permian; (3) the collisional orogenic stage occurred from the late Permian to the late Triassic; (4) the post-collision stage occurred after the Triassic. The Liuyuan areas have a long and complex tectonic evolutional history, and the Liuyuan suture zone is one of the most important sutures. It is the finally suture zone of the paleo-Asian ocean in the Beishan area.


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Increasing attentions have been paid to the subsurface geological storage for CO2 in view of the huge storage capacity of subsurface reservoirs. The basic requirement for subsurface CO2 storage is that the CO2 should be sequestrated as supercritical fluids (physical trapping), which may also interact with ambient reservoir rocks and formation waters, forming new minerals (chemical trapping). In order to the effective, durable and safe storage for CO2, enough storage space and stable sealing caprock with strong sealing capacity are necessitated, in an appropriate geological framework. Up till now, hydrocarbon reservoirs are to the most valid and appropriate CO2 storage container, which is well proven as the favorable compartment with huge storage capacity and sealing condition. The thesis focuses on two principal issues related to the storage and sealing capacity of storage compartment for the Qingshankou and Yaojia formations in the Daqingzijing block, Southern Songliao Basin, which was selected as the pilot well site for CO2-EOR storage. In the operation area, three facies, including deltaic plain, deltaic front and subdeep-deep lake facies associations, are recognized, in which 11 subfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, river- mouth bar, interdistributary bay, sheet sandbody, crevasse splay and overflooding plain are further identified. These subfacies are the basic genetic units in the reservoir and sealing rocks. These facies further comprise the retrogradational and progradational depositional cycles, which were formed base- level rise and fall, respectively. During the regressive or lake lowstand stage, various sands including some turbidites and fans occurred mostly at the bottom of the hinged slope. During the progradation stage, these sands became smaller in size and episodically stepped backwards upon the slope, with greatly expanded and deeped lake. However, most of Cretaceous strata in the study area, localized in the basin centre under this stage, are mainly composed of grey or grizzly siltstones and grey or dark grey mudstones intercalated with minor fine sandstones and purple mudstones. On the base of borehole and core data, these siltstones are widespread, thin from 10 to 50 m thick, good grain sorting, and have relative mature sedimentary structures with graded bedding and cross- lamination or crossbeds such as ripples, which reflect strong hydrodynamic causes. Due to late diagenesis, pores are not widespread in the reservoirs, especially the first member of Qingshankou formation. There are two types of pores: primary pore and secondary cores. The primary pores include intergranular pores and micropores, and the secondary pores include emposieus and fracture pores. Throat channels related to pores is also small and the radius of throat in the first, second and third member of Qingshankou formation is only 0.757 μm, 0.802 μm and 0.631 μm respectively. In addition, based on analyzing the probability plot according to frequency of occurrence of porosity and permeability, they appear single- peaked distribution, which reflects strong hetero- geneity. All these facts indicate that the conditions of physical property of reservoirs are not better. One reason may be provided to interpret this question is that physical property of reservoirs in the study area is strong controlled by the depositional microfacies. From the statistics, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies such as subaqueous distributary channel, channel mouth bar, turbidites, is more than 9 percent and 1md respectively. On the contrary, the average porosity and permeability of microfacies including sand sheet, flagstone and crevasse splay are less than 9 percent and 0.2md respectively. Basically, different hydrodynamic environment under different microfacies can decide different physical property. According to the reservoir models of the first member of Qingshankou formation in the No. well Hei47 block, the character of sedimentary according to the facies models is accord to regional disposition evolution. Meantime, the parameter models of physical property of reservoir indicate that low porosity and low permeability reservoirs widespread widely in the study area, but the sand reservoirs located in the channels are better than other places and they are the main sand reservoirs. The distribution and sealing ability of fault- fractures and caprock are the key aspects to evaluate the stable conditions of compartments to store CO2 in the study area. Based on the core observation, the fractures widespread in the study area, especially around the wells, and most of them are located in the first and second member of Qingshankou formation, almost very few in the third member of Qingshankou formation and Yaojia formation instead. In addition, analyzing the sealing ability of eleven faults in the three-dimensional area in the study area demonstrates that most of faults have strong sealing ability, especially in the No. well Hei56 and Qing90-27. To some extent, the sealing ability of faults in the No. well Hei49, Qing4-6 and Qing84-29 are worse than others. Besides, the deposition environment of most of formations in the study area belongs to moderately deep and deep lake facies, which undoubtedly take advantage to caprocks composed of mudstones widespread and large scale under this deposition environment. In the study area, these mudstones distribute widely in the third member of Qingshankou formation, Yaojia and Nenjiang formation. The effective thickness of mudstone is nearly ~550m on an average with few or simple faults and fractures. In addition, there are many reservoir beds with widely- developed insulated interbeds consist of mudstones or silty mudstone, which can be the valid barrier to CO2 upper movement or leakage through diffusion, dispersion and convection. Above all, the closed thick mud caprock with underdeveloped fractures and reservoir beds can be taken regard as the favorable caprocks to provide stable conditions to avoid CO2 leakage.


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Abstract:Little fundamental work on petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan Subbasin, Mongolia has been done before because of the backward economy and petroleum industry techniques in this country, which also results in our little knowledge of reservoir characteristics of this area. This paper focused on the sedimentary system, sedimentary facies, reservoir characteristics and their genesis distribution of Zuunbayan subbasin with various drilling, well logging, seismic, coring and outcrop data, aiming at providing significant guidances for the petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan area. Therefore, several conclusions have been achieved as follows: ①In Zuunbayan Subbasin, there are two chief source areas with Tarkhyata and Totoshan Uplifts in the southeast and Saykhandulaan Uplift in the west, respectively, while two subsidiary ones in the northeast and southwest of this subbasin. The sedimentary system of alluvial fan-fan delta is formed in the southeast highland, meanwhile braided river-braided river delta develops in the western ramp region and fan delta in the southern palaeohigh. ②There are middle to high permeability reservoirs in the upper Zuunbayan Formation and the upper member of lower Zuunbayan Formation meanwhile low-porosity and permeability to ultra-low permeability ones in Tsagaan Tsav Formation and the middle and lower members of lower Zuunbayan Formation. Combing with sedimentary facies belt, oil sources conditions and tectonic settings, favorable reservoir belts have been proved to be existing in the fan delta front reservoirs of lower Zuunbayan – Tsagaan Tsav Formation in the central uplift faulted zone as well as the braided river front ones of lower Zuunbayan-Tsagaan Tsav Formation in Zuunbayan nose anticlinal structural belts. ③The reservoir lithologic composition is complex and also related to volcanic activities. Generally, the types of lithologic composition in Zuunbayan Subbasin are chiefly feldspathic litharenites with low compositional maturity and high-middle textural maturity. The rock constituents from upper Cretaceous to lower Zuunbayan Formation are mainly metamorphic rocks including cleaving stone, phyllite, quartzite and schist while volcanic tuffs and acidic extrusive rocks are the secondary; and in the Tsagaan Tsav Formation are mainly volcanic tuffs with subsidiary cleaving stone, phyllite, quartzite and schist. ④In this paper, high-quality reservoirs in the upper member of lower Zuunbayan Formation have been discovered in the drilled high production wells of favorable reservoir facies through sedimentary system and sedimentary facies research, which benefits the prospect and also will bring a new life for petroleum exploration and production of Zuunbayan Subbasin. Key words: sedimentary system, sedimentary facies, superior quality reservoir, Zuunbayan Subbasin, lower Zuunbayan Formation


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Ordos Basin is one of the primary bases for petroleum exploration in our country. A series of Ordovician large gas fields were discovered, which suggest that the Lower Paleozoic carbonate, especiallly for Ordovician carbonate rocks, preserve plenty of hydrocarbon resources. Well Longtong 1 is studied as the typical exploration well. Acorrding to the specific research on the type of lithology, texture, structure and sedimentary sequence in Ordovician Majiagou Formation as well as additional data from another 20 wells, the sedimentary model has been built in Majiagou Formation. The sedimentary characteristics for each Member in Majiagou Formaiton and the feature of distribution are well understood as below: It suggests that period of Member 1, Member 3 and Member 5 in Majiagou Formation characterize with dry and hot climate as well as drop of the sea level. The area of Well Longtan 1 in the eastern basin is abundant of platform evaporite lithofacies with the depositional anhyrock and salt rock, whereas yield a suite of dolomite intercalated by the thin layers of anhyrock from the anhyrcok-dolomite platform sediment. It deposits muddy dolomite, dolomitic limestone and fine-grain dolomite in limestone-dolomite platform and restricted sea. During the stage of Member 2 and Member 4 in Majiagou Formation, the climate is wet and hot with increasing sea level. The study region occurs limestone with little dolomite in the open sea environment; but the margin area is the restricted sea settings with interbeding dolomite and limestone. Based on the thin section identification, element and isotope analysis as well as the study of texture and structure, it sugguests that the main reserviors are dolomite while the gypsum are major cap rocks. The Member 2 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; gypsum rocks widely occur in Member 3 as the better cap; similar to the Member 2, the Member 4 in Majiagou Formation is both the source rocks and the resveroirs; there are two source-reservoir-cap assemblages in the Member 5 alone and the cap is gypsum with high quality and great thickness, which is a favorite source-reservoir-cap assemblage.


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Since C.L. Hearn presented the concept of flow unit in 1984, its generation mechanisms and controlling factors have been studied in many aspects using different methods by researchers. There are some basic methods to do the research, and there are several concepts and classification standards about flow unit. Based on previous achievements and using methodologies from sedimentary geology, geophysics, seismic stratigraphy, and reservoir engineering, the author systemically studies the factors controlling flow unit, puts forward a series of methods for recognition, classification and evaluation of flow unit. The results obtained in this paper have important significance not only for understanding the flow unit, but also for revealing the distribution of remaining oil. As a case, this paper deals with the reservoir rocks in Guantao Group of Gudong Oilfield. Zhanhua Sag, Jiyang Depression in Bohaiwan Basin. Based on the study of stratigraphic, depositional and structural characteristics, the author establishes reservoir geological models, reveals the geological characteristics of oil-bearing reservoir of fluvial facies, points out the factors controlling flow unit and geological parameters for classification of flow unit. and summarizes methods and technologies for flow unit study when geological, well-logging and mathematical methods are used. It is the first attempt in literatures to evaluate reservoir by well-logging data constrained by geological conditions, then a well-logging evaluation model can be built. This kind of model is more precise than ever for calculating physical parameters in flow unit. In a well bore, there are six methods to recognize a flow unit. Among them, the activity function and intra-layer difference methods are the most effective. Along a section, the composition type of flow unit can be located according amplitude and impedance on seismic section. Slice method and other methods are used to distinguish flow unit. In order to reveal the distribution laws of flow unit in space, the author create a new method, named combination and composition of flow unit. Based on microscopic pore structure research, the classification methods of flow unit are developed. There are three types of flow unit in the reservoir of fluvial facies. They have their own lithology, petrophysics and pore structure character. Using judgement method, standard functions are built to determine the class of flow unit of fluvial facies. Combining reservoir engineering methods, the distribution laws of remaining oil in different types, or in different part of a flow unit are studied. It is evident that the remaining oil is controlled by the type of flow unit. The author reveals the relationship between flow unit and remaining oil distribution, builds the flowing models, predicts the variation of reservoir parameters in space, put forward different methods developing remaining oil in different flow unit. Especially, based on the results obtained in this paper, some suggestions for the adjustment of the developing flow units have been applied in Districts No.4 and No.7, and good results have been yielded. So, the results of this paper can guide oil field development. They are useful and significant for developing the remaining oil and enhancing the oil recovery efficiency.


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According to the basic geologic conditions, the paper is directed by the modem oil-gas accumulation theory and petroleum system in which typical oil pools are analyzed and the shape of lithologic trap and geologic factors are pointed out. The process during which oil and gas migrate from source rock to lithologic trap is rebuilt, and the accumulation model of oil pool is set up. With the comprehensive application of seismic geologic and log data and paying attention to the method and technology which is used to distinguish lithologic accumulation. Promising structural-lithofacies zones are got and the distribution rule of various lithologic accumulation is concluded. With making use of the biologic mark compound, different reservoirs are compared. As a result, the oil and gas in HeiDimiao come from Nenjiang Group's source rocks; in SaErTu from QingShenkou Group's and Nenjiang Group's, and in PuTaohua. GaoTaizi and FuYang from QingShankou Group's. According to the development and distribution of effective source rock, oil distribution and the comparison in the south of SongLiao basin, the characteristic of basin structure and reservoir distribution is considered, and then the middle-upper reservoir of SongLiao basin south are divided into two petroleum system and a complex petroleum system. Because of the characteristic of migration and accumulation, two petroleum systems can furtherly be divided into 6-7 sub-petroleum systems,20 sub-petroleum systems in all. As a result of the difference of the migration characteristic, accumulation conditions and the place in the petroleum system, the accumulation degree and accumulation model are different. So three accumulation mechanism and six basic accumulation model of lithologic trap are concluded. The distribution of lithologic pools is highly regular oil and gas around the generation sag distribute on favorable structural-lithofacies zones, the type of lithological pool vary regularly from the core of sandstone block to the upper zone. On the basic of regional structure and sedimentary evolution, main factors which control the form of trap are discovered, and it is the critical factor method which is used to discern the lithologic trap. After lots of exploration, 700km~2 potential trap is distinguished and 18391.86 * 10~4 tons geologic reserves is calculated. Oil-water distribution rule of pinch-out oil pool is put up on plane which is the reservoirs can be divided into four sections. This paper presented the law of distribution of oil and water in updip pinch-out reservoir, that is, hydrocarbon-bearing formation in plane can be divided into four zones: bottom edge water zone, underside oil and water zone, middle pure oil zone and above residual water zone. The site of the first well should be assigned to be middle or above pure oil zone, thus the exploration value of this type of reservoir can be recognized correctly. In accordance with the characteristics of seism and geology of low permeability thin sandstone and mudstone alternation layer, the paper applied a set of reservoir prediction technology, that is: (1)seism multi-parameter model identification; (2) using stratum's absorbing and depleting information to predict reservoir's abnormal hydrocarbon-bearing range. With the analysis of the residual resource potential and the research of two petroleum system and the accumulation model, promising objective zones are predicted scientifically. And main exploration aim is the DaRngZi bore in the west of ChangLin basin, and YingTai-SiFangZi middle-upper assembly in Honggang terrace.


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Xuanlong-type Hematite Deposits, distributed in Xuanhua and Longguang area in Hebei province and hosted in the Changchengian Chuanlinggou Formation of Mesoproterozoic, is an oldest depositional iron deposit characterized by oolitic and stromatolitic hematite and siderite. This thesis made an systematic study of its sedimentary, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy and sequence stratigraphy. Based on above, the mechanism and background of biomineralization are discussed. There are four types of hematite ores including stromatolite, algal oolite, algal pisolite and oncolite. Based on detailed study on ore texture, the authors think both algal oolite and algal pisolite ores are organic texture ores, and related to the role of microorganisms. The process of blue-green algae and bacteria in the Xuanlong basin absorbing, adsorbing and sticking iron to build up stromatolite is the formation process of Xuanlong-type hematite deposit. Researches on ore-bearing series and ore geochemistry show that the enrichment of elements is closely related to the microorganism activities. Fe_2O_3 is enriched in dark laminations of stromatolite with much organic matter and SiO_2 in light laminations with detrital matters. The trace elements, especially biogenic elements, including V, P, Mo are enriched in ores but relatively low in country rocks. The paper also demonstrates on the sequence stratigraphy of hematite deposits and five sequences and twelve systems are divided. The characteristics of sequence stratigraphy show that the deposit-forming location has obviously selectivity and always exists under a transgressive setting. The oxygen isotope in hematite is about -2.2~5.7‰, which is similar to that of Hamlys iron formation of Australia but more negative than that of volcanic or hydrothermal iron deposits characterized by high positive values. The calculation by the result of oxygen isotope analysis shows that the temperature of ancient sea water was 48.53℃. The negative value of carbon isotope from siderite indicates its biogenic carbon source. Meanwhile, the occurrence of seismite in the ore-beds, which indicates the formation of hematite deposits is associated with frequent shock caused by structural movement such as distal volcano or ocean-bottom earthquake etc, show the occurrence of hematite deposits is eventual, not gradual. In shorts, Xuanlong-type hematite deposits were the result of interaction among geological setting of semi-isolated Xuanglong basin, favorable hot and humid climate condition, abundant iron source, microorganism such as algae and bateria as well as the fluctuation of the sea level.


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As an important measure to understand oil and gas accumulation during petroleum exploration and development, Petroleum geological model is an integrated system of theories and methods, which includes sedimentology, reservoir geology, structural geology, petroleum geology and other geological theories, and is used to describe or predict the distribution of oil and gas. Progressive exploration and development for oil and gas is commonly used in terrestrial sedimentary basin in China for the oil and gas generation, accumulation and exploitation are very intricate. It is necessary to establish petroleum geological model, adaptive to different periods of progressive exploration and development practice. Meanwhile there is lack of an integrated system of theories and methods of petroleum geological model suitable for different exploration and development stages for oil and gas, because the current different models are intercrossed, which emphasize their different aspects. According to the characteristics of exploration and development for the Triassic oil and gas pool in Lunnan area, Tarim Basin, the Lunnan horst belt was selected as the major study object of this paper. On the basis of the study of petroleum geological model system, the petroleum geological models for different exploration and development stages are established, which could be applied to predict the distribution of oil and gas distribution. The main results are as follows. (1) The generation-accumulation and exploration-development of hydrocarbon are taken as an integrated system during the course of time, so petroleum exploration and development are closely combined. Under the guidance of some philosophical views that the whole world could be understood, the present writer realizes that any one kind of petroleum geological models can be used to predict and guide petroleum exploration and development practice. The writer do not recognize that any one kind of petroleum geological models can be viewed as sole model for guiding the petroleum exploration and development in the world. Based on the differences of extents and details of research work during various stage of exploration and development for oil and gas, the system of classification for petroleum geological models is established, which can be regarded as theoretical basis for progressive petroleum exploration and development. (2) A petroleum geological model was established based on detailed researches on the Triassic stratigraphy, structure, sedimentology and reservoir rocks in the Lunnan area, northern Tarim Basin. Some sub-belt of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Lunnan area are divided and the predominate controlling factors for oil and gas distribution in the Lunnan area are given out. (3) Geological models for Lunnan and Jiefangqudong oil fields were rebuilt by the combinations of seismology and geology, exploration and development, dynamic and static behavior, thus finding out the distribution of potential zones for oil and gas accumulations. Meanwhile Oil and gas accumulations were considered as the important unit in progressive exploration and development, and the classification was made for Lunnan Triassic pools. Petroleum geological model was created through 3D seismic fine interpretation and detailed description of characteristics of reservoir rocks and the distribution of oil and gas, especially for LN3 and LN26 well zones. The possible distribution of Triassic oil traps and their efficiency in the Lunnan area has been forecasted, and quantitative analysis for original oil(water) saturation in oil pools was performed. (4) The concept of oil cell is proposed by the writer for the first time. It represents the relatively oil-rich zones in oil pool, which were formed by the differences of fluid flows during the middle stage of reservoir development. The classification of oil cells is also given out in this paper. After the studies of physical and numerical modeling, the dominant controlling factors for the formation of various oil cells are analyzed. Oil cells are considered as the most important hydrocarbon potential zones after first recovery, which are main object of progressive development adjustment and improvement oil recovery. An example as main target of analysis was made for various oil cells of Triassic reservoir in the LN2 well area. (5) It is important and necessary that the classification of flow unit and the establishment of geological model of flow unit based on analysis of forecast for inter-well reservoir parameters connected with the statistical analysis of reservoir character of horizontal wells. With the help of self-adaptive interpolation and stochastic simulation, the geological model of flow units was built on the basis of division and correlation of flow units, with which the residual oil distribution in TIII reservoir in the LN2 well area after water flooding can be established.