759 resultados para SEPTICEMIA - DIAGNOSTICO


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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A total of 36 tonsil swab samples were collected from healthy swine prior to slaughter at the abattoirs in Can tho and Tien giang provinces of Southern Vietnam, The presence of Pasteurella multocida in these samples was detected by the combination of direct cultivation and isolation, mouse inoculation and the polymerase chain reaction (PM-PCR). P. multocida was detected in 16 samples by PCR, with 17 strains ultimately isolated. All samples were negative for serogroup B by HSB-PCR and conventional serotyping, with isolates identified as A:3, D:1 or D:3. In addition, all samples were determined to be negative for the P. multocida toxin (PMT). Characterisation of isolated P, multocida by REP-PCR and biotyping revealed nine distinct REP profiles and seven biotypes among the 17 isolates. Some correlation was seen with P. multocida isolated from a previous Australian outbreak of acute swine pasteurellosis, and those isolated from fowl cholera outbreaks in Vietnamese poultry. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The increasing in world population, with higher proportion of elderly, leads to an increase in the number of individuals with vision loss and cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Cataract is an eye disease that is the partial or total opacity of the crystalline lens (natural lens of the eye) or its capsule. It can be triggered by several factors such as trauma, age, diabetes mellitus, and medications, among others. It is known that the attendance by ophthalmologists in rural and poor areas in Brazil is less than needed and many patients with treatable diseases such as cataracts are undiagnosed and therefore untreated. In this context, this project presents the development of OPTICA, a system of teleophthalmology using smartphones for ophthalmic emergencies detection, providing a diagnostic aid for cataract using specialists systems and image processing techniques. The images are captured by a cellphone camera and along with a questionnaire filled with patient information are transmitted securely via the platform Mobile SANA to a online server that has an intelligent system available to assist in the diagnosis of cataract and provides ophthalmologists who analyze the information and write back the patient’s report. Thus, the OPTICA provides eye care to the poorest and least favored population, improving the screening of critically ill patients and increasing access to diagnosis and treatment.


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La Cartella Clinica Elettronica è lo strumento d’eccellenza per la condivisione e il recupero dei dati clinici e per la gestione organica e strutturata dei dati riferiti alla storia clinica di un paziente. Garantisce il supporto dei processi clinici (diagnostico-terapeutici) e d’assistenza nei singoli episodi di cura e favorisce la continuità di cura. In questo nuovo scenario acquista rilevanza il contributo degli infermieri ai processi sanitari e al percorso diagnostico-terapeutico di competenza medica, nonché l’affermarsi del processo assistenziale di specifica competenza infermieristica. Nasce l’esigenza di progettare e sviluppare un valido sistema informativo, indispensabile per documentare sistematicamente ogni attività infermieristica, ottenere informazioni utili per la pianificazione, la gestione e la valutazione dei percorsi assistenziali e per migliorare l’assistenza. Il seguente progetto di tesi sperimentale ha come obiettivo la digitalizzazione delle documentazione infermieristica,in accordo con le esigenze del personale clinico in un ambito realmente operativo di reparto ospedaliero, al fine di realizzare uno strumento informativo semplice ma efficace, in grado di rendere agevole la registrazione dell’attività clinica quotidiana. Per iniziare la trattazione, sono forniti elementi introduttivi e propedeutici ad una comprensione più esaustiva del sistema che verrà integrato con le schede infermieristiche digitali. Si procede con la descrizione delle fasi di sviluppo che hanno portato all’informatizzazione delle schede infermieristiche, analizzando sia gli studi preliminari che gli strumenti utilizzati per la loro realizzazione. Il lavoro si conclude con la presentazione e discussione di un prototipo al personale infermieristico referente, così da mostrare al cliente l’effettiva funzionalità della cartella infermieristica e il flusso di utilizzo per avere un riscontro preliminare su leggibilità ed organicità dei documenti.


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La tecnica di Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) si basa sullo studio del moto diffusivo delle molecole d’acqua nei tessuti biologici ed è in grado di fornire informazioni sulla struttura dei tessuti e sulla presenza di eventuali alterazioni patologiche. Il più recente sviluppo della DWI è rappresentato dal Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), tecnica che permette di determinare non solo l’entità, ma anche le direzioni principali della diffusione. Negli ultimi anni, grazie ai progressi nella tecnica di risonanza magnetica, l’imaging di diffusione è stato anche applicato ad altri distretti anatomici tra cui quello renale, per sfruttarne le potenzialità diagnostiche. Tuttavia, pochi sono ancora gli studi relativi all’applicazione delle metodiche di diffusione per la valutazione della malattia policistica renale autosomica dominante (ADPKD). ADPKD è una delle malattie ereditarie più comuni ed è la principale causa genetica di insufficienza renale dell’adulto. La caratteristica principale consiste nella formazione di cisti in entrambi i reni, che progressivamente aumentano in numero e dimensioni fino a causare la perdita della funzionalità renale nella metà circa dei pazienti. Ad oggi non sono disponibili terapie capaci di arrestare o rallentare l’evoluzione di ADPKD; è possibile controllare le complicanze per evitare che costituiscano componenti peggiorative. Il lavoro di tesi nasce dalla volontà di indagare se la tecnica dell’imaging di diffusione possa essere utile per fornire informazioni sullo stato della malattia e sul suo grado di avanzamento. L’analisi di studio è concentrata sul calcolo del coefficiente di diffusione apparente (ADC), derivato dalle immagini DWI e valutato nella regione della midollare. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è verificare se tale valore di ADC sia in grado di caratterizzare la malattia policistica renale e possa essere utilizzato in ambito clinico-diagnostico come indicatore prognostico nella progressione di questa patologia.


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Advances in neonatology resulted in reducing the mortality rate and the consequent increase in survival of newborn pre terms (PTN). On the other hand, there was also a considerable increase in the risk of developing health care-related infection (HAI) in its most invasive, especially for bloodstream. This situation is worrying, and prevent the occurrence of it is a challenge and becomes one of the priorities in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Sepsis is the main cause of death in critical neonates and affects more than one million newborns each year, representing 40% of all deaths in neonates. The incidence of late sepsis can reach 50% in NICUs. Currently the major responsible for the occurrence of sepsis in developed countries is the coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CoNS), followed by S. aureus. The cases of HAIs caused by resistant isolates for major classes of antimicrobial agents have been increasingly frequent in the NICU. Therefore, vancomycin has to be prescribed more frequently, and, today, the first option in the treatment of bloodstream infections by resistant Staphylococcus. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact on late sepsis in epidemiology III NICU after the change of the use of antimicrobials protocol; check the frequency of multiresistant microorganisms; assess the number of neonates who came to death. This study was conducted in NICU Level III HC-UFU. three study groups were formed based on the use of the proposed late sepsis treatment protocol, with 216 belonging to the period A, 207 B and 209 to the C. The work was divided into three stages: Period A: data collected from neonates admitted to the unit between September 2010 to August 2011. was using treatment of late sepsis: with oxacillin and gentamicin, oxacillin and amikacin, oxacillin and cefotaxime. Period B: data were collected from March 2012 to February 2013. Data collection was started six months after protocol change. Due to the higher prevalence of CoNS, the initial protocol was changed to vancomycin and cefotaxime. Period C: data were collected from newborns inteerne in the unit from September 2013 to August 2014. Data collection was started six months after the protocol change, which occurred in March 2013. From the 632 neonates included in this study, 511 (80,8%) came from the gynecology and obstetrics department of the HC-UFU. The mean gestational age was 33 weeks and the prevailing sex was male (55,7%). Seventy-nine percent of the studied neonates were hospitalized at the NICU HC-UFU III because of complications related to the respiratory system. Suspicion of sepsis took to hospitalization in the unit of 1,9% of newborns. In general, the infection rate was 34,5%, and the most frequent infectious sepsis syndrome 81,2%. There was a tendency to reduce the number of neonates who died between periods A 11 and C (p = 0,053). From the 176 cases of late sepsis, 73 were clinical sepsis and 103 had laboratory confirmation, with greater representation of Gram positive bacteria, which corresponded to 67.2% of the isolates and CoNS the most frequent micro-organism (91,5%). There was a statistically significant difference in the reduction of isolation of Gram positive microorganisms between periods A and C (p = 0,0365) as well as in reducing multidrug-resistant CoNS (A and B period p = 0,0462 and A and C period, p = 0,158). This study concluded that: the CoNS was the main microorganism responsible for the occurrence of late sepsis in neonates in the NICU of HC-UFU; the main risk factors for the occurrence of late sepsis were: birth weight <1500 g, use of PICC and CUV, need for mechanical ventilation and parenteral nutrition, SNAPPE> 24 and length of stay more than seven days; the new empirical treatment protocol late sepsis, based on the use of vancomycin associated cefepime, it was effective, since promoted a reduction in insulation CoNS blood cultures between the pre and post implementation of the Protocol (A and C, respectively); just as there was a reduction in the number of newborns who evolved to death between periods A and C.


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Lung cancer is the most common of malignant tumors, with 1.59 million new cases worldwide in 2012. Early detection is the main factor to determine the survival of patients affected by this disease. Furthermore, the correct classification is important to define the most appropriate therapeutic approach as well as suggest the prognosis and the clinical disease evolution. Among the exams used to detect lung cancer, computed tomography have been the most indicated. However, CT images are naturally complex and even experts medical are subject to fault detection or classification. In order to assist the detection of malignant tumors, computer-aided diagnosis systems have been developed to aid reduce the amount of false positives biopsies. In this work it was developed an automatic classification system of pulmonary nodules on CT images by using Artificial Neural Networks. Morphological, texture and intensity attributes were extracted from lung nodules cut tomographic images using elliptical regions of interest that they were subsequently segmented by Otsu method. These features were selected through statistical tests that compare populations (T test of Student and U test of Mann-Whitney); from which it originated a ranking. The features after selected, were inserted in Artificial Neural Networks (backpropagation) to compose two types of classification; one to classify nodules in malignant and benign (network 1); and another to classify two types of malignancies (network 2); featuring a cascade classifier. The best networks were associated and its performance was measured by the area under the ROC curve, where the network 1 and network 2 achieved performance equal to 0.901 and 0.892 respectively.


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Estudar a incidência e fatores de risco (tempo de doença e presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica) para retinopatia diabética em 1002 pacientes encaminhados pelo Programa de Diabetes do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes no período de 1992 – 1995. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus encaminhados ao Setor de Retina do Departamento de Oftalmologia pelo Programa de Diabetes do Hospital Universitário e submetido, sob a supervisão do autor, a exame oftalmológico, incluindo medida da acuidade visual corrigida (tabela de Snellen), biomicroscopia do segmento anterior e posterior, tonometria de aplanação e oftalmoscopia binocular indireta sob midríase(tropicamida 1% + fenilefrina 10%). Foi realizada análise dos prontuários referente ao tempo de doenças e diagnostico clínico de hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Resultados: Dos 1002 diabéticos examinados (em 24 deles a fundoscopia foi inviável), 978 foram separados em 4 grupos: sem retinopatia diabética (SRD), 675 casos (69,01%); com retinopatia diabética não proliferativa (RDNP), 207 casos (21,16%); com retinopatia diabética proliferativa (RDP), 70 casos (7,15%); e pacientes já fotocoagulados (JFC), 26 casos (2,65%). Do total, 291 eram do sexo masculino (29%) e 711 do sexo feminino (71%). Os 4 grupos foram ainda avaliados quanto ao sexo, a faixa etária, a acuidade visual, tempo de doença, presença de catarata e hipertensão arterial sistêmica e comparados entre si. Com relação ao tipo de diabetes, 95 eram do tipo I (9,4%), 870 pacientes eram do tipo II (86,8%), e em 37 casos(3,7%) o tipo de diabetes não foi determinado. Conclusões: Comprovou-se que os pacientes com maior tempo de doença tinham maior probabilidade de desenvolver retinopatia diabética, e que a hipertensão arterial sistêmica não constituiu fator de risco em relação à diminuição da acuidade visual nos pacientes hipertensos


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Nell'ambito della Diagnostica per Immagini, l'imaging ibrido sta assumendo un ruolo fondamentale in molte applicazioni cliniche, tra cui oncologia, neurologia e cardiologia. La possibilità di integrare informazioni complementari, funzionali e morfologiche, in un'unica immagine, permette di valutare con estrema accuratezza varie tipologie di malattie, diminuendo i tempi di acquisizione e i disagi per i pazienti. La risonanza magnetica, in sostituzione alla TAC nel sistema integrato PET/TC, introduce notevoli vantaggi quali l'acquisizione simultanea dei dati, l'ottimo contrasto dei tessuti molli, l'assenza di radiazioni ionizzanti e la correzione degli artefatti da movimento; ciò migliora l'accuratezza delle immagini e, di conseguenza, il processo diagnostico. Nonostante sia un interessante strumento di diagnostica e l'apice dello sviluppo tecnologico in imaging nucleare, vi sono alcune problematiche che ne impediscono la diffusa adozione, tra cui le interferenze reciproche tra le due modalità, i costi elevati e ancora una ridotta pubblicazione di articoli al riguardo.


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Programa de doctorado: Nuevas perspectivas en cirugía. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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El autismo es un trastorno caracterizado por un funcionamiento cognitivo anormal principalmente en la comunicación y la interacción social. Aunque aun se sabe muy poco sobre la patología de los procesos subyacentes a este déficit, en distintos estudios se ha observado que el déficit social que presentan estos sujetos suele ir acompañado de dificultades en el procesamiento de rostros. Diferentes autores sugieren que la amígdala junto a otras estructuras cerebrales responsables del procesamiento facial y emocional estarían funcionando inadecuadamente en esta población y que existiría una estrecha relación entre los déficits en el comportamiento social y comunicacional y el procesamiento facial. Por este motivo, en el presente trabajo se pretende realizar una revisión de las manifestaciones clínicas que presentan distintos sujetos con diagnostico de autismo evaluados en diversos estudios científicos. Además, revisaremos los modelos teóricos que pretenden explicar el déficit del procesamiento facial y su relación con el inadecuado funcionamiento social y comunicacional de las personas autistas.


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Les progrès technologiques dans l’industrie de la viande ont des répercussions considérables sur les agents pathogènes de ces environnements. Parmi ceux-ci, Streptococcus suis occupe une place prédominante dans l’industrie porcine. En effet, S. suis, colonisateur naturel des voies respiratoires et digestives du porc, peut infecter son hôte en provoquant des méningites, septicémies, endocardites, arthrites ou pneumonies. De surcroît, S. suis peut également infecter l’humain en provoquant majoritairement des méningites et septicémies, et a notamment été la cause de deux épidémies en Chine en 1998 et 2005. La pathogenèse des infections à S. suis demeure partiellement connue à l’heure actuelle, rendant difficile le contrôle des infections. Il est par conséquent essentiel de caractériser les facteurs de virulence chez S. suis puisqu’ils pourraient représenter des cibles d’intérêt pour des applications préventives ou thérapeutiques. Ce projet de doctorat consiste donc en la caractérisation fonctionnelle de facteurs de virulence chez S. suis. Dans un premier temps, la capacité de S. suis à moduler son potentiel pro-inflammatoire en présence de concentrations sous-inhibitrices d’amoxicilline a été mise en évidence. Dans un second temps, la caractérisation plus avancée de la hyaluronate lyase de S. suis a permis de démontrer que son activité ne contribue pas à la virulence de la bactérie étant donné son absence au sein de souches les plus virulentes, mais que les interactions avec l’acide hyaluronique pourraient moduler la virulence de S. suis. Par la suite, l’étude fonctionnelle d’une DNase de S. suis a permis de démontrer son implication comme facteur de virulence et suggère son intérêt dans le développement de vaccins. Finalement, le dernier objectif du projet a permis la mise en évidence de la production de microvésicules fortement immunogéniques par S. suis. La présence de facteurs de virulence dans leur contenu protéique représente un élément encourageant dans le développement de vaccins contre l’agent pathogène. Ce projet a donc permis d’élargir les connaissances sur le potentiel néfaste de l’utilisation des antibiotiques à faible concentration dans l’industrie porcine, sur le rôle des activités hyaluronate lyase et DNase dans la virulence de S. suis, et de découvrir un nouveau mécanisme impliqué dans la virulence de la bactérie par le biais des microvésicules.


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Disponer de información fiable y en el momento adecuado, es una ficha clave para la gestión de las compañías, piense que difícil seria para un médico operar sin haber efectuado un diagnóstico a su paciente, de igual manera sucede con los gerentes, deben tener un conocimiento amplio de las empresas y del sector en el que se desarrollan, para entender y desarrollar un conjunto de estrategias, y así cumplir con las meta de la administración financiera, tomar decisiones que incrementen el valor de las acciones, o que acreciente el valor la empresa. El diagnostico financiero debe ser una práctica de manera permanente, debe ser un procedimiento continuo. Ya que de esta misma manera son las situaciones en las que se deben tomar decisiones. La investigación fue efectuada bajo le metodología descriptiva cuantitativa. Ya se partió de un conocimiento general a la ejecución de cálculos y análisis. Para desarrollo se utilizaron bases científicas, analíticas, matemáticas, bajo teorías tradicionales y teorías de generación de valor. Para el análisis se empleó información cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se utilizaron los estados financieros publicados por superintendencia de sociedades de los años 2010 a 2014 de las compañías clasificadas bajo el código de actividad económica CIIU 1410 (Confección de Prendas de Vestir, Excepto prendas de piel), de igual manera se analizó el desempeño del sector en estos últimos cinco años. Una vez se efectuó el análisis y se concluyó el estudio se pudo conocer las oportunidades, capacidades y debilidades a nivel financiero del sector, que permitirá a las compañías que se desarrollan en este poseer una visión crítica para no tomar decisiones imprevistas y sorprendentes sino equilibradas y predecibles.