995 resultados para Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948


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In large parts of the Southern Ocean, primary production is limited due to shortage of iron (Fe). We measured vertical Fe profiles in the western Weddell Sea, Weddell-Scotia Confluence, and Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), showing that Fe is derived from benthic Fe diffusion and sediment resuspension in areas characterized by high turbulence due to rugged bottom topography. Our data together with literature data reveal an exponential decrease of dissolved Fe (DFe) concentrations with increasing distance from the continental shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula and the western Weddell Sea. This decrease can be observed 3500 km eastward of the Antarctic Peninsula area, downstream the ACC. We estimated DFe summer fluxes into the upper mixed layer of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and found that horizontal advection dominates DFe supply, representing 54 ± 15% of the total flux, with significant vertical advection second most important at 29 ± 13%. Horizontal and vertical diffusion are weak with 1 ± 2% and 1 ± 1%, respectively. The atmospheric contribution is insignificant close to the Antarctic continent but increases to 15 ± 10% in the remotest waters (>1500 km offshore) of the ACC. Translating Southern Ocean carbon fixation by primary producers into biogenic Fe fixation shows a twofold excess of new DFe input close to the Antarctic continent and a one-third shortage in the open ocean. Fe recycling, with an estimated “fe” ratio of 0.59, is the likely pathway to balance new DFe supply and Fe fixation.


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An inverse food-web model for the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) pelagic food web was constrained with data from Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (PAL-LTER) project annual austral summer sampling cruises. Model solutions were generated for 2 regions with Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae colonies presenting different population trends (a northern and a southern colony) for a 12 yr period (1995-2006). Counter to the standard paradigm, comparisons of carbon flow through bacteria, microzooplankton, and krill showed that the diatom-krill-top predator food chain is not the dominant pathway for organic carbon exchanges. The food web is more complex, including significant contributions by microzooplankton and the microbial loop. Using both inverse model results and network indices, it appears that in the northern WAP the food web is dominated by the microbial food web, with a temporal trend toward its increasing importance. The dominant pathway for the southern WAP food web varies from year to year, with no detectable temporal trend toward dominance of microzooplankton versus krill. In addition, sensitivity analyses indicated that the northern colony of Adelie penguins, whose population size has been declining over the past 35 yr, appears to have sufficient krill during summer to sustain its basic metabolic needs and rear chicks, suggesting the importance of other processes in regulating the Adelie population decline.


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Two concepts that have captured the imagination of the educational community in the last 60 years have been those of ‘reflective practice’ and ‘action research’. Both, in their various forms, are considered to be critical dimensions of the professional development of teachers. However, whilst both were receiving academic attention during the 1930s and 1940s (Lewin, 1934, cited in Adelman, 1993; Lewin, 1946; Dewey, 1933), it was not until Stenhouse’s (1975) notion of the teacher-as-researcher that the two came most compellingly into relationship and educational action research as a process, which held at its centre different kinds of reflection, began to be reformulated in Britain (Carr, 1993). This article considers the important part played in teachers’ development by different kinds of action research. Its central thesis is that, although action research has a critical role to play not least as a means of building the capacity of teachers as researchers of their own practice, there has been insufficient attention given to both the nature of reflection in the action research process, and its relationship to the purposes, processes and outcomes. The article challenges the rational, cognitive models of reflection that are implicit in much of the action research literature. It suggests that more attention needs to be given to the importance of the role of emotion in understanding and developing the capacities for reflection which facilitates personal, professional and ultimately system change.


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Tese de doutoramento, História e Filosofia das Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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The National Seaman’s Association was a labour recruiter hiding behind a union-like name. It was run by H.N. McMaster who collected fees from companies and dues from workers. With McMaster in charge, shipping interests could claim that their seamen had a union, but ship-owners were free to push their vessels and their workers to the breaking point. In 1935, the members on the Great Lakes decided to strike. One year later, they created their own union and amalgamated with a Montreal-based independent body to create the Canadian Seamen’s Union headed by a ship’s cook who became a union leader, John Allan Patrick “Pat” Sullivan. By the late 1940s, almost all sailors on Canadian ships were CSU members. Right from its inception in 1936, Communists were prominent among the leaders of the union. Sullivan had been recruited to the Communist party that year and the union had a close rapport with the party. On June 8, 1940, Pat Sullivan was arrested because of his affiliation with the Communist party. He was incarcerated until March 20, 1942. No charges were laid, no bail was set and there was no trial. After his release, Sullivan was elected second vice-president of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada. In 1943, Percy Bengough was elected as president and Sullivan was elected as secretary treasurer of the TLC while maintaining his role as president of the CSU. On March 14, 1947 Sullivan made a shocking announcement that he was resigning from the CSU and the Labor-Progressive Party. He claimed that the CSU was under the full control of the Communists. Within a month of this announcement, he emerged as the president of the Canadian Lake Seamen’s Union. Ship-owners never really reconciled themselves to having their industry unionized, and in 1946 there was a seamen’s strike in which the union won the eight-hour day. In 1949, the shipping companies had a plan to get rid of the union and were negotiating behind their back with the Seafarers International Union (SIU). In a brutal confrontation, led by Hal Banks, an American ex-convict, the SIU was able to roust the CSU and take over the bargaining rights of Canadian seamen. On July 15, 1948, Robert Lindsay, who was Sullivan’s Welland business agent said that to the best of his knowledge, Sullivan’s outfit, the CLSU, was under the control of some of the Steamship Companies. Lindsay had heard that there was a movement to get rid of Bengough of the Trades and Labour Congress as well as elements of the CSU. He also had heard that the CLSU wanted to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. Lindsay’s allegations raised the questions: Were the ship-owners powerful enough to oust Percy Bengough because he supported the seamen? Could the CLSU get an affiliation with the American Federation of Labor? and Would the American Federation of Labor actually affiliate with a union that was siding with employers against a locked-out union?


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Correspondence, flyers and clippings regarding the Blenkhorn and Sawle Company.


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Le présent mémoire se penche sur la diminution des espaces ouverts en Israël, un problème environnemental considéré comme l’un des plus importants par les organisations environnementales de ce pays. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante depuis le début des années 1990 alors que la superficie occupée par ces espaces s’est réduite significativement. Les craintes liées à cette évolution se sont traduites par l’implantation de plans nationaux d’aménagement visant expressément à concentrer le développement futur du pays au sein des quatre principales régions métropolitaines (Tel-Aviv, Jérusalem, Haïfa, Beer-Sheva) de manière à préserver de façon optimale les espaces ouverts restants. Plusieurs facteurs sont responsables de cette perte d’espaces ouverts. Ainsi, l’un des objectifs cet ouvrage consiste à identifier ces facteurs de même qu’à analyser dans quelle mesure ils ont influé. Par ailleurs, ce mémoire fait le point sur l’évolution de la superficie des espaces ouverts au fil des années. Finalement, le dernier chapitre aborde les enjeux actuels quant à la conservation des espaces ouverts israéliens et souligne quelques solutions proposées afin d’accroître leur protection pour le futur. Afin de dresser un portrait complet de la situation, la période étudiée s’étend de 1948, année de fondation de l’État d’Israël, à 2010.


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Analisis de la transformación de la identidad de rol francesa durante la segunda guerra mundial y la importancia de la fundación de la onu para la reconstrucción de dicha identidad.


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Este trabajo pretendió retomar la idea del consumo de productos culturales al preguntarse específicamente por el consumo de cine de Hollywood en Bogotá entre 1925 y 1946. Se trata de mirar cómo fue el consumo del cine de Hollywood de los bogotanos de las primeras décadas del siglo XX y se centra en todas aquellas películas producidas en Estados Unidos de carácter comercial. Para mostrar cómo ese consumo de cine no es pasivo, este trabajo se enfocó en cómo entendieron y vieron cine de Hollywood dos grupos de personas, teniendo en cuenta una tipología que establece Ricardo Arias, en las cuales se divide a parte de la población bogotana en individuos católicos radicales e individuos de tendencia laica liberal. Lo que se propone mostrar es que a pesar de las diferencias existentes entre los dos grupos, la visión que construyeron con respecto a estas películas no fue tan diferente, pues ambos grupos descalificaron al cine por ser una tecnología degradante que estaba supeditada a los intereses de una industria.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en describir las características de un asesino en serie colombiano desde la perspectiva psicodinámica. En este sentido, el abordaje teórico realizado en este trabajo se compone inicialmente de una concepción de asesinos en serie, posteriormente se hace una revisión acerca de las bases biológicas y los factores sociales del homicida serial, igualmente, se explican tres teorías psicodinámicas a trabajar (Sigmund Freud y Erick Erickson). Finalmente, se hace mención dentro de la investigación a la comparación casuística de los asesinos en serie, teniendo en cuenta a cuatro asesinos en serie mediante el abordaje psicodinámico. Por otra parte, a nivel metodológico, el tipo de estudio realizado es descriptivo con un corte cualitativo y un diseño no experimental, basado en la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas. Como producto se pretende hacer una aproximación al perfil correspondiente de la personalidad de un asesino en serie colombiano mediante las teorías psicodinámicas.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explicar la influencia de la construcción de identidad cultural vietnamita en la Guerra de Independencia de Vietnam entre 1946 y 1954. Se argumenta que la construcción de identidad cultural justificó, promovió y legitimó la guerra de independencia como instrumento político ya que –en tanto proceso relacional– generó durante la colonización francesa prácticas de diferenciación fundamentadas en la reivindicación de los valores, tradiciones, costumbres, creencias y símbolos vietnamitas en torno a la resistencia. Ello propició una ruptura en las relaciones políticas imperantes, lo que condujo a la búsqueda de un nuevo orden social basado en la autodeterminación. Se utiliza una metodología de tipo cualitativa, fundamentada en el análisis documental e historiográfico.


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Antarctic stratospheric ozone depletion has been associated with an observed downward trend in tropospheric geopotential height and temperature. Stratospheric ozone depletion peaks in October–November, whereas tropospheric trends are largest in December–January, concurrent with maximum ozone changes close to the tropopause. Surface temperatures are most sensitive to ozone loss near the tropopause, therefore it has been suggested that the observed tropospheric response is forced mainly by ozone depletion in the lower stratosphere. In this study the climate response to ozone depletion exclusively below 164 hPa is simulated using HadSM3-L64, and compared with simulations in which ozone depletion is prescribed exclusively above 164 hPa. Results indicate that the tropospheric response is dominated by ozone changes above 164 hPa, with ozone changes in the lowermost stratosphere playing an insignificant role. A tropospheric response is also seen in fall/winter which agrees well with observations and has not been found in modeling studies previously.