649 resultados para Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Bibliotheek.
The ingress of water and Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) into poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), and its co-polymers with tetrahydrofurduryl methacrylate (THFMA), loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin 1312 or aspirin, was studied by mass uptake over the temperature range 298-318 K. The polymers were studied as cylinders and were loaded with either 5 wt% or 10 wt% of the drugs. From DSC studies it was observed that vitamin B-12 behaved as a physical cross-linker restricting chain segmental mobility, and so had a small anti-plasticisation effect on PHEMA and the co-polymers rich in HEMA, but almost no effect on the T-g of co-polymers rich in THFMA. On the other hand, aspirin exhibited a plasticising effect on PHEMA and the copolymers. All of the polymers were found to absorb water and SBF according to a Fickian diffusion mechanism. The polymers were all found to swell to a greater extent in SBF than in water, which was attributed to the presence of Tris buffer in the SBF. The sorptions of the two penetrants were found to follow Fickian kinetics in all cases and the diffusion coefficients at 310 K for SBF were found to be smaller than those for water, except for the polymers containing aspirin where the diffusion coefficients were higher than for the other systems. For example, for sorption into PHEMA the diffusion coefficient for water was 1.41 X 10(-11) m(2)/s and for SBF was 0.79 x 10-11 m(2)/s, but in the presence of 5 wt% aspirin the corresponding values were 1.27 x 10(-1)1 m(2)/s and 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively. The corresponding values for PHEMA loaded with 5 wt% B-12 were 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s and 0.74 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively.
Este estudo teve a intenção de analisar até que ponto o uso de diferentes bases de poder dos superiores hierárquicos predizem os níveis de engajamento no trabalho e de resiliência dos trabalhadores, colaborando para aumentar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento dos servidores públicos municipais, quanto aos níveis de engajamento no trabalho e resiliência apresentados. Partiu-se da definição de poder de French e Raven (1959): poder é a influência potencial que o agente O poderia causar no sujeito P; adotou-se o conceito de engajamento no trabalho de Schaufeli e Bakker (2003), que definem engajamento no trabalho como um construto motivacional positivo, caracterizado por vigor, dedicação e absorção, sempre relacionado ao trabalho, o qual implica sentimento de realização, envolve estado cognitivo positivo, é persistente no tempo, apresentando, assim, natureza motivacional e social e por fim utilizou-se o conceito de Grotberg (2005) que define resiliência como a capacidade humana para enfrentar, vencer e ser fortalecido ou transformado por experiências de adversidades . Para isto, definiu-se como objetivo geral testar a capacidade preditiva das bases de poder social dos chefes sobre a resiliência e o engajamento no trabalho, em servidores públicos municipais de Diadema - SP. Participaram deste estudo 95 servidores públicos municipais do município de Diadema, SP, com pequena maioria de indivíduos do sexo feminino (51,6%), com maior percentual de idade entre 25 e 40 anos (38,9%). A maioria dos participantes (60%) declarou possuir nível superior completo (35,8%) ou pós-graduação (24,2%). Utilizou-se os instrumentos: Escala de Bases de Poder do Supervisor (EBPS), escala desenvolvida por Martins e Guimarães (2007); Escala de Avaliação da Resiliência (EAR), escala construída por Martins, Siqueira e Emilio (2011) e a Escala de Engajamento no Trabalho de UTRECHT (UWES) que tiveram seus indicadores de validade e fidedignidade apurados neste estudo. Como resultado constatou-se parcialmente a existência de associação entre engajamento no trabalho e resiliência, pois engajamento no trabalho correlacionou-se com três dos cinco fatores de resiliência: adaptação positiva à mudanças, competência pessoal e persistência diante de dificuldade. Verificou-se que as dimensões que compõem a variável resiliência obtiveram médias ao redor do ponto quatro da escala de resiliência (frequentemente é verdade), indicando que os participantes frequentemente percebem a si mesmos como capazes de enfrentar as adversidades da vida em função da sua alta percepção de persistência, capazes de adaptar-se às mudanças, com bom nível de competência pessoal e de espiritualidade. Constatou-se que as médias nas dimensões que compõem a variável engajamento no trabalho ficaram muito próximas do ponto quatro da escala de engajamento (algumas vezes na semana), indicando que eles percebem em si um alto grau engajamento no trabalho, ou seja, que possuem vigor, são dedicados e deixam-se absorver pelo trabalho. Verificou-se ainda que os trabalhadores percebem o poder de perícia como o mais empregado pelos seus superiores hierárquicos com média de 4,46 (DP= 0,71). Por fim, os resultados obtidos apontaram que o papel e o posicionamento da chefia não provocaram impacto significativo em nenhuma das variáveis consequentes, portanto, bases de poder não explicam resiliência para os trabalhadores participantes desta pesquisa como também não predisseram engajamento no trabalho.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14J28, 14D22.
Born, A.(2016). Leren Aansluiten na de Internationale Schakelklas (ISK) Een verkenning van de aansluiting van curriculum en leerlijnen Nederlands en rekenen tussen de ISK en MBO/Entree opleiding. Mei, 17, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit
De Groot, D. (2016). Flexibele Leerroutes voor Propedeusestudenten: Grounded Theory Onderzoek naar het Identificeren van Studentkenmerken in de Matching, ten behoeve van een Vraaggerichte, Gepersonaliseerde Leerroute in de Propedeuse Social Work. Juli, 26, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.
De beoordeling van vorderingen en inzet van (extra) diagnostiek ('indicatiestelling') in het onderwijs kunnen de kans op het ontstaan van problemen bij een kind vergroten. Tijdige herkenning en preventieve ondervanging van de problemen vragen veranderingen in de inhoudelijke, evaluatieve, didactisch-organisatorische en diagnostische systematieken in en rond scholen. Daarom wordt gewerkt aan de opbouw van een inhoudelijk integrerende, pedagogisch-didactische kernstructuur (PDKS). Deze helpt de dialoog en samenwerking tussen opvoedeling(en) of leerling(en), opvoeder(s), leerkracht(en) en andere professionals eenduidig in te richten en te optimaliseren. Didactisch-organisatorische steun wordt verleend door passende software in de vorm van 'Diagnostische, Instructie en Management Systemen' (DIMS). De beoogde veranderingen worden samen met leerkrachten en schoolleidingen ontwikkeld en proefondervindelijk gerealiseerd in enkele scholen voor primair onderwijs. De schoolontwikkeling biedt de contextuele condities ter realisatie van 'verantwoorde zelfregulatie' van elk kind of elke leerling. Dit wordt toegelicht in verschillende praktijkvoorbeelden. Ook worden volgende ontwikkelingen geschetst.
This presentation summarizes experience with the automated speech recognition and translation approach realised in the context of the European project EMMA.
This presentation explains how RAGE develops reusable game technology components and provides examples of their application.
There is a wealth of literature on the design of ex post compensation mechanisms for natural disasters. However, more research needs to be done on the manner in which these mechanisms could steer citizens toward adopting individual-level preventive and protection measures in the face of flood risks. We have provided a comparative legal analysis of the financial compensation mechanisms following floods, be it through insurance, public funds, or a combination of both, with an empirical focus on Belgium, the Netherlands, England, and France. Similarities and differences between the methods in which these compensation mechanisms for flood damages enhance resilience were analyzed. The comparative analysis especially focused on the link between the recovery strategy on the one hand and prevention and mitigation strategies on the other. There is great potential within the recovery strategy for promoting preventive action, for example in terms of discouraging citizens from living in high-risk areas, or encouraging the uptake of mitigation measures, such as adaptive building. However, this large potential has yet to be realized, in part because of insufficient consideration and promotion of these connections within existing legal frameworks. We have made recommendations about how the linkages between strategies can be further improved. These recommendations relate to, among others, the promotion of resilient reinstatement through recovery mechanisms and the removal of legal barriers preventing the establishment of link-inducing measures.
The workshop took place on 16-17 January in Utrecht, with Seventy experts from eight European countries in attendance. The workshop was structured in six sessions: usage statistics research paper metadata exchanging information author identification Open Archives Initiative eTheses Following the workshop, the discussion groups were asked to continue their collaboration and to produce a report for circulation to all participants. The results can be downloaded below. The recommendations contained in the reports above have been reviewed by the Knowledge Exchange partner organisations and formed the basis for new proposals and the next steps in Knowledge Exchange work with institutional repositories. Institutional Repository Workshop - Next steps During April and May 2007 Knowledge Exchange had expert reviewers from the partner organisations go though the workshop strand reports and make their recommendations about the best way to move forward, to set priorities, and find possibilities for furthering the institutional repository cause. The KE partner representatives reviewed the reviews and consulted with their partner organisation management to get an indication of support and funding for the latest ideas and proposals, as follows: Pragmatic interoperability During a review meeting at JISC offices in London on 31 May, the expert reviewers and the KE partner representatives agreed that ‘pragmatic interoperability' is the primary area of interest. It was also agreed that the most relevant and beneficial choice for a Knowledge Exchange approach would be to aim for CRIS-OAR interoperability as a step towards integrated services. Within this context, interlinked joint projects could be undertaken by the partner organisations regarding the areas that most interested them. Interlinked projects The proposed Knowledge Exchange activities involve interlinked joint projects on metadata, persistent author identifiers, and eTheses which are intended to connect to and build on projects such as ISPI, Jisc NAMES and the Digital Author Identifier (DAI) developed by SURF. It is important to stress that the projects are not intended to overlap, but rather to supplement the DRIVER 2 (EU project) approaches. Focus on CRIS and OAR It is believed that the focus on practical interoperability between Current Research Information Systems and Open Access Repository systems will be of genuine benefit to research scientists, research administrators and librarian communities in the Knowledge Exchange countries; accommodating the specific needs of each group. Timing June 2007: Write the draft proposal by KE Working Group members July 2007: Final proposal to be sent to partner organisations by KE Group August 2007: Decision by Knowledge Exchange partner organisations.
In this project partners from the Netherlands (Utrecht University) Denmark (Roskilde University) and the UK (University of Hull) investigated the technical possibilities and challenges faced in stored enhanced/compound electronic theses and dissertations in an Institutional Repository. The project started in 2007 and the final reports were issued in May 2010