873 resultados para Right ventricle
Ventricular cells are immersed in a bath of electrolytes and these ions are essential for a healthy heart and a regular rhythm. Maintaining physiological concentration of them is fundamental for reducing arrhythmias and risk of sudden cardiac death, especially in haemodialysis patients and in the heart diseases treatments. Models of electrically activity of the heart based on mathematical formulation are a part of the efforts to improve the understanding and prediction of heart behaviour. Modern models incorporate the extensive and ever increasing amounts of experimental data in incorporating biophysically detailed mechanisms to allow the detailed study of molecular and subcellular mechanisms of heart disease. The goal of this project was to simulate the effects of changes in potassium and calcium concentrations in the extracellular space between experimental data and and a description incorpored into two modern biophysically detailed models (Grandi et al. Model; O’Hara Rudy Model). Moreover the task was to analyze the changes in the ventricular electrical activity, in particular by studying the modifications on the simulated electrocardiographic signal. We used the cellular information obtained by the heart models in order to build a 1D tissue description. The fibre is composed by 165 cells, it is divided in four groups to differentiate the cell types that compound human ventricular tissue. The main results are the following: Grandi et al. (GBP) model is not even able to reproduce the correct action potential profile in hyperkalemia. Data from hospitalized patients indicates that the action potential duration (APD) should be shorter than physiological state but in this model we have the opposite. From the potassium point of view the results obtained by using O’Hara model (ORD) are in agreement with experimental data for the single cell action potential in hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, most of the currents follow the data from literature. In the 1D simulations we were able to reproduce ECGs signal in most the potassium concentrations we selected for this study and we collected data that can help physician in understanding what happens in ventricular cells during electrolyte disorder. However the model fails in the conduction of the stimulus under hyperkalemic conditions. The model emphasized the ECG modifications when the K+ is slightly more than physiological value. In the calcium setting using the ORD model we found an APD shortening in hypocalcaemia and an APD lengthening in hypercalcaemia, i.e. the opposite to experimental observation. This wrong behaviour is kept in one dimensional simulations bringing a longer QT interval in the ECG under higher [Ca2+]o conditions and vice versa. In conclusion it has highlighted that the actual ventricular models present in literature, even if they are useful in the original form, they need an improvement in the sensitivity of these two important electrolytes. We suggest an use of the GBP model with modifications introduced by Carro et al. who understood that the failure of this model is related to the Shannon et al. model (a rabbit model) from which the GBP model was built. The ORD model should be modified in the Ca2+ - dependent IcaL and in the influence of the Iks in the action potential for letting it him produce a correct action potential under different calcium concentrations. In the 1D tissue maybe a heterogeneity setting of intra and extracellular conductances for the different cell types should improve a reproduction of the ECG signal.
In questo lavoro ci siamo posti come obiettivo lo studio della disfunzione atrio-ventricolare mediante tecniche ecocardiografiche avanzate (come il Tissue Doppler Imaging - TDI) in cani affetti da malattia mitralica cronica (MVD). Una prima parte è volta alla valutazione della funzionalità diastolica del ventricolo destro. Ci siamo proposti di analizzare la funzione del ventricolo destro in cani affetti da malattia del cuore sinistro per comprendere se quest’ultima possa condizionare direttamente la performance del settore cardiaco controlaterale. I risultati più importanti che abbiamo riscontrato sono: l’assenza di differenze significative nella disfunzione sisto-diastolica del ventricolo destro in cani con MVD a diverso stadio; la diretta correlazione tra le variabili TDI di funzionalità del ventricolo destro con il grado di disfunzione del ventricolo sinistro, come indicatori di interdipendenza ventricolare; ed infine il riscontro di una maggior tendenza ad alterazioni diastoliche del ventricolo sinistro in cani con ipertensione polmonare. A quest’ultimo proposito, per quanto riguarda le variabili TDI, il rapporto E/e’ dell’anulus mitralico laterale e settale è risultato avere una differenza significativa tra i cani con ipertensione polmonare e quelli privi di ipertensione polmonare (P<0,01). Nel secondo studio abbiamo applicato il TDI per l’analisi della funzione sisto-diastolica dell’atrio sinistro. Il lavoro è stato articolato in una parte di validazione della metodica su cani normali ed una su animali affetti da MDV. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che la valutazione ecocardiografica delle proprietà di deformazione dell’atrio sinistro basata sul TDI è attuabile e riproducibile nel cane. Abbiamo fornito dei valori di normalità per questa specie e confrontato questi dati con quelli ricavati in cani portatori di MVD. Le differenza tra le varie classi di malattia, nei diversi gradi di dilatazione atriale, sono risultate limitate, ma abbiamo individuato delle correlazioni tra i parametri TDI ed alcune variabili di funzionalità atriale.
Investigating parents’ formal engagement opportunities in public schools serves well to characterize the relationship between states and societies. While the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic success has been thoroughly investigated, rarely has it been seen to indicate countries’ governing regimes. The researcher was curious to see whether and how does parents’ voice differ in different democracies. The hypothesis was that in mature regimes, institutional opportunities for formal parental engagement are plenty and parents are actively involved; while in young democracies there are less opportunities and the engagement is lower. The assumption was also that parental deliberation in expressing their dissatisfaction with schools differs across democracies: where it is more intense, there it translates to higher engagement. Parents’ informedness on relevant regulations and agendas was assumed to be equally average, and their demographic background to have similar effects on engagement. The comparative, most different systems design was employed where public middle schools last graders’ parents in Tartu, Estonia and in Huntsville, Alabama the United States served as a sample. The multidimensional study includes the theoretical review, country and community analyses, institutional analysis in terms of formal parental involvement, and parents’ survey. The findings revealed sizeable differences between parents’ engagement levels in Huntsville and Tartu. The results indicate passivity in both communities, while in Tartu the engagement seems to be alarmingly low. Furthermore, Tartu parents have much less institutional opportunities to engage. In the United States, multilevel efforts to engage parents are visible from local to federal level, in Estonia similar intentions seem to be missing and meaningful parental organizations do not exist. In terms of civic education there is much room for development in both countries. The road will be longer for a young democracy Estonia in transforming its institutional systems from formally democratic to inherently inclusive.
L'intervento di connessione cavo-polmonare totale (TCPC) nei pazienti portatori di cuore univentricolare, a causa della particolare condizione emodinamica, determina un risentimento a carico di numerosi parenchimi. Scopo della ricerca è di valutare l'entità di questo danno ad un follow-up medio-lungo. Sono stati arruolati 115 pazienti, sottoposti ad intervento presso i centri di Cardiochirurgia Pediatrica di Bologna (52 pz) e Torino (63 pz). Il follow-up medio è stato di 125±2 mesi. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad indagine emodinamica (88 pz), test cardiopolmonare (75 pz) e Fibroscan ed ecografia epatica (47 pz). La pressione polmonare media è stata di 11.5±2.6mmHg, ed in 12 pazienti i valori di pressione polmonare erano superiori a 15mmHg. La pressione atriale media era di 6.7±2.3mmHg ed il calcolo delle resistenze vascolari polmonari indicizzate (RVP) era in media di 2±0.99 UW/m2. In 29 pazienti le RVP erano superiori a 2 UW/m2. La VO2 max in media era pari a 28±31 ml/Kg/min, 58±15 % del valore teorico. La frequenza cardiaca massima all'apice dello sforzo era di 151±22 bpm, pari al 74±17% del valore teorico. Il Fibroscan ha fornito un valore medio di 17.01 kPa (8-34.3kPa). Cinque pazienti erano in classe F2, 9 pazienti in classe F3 e 33 pazienti risultavano in classe F4. Nei pazienti con follow-up maggiore di 10 anni il valore di stiffness epatica (19.6±5.2kPa) è risultato significativamente maggiore a quello dei pazienti con follow-up minore di 10 anni (15.1±5.8kPa, p<0.01). La frequenza cardiaca massima raggiunta durante lo sforzo del test cardiopolmonare è risultata significativamente correlata alla morfologia del ventricolo unico, risultando del 67.8±14.4% del valore teorico nei pazienti portatori di ventricolo destro contro il 79.6±8.7% dei portatori di ventricolo sinistro (p=0.006). L'intervento di TCPC determina un risentimento a carico di numerosi parenchimi proporzionale alla lunghezza del follow-up, e necessita pertanto un costante monitoraggio clinico-strumentale multidisciplinare.
La BCPA e’ ormai utilizzata routinariamente come stadio intermedio della palliazione di Fontan nel trattamento dei cuori funzionalmente univentricolari e si conferma intervento a ridotta mortalità e morbilità. La crescita delle arterie polmonari dopo BCPA è abbastanza variabile ed imprevedibile, le dimensioni indicizzate dei rami principali sembrano tendenzialmente ridotte, tranne quelle dell’arteria lobare inferiore destra, la quale beneficerebbe del flusso preferenziale della BCPA. Proprio i pazienti con arterie polmonari più piccole mostrerebbero un maggior incremento di dimensioni delle stesse dopo BPCA. Il ruolo ed i vantaggi del flusso accessorio nella BCPA sono ancora da definire; tuttavia sembrerebbe offrire vantaggi in termini di crescita delle arterie polmonari, soprattutto il ramo lobare sinistro, e di miglior outcome dopo TCPC.
In „’Let ‘em have it – right on the chin.’ – Die Haltung der britischen Öffentlich-keit zum RAF-Flächenbombardement 1939-1945“ wird durch die Untersuchung der vier Tageszeitungen Times, Manchester Guardian, Daily Express und Daily Mirror sowie der wöchentlichen Berichte des britischen Informationsministeriums nachgewiesen, dass 1942 ein Konsens in der britischen Öffentlichkeit für Flächenbombardements eintrat. Diese Einigkeit entstand aufgrund der Kriegssituation, sozialpsychologischer Mechanismen und realpolitischer Erwägungen und verfestigte sich 1943 und zum Teil auch 1944 deutlich. Die öffentliche Meinung kehrte sich in den drei Jahren zwischen 1940 und 1943 vollständig um und wandelte sich 1944 erneut: Während 1940 die Mehrheit gegen die Bombardierung der deutschen Zivilbevölkerung eingestellt war, fand in den folgenden drei Jahren eine Entwicklung statt, die 1943 in den Konsens, 1944 aber in die Tabuisierung des Themas mündete. Dabei verstärkten insbesondere zwei Argumente den Prozess der Konsensbildung: Nachdem bis Anfang 1941 die Bedeutung der Begrifflichkeiten so weit vereinheitlicht worden war, dass beispielsweise die Mehrheit der Briten etwas mit dem Ausdruck „Flächenbombardement“ anfangen konnte, setzte sich im Laufe des Jahres 1940 – in Presse und Bevölkerung parallel – ein Feindbild durch, das das gesamte deutsche Volk in Haftung nahm und es insofern auch für die deutschen Luftangriffe auf Großbritannien verantwortlich machte. Erst daraus erwuchs die Rechtfertigung für die Forderung nach Vergeltung, die durch diese Begründung von bloßen Rachegelüsten losgelöst werden konnte. Seit dem deutschen Angriff auf die Sowjetunion im Juni 1941 galten Flächenbombardements – hier folgten Bevölkerung und Presse der britischen Regierung – außerdem als Vorbereitung für die Westoffensive. Eine Mehrheit sprach sich schon 1941 für Flächenbombardements aus, mit den großen Angriffen 1942 und vor allem 1943 war der Konsens dann so vollständig erreicht, dass kritische Stimmen fast gänzlich verstummten. Als mit der alliierten Landung in der Normandie 1944 ein wichtiges Argument für die Notwendigkeit von Flächenbombardements wegfiel, setzte eine Tabuisierung des Themas ein, die sich 1945 verfestigte. Insgesamt beleuchtet die Arbeit, durch welche Faktoren in einer Kontroverse eine gesellschaftliche Einigkeit im Großbritannien der frühen vierziger Jahre erzeugt wurde. Dieser Zusammenhalt war notwendig, um die Handlungsfähigkeit der Gesellschaft zu gewährleisten, so dass sich der Konsens in der Kriegssituation als wichtige Überlebensstrategie erwies. Erreicht wurde er aber auf Kosten des für eine demokratische Gesellschaft auch charakteristischen Pluralismus von Meinungen und Einstellungen.
We report the case of a 24-years old diabetic women hospitalised because of right-sided lower abdominal pain and diarrhea. She fulminantly developed shock before appendectomy could be performed and was transferred to intensive care unit. Hypotension remained and laparoscopy revealed primary peritonitis and toxic shock syndrome by Group A Streptococcus which was cultivated in blood and ascites. Therapy with penicilline and clindamycine resolved symptoms. During hospitalisation Clostridium difficile colitis occurred. This complication leaded to prolonged hospitalisation.
AIMS: The effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) has not been well studied. Furthermore, it is unclear whether baseline RVEF influences response to CRT. To evaluate the acute and chronic effects of CRT on right ventricular systolic function, and to investigate whether baseline RVEF impacts response to CRT. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-four patients with a standard indication for CRT underwent radionuclide angiography at baseline and after at least 6 months' follow-up for measuring RVEF, right ventricular synchrony (using phase analysis), and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). In addition, NYHA functional class and 6-min walking distance (6MWD) were evaluated. There were no significant acute changes in RVEF with CRT. After a mean follow-up of 9 +/- 5 months, RVEF was slightly improved (by 1.9 +/- 5.0% in absolute terms, P = 0.016), and to a lesser extent than LVEF (5.1 +/- 9.0%, P = 0.009 compared with RVEF). Right ventricular dyssynchrony was significantly improved at follow-up (P = 0.016). Patients with a baseline RVEF < or = 0.35 (n = 19) were less likely to improve in NYHA class (P = 0.016), and also tended to improve less in 6MWD and LVEF (P < 0.06). CONCLUSION: Cardiac resynchronization therapy has no acute effect on RVEF, and only slightly improves RVEF at follow-up. Patients with reduced RVEF at baseline were less likely to respond to CRT, indicating that right ventricular systolic dysfunction may play a role in patient selection.
Myocardial dysfunction appears in 25% of patients with severe sepsis and in 50% of patients with septic shock, even in the presence of hyper dynamic states. It is characterized by a reduction in left ventricle ejection fraction, that reverts at the seventh to tenth day of evolution. Right ventricular dysfunction and diastolic left ventricular dysfunction can also appear. There is no consensus if an increase in end diastolic volume is part of the syndrome. High troponin or brain natriuretic peptide levels are associated with myocardial dysfunction and a higher mortality. The pathogenesis of myocardial dysfunction is related to micro and macro circulatory changes, inflammatory response, oxidative stress, intracellular calcium management disturbances, metabolic changes, autonomic dysfunction, activation of apoptosis, mitochondrial abnormalities and a derangement in catecholaminergic stimulation. Since there is no specific treatment for myocardial dysfunction, its management requires an adequate multi systemic support to maintain perfusion pressures and systemic flows sufficient for the regional and global demands.
We present the case of a 48-year old man who, eight years after an industrial accident, presents with chronic right-sided nondermatomal pain and hypaesthesia to heat and touch. During symmetric peripheral touch functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed hypometabolism in the left thalamus, somatosensory cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex. Pain-associated nondermatomal somatosensory deficits (NDSDs) localizing to one side of the body are a frequent clinical entity, which are often triggered by an accident. The tendency of NDSDs to extend to adjunct ipsilateral body parts and to become chronic points to maladaptive adjustment of pain-processing areas in the central nervous system. Psychological stress prior to or around the triggering event seems an important risk factor for NDSDs.
Systolic right ventricular (RV) function is an important predictor in the course of various congenital and acquired heart diseases. Its practical determination by echocardiography remains challenging. We compared routine assessment of lateral tricuspid annular systolic motion velocity (TV(lat), cm/s) using pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging from the apical 4-chamber view with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) as reference method.