948 resultados para QCD deconfinement phase transition


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Die causa finalis der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Verständnis des Phasendiagramms von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohen Drücken, welche von nichtleitendem H2 bis hin zu metallischem H reichen. Da die Voraussetzungen für ultrahohen Druck im Labor schwer zu schaffen sind, bilden Computersimulationen ein wichtiges alternatives Untersuchungsinstrument. Allerdings sind solche Berechnungen eine große Herausforderung. Eines der größten Probleme ist die genaue Auswertung des Born-Oppenheimer Potentials, welches sowohl für die nichtleitende als auch für die metallische Phase geeignet sein muss. Außerdem muss es die starken Korrelationen berücksichtigen, die durch die kovalenten H2 Bindungen und die eventuellen Phasenübergänge hervorgerufen werden. Auf dieses Problem haben unsere Anstrengungen abgezielt. Im Kontext von Variationellem Monte Carlo (VMC) ist die Shadow Wave Function (SWF) eine sehr vielversprechende Option. Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität sowohl lokalisierte als auch delokalisierte Systeme zu beschreiben sowie ihrer Fähigkeit Korrelationen hoher Ordnung zu berücksichtigen, ist sie ein idealer Kandidat für unsere Zwecke. Unglücklicherweise bringt ihre Formulierung ein Vorzeichenproblem mit sich, was die Anwendbarkeit limitiert. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es möglich diese Schwierigkeit zu umgehen indem man die Knotenstruktur a priori festlegt. Durch diesen Formalismus waren wir in der Lage die Beschreibung der Elektronenstruktur von Wasserstoff signifikant zu verbessern, was eine sehr vielversprechende Perspektive bietet. Während dieser Forschung haben wir also die Natur des Vorzeichenproblems untersucht, das sich auf die SWF auswirkt, und dabei ein tieferes Verständnis seines Ursprungs erlangt. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in vier Kapitel unterteilt. Das erste Kapitel führt VMC und die SWF mit besonderer Ausrichtung auf fermionische Systeme ein. Kapitel 2 skizziert die Literatur über das Phasendiagramm von Wasserstoff bei ultrahohem Druck. Das dritte Kapitel präsentiert die Implementierungen unseres VMC Programms und die erhaltenen Ergebnisse. Zum Abschluss fasst Kapitel 4 unsere Bestrebungen zur Lösung des zur SWF zugehörigen Vorzeichenproblems zusammen.


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Chapter 1 of this thesis comprises a review of polyether polyamines, i.e., combinations of polyether scaffolds with polymers bearing multiple amino moieties. Focus is laid on controlled or living polymerization methods. Furthermore, fields in which the combination of cationic, complexing, and pH-sensitive properties of the polyamines and biocompatibility and water-solubility of polyethers promise enormous potential are presented. Applications include stimuli-responsive polymers with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and/or the ability to gel, preparation of shell cross-linked (SCL) micelles, gene transfection, and surface functionalization.rnIn Chapter 2, multiaminofunctional polyethers relying on the class of glycidyl amine comonomers for anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP) are presented. In Chapter 2.1, N,N-diethyl glycidyl amine (DEGA) is introduced for copolymerization with ethylene oxide (EO). Copolymer microstructure is assessed using online 1H NMR kinetics, 13C NMR triad sequence analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The concurrent copolymerization of EO and DEGA is found to result in macromolecules with a gradient structure. The LCSTs of the resulting copolymers can be tailored by adjusting DEGA fraction or pH value of the environment. Quaternization of the amino moieties by methylation results in polyelectrolytes. Block copolymers are used for PEGylated gold nanoparticle formation. Chapter 2.2 deals with a glycidyl amine monomer with a removable protecting group at the amino moiety, for liberation of primary amines at the polyether backbone, which is N,N-diallyl glycidyl amine (DAGA). Its allyl groups are able to withstand the harsh basic conditions of AROP, but can be cleaved homogeneously after polymerization. Gradient as well as block copolymers poly(ethylene glycol)-PDAGA (PEG-PDAGA) are obtained. They are analyzed regarding their microstructure, LCST behavior, and cleavage of the protecting groups. rnChapter 3 describes applications of multi(amino)functional polyethers for functionalization of inorganic surfaces. In Chapter 3.1, they are combined with an acetal-protected catechol initiator, leading to well-defined PEG and heteromultifunctional PEG analogues. After deprotection, multifunctional PEG ligands capable of attaching to a variety of metal oxide surfaces are obtained. In a cooperative project with the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz, their potential is demonstrated on MnO nanoparticles, which are promising candidates as T1 contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. The MnO nanoparticles are solubilized in aqueous solution upon ligand exchange. In Chapter 3.2, a concept for passivation and functionalization of glass surfaces towards gold nanorods is developed. Quaternized mPEG-b-PqDEGA diblock copolymers are attached to negatively charged glass surfaces via the cationic PqDEGA blocks. The PEG blocks are able to suppress gold nanorod adsorption on the glass in the flow cell, analyzed by dark field microscopy.rnChapter 4 highlights a straightforward approach to poly(ethylene glycol) macrocycles. Starting from commercially available bishydroxy-PEG, cyclic polymers are available by perallylation and ring-closing metathesis in presence of Grubbs’ catalyst. Purification of cyclic PEG is carried out using α-cyclodextrin. This cyclic sugar derivative forms inclusion complexes with remaining unreacted linear PEG in aqueous solution. Simple filtration leads to pure macrocycles, as evidenced by SEC and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. Cyclic polymers from biocompatible precursors are interesting materials regarding their increased blood circulation time compared to their linear counterparts.rnIn the Appendix, A.1, a study of the temperature-dependent water-solubility of polyether copolymers is presented. Macroscopic cloud points, determined by turbidimetry, are compared with microscopic aggregation phenomena, monitored by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectroscopy in presence of the amphiphilic spin probe and model drug (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO). These thermoresponsive polymers are promising candidates for molecular transport applications. The same techniques are applied in Chapter A.2 to explore the pH-dependence of the cloud points of PEG-PDEGA copolymers in further detail. It is shown that the introduction of amino moieties at the PEG backbone allows for precise manipulation of complex phase transition modes. In Chapter A.3, multi-hydroxyfunctional polysilanes are presented. They are obtained via copolymerization of the acetal-protected dichloro(isopropylidene glyceryl propyl ether)methylsilane monomer. The hydroxyl groups are liberated through acidic work-up, yielding versatile access to new multifunctional polysilanes.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergang sowie den Glasübergang anhand von kolloidalen Hart-Kugel(HK)-Modellsystemen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen dabei im Wesentlichen mit unterschiedlichen Lichtstreumethoden und daher im reziproken Raum. rnDie Analyse der Kristallisationskinetik zeigt, dass es bei der Kristallisation zu signifikanten Abweichungen vom Bild der klassischen Nukleationstheorie (CNT) kommt. Diese geht von einem einstufigen Nukleationsprozess aus, wohingegen bei den hier durchgeführten Experimenten ein mehrstufiger Prozess beobachtet wird. Vor der eigentlichen Kristallisation kommt es zunächst zur Nukleation einer metastabilen Zwischenphase, sogenannter Precursor. In einer zweiten Stufe erfolgt innerhalb der Precursor die eigentliche Nukleation der Kristallite. rnDurch weitere Analyse und den Vergleich des Kristallisations- und Verglasungsszenarios konnte das Konzept der Precursornukleation auf den Vorgang der Verglasung erweitert werden. Während die Kristallnukleation oberhalb des Glasübergangspunktes zum Erliegen kommt, bleibt der Prozess der Precursornukleation auch bei verglasenden Proben erhalten. Ein Glas erstarrt somit in einem amorphen Zustand mit lokalen Precursorstrukturen. Die Korrelation der gemessenen zeitlichen Entwicklung der strukturellen sowie der dynamischen Eigenschaften zeigt darüber hinaus, dass das bisher unverstandene Ageing-Phänomen von HK-Gläsern mit der Nukleation von Precursorn zusammenhängt.rnEin solches mehrstufiges Szenario wurde bereits in früheren Veröffentlichungen beobachtet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Messungen ermöglichten erstmals die Bestimmung von Kristallnukleationsratendichten (Kristall-NRD) und Ratendichten für die Precursornukleation bis über den Glasübergangspunkt hinaus. Die Kristall-NRD bestätigen die Resultate aus anderen experimentellen Arbeiten. Die weiteren Analysen der Kristall-NRD belegen, dass die fluid-kristalline Grenzflächenspannung bei der Nukleation entgegen den Annahmen der CNT nicht konstant ist, sondern mit ansteigendem Volumenbruch linear zunimmt. Die Erweiterung der CNT um eine linear zunehmende Grenzflächenspannung ermöglichte eine quantitative Beschreibung der gemessenen Kristall- sowie der Precursor-NRD, was den Schluss zulässt, dass es sich in beiden Fällen um einen Boltzmann-aktivierten Prozess handelt. rnUm die beobachteten Abweichungen des Nukleationsprozesses vom Bild der CNT näher zu untersuchen, wurden die kollektiven Partikeldynamiken in stabilen Fluiden und metastabilen Schmelzen analysiert. Im klassischen Bild wird angenommen, dass die kollektive Partikeldynamik beim Vorgang der Nukleation keine Rolle spielt. Anhand der Resultate zeigen sich Abweichungen in der Dynamik stabiler Fluide und metastabiler Schmelzen. Während die kollektive Partikeldynamik in der stabilen Schmelze von der Struktur entkoppelt ist, tritt oberhalb des Phasenübergangspunktes eine Kopplung von Struktur und Dynamik auf. Dabei treten die Abweichungen zunächst in der Umgebung des ersten Strukturfaktormaximums und somit bei den am stärksten besetzten Moden auf. Mit steigender Unterkühlung nehmen die Anzahl der abweichenden Moden sowie die Stärke der Abweichungen zu. Dieses Phänomen könnte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Nukleationsprozess und somit auf die Kristallisationskinetik haben. Die Analyse der Dynamik im stabilen Fluid zeigt darüber hinaus Hinweise auf eine Singularität bei Annäherung an den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergangspunkt.rnDes Weiteren wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals Ratendichten für die heterogene Nukleation eines HK-Systems an einer flachen Wand mittels statischer Lichtstreuung (SLS) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse der Messung zeigen, dass die Nukleationsbarriere der heterogenen Nukleation annähernd Null ist und folglich eine vollständige Benetzung der Wand mit einer kristallinen Monolage vorliegt. Die Erweiterung der Untersuchungen auf gekrümmte Oberflächen in Form von sphärischen Partikeln (Seeds) stellt die erste experimentelle Arbeit dar, die den Einfluss eines Ensembles von Seeds auf die Kristallisationskinetik in HK-Systemen untersucht. Die Kristallisationskinetik und die Mikrostruktur werden abhängig von Größe und Anzahldichte der Seed-Partikel signifikant beeinflusst. In Übereinstimmung mit konfokalmikroskopischen Experimenten und Simulationen spielt dabei das Radienverhältnis der Majoritäts- zur Minoritätskomponente eine entscheidende Rolle.


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Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit behandelt konfokalmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Strukturbildung in kolloidalen Suspensionen, die als experimentelles Modellsystem für harte Kugeln verwendet werden. Die lokale und globale Struktur wurde im stabilen und metastabilen Fluid bestimmt. Bereits unterhalb des Gefriervolumenbruchs wurden nah-geordnete Cluster vorgefunden, die mit zunehmendem Volumenbruch häufiger und größer werden. Das Kristallwachstum aus der metastabilen kolloidalen Schmelze konnte quantitativ analysiert werden und es zeigt sich eine Übereinstimmung mehrerer Kenngrößen mit Literaturdaten nahe dem Schmelzvolumenbruch. Die Untersuchung demonstrierte die Realisierbarkeit der quantitativen Analyse der Kristallisationskinetik mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie. Es zeigte sich ein mehrstufiges Nukleationsszenario bei dem zuerst nah-geordnete Cluster gebildet werden, die im weiteren Verlauf zu kristall-artigen Clustern transformieren. Die Beobachtungen belegen den Mechanismus der Precursornukleation in Hartkugelsystemen. Die heterogene Nukleation wurde an glatten und an hexagonal strukturierten Substraten untersucht. Anhand der Kristallisationskinetik und der direkten Messung der Benetzungswinkel konnte ein Übergang des Benetzungsverhaltens unter Variation des Substratgitterabstands nachgewiesen werden: An glatten und an kommensurabel strukturierten Substraten zeigten sich eine vollständige Bedeckung des Substrats mit der kristallinen Phase und ein sofortiges unidirektionales Wachstum. Bei inkommensurabel strukturierten Substraten wurde eine unvollständige Bedeckung des strukturierten Substrats mit der kristallinen Phase sowie ein verzögertes isotropes Wachstum bei fortwährender Kristallnukleation beobachtet.


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Flüssigkristalline Elastomere (LCE) zeigen eine reversible Kontraktion und werden in der Literatur auch als „künstliche Muskeln“ bezeichnet. In dieser Arbeit werden sie mit einem integrierten Heizer versehen, um eine schnelle und präzise Ansteuerung zu ermöglichen. Anschließend werden diese als Aktoren zur Realisierung eines technischen Nachbaus des menschlichen Auges verwendet. rnDas einzigartige Verhalten der flüssigkristallinen Elastomere beruht auf der Kombination der Entropie Elastizität des Elastomers mit der Selbstorganisation der flüssigkristallinen Einheiten (Mesogene). Diese beiden Eigenschaften ermöglichen eine reversible, makroskopische Verformung beim Phasenübergang des Flüssigkristalls in die isotrope Phase. Hierbei ist es wichtig eine homogene Orientierung der Mesogene zu erzeugen, was in dieser Arbeit durch ein Magnetfeld erreicht wird. Da es sich um ein thermotropes flüssigkristallines Elastomer handelt, werden in dieser Arbeit zwei Ansätze vorgestellt, um den LCE intern zu heizen. Zum einen werden Kohlenstoffnanoröhren integriert, um diese über Strahlung oder Strom zu heizen und zum anderen wird ein flexibler Heizdraht integriert, welcher ebenfalls über Strom geheizt wird. rnUm den technischen Nachbau des menschlichen Auges zu realisieren, ist die Herstellung einer flüssigkristallinen Iris gezeigt. Hierzu wird ein radiales Magnetfeld aufgebaut, welches eine radiale Orientierung des Mesogene ermöglicht, wodurch wiederum eine radiale Kontraktion ermöglicht wird. Außerdem sind zwei Konzepte vorgestellt, um eine Elastomer Linse zu verformen. Zum einen wird diese mit einem ringförmigen LCE auseinandergezogen und somit abgeflacht. Zum anderen sind acht Aktoren über Anker an einer Linse angebracht, welche ebenfalls eine Vergrößerung der Linse bewirken. In beiden Fällen werden LCE mit dem zuvor präsentierten integrierten Heizdraht verwendet. Abschließend ist das Zusammensetzen des technische Nachbaus des menschlichen Auges dargestellt, sowie Aufnahmen, welche mit diesem erzeugt wurden.


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We have investigated the nanoscale switching properties of strain-engineered BiFeO(3) thin films deposited on LaAlO(3) substrates using a combination of scanning probe techniques. Polarized Raman spectral analysis indicates that the nearly tetragonal films have monoclinic (Cc) rather than P4mm tetragonal symmetry. Through local switching-spectroscopy measurements and piezoresponse force microscopy, we provide clear evidence of ferroelectric switching of the tetragonal phase, but the polarization direction, and therefore its switching, deviates strongly from the expected (001) tetragonal axis. We also demonstrate a large and reversible, electrically driven structural phase transition from the tetragonal to the rhombohedral polymorph in this material, which is promising for a plethora of applications.


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A broad spectrum of beneficial effects has been ascribed to creatine (Cr), phosphocreatine (PCr) and their cyclic analogues cyclo-(cCr) and phospho-cyclocreatine (PcCr). Cr is widely used as nutritional supplement in sports and increasingly also as adjuvant treatment for pathologies such as myopathies and a plethora of neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, Cr and its cyclic analogues have been proposed for anti-cancer treatment. The mechanisms involved in these pleiotropic effects are still controversial and far from being understood. The reversible conversion of Cr and ATP into PCr and ADP by creatine kinase, generating highly diffusible PCr energy reserves, is certainly an important element. However, some protective effects of Cr and analogues cannot be satisfactorily explained solely by effects on the cellular energy state. Here we used mainly liposome model systems to provide evidence for interaction of PCr and PcCr with different zwitterionic phospholipids by applying four independent, complementary biochemical and biophysical assays: (i) chemical binding assay, (ii) surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPR), (iii) solid-state (31)P-NMR, and (iv) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). SPR revealed low affinity PCr/phospholipid interaction that additionally induced changes in liposome shape as indicated by NMR and SPR. Additionally, DSC revealed evidence for membrane packing effects by PCr, as seen by altered lipid phase transition. Finally, PCr efficiently protected against membrane permeabilization in two different model systems: liposome-permeabilization by the membrane-active peptide melittin, and erythrocyte hemolysis by the oxidative drug doxorubicin, hypoosmotic stress or the mild detergent saponin. These findings suggest a new molecular basis for non-energy related functions of PCr and its cyclic analogue. PCr/phospholipid interaction and alteration of membrane structure may not only protect cellular membranes against various insults, but could have more general implications for many physiological membrane-related functions that are relevant for health and disease.


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Recently nanoscale junctions consisting of 0-D nanostructures (single molecule) or 1-D nanostructures (semiconducting nanowire) sandwiched between two metal electrodes are successfully fabricated and characterized. What lacks in the recent developments is the understanding of the mechanism behind the observed phenomena at the level of atoms and electrons. For example, the origin of observed switching effect in a semiconducting nanowire due to the influence of an external gate bias is not yet understood at the electronic structure level. On the same context, different experimental groups have reported different signs in tunneling magneto-resistance for the same organic spin valve structure, which has baffled researchers working in this field. In this thesis, we present the answers to some of these subtle questions by investigating the charge and spin transport in different nanoscale junctions. A parameter-free, single particle Green’s function approach in conjunction with a posteriori density functional theory (DFT) involving a hybrid orbital dependent functional is used to calculate the tunneling current in the coherent transport limit. The effect of spin polarization is explicitly incorporated to investigate spin transport in a nanoscale junction. Through the electron transport studies in PbS nanowire junction, a new orbital controlled mechanism behind the switching of the current is proposed. It can explain the switching behavior, not only in PbS nanowire, but in other lead-chalcogenide nanowires as well. Beside this, the electronic structure properties of this nanowire are studied using periodic DFT. The quantum confinement effect was investigated by calculating the bandgap of PbS nanowires with different diameters. Subsequently, we explain an observed semiconducting to metallic phase transition of this nanowire by calculating the bandgap of the nanowire under uniform radial strain. The compressive radial strain on the nanowire was found to be responsible for the metallic to semiconducting phase transition. Apart from studying one dimensional nanostructure, we also present transport properties in zero dimensional single molecular junctions. We proposed a new codoping approach in a single molecular carborane junction, where a cation and an anion are simultaneously doped to find the role of a single atom in the device. The main purpose was to build a molecular junction where a single atom can dictate the flow of electrons in a circuit. Recent observations of both positive and negative sign in tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) the using same organic spin-valve structure hasmystified researchers. From our spin dependent transport studies in a prototypical organic molecular tunneling device, we found that a 3% change in metal-molecule interfacial distance can alter the sign of TMR. Changing the interfacial distance by 3%, the number of participating eigenstates as well as their orbital characteristic changes for anti-parallel configuration of the magnetization at the two electrodes, leading to the sign reversal of the TMR. Apart from this, the magnetic proximity effect under applied bias is investigated quantitatively, which can be used to understand the observed unexpectedmagnetismin carbon basedmaterials when they are in close proximity with magnetic substrates.


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Ferroic materials, as notable members of smart materials, have been widely used in applications that perform sensing, actuation and control. The macroscopic property change of ferroic materials may become remarkably large during ferroic phase transition, leading to the fact that the macroscopic properties can be tuned by carefully applying a suitable external field (electric, magnetic, stress). To obtain an enhancement in physical and/or mechanical properties, different kinds of ferroic composites have been fabricated. The properties of a ferroic composite are determined not only by the properties and relative amounts of the constituent phases, but also by the microstructure of individual phase such as the phase connectivity, phase size, shape and spatial arrangement. This dissertation mainly focuses on the computational study of microstructure – property – mechanism relations in two representative ferroic composites, i.e., two-phase particulate magnetoelectric (ME) composite and polymer matrix ferroelectric composite. The former is a great example of ferroic composite exhibiting a new property and functionality that neither of the constituent phases possesses individually. The latter well represents the kind of ferroic composites having property combinations that are better than the existing materials. Phase field modeling was employed as the computing tool, and the required models for ferroic composites were developed based on existing models for monolithic materials. Extensive computational simulations were performed to investigate the microstructure-property relations and the underlying mechanism in ferroic composites. In particulate, it is found that for ME composite 0-3 connectivity (isolated magnetostrictive phase) is necessary to exhibit ME effect, and small but finite electrical conductivity of isolated magnetic phase can beneficially enhance ME effect. It is revealed that longitudinal and transverse ME coefficients of isotropic 0-3 particulate composites can be effectively tailored by controlling magnetic domain structures without resort to anisotropic two-phase microstructures. Simulations also show that the macroscopic properties of the ferroelectricpolymer composites critically depend on the ferroelectric phase connectivity while are not sensitive to the sizes and internal grain structures of the ceramic particles. Texturing is found critical to exploit the paraelectric«ferroelectric phase transition and nonlinear polarization behavior in paraelectric polycrystal and its polymer matrix composite. Additionally, a Diffuse Interface Field model was developed to simulate packing and motion in liquid phase which is promising for studying the fabrication of particulatepolymer composites.


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We consider the 2d XY Model with topological lattice actions, which are invariant against small deformations of the field configuration. These actions constrain the angle between neighbouring spins by an upper bound, or they explicitly suppress vortices (and anti-vortices). Although topological actions do not have a classical limit, they still lead to the universal behaviour of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition — at least up to moderate vortex suppression. In the massive phase, the analytically known Step Scaling Function (SSF) is reproduced in numerical simulations. However, deviations from the expected universal behaviour of the lattice artifacts are observed. In the massless phase, the BKT value of the critical exponent ηc is confirmed. Hence, even though for some topological actions vortices cost zero energy, they still drive the standard BKT transition. In addition we identify a vortex-free transition point, which deviates from the BKT behaviour.


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We study the phase diagram of the two-dimensional N = 1 Wess-Zumino model using Wilson fermions and the fermion loop formulation. We give a complete non-perturbative determination of the ground state structure in the continuum and infinite volume limit. We also present a determination of the particle spectrum in the supersymmetric phase, in the supersymmetry broken phase and across the supersymmetry breaking phase transition. In the supersymmetry broken phase we observe the emergence of the Goldstino particle.


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Cyclin E is the regulatory subunit of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex that mediates the G1-S phase transition. N-terminal cleavage of cyclin E by elastase in breast cancer generates two low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms that exhibit both enhanced kinase activity and resistance to p21 and p27 inhibition compared to fulllength cyclin E. Clinically, approximately 27% of breast cancer patients overexpress LMW-E and associate with poor survival. Therefore, we hypothesize that LMW-E disrupts normal mammary acinar morphogenesis and serves as the initial route into breast tumor development. We first demonstrate that LMW-E overexpression in non-tumorigenic hMECs is sufficient to induce tumor formation in athymic mice significantly more than overexpression of full-length cyclin E and requires CDK2- associated kinase activity. Further in vivo passaging of these tumors augments LMW-E expression and tumorigenic potential. When subjected to acinar morphogenesis in vitro, LMW-E mediates significant morphological disruption by generating hyperproliferative and multi-acinar complexes. Proteomic analysis of patient tissues and tumor cells with high LMW-E expression reveals that the activation of the b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR pathway in concert with high LMW-E expression predicts poor patient survival. Combination treatment using roscovitine (CDK inhibitor) plus either rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) or sorafenib (b-raf inhibitor) effectively prevented aberrant acinar formation in LMW-E-expressing cells by inducing the G1/S cell cycle arrest. In addition, the LMW-E-expressing tumor cells exhibit phenotypes characteristic of the EMT and enhanced cellular invasiveness. These tumor cells also enrich for cells with CSC phenotypes such as increased CD44hi/CD24lo population, enhanced mammosphere formation, and upregulation of ALDH expression and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the CD44hi/CD24lo population also shows positive correlation with LMW-E expression in both the tumor cell line model and breast cancer patient samples (p<0.0001 & p=0.0435, respectively). Combination treatment using doxorubicin and salinomycin demonstrates synergistic cytotoxic effects in cells with LMW-E expression but not in those with full-length cyclin E expression. Finally, ProtoArray microarray identifies Hbo1 as a novel substrate of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex and its overexpression results in enrichment for CSCs. Collectively, these data emphasize the strong oncogenic potential of LMW-E in mammary tumorigenesis and suggest possible therapeutic strategies to treat breast cancer patients with high LMW-E expression.


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Maturation promoting factor (MPF), which is functionally defined by its ability to induce Xenopus oocyte maturation, is an M phase (meiosis and mitosis) specific activity that is present in all species tested. It was hypothesized that MPF is a universal trigger of the interphase to M phase transition during the cell cycle. The current model for the molecular basis of MPF is that MPF is a protein kinase having the cdc2 protein as its catalytic subunit and is identical to the M phase-specific histone H1 kinase. In the present study, I have shown that more than just cdc2 kinase contributes to MPF activity, and M phase-specific H1 kinase is composed of at least two entities, instead of just cdc2 kinase. Therefore, the simple model of MPF = cdc2 kinase = M phase-specific H1 kinase should be ruled out.^ My study began with the characterization of the mitosis-specific monoclonal antibody MPM-2. MPM-2 reacts specifically with M phase cells from different species by recognizing a discrete set of proteins once they are phosphorylated at the G$\sb2$/M transition. I found that phosphorylation of MPM-2 antigens coincided with the appearance of MPF activity during oocyte maturation stimulated by progesterone. If MPM-2 was injected into oocytes before the stimulation, MPF activity failed to appear, and the oocytes could not mature. Furthermore, MPM-2 was able to deplete MPF activity from M phase extracts. These results identified MPM-2 as a probe that recognizes either MPF itself or a regulator of MPF.^ Since M phase-specific H1 kinase was believed to be identical to cdc2 kinase and MPF, I proceeded to determine whether MPM-2 recognized the M phase-specific H1 kinase. I found that MPM-2 did recognize an M phase-specific H1 kinase. However, this kinase was not cdc2 kinase. This kinase (MPM-2 kinase) is present in a latent form in immature oocytes and is activated in tandem with the activation of MPF during oocyte maturation. It appears to accelerate progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. Therefore, MPM-2 kinase may be a novel positive regulator of MPF activation.^ MPM-2 depletes MPF activity, but not cdc2 kinase activity. This discrepancy caused me to question the equivalency of MPF with cdc2 kinase. I found that when a high percentage of MPF activity was recovered from gel filtration of mature oocyte extract, the recovered MPF activity was due to two factors, cdc2 kinase and a factor recognized by MPM-2. This factor might activate and stabilize cdc2 kinase. Identification of this factor in the present study may contribute to the understanding of the autoactivation of MPF. ^


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Post-replication DNA mismatch repair plays crucial roles in mutation avoidance and maintenance of chromosome stability in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In humans, deficiency in this repair system leads to a predisposition for certain cancers. The biochemistry of this repair system has been best studied in a model bacterium Escherichia coli. In this thesis, regulation of expression of mutS, mutL and mutH genes, whose products mediate methyl-directed mismatch (MDM) repair in E. coli, is investigated. One-step affinity purification schemes were developed to purify E. coli MutS, MutL and MutH proteins fused to a His-6-affinity tag. His-6-MutS exhibited the same mismatch binding activity and specificity as the native MutS protein. Purified His-6-MutS, -MutL and -MutH proteins were used to develop quantitative Western blotting assays for amounts of MutS, MuL and MutH proteins under various conditions. It was found that the three proteins were present in relatively low amounts in exponentially growing cells and MutS and MutH were diminished in stationary-phase cells. Further studies indicated that the drop in the amounts of MutS and MutH proteins in stationary-phase cells was mediated through RpoS, a key global regulator of stationary-phase transition. In both exponential- and stationary-phase cells, MutS amount was also negatively regulated by the Hfq (HF-I) global regulator, which is required for RpoS translation, through an RpoS-independent mechanism. $\beta$-galactosidase assays of mutS-lacZ operon and gene fusions suggested that hfq regulates mutS posttranscriptionally, and RNase T2 protection assays revealed that Hfq destabilizes mutS transcripts in exponentially growing cells. To study the relation between regulation of MDM repair and mutagenesis, amounts of MutS, MutL and MutH were measured in starved cells undergoing adaptive mutagenesis. It was found that MutS amount dropped drastically, MutH amount dropped slightly, whereas MutL amount remained essentially constant in starved cells. Overexpression of MutL did not reverse the drop in the amounts of MutS or MutH protein. These results ruled out several explanations for a phenomenon in which overexpression of MutL, but not MutS, reversed adaptive mutagenesis. The findings further suggested that functional MutL is limiting during adaptive mutagenesis. The implications of regulation of the MDM repair are discussed in the context of mutagenesis, pathogenesis and tumorigenesis. ^


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We show that exotic phases arise in generalized lattice gauge theories known as quantum link models in which classical gauge fields are replaced by quantum operators. While these quantum models with discrete variables have a finite-dimensional Hilbert space per link, the continuous gauge symmetry is still exact. An efficient cluster algorithm is used to study these exotic phases. The (2+1)-d system is confining at zero temperature with a spontaneously broken translation symmetry. A crystalline phase exhibits confinement via multi stranded strings between chargeanti-charge pairs. A phase transition between two distinct confined phases is weakly first order and has an emergent spontaneously broken approximate SO(2) global symmetry. The low-energy physics is described by a (2 + 1)-d RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by a dangerously irrelevant SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. This model is an ideal candidate to be implemented in quantum simulators to study phenomena that are not accessible using Monte Carlo simulations such as the real-time evolution of the confining string and the real-time dynamics of the pseudo-Goldstone boson.