1000 resultados para Poluiçao da água
Vacuum pumps are very useful in physical, chemical and biological experiments. In this communication it is described the design of a compact and low cost water recirculating system employing a water-jet aspirator pump as the vacuum source. The system requires only a water pump, water-jet aspirator pump, commercial PVC water tubes and a drain connection.
The present research highlights the macronutrient abundance in the sediments of beaches and cliffs and cultivates in the river Purus and flowing, southwest of Amazon. The concentrations found in leaves and bean seeds and corn leaves reflect the mineralogical and chemical nature of those rich sediments in K2O and Na2O, which are formed by smectite, illite and K-feldspar. The factors of transfer of the elements in the corn leaves and bean (Ca>K>Na) and bean seeds (Na>K>Ca) demonstrate that the nutrient needs of the cultivate were found appropriately in the sediments (soils) of the beaches and cliffs.
In this work, composites based on activated carbon/iron oxide (AC/Fe) were prepared in two different proportions (AC/Fe 5/1 and 1/1) and evaluated in the removal of the organic dye methylene blue (MB). Physical-chemical properties of the composites were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), adsorption/dessorption of N2 isotherm, temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that goethite (α- FeOOH), with nanometer particle size, was formed over carbon surface for both composites. These materials showed high efficiency to remove MB from solution by combined adsorption and oxidation process. The AC/Fe 1/1 showed to be more active in (MB) oxidation then AC/Fe 5/1.
Regulatory pressure is increasingly focusing on the use and disposal of substances hazardous to human health and environment. In the last years efforts have also been made to introduce green chemistry concepts in undergraduate courses. In this paper we present an experiment on the oxidation reaction of borneol to camphor with bleach in acetone. This experiment is important to show undergraduate students that a cheap and non hazardous commercial product can be a useful oxidation agent of alcohols.
In this work were prepared composites of iron oxide and carbonaceous materials in two different weight proportions (Carbon/Fe 1/1 and 1/2). The physico-chemical properties of the composites were determined by temperature programmed reduction (TPR), adsorption/dessorption of N2, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and pulse titration H2. The XRD and XPS analysis showed a cubic iron oxide phase, identified as maghemite, formed over the carbon surface. The particle size of maghemite showed to be within 10-30 nm. Carbon/Fe 1/2 was the most active in MB removal kinetics and ESI-MS studies showed that MB removal by both composites leads to oxidized intermediates.
The work reported here involved the characterization of sludges produced at water treatment plants in Jaboticabal-SP using FeCl3 as flocculant, and in Taquaritinga-SP and Manaus-AM using Al2(SO4)3 as flocculant. An evaluation was also made of the interaction of organic matter extracted from the sludges with different metal species. The results indicated that all the sludges produced at water treatment plants have an important agricultural potential and that their use depends on the characteristics of the raw water and the type of flocculant employed in conventional treatment. The humic substances extracted from the sludges showed different affinities for metal species, favoring eventual exchanges between potentially toxic metals and macro- and micronutrients. An alternative for the use of sludge in agriculture is to pretreat it to remove potentially toxic metals and enrich it with micro- and macronutrients that can be released to the plant.
This survey determined the physical and chemical properties of the gravel place where urban sludge from Rio Descoberto's Water Treatment Plant is disposed. Physical, chemical and biological analysis of the soil samples (n=54), sludge samples (n=2), chemical coagulant (n=20) and samples from superficial waters (n=9) and water table (n=60) were performed. As results we can emphasize the horizontal distribution of mineral phases like gibbsite, organic material, exchanged Ca, available Mn and P on the soils are originated from the sludge. Some of these mobile elements could stimulate the growing of the vegetation, but they also could contaminate the water table.
Rainwater samples (bulk deposition samples) were collected in Pinheiro and Viana. Rainwater pHs were higher than the range usually expected for unpolluted rain (5.0-5.6). The highest values were found in the beginning of the rainy season. High concentrations of ammonium found in the rainwater samples could probably explain the high pHs. Grazing animals and other human activities, combined with soil characteristics and climatic conditions can be the potential factors controlling the rainwater concentrations of ammonium in Baixada Maranhense.
The spread of Brasília isn't accompanied by correct support of land occupation, situation that is reflected in water quality. Under the optics of land use and occupation, working with multivariate statistics as main tool, water physical and chemical quality of Gama Catchment were assessed. During two years samples were collected and analyzed for 24 parameters. The statistical analysis showed the influence of civil buildings, agricultural activities and the best statistical parameters to a quickly assessment: nitrate, ammonia, suspended solids and aluminium.
This work focus on the influence of solvent on the photophysical properties of chlorophyll α and pheophytin. Both compounds are related to the photosynthesis process and are considered prototypes of photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy. Fluorescence measurements were developed using water/ethanol mixtures at different compositions, since both solvents could be employed in biological applications. The spectroscopic properties of these compounds undergo profound changes depending on water content in the ethanol due to auto-aggregation processes. The major hydrophobicity and the lower dielectric constant of ethanol when compared with water precluded significantly the auto-aggregation process of these compounds.
The objective of this work was to use the high-pressure homogenizer (HPH) to prepare stable oil/water nanoemulsions presenting narrow particle size distribution. The dispersions were prepared using nonionic surfactants based on ethoxylated ether. The size and distribution of the droplets formed, along with their stability, were determined in a Zetasizer Nano ZS particle size analyzer. The stability and the droplet size distribution in these systems do not present the significant differences with the increase of the processing pressure in the HPH). The processing time can promote the biggest dispersion in the size of particles, thus reducing its stability.
Three analytical methods for the determination of BTEX in water were optimized and validated. With the best method the analytes were extracted of 10 mL of sample with 2.50 g of NaCl in headspace vial of 20 mL by HS and SPME to 40 ºC for 30 min for adsorption and to 250 ºC for 4 min for desorption and were analyzed by GC-MS. The recovery was between 97.9% and 104.3%, and the limit of detection was 2.4 ng L-1 for o-xylene. This method was using to analyze BTEX in water supply and surface water in Ouro Preto city. No sample had concentrations of BTEX above the legislation.
The development of modern analytical tools plays an important role in quality control. The main purpose of this study was to explore the use of subcritical water as a versatile analytical tool, employed simultaneously as a reagent and solvent, as well as the application of high temperature-high resolution gas chromatography (HT-HRGC) to develop a procedure for the analysis of triacylglycerides and fatty acids in Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) oil without the need for solvents, chemical reagents, or catalytic agents. The developed method presented satisfactory results and is in agreement with the concepts of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC).
Objective of this work was identifying superficial water quality parameters, significant to semi-arid hydrographic basins, minimizing costs of water monitoring. The Salitre river basin, an important sub-basin of the São Francisco river, was used as a case study. STD, Cl-, DO, BOD, pH, NO3-, PO4(3-), Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb were considered the most significant parameters, with concentration levels found in some stretches of the basin not compliant with the current legislation. Some of the Salitre river basin sediments may represent a risk to the quality of the water body in relation to levels of nickel and zinc.
Air samples of fine (PM2,5) and coarse (PM2,5-10) particulate matter were collected in São José dos Campos from February 2004 to February 2005. Average PM10 mass concentrations was 31.2 ± 14.0 μg m-3, half of which belonging to the PM2.5 fraction. Ammonium and SO4(2-) were predominantly found in the fine fraction. Average (NH4)2SO4 concentration was estimated to be about 2.9 μg m-3. Chloride, Na+ and NO3- were mostly associated with PM2,5-10. Chloride deficits with respect to sea-salt Cl/Na ratio were found in both size fractions.