988 resultados para Personal property


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[ES] La práctica de obstinación terapéutica se lleva realizando durante muchos años atrás y hoy día, tristemente, también es posible contemplarlo en los medios hospitalarios. Esta mala praxis, en efecto, se realiza en pacientes que por diferentes circunstancias de la salud, se encuentran en el proceso final de la vida, en el proceso de morir. Por ello, el conocimiento sobre si son adecuados o no los cuidados que se les brinda a determinados pacientes y cómo afecta personalmente a los profesionales de enfermería se apodera de mi inquietud. El objetivo principal del proyecto es explorar la visión de los profesionales sanitarios de enfermería que ven o incluso participan en la práctica de obstinación terapéutica. Para ello, se realizará un estudio con la metodología cualitativa y se utilizará la perspectiva teórica fenomenológica. La población a estudio serán enfermeras y enfermeros que trabajen actualmente en el Hospital Universitario de Cruces en las unidades de diversos servicios, tales como Medicina Interna, Digestivo, Neumología, Cardiología y Neurología.


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La infección vírica causada por el virus gripal o influenza representa una importante carga de enfermedad a nivel mundial y es responsable de una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad especialmente en ciertos grupos de riesgo. La vacunación constituye un elemento fundamental y es la principal medida preventiva para hacer frente a la gripe y sus complicaciones. El personal sanitario puede actuar como agente transmisor de la infección nosocomial, por este motivo se encuentra incluido en los grupos de riesgo en los que la vacunación frente a la gripe está indicada anualmente siempre y cuando no presente contraindicaciones. Dada su relevancia, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, en las principales bases de datos electrónicas, para conocer la cobertura de vacunación antigripal (estacional y pandémica) del personal sanitario de España así como analizar las estrategias adoptadas con el fin de aumentar la cobertura de vacunación. La cobertura de vacunación de los profesionales sanitarios de España es baja, siendo menor para la gripe A (H1N1) que para la gripe estacional. Entre el colectivo de profesionales, los médicos tienen mayor cobertura seguido del personal de enfermería. El principal motivo para vacunarse es la autoprotección así como evitar el contagio de sus pacientes, y para no vacunarse dudar sobre la seguridad de la vacuna. La falta de información acerca de estrategias para aumentar la cobertura antigripal y la baja cobertura de este colectivo hacen necesario el desarrollo de más estudios para poder determinar el diseño e intervenciones de las campañas de vacunación antigripal.


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Juan Manuel Abascal Palazón, Antonio Caballos Rufino, Santiago Castellanos Garcia y Juan Santos Yanguas (eds.)


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The influence of atomic densities on the propagation property for ultrashort pulses in a two-level atom (TLA) medium is investigated. With higher atomic densities, the self-induced transparency (SIT) cannot be recovered even for 2π ultrashort pulses. New features such as pulse splitting, red-shift and blue-shift of the corresponding spectra arise, and the component of central frequency gradually disappears.


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This thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the smooth sets with respect to a Borel equivalence realtion E on a Polish space X. The collection of smooth sets forms σ-ideal. We think of smooth sets as analogs of countable sets and we show that an analog of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets holds in the context of smooth sets. We also show that the collection of Σ11 smooth sets is ∏11 on the codes. The analogs of thin sets are called sparse sets. We prove that there is a largest ∏11 sparse set and we give a characterization of it. We show that in L there is a ∏11 sparse set which is not smooth. These results are analogs of the results known for the ideal of countable sets, but it remains open to determine if large cardinal axioms imply that ∏11 sparse sets are smooth. Some more specific results are proved for the case of a countable Borel equivalence relation. We also study I(E), the σ-ideal of closed E-smooth sets. Among other things we prove that E is smooth iff I(E) is Borel.

In chapter 2 we study σ-ideals of compact sets. We are interested in the relationship between some descriptive set theoretic properties like thinness, strong calibration and the covering property. We also study products of σ-ideals from the same point of view. In chapter 3 we show that if a σ-ideal I has the covering property (which is an abstract version of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets), then there is a largest ∏11 set in Iint (i.e., every closed subset of it is in I). For σ-ideals on 2ω we present a characterization of this set in a similar way as for C1, the largest thin ∏11 set. As a corollary we get that if there are only countable many reals in L, then the covering property holds for Σ12 sets.


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OPTIMIZAR EL PERSONAL. Estudio y comparación de un problema de programación lineal y su dual. Resolución y valoración de un caso práctico y su programación usando Excel o Win QSB. (ESPAÑOL)


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If E and F are saturated formations, we say that E is strongly contained in F if for any solvable group G with E-subgroup, E, and F-subgroup, F, some conjugate of E is contained in F. In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding the formations which strongly contain a fixed saturated formation E.

Our main results are restricted to formations, E, such that E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, where T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, and F(G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. If T consists only of the identity, then E=N, the class of nilpotent groups, and for any solvable group, G, the N-subgroups of G are the Carter subgroups of G.

We give a characterization of strong containment which depends only on the formations E, and F. From this characterization, we prove:

If T is a non-empty formation of solvable groups, E = {G|G/F(G) ϵT}, and E is strongly contained in F, then

(1) there is a formation V such that F = {G|G/F(G) ϵV}.

(2) If for each prime p, we assume that T does not contain the class, Sp’, of all solvable p’-groups, then either E = F, or F contains all solvable groups.

This solves the problem for the Carter subgroups.

We prove the following result to show that the hypothesis of (2) is not redundant:

If R = {G|G/F(G) ϵSr’}, then there are infinitely many formations which strongly contain R.


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We studied the phagocytic-like capacity of human CD34+ stromal cells/telocytes (TCs). For this, we examined segments of the colon after injection of India ink to help surgeons localize lesions identified at endoscopy. Our results demonstrate that CD34+ TCs have endocytic properties (phagocytic-like TCs: phTCs), with the capacity to uptake and store India ink particles. phTCs conserve the characteristics of TCs (long, thin, bipolar or multipolar, moniliform cytoplasmic processes/telopodes, with linear distribution of the pigment) and maintain their typical distribution. Likewise, they are easily distinguished from pigment-loaded macrophages (CD68+ macrophages, with oval morphology and coarse granules of pigment clustered in their cytoplasm). A few c-kit/CD117+ interstitial cells of Cajal also incorporate pigment and may conserve the phagocytic-like property of their probable TC precursors. CD34+ stromal cells in other locations (skin and periodontal tissues) also have the phagocytic-like capacity to uptake and store pigments (hemosiderin, some components of dental amalgam and melanin). This suggests a function of TCs in general, which may be related to the transfer of macromolecules in these cells. Our ultrastructural observation of melanin-storing stromal cells with characteristics of TCs (telopodes with dichotomous branching pattern) favours this possibility. In conclusion, intestinal TCs have a phagocytic-like property, a function that may be generalized to TCs in other locations. This function (the ability to internalize small particles), together with the capacity of these cells to release extracellular vesicles with macromolecules, could close the cellular bidirectional cooperative circle of informative exchange and intercellular interactions.


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Sheet resistance of laser-irradiated Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering was measured by the four-point probe method. With increasing laser power the sheet resistance undergoes an abrupt drop from 10(7) to 10(3) Omega/square at about 580 mW. The abrupt drop in resistance is due to the structural change from amorphous to crystalline state as revealed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) study of the samples around the abrupt change point. Crystallized dots were also formed in the amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films by focused short pulse laser-irradiated, the resistivities at the crystallized dots and the non-crystallized area are 3.375 x 10(-3) and 2.725 Omega m, sheet resistance is 3.37 x 10(4) and 2.725 x 10(7) Omega/square respectively, deduced from the I-V Curves that is obtained by conductive atomic force microscope (C-AFM). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present some coincidence point theorems in the setting of quasi-metric spaces that can be applied to operators which not necessarily have the mixed monotone property. As a consequence, we particularize our results to the field of metric spaces, partially ordered metric spaces and G-metric spaces, obtaining some very recent results. Finally, we show how to use our main theorems to obtain coupled, tripled, quadrupled and multidimensional coincidence point results.


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The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants are committed through the ability to understand each other’s intentions. Despite its popularity, some serious issues arise with this approach to cooperation. First, one may challenge the assumption that high-level mental processes are necessary for engaging in acting cooperatively. If they are, then how do agents that do not possess such ability (preverbal children, or children with autism who are often claimed to be mind-blind) engage in cooperative exchanges, as the evidence suggests? Secondly, to define cooperation as the result of two de-contextualized minds reading each other’s intentions may fail to fully acknowledge the complexity of situated, interactional dynamics and the interplay of variables such as the participants’ relational and personal history and experience. In this paper we challenge such accounts of cooperation, calling for an embodied approach that sees cooperation not only as an individual attitude toward the other, but also as a property of interaction processes. Taking an enactive perspective, we argue that cooperation is an intrinsic part of any interaction, and that there can be cooperative interaction before complex communicative abilities are achieved. The issue then is not whether one is able or not to read the other’s intentions, but what it takes to participate in joint action. From this basic account, it should be possible to build up more complex forms of cooperation as needed. Addressing the study of cooperation in these terms may enhance our understanding of human social development, and foster our knowledge of different ways of engaging with others, as in the case of autism.


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A presente dissertação trata do direito de preferência para a celebração de negócios jurídicos, em geral translatícios de propriedade, que não encontra definição expressa no Código Civil, muito embora diversos dispositivos legais aludam ao referido direito. Na medida em que limita a liberdade contratual do vinculado à prelação, no tocante à escolha do outro contraente, a preferência, de origem legal ou negocial, atribui ao sujeito ativo da relação prelatícia o direito de ser preferido. Para tal, exige-se que o vinculado à preferência tenha decidido, de maneira livre e inequívoca, celebrar um contrato preferível, e que a sua intenção se tenha materializado, com a presença de um terceiro efetivamente interessado em com ele contratar. Constituído o direito do preferente, o que em geral chega a seu conhecimento por meio de notificação extrajudicial remetida pelo obrigado à prelação, pode aquele manifestar interesse em preferir, ou não. No primeiro caso, nasce na esfera jurídica do vinculado à prelação o dever de com ele contratar, nos mesmos termos e condições ajustados com terceiro. Dever este cuja violação, a depender da eficácia, real ou obrigacional, da preferência, possibilitará ao sujeito ativo perseguir não só as perdas e danos por ele eventualmente sofridas em decorrência do desrespeito a seu direito, como também, cumulativamente, lhe facultará exigir o cumprimento específico da obrigação. Neste último caso, o negócio jurídico celebrado entre o obrigado à preferência e terceiro será, perante o preferente, inoponível.