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A detailed mechanics based model is developed to analyze the problem of structural instability in slender aerospace vehicles. Coupling among the rigid-body modes, the longitudinal vibrational modes and the transverse vibrational modes due to asymmetric lifting-body cross-section are considered. The model also incorporates the effects of aerodynamic pressure and the propulsive thrust of the vehicle. The model is one-dimensional, and it can be employed to idealized slender vehicles with complex shapes. Condition under which a flexible body with internal stress waves behaves like a perfect rigid body is derived. Two methods are developed for finite element discretization of the system: (1) A time-frequency Fourier spectral finite element method and (2) h-p finite element method. Numerical results using the above methods are presented in Part II of this paper. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The problem of homogeneous solid propellant combustion instability is studied with a one-dimensional flame model, including the effects of gas-phase thermal inertia and nonlinearity. Computational results presented in this paper show nonlinear instabilities inherent in the equations, due to which periodic burning is found even under steady ambient conditions such as pressure. The stability boundary is obtained in terms of Denison-Baum parameters. It is found that inclusion of gas-phase thermal inertia stabilizes the combustion. Also, the effect of a distributed heat release in the gas phase, compared to the flame sheet model, is to destabilize the burning. Direct calculations for finite amplitude pressure disturbances show that two distinct resonant modes exist, the first one near the natural frequency as obtained from intrinsic instability analysis and a second mode occurring at a much higher driving frequency. It is found that er rn in the low frequency region, the response of the propellant is significantly affected by the specific type of gas-phase chemical heat-release model employed. Examination of frequency response function reveals that the role of gas-phase thermal inertia is to stabilize the burning near the first resonant mode. Calculations made for different amplitudes of driving pressure show that the mean burning rate decreases with increasing amplitude. Also, with an increase in the driving amplitude, higher harmonics are generated in the burning rate.


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We study the energy current in a model of heat conduction, first considered in detail by Casher and Lebowitz. The model consists of a one-dimensional disordered harmonic chain of n i.i.d. random masses, connected to their nearest neighbors via identical springs, and coupled at the boundaries to Langevin heat baths, with respective temperatures T_1 and T_n. Let EJ_n be the steady-state energy current across the chain, averaged over the masses. We prove that EJ_n \sim (T_1 - T_n)n^{-3/2} in the limit n \to \infty, as has been conjectured by various authors over the time. The proof relies on a new explicit representation for the elements of the product of associated transfer matrices.


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Randomly diluted quantum boson and spin models in two dimensions combine the physics of classical percolation with the well-known dimensionality dependence of ordering in quantum lattice models. This combination is rather subtle for models that order in two dimensions but have no true order in one dimension, as the percolation cluster near threshold is a fractal of dimension between 1 and 2: two experimentally relevant examples are the O(2) quantum rotor and the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. We study two analytic descriptions of the O(2) quantum rotor near the percolation threshold. First a spin-wave expansion is shown to predict long-ranged order, but there are statistically rare points on the cluster that violate the standard assumptions of spin-wave theory. A real-space renormalization group (RSRG) approach is then used to understand how these rare points modify ordering of the O(2) rotor. A new class of fixed points of the RSRG equations for disordered one-dimensional bosons is identified and shown to support the existence of long-range order on the percolation backbone in two dimensions. These results are relevant to experiments on bosons in optical lattices and superconducting arrays, and also (qualitatively) for the diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La-2(Zn,Mg)(x)Cu1-xO4.


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A one-dimensional arbitrary system with quantum Hamiltonian H(q, p) is shown to acquire the 'geometric' phase gamma (C)=(1/2) contour integral c(Podqo-qodpo) under adiabatic transport q to q+q+qo(t) and p to p+po(t) along a closed circuit C in the parameter space (qo(t), po(t)). The non-vanishing nature of this phase, despite only one degree of freedom (q), is due ultimately to the underlying non-Abelian Weyl group. A physical realisation in which this Berry phase results in a line spread is briefly discussed.


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A method of analysis of adhesive bonded joints with arbitrary adherend shapes is developed and applied to their design for efficient load transfer. The formulation of the simplified physical model is essentially one dimensional. An efficient numerical procedure is developed and its applicability is demonstrated. Guide lines are indicated for choosing suitable shape functions.


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This study reviews the thermophysical properties of rocks and the lithosphere and describes a one dimensional thermal numeric model of hypothetical 20 km thick overthrust plate obtruded on to the Archeaen craton in the Svecofennian orogeny (1.92-1.77 Ga). The objective is to find out if the overthrust plate and its radiogenic heat sources were able to produce the thermal effects observed on the current erosion level of the Archaean craton. Heat transfer in lithosphere is assumed conductive, and advective heat transfer due to melting and melt transfer is supposed negligible. The study area is located in the Eastern Finland, approximately current Kainuu and Northern Karelia regions, east from the most active orogenic belt (Raahe-Ladoga zone), so that orogenic magmatism can be neglected. Physical parameters and boundary conditions for the model are from different earlier published sources: deep seismic profiles (rock variation in depth), laboratory measurements (heat production and conductivity of rocks), field measurements (heat flow densities), and pT(t) estimations from the Finnish precambrian to estimate the size and thickness of the sheet. Comparison of the modelling results to previous K-Ar datings and other pTt estimations show, that the effect of the overthrust sheet has been adequate (max. T 450°C at 4 kbar) to produce the K-Ar resetting ages measured from the Archaean bedrock at current erosion level. No other kind of thermal activation in lithosphere is required. Results show possibly very minor partial melting in upper middle crust underneath the overthrust sheet.


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Novel one and two dimensional NMR techniques are proposed and utilized for the determination of the signs of the order parameters used for the study of the mobility of the fatty acid chains. The experiments designed to extract this information involve the use of the intensities of the side bands in the spectra of oriented systems spinning at the magic angle. Advantages of the two dimensional technique over the one dimensional method are discussed. The utility of the method in the study of the dynamic properties of membranes and model systems is pointed out.


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Often the soil hydraulic parameters are obtained by the inversion of measured data (e.g. soil moisture, pressure head, and cumulative infiltration, etc.). However, the inverse problem in unsaturated zone is ill-posed due to various reasons, and hence the parameters become non-unique. The presence of multiple soil layers brings the additional complexities in the inverse modelling. The generalized likelihood uncertainty estimate (GLUE) is a useful approach to estimate the parameters and their uncertainty when dealing with soil moisture dynamics which is a highly non-linear problem. Because the estimated parameters depend on the modelling scale, inverse modelling carried out on laboratory data and field data may provide independent estimates. The objective of this paper is to compare the parameters and their uncertainty estimated through experiments in the laboratory and in the field and to assess which of the soil hydraulic parameters are independent of the experiment. The first two layers in the field site are characterized by Loamy sand and Loamy. The mean soil moisture and pressure head at three depths are measured with an interval of half hour for a period of 1 week using the evaporation method for the laboratory experiment, whereas soil moisture at three different depths (60, 110, and 200 cm) is measured with an interval of 1 h for 2 years for the field experiment. A one-dimensional soil moisture model on the basis of the finite difference method was used. The calibration and validation are approximately for 1 year each. The model performance was found to be good with root mean square error (RMSE) varying from 2 to 4 cm(3) cm(-3). It is found from the two experiments that mean and uncertainty in the saturated soil moisture (theta(s)) and shape parameter (n) of van Genuchten equations are similar for both the soil types. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Four new neutral copper-azido polymers Cu-6(N-3)(12)(aem)(2)](n)(1), Cu-6(N-3)(12)(dmeen)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) (2), Cu-6(N-3)(12)(N,N'-dmen)(2)](n) (3), and Cu-6(N-3)(12)(hmpz)(2)](n) (4) aem = 4-(2-aminoethyl)morpholine; dmeen = N,N-dimethyl-N'-ethylethylenediamine; N,N'-dmen = N,N'-dimethylethylenediamine and hmpz = homopiperazine] have been synthesized by using 0.33 mol equiv of the chelating diamine ligands with Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 3H(2)O/CuCl2 center dot 2H(2)O and an excess of NaN3. Single crystal X-ray structures show that the basic unit of these complexes, especially 1-3, contains very similar Cu-6(II) building blocks. But the overall structures of these complexes vary widely in dimensionality. While 1 is three-dimensional (3D) in nature, 2 and 3 have a two-dimensional (2D) arrangement (with different connectivity) and 4 has a one-dimensional (1D) structure. Cryomagnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperature exhibit dominant ferromagnetic behavior in all the four complexes. The experimental susceptibility data have been analyzed by some theoretical model equations.


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An implicit sub-grid scale model for large eddy simulation is presented by utilising the concept of a relaxation system for one dimensional Burgers' equation in a novel way. The Burgers' equation is solved for three different unsteady flow situations by varying the ratio of relaxation parameter (epsilon) to time step. The coarse mesh results obtained with a relaxation scheme are compared with the filtered DNS solution of the same problem on a fine mesh using a fourth-order CWENO discretisation in space and third-order TVD Runge-Kutta discretisation in time. The numerical solutions obtained through the relaxation system have the same order of accuracy in space and time and they closely match with the filtered DNS solutions.


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A novel universal approach to understand the self-deflagration in solids has been attempted by using basic thermodynamic equation of partial differentiation, where burning mte depends on the initial temperature and pressure of the system. Self-deflagrating solids are rare and are reported only in few compounds like ammonium perchlorate (AP), polystyrene peroxide and tetrazole. This approach has led us to understand the unique characteristics of AP, viz. the existence of low pressure deflagration limit (LPL 20 atm), hitherto not understood sufficiently. This analysis infers that the overall surface activation energy comprises of two components governed by the condensed phase and gas phase processes. The most attractive feature of the model is the identification of a new subcritical regime I' below LPL where AP does not burn. The model is aptly supported by the thermochemical computations and temperature-profile analyses of the combustion train. The thermodynamic model is further corroborated from the kinetic analysis of the high pressure (1-30 atm) DTA thermograms which affords distinct empirical decomposition rate laws in regimes I' and 1 (20-60 atm). Using Fourier-Kirchoff one dimensional heat transfer differential equation, the phase transition thickness and the melt-layer thickness have been computed which conform to the experimental data.


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Four polarimetric measurands were collected in the stratiform region of a mesoscale convective system. The four are the reflectivity factor, the differential reflectivity, the correlation coefficient between orthogonal copolar echoes, and the differential propagation constant. Most striking is a signature of large aggregates (about 10 mm in size) seen in the differential phase through the melting layer. Another significant feature is an abrupt notch in the correlation coefficient that occurs towards the bottom of the bright band. Aircraft observations and a one-dimensional cloud model are used to explain some polarimetric measurements and to infer the presence of aggregates, graupel, and supercooled cloud water in the stratiform region. These unique observations and model data provide inferences concerning the presence of graupel and the growth of large aggregates in the melting layer.


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We introduce a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model consisting of spins on a two-legged ladder and characterized by Z(2) invariants on the plaquettes of the ladder. We map the model to a fermionic system and identify the topological sectors associated with different Z2 patterns in terms of fermion occupation numbers. Within these different sectors, we investigate the effect of a linear quench across a quantum critical point. We study the dominant behavior of the system by employing a Landau-Zener-type analysis of the effective Hamiltonian in the low-energy subspace for which the effective quenching can sometimes be non-linear. We show that the quenching leads to a residual energy which scales as a power of the quenching rate, and that the power depends on the topological sectors and their symmetry properties in a non-trivial way. This behavior is consistent with the general theory of quantum quenching, but with the correlation length exponent nu being different in different sectors. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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An exact numerical calculation of ensemble-averaged length-scale-dependent conductance for the one-dimensional Anderson model is shown to support an earlier conjecture for a conductance minimum. The numerical results can be understood in terms of the Thouless expression for the conductance and the Wigner level-spacing statistics.