1000 resultados para Niepce, D.-F.-E.-P.
Anàlisi comparatiu de la regulació jurídica de l'objecció de consciència dels agents de salut o sanitaris davant l'avortament a Mèxic i Espanya, que considerant l'experiència espanyola, proposa modificacions normatives a la legislació mexicana per tal de donar major claredat i certesa en la regulació d'aquest dret en aquells casos en què la norma positiva obligui els agents de salut o sanitaris a intervenir en la pràctica d'un avortament si això contravé la seva posició i convicció personals al respecte, sigui quina sigui la raó o fonament d'aquestes.
BACKGROUND Drugs for inhalation are the cornerstone of therapy in obstructive lung disease. We have observed that up to 75 % of patients do not perform a correct inhalation technique. The inability of patients to correctly use their inhaler device may be a direct consequence of insufficient or poor inhaler technique instruction. The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of two educational interventions to improve the inhalation techniques in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). METHODS This study uses both a multicenter patients´ preference trial and a comprehensive cohort design with 495 COPD-diagnosed patients selected by a non-probabilistic method of sampling from seven Primary Care Centers. The participants will be divided into two groups and five arms. The two groups are: 1) the patients´ preference group with two arms and 2) the randomized group with three arms. In the preference group, the two arms correspond to the two educational interventions (Intervention A and Intervention B) designed for this study. In the randomized group the three arms comprise: intervention A, intervention B and a control arm. Intervention A is written information (a leaflet describing the correct inhalation techniques). Intervention B is written information about inhalation techniques plus training by an instructor. Every patient in each group will be visited six times during the year of the study at health care center. DISCUSSION Our hypothesis is that the application of two educational interventions in patients with COPD who are treated with inhaled therapy will increase the number of patients who perform a correct inhalation technique by at least 25 %. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions on patient inhalation technique improvement, considering that it will be adequate and feasible within the context of clinical practice.
African Americans are disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes (T2DM) yet few studies have examined T2DM using genome-wide association approaches in this ethnicity. The aim of this study was to identify genes associated with T2DM in the African American population. We performed a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) using the Affymetrix 6.0 array in 965 African-American cases with T2DM and end-stage renal disease (T2DM-ESRD) and 1029 population-based controls. The most significant SNPs (n = 550 independent loci) were genotyped in a replication cohort and 122 SNPs (n = 98 independent loci) were further tested through genotyping three additional validation cohorts followed by meta-analysis in all five cohorts totaling 3,132 cases and 3,317 controls. Twelve SNPs had evidence of association in the GWAS (P<0.0071), were directionally consistent in the Replication cohort and were associated with T2DM in subjects without nephropathy (P<0.05). Meta-analysis in all cases and controls revealed a single SNP reaching genome-wide significance (P<2.5×10(-8)). SNP rs7560163 (P = 7.0×10(-9), OR (95% CI) = 0.75 (0.67-0.84)) is located intergenically between RND3 and RBM43. Four additional loci (rs7542900, rs4659485, rs2722769 and rs7107217) were associated with T2DM (P<0.05) and reached more nominal levels of significance (P<2.5×10(-5)) in the overall analysis and may represent novel loci that contribute to T2DM. We have identified novel T2DM-susceptibility variants in the African-American population. Notably, T2DM risk was associated with the major allele and implies an interesting genetic architecture in this population. These results suggest that multiple loci underlie T2DM susceptibility in the African-American population and that these loci are distinct from those identified in other ethnic populations.
The dentate gyrus is one of only two regions of the mammalian brain where substantial neurogenesis occurs postnatally. However, detailed quantitative information about the postnatal structural maturation of the primate dentate gyrus is meager. We performed design-based, stereological studies of neuron number and size, and volume of the dentate gyrus layers in rhesus macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of different postnatal ages. We found that about 40% of the total number of granule cells observed in mature 5-10-year-old macaque monkeys are added to the granule cell layer postnatally; 25% of these neurons are added within the first three postnatal months. Accordingly, cell proliferation and neurogenesis within the dentate gyrus peak within the first 3 months after birth and remain at an intermediate level between 3 months and at least 1 year of age. Although granule cell bodies undergo their largest increase in size during the first year of life, cell size and the volume of the three layers of the dentate gyrus (i.e. the molecular, granule cell and polymorphic layers) continue to increase beyond 1 year of age. Moreover, the different layers of the dentate gyrus exhibit distinct volumetric changes during postnatal development. Finally, we observe significant levels of cell proliferation, neurogenesis and cell death in the context of an overall stable number of granule cells in mature 5-10-year-old monkeys. These data identify an extended developmental period during which neurogenesis might be modulated to significantly impact the structure and function of the dentate gyrus in adulthood.
Renal vein thrombosis and the congenital nephrotic syndrome have been associated with nephrotic-range proteinuria/nephrotic syndrome and hypertension in the newborn period. We describe a newborn with severe hypertension and proteinuria secondary to unilateral renal artery stenosis. Proteinuria completely disappeared with blood pressure control (with sodium nitroprusside and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor). Although renin was not measured, we speculate that proteinuria might have been induced by a high renin state, and was controlled by the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.
Objective: This analysis was performed to assess whether antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) modulate the effectiveness of temozolomide radiochemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.Methods: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 26981-22981/National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) CE.3 clinical trial database of radiotherapy (RT) with or without temozolomide (TMZ) for newly diagnosed glioblastoma was examined to assess the impact of the interaction between AED use and chemoradiotherapy on survival. Data were adjusted for known prognostic factors.Results: When treatment began, 175 patients (30.5%) were AED-free, 277 (48.3%) were taking any enzyme-inducing AED (EIAED) and 135 (23.4%) were taking any non-EIAED. Patients receiving valproic acid (VPA) only had more grade 3/4 thrombopenia and leukopenia than patients without an AED or patients taking an EIAED only. The overall survival (OS) of patients who were receiving an AED at baseline vs not receiving any AED was similar. Patients receiving VPA alone (97 [16.9%]) appeared to derive more survival benefit from TMZ/RT (hazard ratio [HR] 0.39, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.24-0.63) than patients receiving an EIAED only (252 [44%]) (HR 0.69, 95% CI 0.53-0.90) or patients not receiving any AED (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.49-0.93). Conclusions: VPA may be preferred over an EIAED in patients with glioblastoma who require an AED during TMZ-based chemoradiotherapy. Future studies are needed to determine whether VPA increases TMZ bioavailability or acts as an inhibitor of histone deacetylases and thereby sensitizes for radiochemotherapy in vivo.
The serine/threonine kinase WNK3 and the ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-2 are key regulators of the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl- cotransporter (NCC), WNK3 as an activator and NEDD2-4 as an inhibitor. Nedd4-2 was identified as an interacting partner of WNK3 through a glutathione-S-transferase pull-down assay using the N-terminal domain of WNK3, combined with LC-MS/MS analysis. This was validated by coimmunoprecipitation of WNK3 and NEDD4-2 expressed in HEK293 cells. Our data also revealed that the interaction between Nedd4-2 and WNK3 does not involve the PY-like motif found in WNK3. The level of WNK3 ubiquitylation did not change when NEDD4-2 was expressed in HEK293 cells. Moreover, in contrast to SGK1, WNK3 did not phosphorylate NEDD4-2 on S222 or S328. Coimmunoprecipitation assays showed that WNK3 does not regulate the interaction between NCC and NEDD4-2. Interestingly, in Xenopus laevis oocytes, WNK3 was able to recover the SGK1-resistant NEDD4-2 S222A/S328A-mediated inhibition of NCC and further activate NCC. Furthermore, elimination of the SPAK binding site in the kinase domain of WNK3 (WNK3-F242A, which lacks the capacity to bind the serine/threonine kinase SPAK) prevented the WNK3 NCC-activating effect, but not the Nedd4-2-inhibitory effect. Together, these results suggest that a novel role for WNK3 on NCC expression at the plasma membrane, an effect apparently independent of the SPAK kinase and the aldosterone-SGK1 pathway.
OBJECTIVE: Gaining postpyloric access in ventilated, sedated ICU patients usually requires time-consuming procedures such as endoscopy. Recently, a feeding tube has been introduced that migrates spontaneously into the jejunum in surgical patients. The study aimed at assessing the rate of migration of this tube in critically ill patients. DESIGN: Prospective descriptive trial. SETTING: Surgical ICU in a tertiary University Hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred and five consecutive surgical ICU patients requiring enteral feeding were enrolled, resulting in 128 feeding-tube placement attempts. METHODS: A self-propelled tube was used and followed up for 3 days: progression was assessed by daily contrast-injected X-ray. Severity of illness was assessed with SAPS II and organ failure assessed with SOFA score. RESULTS: The patients were aged 55+/-19 years (mean+/-SD) with SAPS II score of 45+/-18. Of the 128 tube placement attempts, 12 could not be placed in the stomach; eight were accidentally pulled out while in gastric position due to the necessity to avoid fixation during the progression phase. Among organ failures, respiratory failure predominated, followed by cardiovascular. By day 3, the postpyloric progression rate was 63/128 tubes (49%). There was no association between migration and age, or SAPS II score, but the progression rate was significantly poorer in patients with hemodynamic failure. Use of norepinephrine and morphine were negatively associated with tube progression (P<0.001), while abdominal surgery was not. In ten patients, jejunal tubes were placed by endoscopy. CONCLUSION: Self-propelled feeding tubes progressed from the stomach to the postpyloric position in 49% of patients, reducing the number of endoscopic placements: these tubes may facilitate enteral nutrient delivery in the ICU.
Tumor-specific gene products, such as cancer/testis (CT) antigens, constitute promising targets for the development of T cell vaccines. Whereas CT antigens are frequently expressed in melanoma, their expression in colorectal cancers (CRC) remains poorly characterized. Here, we have studied the expression of the CT antigens MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A10, NY-ESO-1 and SSX2 in CRC because of the presence of well-described HLA-A2-restricted epitopes in their sequences. Our analyses of 41 primary CRC and 14 metastatic liver lesions confirmed the low frequency of expression of these CT antigens. No increased expression frequencies were observed in metastatic tumors compared to primary tumors. Histological analyses of CRC samples revealed heterogeneous expression of individual CT antigens. Finally, evidence of a naturally acquired CT antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell response could be demonstrated. These results show that the expression of CT antigens in a subset of CRC patients induces readily detectable T cell responses.
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are present in a variety of tumors and play a central role in antitumor immune responses. Nevertheless, most cancers progress probably because tumors are only weakly immunogenic and develop multiple immunosuppressive mechanisms. In the present study, on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, we found high intraepithelial infiltration of regulatory FOXP3(+) T cells, and relatively high levels of BDCA2(+) and FOXP3(+) cells in stromal (peripheral) regions of the tumors. Tumor-infiltrating (intraepithelial) FOXP3(+) T cells were significantly more frequent in patients with oropharynx and oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma and in patients without lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, arginase-II (ARG2) was expressed by 60%, inducible nitric oxide synthetase by 9%, cyclooxygenase-2 by 43%, and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) by 26% of tumors. Interestingly, the absence of ARG2 expression, enhanced stromal infiltration of CD11c(+) myeloid dendritic cells, and high numbers of FOXP3(+) T cells were each significantly associated with prolonged overall survival, and the latter two parameters were also confirmed by multivariate analysis. For disease-free survival, multivariate analysis revealed significant negative correlations with BCL2 and ARG2 expression by tumor cells. These findings shed new light on mechanisms of cancer progression, and provide rationales for therapeutic inhibition of immunosuppressive mechanisms in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
This study investigated the rate of human papillomavirus (HPV) persistence, associated risk factors, and predictors of cytological alteration outcomes in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women over an 18-month period. HPV was typed through L1 gene sequencing in cervical smears collected during gestation and at 12 months after delivery. Outcomes were defined as nonpersistence (clearance of the HPV in the 2nd sample), re-infection (detection of different types of HPV in the 2 samples), and type-specific HPV persistence (the same HPV type found in both samples). An unfavourable cytological outcome was considered when the second exam showed progression to squamous intraepithelial lesion or high squamous intraepithelial lesion. Ninety patients were studied. HPV DNA persistence occurred in 50% of the cases composed of type-specific persistence (30%) or re-infection (20%). A low CD4+T-cell count at entry was a risk factor for type-specific, re-infection, or HPV DNA persistence. The odds ratio (OR) was almost three times higher in the type-specific group when compared with the re-infection group (OR = 2.8; 95% confidence interval: 0.43-22.79). Our findings show that bonafide (type-specific) HPV persistence is a stronger predictor for the development of cytological abnormalities, highlighting the need for HPV typing as opposed to HPV DNA testing in the clinical setting.
El estudio revisa la evolución de los instrumentos de la acción exterior de la CE/UE hacia Ucrania desde la independencia de este país, en diciembre de 1991. Las principales conclusiones del estudio son: 1) Ucrania ha ido ascendiendo de manera lineal en la agenda de política exterior de la Unión. 2) La prioridad que ha guiado la acción exterior hacia Ucrania ha sido el mantenimiento de la estabilidad en este país para evitar las externalidades negativas que su desestabilización podría comportar para la seguridad de la Unión. 3) Aunque el interés securitario ha sido fundamental a lo largo de todo el período analizado, la agenda de seguridad de la UE se ha ampliado considerablemente. 3) La política de la UE hacia Ucrania se ha guiado más por la reacción ante los acontecimientos en el contexto europeo e internacional que por un diseño o estrategia clara hacia este país. 4) La política de vecindad intenta paliar este déficit de estrategia.