978 resultados para National public library network - Portugal


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The HIV epidemic in the United States continues to be a significant public health problem, with approximately 50,000 new infections occurring each year. National public health priorities have shifted in recent years towards targeted HIV prevention efforts among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) that include: increasing engagement in and retention in care, improving HIV treatment adherence, and increasing screening for and treatment of substance use and psychological difficulties. This study evaluated the efficacy of Positive Choices (PC), a brief, care-based, theory-driven, 3-session counseling intervention for newly HIV-diagnosed men who have sex with men (MSM), in the context of current national HIV prevention priorities. The study involved secondary analysis of data from a preliminary efficacy trial of the PC intervention (n=102). Descriptive statistics examined baseline substance use, psychological characteristics and strategies, and care engagement and HIV-related biological outcomes. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) examined longitudinal changes in these variables by study condition. Results indicated that PC improved adherence to HIV treatment, but increased use of illicit drugs, specifically amyl nitrates and other stimulant drugs; additionally, moderation analyses indicated differences in patterns of change over time in viral load by baseline depression status. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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Jusqu’à son suicide dans la nuit du 12 au 13 mars 1990, à l’âge de 86 ans, Bruno Bettelheim a marqué l’histoire de la psychologie. Dix-sept ouvrages, dont quatre écrits en collaboration, constituent, pour l’essentiel, sa contribution originale au traitement de l’autisme infantile : une thérapie de milieu, entièrement fondée sur les travaux de Freud. Certains n’hésitent pas, d’ailleurs, à le considérer comme un pionnier de l’histoire de la psychanalyse. Après sa mort, cependant, les langues se délient. D’anciens pensionnaires de l’école orthogénique de Chicago racontent que Bettelheim les battait, témoignages corroborés par d’anciens membres du personnel. Des proches collaborateurs ont même affirmé que Bettelheim mentait tout le temps, mensonges qui ont contribué à créer « le mythe Bettelheim », bien décrit dans l’ouvrage de Pollak (1997/2003), Bruno Bettelheim ou la fabrication d’un mythe. L’objectif de ce texte n’est pas d’aborder l’ensemble des reproches adressés à Bettelheim et à son oeuvre, mais d’examiner les failles de son fameux ouvrage Psychanalyse des contes de fées (Bettelheim, 1976). Salué par deux prix en 1977 (National Book Critics Circle Award et National Book Award), Psychanalyse des contes de fées reste, sans conteste, le plus grand succès populaire de tous ses ouvrages, tant aux États-Unis d’Amérique que dans les pays francophones. En 1995, la New York Public Library plaçait l’ouvrage parmi les 159 « livres du siècle », en dépit des quelques critiques dévastatrices parues dès sa sortie (Arthur, 1978 ; Blos, 1978 ; Heisig, 1977 ; Lurie, 1976 ; Zipes, 1979), dont une accusation de plagiat, laquelle accusation réapparaîtra après sa mort (Dundes, 1991b ; Pollak, 1997/2003). Nous présenterons, d’abord, le point de vue de Bettelheim, quant aux bienfaits, pour les enfants, de s’entendre raconter, par un adulte, les contes de fées. Nous verrons alors, à notre grande surprise, que la valeur qu’il leur accorde, en utilisant une grille psychanalytique, est non seulement largement exagérée, mais contraire aux données empiriques et historiques. Le recours de Bettelheim à la notion du complexe d’OEdipe, largement commentée dans son ouvrage, servira d’exemple. Nous discuterons brièvement, ensuite, du silence de Bettelheim sur les auteurs qui ont écrit sur le sujet et de l’accusation de plagiat portée contre lui.


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El derecho a ser escuchado y participar en aquellos asuntos que afectan a los niños es un derecho fundamental de la infancia escasamente respetado por el adulto, quien tiende a silenciar su voz, infravalorando su visión y posible aportación. Ante esta realidad, la Escuela Infantil se erige como un marco privilegiado para la escucha y la participación de la infancia en aquellos temas que les afectan, contribuyendo a la formación de ciudadanos democráticos. A partir de un marco de escucha donde se concibe al pequeño como un sujeto activo, competente y experto en su propia vida, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación que ha adoptado el formato de estudio de caso, en la que se ha recogido a través de las técnicas del dibujo y de las conversaciones con niños, la visión que poseen los más pequeños sobre la Escuela Infantil, analizando el bienestar del niño en el contexto escolar, el sentido y finalidad que los niños otorgan a la escuela; el grado de satisfacción con la misma; sus gustos y preferencias en el contexto escolar; la autonomía y libertad que dicen poseer en la escuela; su visión sobre los aspectos organizativos que rigen el funcionamiento del centro y su perspectiva sobre cómo es y cómo les gustaría que fuera la participación de las familias en la escuela. Finalmente, se recogen sus propuestas de mejora para hacer de la Escuela Infantil a la que asisten su escuela ideal. Los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto la demanda de los niños de una Escuela Infantil diferente a la que conocen y la existencia de un pensamiento divergente del pensamiento adulto que es necesario escuchar y tener en consideración, siendo sus aportaciones de gran valía para poder iniciar procesos de innovación y mejora educativa.


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The aims of the CLAN survey were to establish a national student profile of lifestyle habits. The survey was undertaken by the Department of Health and Children among undergraduate full-time students during the academic year 2002/2003 in 21 third level colleges in Ireland. The results of the study showed that cannabis was the most common illegal drugs used by students, with 37% reporting that they had used in the past 12 months, and 20% during the past 30 days. Drug use in the student population was much higher than in the 2003 NACD drug prevalence survey. The survey also measured alocohol related harm, such as effects on study and financial probles.


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International research informs us that any economic downturn leads to an increase in suicides. In one recent article in the Lancet it was stated that a 1.0% increase in unemployment led to 0.7% increase in suicides. Such analysis is startling and in Ireland more than relevant as our suicide numbers rose dramatically in 2009 and 2010. Provisional figures for 2009 indicated a record number of 527 recorded suicides and even though there was a slight fall in 2010 the figure remains unacceptably high. It is likely that when the year of occurrence figures for these years are published the numbers will be even higher This year we have included a section in Chapter 5 on the year on year difference between ‘provisional’ (year of registration) data and ‘official’ (year of occurrence) data which highlights the reason why these two data sets cannot be directly compared. We also acknowledge that some undetermined deaths can also be classified as suicides. Ongoing analysis of this data is therefore important. What is particularly worrying and perhaps not unexpected is the rise in suicides in the middle age groups, both men and women. Such a dramatic increase can largely be attributed to the fracturing and resulting stress and pressure on individuals which has occurred in our society due to the economic downturn.   .


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The focus of this report is to enquire into and report on why people harm and kill themselves and to consider the role (including the limits of the role) that psychiatrists and other mental healthcare professionals play in their care and treatment. The experiences and views of people who harm themselves as well as those of their carers, health professionals and third-sector workers are central to this enquiry. As there is much policy and guidance on self-harm and suicide prevention, the report does not attempt to retrace this same ground but rather examines the evidence of practice on the ground, including the implementation of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on self-harm (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2004). This report is the second in the Royal College of Psychiatristsââ,¬â"¢ programme of work on the broad issue of risk. The College report Rethinking Risk to Others was published in July 2008 (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2008a) and a new Working Group was set up under the chairmanship of John, Lord Alderdice, to examine risk, self-harm and suicide. This clinical issue is an integral part of the role of the psychiatrist in ensuring the good care and treatment of patients. Our central theme is that the needs, care, well-being and individual human dilemma of the person who harms themselves should be at the heart of what we as clinicians do. Public health policy has a vital role to play and psychiatrists must be involved and not leave these crucial political and managerial decisions to those who are not professionally equipped to appreciate the complexities of self-harm and suicide. But we must never forget that we are not just dealing with social phenomena but with people who are often at, and beyond the limit of what they can emotionally endure. Their aggressive acts towards themselves can be difficult to understand and frustrating to address, but this is precisely why psychiatrists need to be involved to bring clarity to the differing causes for the self-destructive ways in which people act and to assist in managing the problems for the people concerned, including family, friends and professional carers, who sometimes find themselves at the end of their tether in the face of such puzzling and destructive behaviour.


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Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world. "Preventing suicide: a global imperative" is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to encourage and support countries to develop or strengthen comprehensive suicide prevention strategies in a multi-sectoral public health approach. The report provides a global knowledge base on suicide and suicide attempts as well as actionable steps for countries based on their current resources and context to move forward in suicide prevention.


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This document contains information about Iowa's multipurpose library network. Maps, regional networks, a bibliography and a glossary are included.


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Resistance-Nodulation-Division (RND) efflux pumps are responsible for multidrug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study, we demonstrate that CpxR, previously identified as a regulator of the cell envelope stress response in Escherichia coli, is directly involved in activation of expression of RND efflux pump MexAB-OprM in P. aeruginosa. A conserved CpxR binding site was identified upstream of the mexA promoter in all genome-sequenced P. aeruginosa strains. CpxR is required to enhance mexAB-oprM expression and drug resistance, in the absence of repressor MexR, in P. aeruginosa strains PA14. As defective mexR is a genetic trait associated with the clinical emergence of nalB-type multidrug resistance in P. aeruginosa during antibiotic treatment, we investigated the involvement of CpxR in regulating multidrug resistance among resistant isolates generated in the laboratory via antibiotic treatment and collected in clinical settings. CpxR is required to activate expression of mexAB-oprM and enhances drug resistance, in the absence or presence of MexR, in ofloxacin-cefsulodin-resistant isolates generated in the laboratory. Furthermore, CpxR was also important in the mexR-defective clinical isolates. The newly identified regulatory linkage between CpxR and the MexAB-OprM efflux pump highlights the presence of a complex regulatory network modulating multidrug resistance in P. aeruginosa.


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Over recent years, it became widely accepted that alternative, renewable energy may come at some risk for wildlife, for example, when wind turbines cause large numbers of bat fatalities. To better assess likely populations effects of wind turbine related wildlife fatalities, we studied the geographical origin of the most common bat species found dead below German wind turbines, the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). We measured stable isotope ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in fur keratin to separate migrants from local individuals, used a linear mixed-effects model to identify temporal, spatial and biological factors explaining the variance in measured stable isotope ratios and determined the geographical breeding provenance of killed migrants using isoscape origin models. We found that 72% of noctule bat casualties (n = 136) were of local origin, while 28% were long-distance migrants. These findings highlight that bat fatalities at German wind turbines may affect both local and distant populations. Our results indicated a sex and age-specific vulnerability of bats towards lethal accidents at turbines, i.e. a relatively high proportion of killed females were recorded among migratory individuals, whereas more juveniles than adults were recorded among killed bats of local origin. Migratory noctule bats were found to originate from distant populations in the Northeastern parts of Europe. The large catchment areas of German wind turbines and high vulnerability of female and juvenile noctule bats call for immediate action to reduce the negative cross-boundary effects of bat fatalities at wind turbines on local and distant populations. Further, our study highlights the importance of implementing effective mitigation measures and developing species and scale-specific conservation approaches on both national and international levels to protect source populations of bats. The efficacy of local compensatory measures appears doubtful, at least for migrant noctule bats, considering the large geographical catchment areas of German wind turbines for this species.


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Barrett's esophagus is the major risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma. It has a low but non-neglectable risk, high surveillance costs and no reliable risk stratification markers. We sought to identify early biomarkers, predictive of Barrett's malignant progression, using a meta-analysis approach on gene expression data. This in silico strategy was followed by experimental validation in a cohort of patients with extended follow up from the Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa de Francisco Gentil EPE (Portugal). Bioinformatics and systems biology approaches singled out two candidate predictive markers for Barrett's progression, CYR61 and TAZ. Although previously implicated in other malignancies and in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotypes, our experimental validation shows for the first time that CYR61 and TAZ have the potential to be predictive biomarkers for cancer progression. Experimental validation by reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed the up-regulation of both genes in Barrett's samples associated with high-grade dysplasia/adenocarcinoma. In our cohort CYR61 and TAZ up-regulation ranged from one to ten years prior to progression to adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus index samples. Finally, we found that CYR61 and TAZ over-expression is correlated with early focal signs of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Our results highlight both CYR61 and TAZ genes as potential predictive biomarkers for stratification of the risk for development of adenocarcinoma and suggest a potential mechanistic route for Barrett's esophagus neoplastic progression.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a implementação dos programas de Educação Ambiental nas escolas de ensino fundamental, da Rede Municipal de Ensino Público, do Município de Curitiba, no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Esta análise tem por objeto de estudo as ações desenvolvidas pelas escolas, no que se refere às condições de saúde e bem-estar, a partir do que estabelecem os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Buscou-se compreender como os conteúdos definidos por ‘temas transversais' propiciam a constituição de um espaço de transformação em nível municipal. Este trabalho se constrói com base em discussões sobre o conhecimento produzido na área de Educação Ambiental e pelo levantamento de informações por meio de entrevistas e questionários junto aos profissionais ligados aos órgãos municipais responsáveis e às escolas. A análise realizada demonstrou que os projetos implementados vêm surtindo efeito positivo sobre as transformações dos pensamentos relativos às questões ambientais, sofrendo descontinuidades devido às mudanças nas gestões políticas. ABSTRACT; This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Environment Education Programs in the schools of the Municipal Public Education Network, in the City of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The object study on this analysis is the actions developed by the schools, referring the conditions of health and well-being, from what is established by the National Curricular Parameters. We try to understand how the contents defined for 'transversal subjects' can propitiate the constitution of a space of transformation in municipal level. This work is built on discussion about the knowledge produced in the area of Environment Education besides the survey of informations through interviews and questionnaires with professionals connected to the responsible offices and the schools. This analysis demonstrated that the implemented projects is causing positive effects on the transformations of the relative thoughts to the environment questions, come suffering discontinuities due to the changes in the managements politics. RESUMEN; Este proyecto tiene por objetivo examinar la implementación de los programas de educación ambiental en las escuelas de educación básica de la Red Municipal de Educación Pública, en la ciudad de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. El objeto de estudio de la análisis son las medidas adoptadas por las escuelas, con respecto a la salud y el bienestar, de acuerdo con lo establecido por los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales. Tratamos de comprender como el contenido, tal como se define por "temas transversales" puede ofertar un espacio de transformación en el nivel municipal. Este trabajo se basa en los debates de los conocimientos producidos en el ámbito de la educación ambiental y por las informaciones planteadas a través de entrevistas y cuestionarios con los profesionales de los departamentos responsables y en las escuelas. El análisis mostró que los proyectos ejecutados han tenido efecto positiva en la transformación de ideas sobre cuestiones ambientales, sufriendo discontinuidades debidas a cambios en las gestiones políticas.


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Este es un documento descriptivo, elaborado para que sirva de referencia en el Estado de la Cuestión del Proyecto de Graduación para optar por el título de Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Documentación de la Universidad Nacional, cuyo tema es “La Escolarización de la Biblioteca Pública en Costa Rica”.El trabajo va dirigido a todo tipo de lector, en especial, a especialistas en bibliotecología y documentación en las áreas de bibliotecas públicas y bibliotecas escolares. Para la realización del mismo, se revisaron fuentes primarias y secundarias para conocer lo escrito o investigado sobre el tema a nivel latinoamericano, lo que arroja poca o ninguna información en este sentido. Por lo tanto, se realizó una prueba piloto, creando una tipología que permitiera detectar esta problemática para darla a conocer, y con ello replantease el papel fundamental de las bibliotecas públicas, tomando como base los lineamientos de la IFLA/UNESCO.


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Cuán oportuno es el hecho de conversar sobre aspectos básicos y específicos de la producción literaria de Jorge Luis Borges (Buenos Aires, 1899-Ginebra, 1986) con los estudiantes y el personal de la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional.Pretendo ante todo destacar de este gran escritor argentino su experiencia vital y de trabajo con los textos, los libros y las bibliotecas. Borges desempeñó su labor como bibliotecario: primero, en la Biblioteca Pública, Miguel Cané, puesto de auxiliar que desempeñó de 1937 a 1946, ya que con el ascenso de Juan Domingo Perón a la Presidencia de Argentina, Borges fue desplazado de estas funciones. Posteriormente, en 1955, a la caída del régimen peronista fue nombrado Director de la Biblioteca Nacional, cargo que desempeñó hasta 1973, con motivo de su renuncia ante el nuevo ascenso del peronismo al gobierno.El sustantivo "biblioteca" junto con el adjetivo "total" y antecedidos por el artículo definido "la", señalan que la biblioteca adquiere para el autor una dimensión integradora que, en parte se explica, si consideramos el significado que la biblioteca tuvo en la vida y producción literaria de Jorge Luis Borges.