995 resultados para NUCLEAR-COMPLEX
We study wetting and filling of patterned surfaces by a nematic liquid crystal. We focus on three important classes of periodic surfaces: triangular, sinusoidal and rectangular. The results highlight the similarities and differences of nematic wetting of these surfaces and wetting by simple fluids. The interplay of geometry, surface and elastic energies can lead to the suppression of either filling or wetting. The periodic rectangular surface displays re-entrant transitions, with a sequence dry-filled-wet-filled, in the relevant region of parameter space.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo avaliar economicamente e determinar a viabilidade da implementação de um reactor nuclear para produção de energia eléctrica. Faz-se uma abordagem a aspectos da energia nuclear no mundo e em particular a energia nuclear na união europeia, faz-se uma análise sobre a estrutura do sector nuclear em Espanha e o futuro da energia no mundo. É realizada uma análise sobre a energia nuclear em Portugal, são abordados aspectos como o planeamento energético, a localização da central nuclear, os recursos nacionais e internacionais, a inspecção e regulação nuclear e o impacto industrial. Por fim, faz-se uma análise sobre o mix energético português. Faz-se uma descrição do ciclo de combustível, isto é, um estudo a todas as fases pela qual o combustível nuclear passa desde a sua extracção, passando pela produção de energia e processamento dos resíduos. São descritos os principais componentes de uma central nuclear e o seu princípio de funcionamento. São analisados em detalhe os principais componentes de um reactor PWR (Objecto de estudo deste trabalho) e faz-se uma breve descrição de alguns modelos de reactores nucleares. É feita uma breve abordagem aos principais acidentes nucleares que ocorreram, e descrita a escala de ocorrências nucleares e as várias fases de desmantelamento de uma central. São apresentados os principais custos da central nuclear. Também é apresentado um estudo de viabilidade económica analisando três cenários diferentes e é apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade do VAL em função de algumas variáveis que têm grande influência na avaliação económica. São apresentadas as principais conclusões.
The restructuring that the energy sector has suffered in industrialized countries originated a greater complexity in market players’ interactions, and thus new problems and issues to be addressed. Decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets become extremely useful to provide players with competitive advantage. In this context arises MASCEM, a multi-agent system for simulating competitive electricity markets. To provide MASCEM with the capacity to recreate the electricity markets reality in the fullest possible extent, it is essential to make it able to simulate as many market models and player types as possible. This paper presents the development of the Complex Market in MASCEM. This module is fundamental to study competitive electricity markets, as it exhibits different characteristics from the already implemented market types.
The new hexanuclear mixed-valence vanadium complex [V3O3(OEt)(ashz)(2)(mu-OEt)](2) (1) with an N,O-donor ligand is reported. It acts as a highly efficient catalyst toward alkane oxidations by aqueous H2O2. Remarkably, high turnover numbers up to 25000 with product yields of up to 27% (based on alkane) stand for one of the most active systems for such reactions.
A copper(II) chiral aza-bis(oxazoline) homogeneous catalyst (CuazaBox) was anchored onto the external surface of MCM-22 and ITQ-2 structures, as well as encapsulated into hierarchical MCM-22. The transition metal complex loading onto the porous solids was determined by ICP-AES and the materials were also characterized by elemental analysis (C, N, H, S), FTIR, XPS, TG and low temperature N-2 adsorption isotherms. The materials were tested as heterogeneous catalysts in the benchmark reaction of cyclopropanation of styrene to check the effect of the immobilization procedure on the catalytic parameters, as well as on their reutilization in several catalytic cycles. Catalyst CuazaBox anchored onto the external surface of MCM-22 and ITQ-2 materials were more active and enantioselective in the cyclopropanation of styrene than the corresponding homogeneous phase reaction run under similar experimental conditions. This is due to the propylation of the acidic aza-Box nitrogen. HMCM-22 was nevertheless the best heterogeneous catalyst. Encapsulation of CuazaBox on post-synthesis modified MCM-22 materials led to low activities and enantioselectivities. But reversal on the stereochemical course of the reaction was observed, probably due to confinement effect. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane iron(II) complex [FeCl2{eta(3)-HC(pz)(3)}] (Fe, pz = pyrazol-1-yl) immobilized on commercial (MOR) or desilicated (MOR-D) zeolite, catalyses the oxidation of cyclohexane with hydrogen peroxide to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, under mild conditions. MOR-D/Fe (desilicated zeolite supported [FeCl2{eta(3)-HC(pz)(3)}] complex) provides an outstanding catalytic activity (TON up to 2.90 x 10(3)) with the concomitant overall yield of 38%, and can be easy recovered and reused. The MOR or MOR-D supported hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane iron(II) complex (MOR/Fe and MOR-D/Fe, respectively) was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, ICP-AES, and TEM studies as well as by IR spectroscopy and N-2 adsorption at -196 degrees C. The catalytic operational conditions (e.g., reaction time, type and amount of oxidant, presence of acid and type of solvent) were optimized. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
10th International Phycological Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, 4-10 de agosto 2013.
Anticancer activity of the new [Ru(eta(5)-C5H5)(PPh3)(Me(2)bpy)][CF3SO3] (Me(2)bpy = 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine) complex was evaluated in vitro against several human cancer cell lines, namely A2780, A2780CisR, HT29, MCF7, MDAMB231 and PC3. Remarkably, the IC50 values, placed in the nanomolar and sub-micromolar range, largely exceeded the activity of cisplatin. Binding to human serum albumin, either HSA (human serum albumin) or HSA(faf) (fatty acid-free human serum albumin) does not affect the complex activity. Fluorescence studies revealed that the present ruthenium complex strongly quench the intrinsic fluorescence of albumin. Cell death by the [Ru(eta(5)-C5H5)(PPh3)(Me(2)bpy)][CF3SO3] complex was reduced in the presence of endocytosis modulators and at low temperature, suggesting an energy-dependent mechanism consistent with endocytosis. On the whole, the biological activity evaluated herein suggests that the complex could be a promising anticancer agent. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present the first version of a new tool to scan the parameter space of generic scalar potentials, SCANNERS (Coimbra et al., SCANNERS project., 2013). The main goal of SCANNERS is to help distinguish between different patterns of symmetry breaking for each scalar potential. In this work we use it to investigate the possibility of excluding regions of the phase diagram of several versions of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model, with future LHC results. We find that if another scalar is found, one can exclude a phase with a dark matter candidate in definite regions of the parameter space, while predicting whether a third scalar to be found must be lighter or heavier. The first version of the code is publicly available and contains various generic core routines for tree level vacuum stability analysis, as well as implementations of collider bounds, dark matter constraints, electroweak precision constraints and tree level unitarity.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear. Área de especialização: Radiofarmácia.
Copyright: © 2014 Rodrigues et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Introduction Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a very important tool in the assessment of Coronary Artery Disease ( CAD ) patient s and worldwide data demonstrate an increasingly wider use and clinical acceptance. Nevertheless, it is a complex process and it is quite vulnerable concerning the amount and type of possible artefacts, some of them affecting seriously the overall quality and the clinical utility of the obtained data. One of the most in convenient artefacts , but relatively frequent ( 20% of the cases ) , is relate d with patient motion during image acquisition . Mostly, in those situations, specific data is evaluated and a decisi on is made between A) accept the results as they are , consider ing that t he “noise” so introduced does not affect too seriously the final clinical information, or B) to repeat the acquisition process . Another possib ility could be to use the “ Motion Correcti on Software” provided within the software package included in any actual gamma camera. The aim of this study is to compare the quality of the final images , obtained after the application of motion correction software and after the repetition of image acqui sition. Material and Methods Thirty cases of MPI affected by Motion Artefacts and repeated , were used. A group of three, independent (blinded for the differences of origin) expert Nuclear Medicine Clinicians had been invited to evaluate the 30 sets of thre e images - one set for each patient - being ( A) original image , motion uncorrected , (B) original image, motion corrected, and (C) second acquisition image, without motion . The results so obtained were statistically analysed . Results and Conclusion Results obtained demonstrate that the use of the Motion Correction Software is useful essentiall y if the amplitude of movement is not too important (with this specific quantification found hard to define precisely , due to discrepancies between clinicians and other factors , namely between one to another brand); when that is not the case and the amplitude of movement is too important , the n the percentage of agreement between clinicians is much higher and the repetition of the examination is unanimously considered ind ispensable.
Bioaerosols are mainly composed of fungal particles, bacteria and plant spores, being fungi responsible for the release of VOCs and micotoxins into indoor environments. Aspergillus flavus is a common opportunistic pathogen causing human infections and is involved in the production of aflatoxin and other secondary metabolites associated with toxic and allergic reactions. Poultry workers are exposed to high concentrations of fungi and are therefore more prone to develop associated pathologies. To evaluate occupational exposure of the workers to Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxins, six animal production facilities were selected, including 10 buildings, from which indoor air samples and outdoor reference samples were obtained. Twenty-five duplicate samples were collected by two methodologies: impactation onto malt extract agar of 25L air samples using a Millipore Air Tester were used to evaluate quantitative (CFU/m3) and qualitative (species identification, whenever possible) sample composition; 300 L air samples collected with the Coriolis Air Sampler into phosphate–saline buffer were used to isolate DNA, following molecular identification of Aspergillus section flavi using nor-1 specific primers by real-time PCR.
Aims: This paper aims to address some of the main possible applications of actual Nuclear Medicine Imaging techniques and methodologies in the specific context of Sports Medicine, namely in two critical systems: musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Discussion: At the musculoskeletal level, bone scintigraphy techniques proved to be a mean of diagnosis of functional orientation and high sensibility compared with other morphological imaging techniques in the detection and temporal evaluation of pathological situations, for instance allowing the acquisition of information of great relevance in athletes with stress fractures. On the other hand, infection/inflammation studies might be of an important added value to characterize specific situations, early diagnose of potential critical issues – so giving opportunity to precise, complete and fast solutions – while allowing the evaluation and eventual optimization of training programs. At cardiovascular system level, Nuclear Medicine had proved to be crucial in differential diagnosis between cardiac hypertrophy secondary to physical activity (the so called "athlete's heart") and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in the diagnosis and prognosis of changes in cardiac function in athletes, as well as in direct - and non-invasive - in vivo visualization of sympathetic cardiac innervation, something that seems to take more and more importance nowadays, namely in order to try to avoid sudden death episodes at intense physical effort. Also the clinical application of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has becoming more and more widely recognized as promising. Conclusions: It has been concluded that Nuclear Medicine can become an important application in Sports Medicine. Its well established capabilities to early detection of processes involving functional properties allied to its high sensibility and the actual technical possibilities (namely those related with hybrid imaging, that allows to add information provided by high resolution morphological imaging techniques, such as CT and/or MRI) make it a powerful diagnostic tool, claiming to be used on an each day higher range of clinical applications related with all levels of sport activities. Since the improvements at equipment characteristics and detection levels allows the use of smaller and smaller doses, so minimizing radiation exposure it is believed by the authors that the increase of the use of NM tools in the Sports Medicine area should be considered.
Introduction: Image resizing is a normal feature incorporated into the Nuclear Medicine digital imaging. Upsampling is done by manufacturers to adequately fit more the acquired images on the display screen and it is applied when there is a need to increase - or decrease - the total number of pixels. This paper pretends to compare the “hqnx” and the “nxSaI” magnification algorithms with two interpolation algorithms – “nearest neighbor” and “bicubic interpolation” – in the image upsampling operations. Material and Methods: Three distinct Nuclear Medicine images were enlarged 2 and 4 times with the different digital image resizing algorithms (nearest neighbor, bicubic interpolation nxSaI and hqnx). To evaluate the pixel’s changes between the different output images, 3D whole image plot profiles and surface plots were used as an addition to the visual approach in the 4x upsampled images. Results: In the 2x enlarged images the visual differences were not so noteworthy. Although, it was clearly noticed that bicubic interpolation presented the best results. In the 4x enlarged images the differences were significant, with the bicubic interpolated images presenting the best results. Hqnx resized images presented better quality than 4xSaI and nearest neighbor interpolated images, however, its intense “halo effect” affects greatly the definition and boundaries of the image contents. Conclusion: The hqnx and the nxSaI algorithms were designed for images with clear edges and so its use in Nuclear Medicine images is obviously inadequate. Bicubic interpolation seems, from the algorithms studied, the most suitable and its each day wider applications seem to show it, being assumed as a multi-image type efficient algorithm.