736 resultados para Nômade e incerteza


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The sugar cane plantation expands its borders each year, throughout the national territory. Thus, increases the amount of biomass that will to be exploited by man in sugar and alcohol produce and also by other organisms, which will have food in abundance. The growth of mechanized harvesting, with the consequent decrease in burning of straw and the expansion of the sucroalcooleiro sector are causing changes into entomofauna in certain areas or regions of sugar cane plantation. One of the new threats to the sugar cane plantations in southcentral region, causing uncertainty and concern to farmers, is the giant worm, Telchin licus, known in Brazil since 1927, in the Northeast of Brazil, is considered a major pest of cane sugar. In 2007 it was first recorded in the state of São Paulo, which accounts for 60% of the country's crops. Whereas until then there is not much information about their management and control, the aim of this review is to gather information on the basis for its control within the context of Integrated Pest Management of cane sugar.


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Water management has in the watershed plans an important tool to plan the territory and adjust the activities develop over it to the natural resources availability. The incorporation of uncertainty analysis associated with hydrological modelling predictions is a manner to simulate scenarios and work with chances and probabilities that certain events happens inside these plans. Using stochastic methods is possible to consider uncertainty from estimations and even model it. Stochastic methods developed considerably during the last 30 years, but its applications to real-world problems have been limited, and did not turn into routine in hydrology. This paper brings an overview from eminent hydrologists about this subject and discuss the Brazilian and Paulista situation in the scope of groundwater monitoring.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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The torsional stiffness of chassis is one of the most important properties of a vehicle's structure and therefore its measurement is important. For the first time, the torsional stiffness was considered on the design of a prototype Baja SAE of the team from UNESP - FEG, Equipe Piratas do Vale Bardahl. According to the team's opinion, the increase of stiffness on this prototype, called MB1114, made possible a great improvement in its performance during competitions. In this work, the experimental evaluation of the torsional stiffness from this prototype is performed, detailing the analysis of results, as well as, the hysteresis' effect, least-squares regression and uncertainty analysis. It also shows that it is possible to measure the torsional stiffness of chassis with a low experimental uncertainty without expending many resources. The test rig costed R$ 32,50 due the reuse of materials and the use of instrumentation already available on campus. Furthermore, it is simple to produce and can be easily stocked. Those features are important for Baja and Formula SAE teams. Lastly, the measured value is used to validate the finite element analysis performed by the team during this prototype's design, because similar studies will be performed for the new cars. After investigating the finite element analysis, one result 13,5% higher than the measured value was reached. This difference is believed to be occurred due the imperfections of the finite element model, in other words, for not been possible to simulate every phenomena present on the real model


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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The torsional stiffness of chassis is one of the most important properties of a vehicle's structure and therefore its measurement is important. For the first time, the torsional stiffness was considered on the design of a prototype Baja SAE of the team from UNESP - FEG, Equipe Piratas do Vale Bardahl. According to the team's opinion, the increase of stiffness on this prototype, called MB1114, made possible a great improvement in its performance during competitions. In this work, the experimental evaluation of the torsional stiffness from this prototype is performed, detailing the analysis of results, as well as, the hysteresis' effect, least-squares regression and uncertainty analysis. It also shows that it is possible to measure the torsional stiffness of chassis with a low experimental uncertainty without expending many resources. The test rig costed R$ 32,50 due the reuse of materials and the use of instrumentation already available on campus. Furthermore, it is simple to produce and can be easily stocked. Those features are important for Baja and Formula SAE teams. Lastly, the measured value is used to validate the finite element analysis performed by the team during this prototype's design, because similar studies will be performed for the new cars. After investigating the finite element analysis, one result 13,5% higher than the measured value was reached. This difference is believed to be occurred due the imperfections of the finite element model, in other words, for not been possible to simulate every phenomena present on the real model


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi parametrizar e avaliar o modelo DSSAT/Canegro para cinco variedades brasileiras de cana-de-açúcar. A parametrização foi realizada a partir do uso de dados biométricos e de crescimento das variedades CTC 4, CTC 7, CTC 20, RB 86-7515 e RB 83-5486, obtidos em cinco localidades brasileiras. Foi realizada análise de sensibilidade local para os principais parâmetros. A parametrização do modelo foi feita por meio da técnica de estimativa da incerteza de probabilidade generalizada ("generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation", Glue). Para a avaliação das predições, foram utilizados, como indicadores estatísticos, o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o índice D de Willmott e a raiz quadrada do erro-médio (RMSE). As variedades CTC apresentaram índice D entre 0,870 e 0,944, para índice de área foliar, altura de colmo, perfilhamento e teor de sacarose. A variedade RB 83-5486 apresentou resultados similares para teor de sacarose e massa de matéria fresca do colmo, enquanto a variedade RB 86-7515 apresentou valores entre 0,665 e 0,873, para as variáveis avaliadas.


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O texto analisa a trama dos sonhos, dos desejos e da realidade de uma família de retirantes nordestinos que, tratados como bichos, sonham um dia fazer valer sua condição de homens. Embora atravessada pela dúvida e pela incerteza impostas pelos obstáculos de uma realidade desumana, a narrativa fala também da persistência de sonhos e desejos que não deixa morrer a esperança utópica dos personagens e do próprio autor, ainda que vaga, do advento de um mundo humanizado.


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O risco financeiro ao qual o produtor agrícola está exposto no momento da comercialização do produto final demanda o uso de instrumentos de redução de risco, a fim de assegurar um preço que viabilize economicamente o processo produtivo. Este artigo analisa o problema de elaboração de estratégias de proteção financeira na presença de restrições de produção, através de um modelo de otimização multiperíodo determinístico. A incerteza é descrita através de árvores de cenários e o risco analisado através das abordagens clássicas de média-variância. O comportamento do modelo proposto é analisado no caso do mercado sucroalcooleiro, para a gestão financeira de usinas sucroalcooleiras, sendo as estratégias de hedging construídas com base no mercado futuro de álcool e açúcar.


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Neste artigo descreve-se uma pesquisa na qual se desenvolveu um analisador de desfibriladores e cardioversores e se executou sua avaliação metrológica, sendo apresentados os resultados obtidos. A avaliação das incertezas de medição do analisador foi realizada de acordo com as determinações da versão brasileira do EA-4/02 - Expressão da Incerteza de Medição de Calibração publicado pelo INMETRO. Os resultados obtidos mostraram-se adequados às exigências de exatidão determinadas pelas normas ANSI/AAMI DF2 (American..., 1996) e ANSI/AAMI DF80 (American..., 2003), tendo apresentado uma incerteza expandida relativa para as medições de energia igual a 1,0% no pior caso. Nesta pesquisa foi também realizada uma análise da incerteza definicional do processo de calibração utilizado e avaliou-se a capacidade do processo. Para os cálculos da capacidade do processo, foi determinado um erro máximo para as medições de energia igual a 5% ou 1,0 J, o que for maior. Este erro máximo é igual a 1/3 do erro máximo admissível para a energia entregue pelos desfibriladores, em outras palavras, é igual ao erro máximo admissível para um instrumento de medição pela Norma ANSI/AAMI DF2 (American..., 1996). Os resultados obtidos para a capacidade do procedimento de calibração mostraram-se adequados para as especificações de um analisador de desfibriladores e cardioversores, tendo obtido como resultado, no pior caso, um índice de capacidade Cm igual a 2,87, que é bem superior, portanto, a 1,0, sendo este o limite mínimo para que o procedimento seja considerado capaz de calibrar a medição de energia sem atribuir uma incerteza definicional demasiadamente grande.


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El texto aborda experiencias de inclusión escolares e institucionales a partir de una concepción transdicilinaria, en tanto se considera al equipo integrador como un equipo nómade, que interviene en la institución de manera no tradicional.


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El presente trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco de la asignatura Proyecto de Tesis de la carrera Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA), perteneciente a la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCuyo). El mismo se focaliza en el análisis y sistematización de los datos obtenidos, a partir del estudio de caso de la escuela de Permacultura “El Jardín de los Presentes" ubicada en el barrio La Toma, perteneciente al municipio de Capilla Del Monte, provincia de Córdoba, la cual se estructura en torno a los principios y de esta cosmovisión general como modo de vida. Frente al actual modelo dominante de degradación ambiental y el escenario de crisis energética que atraviesa la humanidad, provocada por el uso irracional de recursos naturales, la degradación de ecosistemas naturales, la desvinculación creciente de las personas con la naturaleza y la estructura individualista que engloba a las sociedades actuales; desde esta investigación se busca contribuir al conocimiento y la difusión de los principios de la Permacultura, como principio rector tendiente a restablecer un vínculo racional de la sociedad con la naturaleza, a partir del estudio de una comunidad sustentada en dichos principios. A través de ello, se propende dar a conocer prácticas efectivas y reales que hacen a la sustentabilidad, fundamentadas en la necesidad y la revalorización de principios de reciprocidad entre los miembros de la sociedad y con la naturaleza, lo cual en el estudio de caso propuesto, se traduce en el significado de la vida en comunidad. En este sentido, resulta interesante destacar el auge que en la última década ha tenido la emergencia de espacios similares a lo largo y a lo ancho de Argentina, ya sea bajo la denominación de “ecoaldeas" o sitios-escuelas de Permacultura y las diferentes estrategias de difusión de la mencionada corriente, que en el caso del Jardín de los Presentes consiste en un proyecto denominado “Caravana de Permacultura y arte", el cual, en líneas generales, implica una escuela nómade para la difusión de la práctica permacultural como filosofía de vida . Acorde con ello, este trabajo constituye un aporte a su conocimiento, a partir de la sistematización de experiencias desarrolladas en uno de estos sitios, lo cual se espera contribuya al conocimiento de las diversas experiencias que existen en nuestro país.