925 resultados para Myth Acceptance
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Some of the properties sought in seismic design of buildings are also considered fundamental to guarantee structural robustness. Moreover, some key concepts are common to both seismic and robustness design. In fact, both analyses consider events with a very small probability of occurrence, and consequently, a significant level of damage is admissible. As very rare events,in both cases, the actions are extremely hard to quantify. The acceptance of limited damage requires a system based analysis of structures, rather than an element by element methodology, as employed for other load cases. As for robustness analysis, in seismic design the main objective is to guarantee that the structure survives an earthquake, without extensive damage. In the case of seismic design, this is achieved by guaranteeing the dissipation of energy through plastic hinges distributed in the structure. For this to be possible, some key properties must be assured, in particular ductility and redundancy. The same properties could be fundamental in robustness design, as a structure can only sustain significant damage if capable of distributing stresses to parts of the structure unaffected by the triggering event. Timber is often used for primary load‐bearing elements in single storey long‐span structures for public buildings and arenas, where severe consequences can be expected if one or more of the primary load bearing elements fail. The structural system used for these structures consists of main frames, secondary elements and bracing elements. The main frame, composed by columns and beams, can be seen as key elements in the system and should be designed with high safety against failure and under strict quality control. The main frames may sometimes be designed with moment resisting joints between columns and beams. Scenarios, where one or more of these key elements, fail should be considered at least for high consequence buildings. Two alternative strategies may be applied: isolation of collapsing sections and, provision of alternate load paths [1]. The first one is relatively straightforward to provide by deliberately designing the secondary structural system less strong and stiff. Alternatively, the secondary structural system and the bracing system can be design so that loss of capacity in the main frame does not lead to the collapse. A case study has been selected aiming to assess the consequences of these two different strategies, in particular, under seismic loads.
Dramatic narratives give emphasis to the process of storytelling of daily life. The script or story is constructed as a dialogue between actors. The words acquire a signification through a dynamic process of communication, where narratives are written not with a pencil but with the body, not written with the mind but with anima. In this paper we present a phenomenological analysis of an experience conducted in a middle grade school of Italy with the proposal to analyze how boys and girls see themselves and the opposite gender and how they perceive the equal opportunity between female and masculine roles.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Celsa Maria Carvalho Machado
Objetivo: A compreensão da Educação Especial no paradigma da inclusão envolve vontade política e social e mobiliza necessariamente os profissionais de educação, sendo fundamental conhecer a sua opinião. Em Portugal, o Decreto-Lei n.º 3/2008 trouxe mudanças significativas no papel dos docentes do ensino regular, pelo que este estudo tem como objetivo, passados 6 anos da implementação, descrever a opinião de educadores e professores do 1º ciclo acerca da inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e conhecer os fatores que justificam as suas opiniões. Método: Foram inquiridos 244 docentes, 122 educadores de infância e 122 professores do 1º ciclo de escolas públicas e privadas, da Área Metropolitana do Porto, os instrumentos usados foram uma folha de caracterização individual e um questionário de vinhetas com descrições do funcionamento de crianças, onde os respondentes se posicionavam, para cada uma, quanto à sua aceitação nas salas. Resultados /Discussão: Os resultados apontam que as vinhetas que descreviam funcionamentos de crianças compatíveis com Perturbação de Espetro de Autismo e Paralisia Cerebral, foram as menos, sendo as justificações a falta de formação e a impossibilidade de despender o tempo necessário devido à exigência de bons resultados académicos. Aferimos que a formação em Educação Especial apenas estava associada à aceitação de alunos com Paralisia Cerebral. Aferimos que a função do docente-educador vs professor do 1ºciclo- apenas é influenciadora de aceitação no caso de alunos com Perturbação de Espetro de Autismo, Paralisia Cerebral e Atraso Global de Desenvolvimento/Dificuldades de Aprendizagem. O facto de se tratar de uma escola pública ou privada influencia a aceitação dos alunos, com os docentes do ensino privado a evidenciarem maior aceitação dos alunos do que os do ensino público.
Background: Childhood asthma represents an increasing health problem and is the leading cause of hospital admission and absenteeism in children with chronic disease. It also compromises quality of life, eventually contributing to disturbances in self-concept. Self-concept is a recent and global perspective of “the self” and relates to skills, self-image and self-esteem. Little information is available on this topic and there are no data from Portuguese countryside towns. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asthma among all school children in the 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese countryside town and to establish its possible correlation with absenteeism and self-concept. Methods: In April 2002, two questionnaires were administered in the presence of the researcher to a group of 950 children attending different schools. The children completed the internationally renowned questionnaires: ISAAC and the Self-Concept Scale by Susan Harter. Results: Our sample (n = 818) had a mean age of 11 years (10-15 years) and a male-to-female ratio of 1/1. The cumulative prevalence of asthma was11.9% and that of active asthma was 8.8 %; 63.9% of asthmatics were male and 36.1 % were female. The mean age of asthmatics was 11.34 years and 74 % had active symptoms. Comparison of this group of 97 asthmatic children with the remaining children revealed a statistically significant correlation between the presence of asthma and school absenteeism (global: p = 0.04; gymnastics: 0.05). Regarding the Self-Concept Scale a statistically significant association was found between the presence of asthma and school achievement (p = 0.027), physical appearance (p = 0.015), behavior (p < 0.000) and self-esteem (p < 0.000). No statistically significant correlations were found in social acceptance (p = 0.289) or athletic competence (p = 0.085). Asthmatic boys had higher self-concept scores than girls, except in the domain of behavior. Conclusions: Twelve percent of the population studied was asthmatic. In asthmatic children, absenteeism was higher and self-concept was lower for almost all domains, except social acceptance and athletic achievement, probably due to overprotection.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Software tools in education became popular since the widespread of personal computers. Engineering courses lead the way in this development and these tools became almost a standard. Engineering graduates are familiar with numerical analysis tools but also with simulators (e.g. electronic circuits), computer assisted design tools and others, depending on the degree. One of the main problems with these tools is when and how to start use them so that they can be beneficial to students and not mere substitutes for potentially difficult calculations or design. In this paper a software tool to be used by first year students in electronics/electricity courses is presented. The growing acknowledgement and acceptance of open source software lead to the choice of an open source software tool – Scilab, which is a numerical analysis tool – to develop a toolbox. The toolbox was developed to be used as standalone or integrated in an e-learning platform. The e-learning platform used was Moodle. The first approach was to assess the mathematical skills necessary to solve all the problems related to electronics and electricity courses. Analysing the existing circuit simulators software tools, it is clear that even though they are very helpful by showing the end result they are not so effective in the process of the students studying and self learning since they show results but not intermediate steps which are crucial in problems that involve derivatives or integrals. Also, they are not very effective in obtaining graphical results that could be used to elaborate reports and for an overall better comprehension of the results. The developed tool was based on the numerical analysis software Scilab and is a toolbox that gives their users the opportunity to obtain the end results of a circuit analysis but also the expressions obtained when derivative and integrals calculations, plot signals, obtain vector diagrams, etc. The toolbox runs entirely in the Moodle web platform and provides the same results as the standalone application. The students can use the toolbox through the web platform (in computers where they don't have installation privileges) or in their personal computers by installing both the Scilab software and the toolbox. This approach was designed for first year students from all engineering degrees that have electronics/electricity courses in their curricula.
The wide acceptance of digital repositories today in the eLearning field raises several interoperability issues. In this paper we present the interoperability features of a service oriented repository of learning objects called crimsonHex. These features are compliant with the existing standards and we propose extensions to the IMS interoperability recommendation, adding new functions, formalizing message interchange and providing also a REST interface. To validate the proposed extensions and its implementation in crimsonHex we developed a repository plugin for Moodle 2.0 that is expected to be included in the next release of this popular learning management system.
O pretexto da implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade numa empresa de produção de fundos copados, constitui pretexto para provocar uma análise mais profunda e fundamentada do tema e objetivo para este projeto. Entender um conceito tão subjetivo como o de qualidade afigura-se como necessidade primária para o início da reflexão. Percorremos em seguida a história do conceito desde a Europa Medieval até à revolução na qualidade que acabaria por acontecer no Japão após a II Guerra Mundial. A qualidade como a entendemos hoje deve-se ainda a contributos de personalidades que identificaram vários métodos que surgiram ao longo do tempo e que foram melhorando o conceito, de entre as quais se referem três: William Deming, Joseph Moses Juran e Philip B. Crosby. Em seguida reflete-se acerca do impacto real da implementação da ISO 9000, recorrendo ao estudo de Olivier Boiral, que fornece uma aproximação bastante real dos benefícios da implementação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade. Ainda no segundo capítulo analisamos a importância do processo de certificação, concluindo que a tarefa extra de uma organização externa certificar o SGQ constitui indubitavelmente uma forma de manter o sistema rigoroso e disciplinado. No terceiro capítulo, “ISO 9001:2008 VERSUS ISO 9001:2015”, analisamos em detalhe as principais alterações da futura norma ISO 9001:2015 relativamente à iISO 9001:2008: introdução do “pensamento baseado no risco”; enfase dado à abordagem por processos; enfase dado à “gestão da mudança”; “gestão do conhecimento”; “direção estratégica”, integrando os sistemas de gestão e da qualidade; a determinação de que todas as normas que integram um sistema de gestão seguirão um novo formato, chamado “high-level structure” como definido no Anexo SL; e enfase ainda dado à consideração do feedback de todos os processos e stakeholders envolvidos. Seguidamente, no capítulo “Apresentação da “Empresa Lda””, apresenta-se a empresa alvo deste caso de estudo, uma indústria metalomecânica que fabrica fundos copados para o mercado nacional e internacional. Analisadas as principais alterações entre a atual e a futura norma, no capítulo “SGQ Proposto Assente na Futura Norma ISO 9001:2015” propõem-se alterações ao sistema já implementado anteriormente com base na aceitação da futura ISO 9001:2015 e alterações que esta prevê. Os processos e procedimentos que representem mais tempo e custo serão 6 identificados, assim como aqueles que poderão ser mais rapidamente adaptados para que o SGQ seja assim otimizado e mais adaptado aos recursos disponíveis. Para esta reflexão e desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia recorre-se a vários instrumentos: estabelecem-se objetivos, efectua-se a análise SWOT, uma análise FMEA, a Análise de Gestão do Conhecimento e finalmente a Análise das Partes Interessadas. Em conjunto com as propostas de ações referidas nas análises anteriores descrevem-se de seguida as propostas de ação de intervenção nos fluxogramas. Os processos e procedimentos que aqui se destacam são aqueles que se consideram poderem constituir impacto eficaz e que vão ao encontro daquilo que é proposto na nova norma ISO 9001:2015, tendo em conta as principais alterações vistas anteriormente.
From the boom of corporate identity in the 50s, 60 years have passed, and we now see picture marks become more complex and question axioms of identity design, like simplicity or bidimensionality. In these changing times, where access to technology and to information makes it possible for one to see the world as a ‘flat’ place [1], where virtually anyone with a computer can create, it is worth considering how much has changed and how much remains the same in picture marks design. Are the silent designers [2] — the technology and software — growing louder? Are picture marks mimicking each other? Are graphic marks following trendy solutions? It is clear the change of paradigms the new technologies have over the graphic zeitgeist. However, what are the consequences of the transformation in the modus operandi and its result in picture marks evolving solutions? And what does this evolution say about us? Being both a condensation of meaning about a corporation or institution and a rhetorical instrument by which to persuade an audience that a product or entity has distinctive and desirable qualities, picture marks are, therefore, a condensed representation of social identity. They are signs full of signification beyond themselves, representing ourselves and our world and by means of its analysis we can learn a bit more about our role as designers, our relation towards new technologies and foresee our role as designers in the future.
Objetivo: O autismo é uma perturbação global do desenvolvimento infantil que se prolonga por toda a vida e evolui com a idade. Carateriza-se pela presença de um desenvolvimento acentuadamente atípico na interação social e na comunicação, por um repertório de atividades e interesses marcadamente restritos, por dificuldades de flexibilidade de pensamento e de comportamento, que se exibem em comportamentos estereotipados e rígidos, associados a dificuldades na aceitação de alterações de rotinas. Dentro da grande variação possível na severidade do autismo, encontram-se crianças sem linguagem verbal e com dificuldades na comunicação por qualquer outra via, assim como se encontram crianças que apresentam linguagem verbal com um vocabulário restrito, repetitivo e não comunicativo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar e potenciar o desenvolvimento da linguagem, a aquisição de palavras e frases na criança autista, tendo em vista a generalização dos resultados. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso de uma criança de 4 anos de idade com comportamentos que sugerem uma Perturbação Pervasiva do Desenvolvimento. Utilizou-se o recurso aos instrumentos de observação e entrevistas, procedendo-se à sua análise e ao desenho da intervenção a realizar. Foi implementada a intervenção “Ensinar crianças com autismo a fazer perguntas sobre objetos escondidos” na qual são utilizados brinquedos de interesse para a criança, motivacionais para a concretização do objetivo do estudo.
The present work was carried out to evaluate the molluscicidal activity of active ingredient Taraxerol with the acetone extract of Euphorbia tirucalli against Lymnaea acuminata snail. The (fecundity, hatchability and survivability) of snail L. acuminata exposed to this extract was studied. The effects of the tested extracts on life-history traits of harmful snail L. acuminata have also been evaluated, and this study also expounds the inhibitory effects of these extracts singly as well as in binary combination (1:1 ratio). It concluded that these herbal products act as a potential source of molluscicides, and that they would also have the advantage of easy availability, low cost, biodegradability and greater acceptance amongst users than synthetic pesticide.
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine, among medical students at a public university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the acceptance of the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 vaccine during the 2010 mass immunization campaign and the vaccine safety in this group and, among unvaccinated students, the reasons for refusing vaccination. Of a total of 858 students, 678 (79%) participated in the study. Vaccination coverage was 60.4% among students aged 20 to 39 years (an age group targeted for vaccination) and 43.8% among those who did not belong to this age group. The most frequent adverse reactions to the vaccine were pain at the injection site (8.7%) and fever (7.9%). There were no serious adverse reactions. Among students aged 20 to 39 years, the most common reasons for refusing the vaccine were "lack of time" (42.4%), "fear of adverse reactions" (41.9%), and "difficult access to the vaccine" (11.5%). Other reasons for vaccine refusal were "uncertainties about vaccine safety and efficacy" and "vaccination was not needed". To increase the acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a comprehensive immunization program should be offered to these students.
O presente estudo pretende ser uma reflexão exploratória sobre a emergência dos serviços de pagamento através de dispositivos móveis. O tema do pagamento é novo em Portugal, e não obstante a grande adesão a inúmeras outras competências proporcionadas pela adesão aos smartphones. Estando o fenómeno numa fase de implementação embrionária considerámos que uma abordagem qualitativa melhor se adequava ao seu estudo. Assim o presente trabalho consiste numa revisão de literatura descrevendo o estado da arte que articula com uma recolha de entrevistas e e posterior análise. Com este trabalho podemos concluir que o fenómeno de pagamentos móveis requer ainda comunicação e vontade institucional dos vários intervenientes que ajude a sua disseminação e promova uma maior aceitação