907 resultados para Multifactor performance measurement


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The mechanical nature of gastric contraction activity (GCA) plays an important role in gastrointestinal motility. The aim of this study was to detect GCA in anaesthetized dogs, using simultaneously the techniques of AC biosusceptometry (ACB) and manometry, analysing the characteristics of frequency and amplitude (motility index) of GCA, modified by drugs such as prostigmine and N-butyl-scopolamine. The ACB method is based on a differential transformer of magnetic flux and the magnetic tracer works as a changeable external nucleus. This magnetic tracer causes a modification in the magnetic flux, which is detected by the coils. The results obtained from the ACB showed a performance comparable to the manometry in measuring the modifications in the frequency and amplitude of the GCA. We concluded that this ACB technique, non-invasive and free of ionizing radiation, is an option for evaluating GCA and can be employed in future clinical studies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report on a measurement of the B-d(0) mixing frequency and the calibration of an opposite-side flavor tagger in the D0 experiment. Various properties associated with the b quark on the opposite side of the reconstructed B meson are combined using a likelihood-ratio method into a single variable with enhanced tagging power. Its performance is tested with data, using a large sample of reconstructed semileptonic B ->mu(DX)-X-0 and B ->mu(DX)-X-* decays, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1 fb(-1). The events are divided into groups depending on the value of the combined tagging variable, and an independent analysis is performed in each group. Combining the results of these analyses, the overall effective tagging power is found to be epsilon D-2=(2.48 +/- 0.21(-0.06)(+0.08))%. The measured B-d(0) mixing frequency Delta m(d)=0.506 +/- 0.020(stat)+/- 0.016(syst) ps(-1) is in good agreement with the world average value.


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A nephelometric technique based on a liquid drop is described for the measurement of atmospheric sulfur dioxide. A 40-mul drop of barium chloride and hydrogen peroxide solution is suspended in a flowing-air sampling stream. The sulfur (IV) collected is oxidized to sulfur (VI) and finally precipitated as barium sulfate. Nephelometric detection of drop is achieved by an appropriate arrangement consisting of an optical fiber contacting the drop and a photodiode placed at 90degrees relative to the fiber. The design and characteristics of this drop-based gas sensor system are described. The analytical response, as photocurrent, is proportional to the product of the sampling period and the sulfur dioxide concentration. The detection limit is ca. 1.1 mg m(-3) for a 10-min sampling time. The present technique is fairly rapid and simple, uses a small amount of reagent and is set up with low-cost equipment, making this system economically viable. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The serological detection of antibodies against human papillomavirus (HPV) antigens is a useful tool to determine exposure to genital HPV infection and in predicting the risk of infection persistence and associated lesions. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) are commonly used for seroepidemiological studies of HPV infection but are not standardized. Intra-and interassay performance variation is difficult to control, especially in cohort studies that require the testing of specimens over extended periods. We propose the use of normalized absorbance ratios (NARs) as a standardization procedure to control for such variations and minimize measurement error. We compared NAR and ELISA optical density (OD) values for the strength of the correlation between serological results for paired visits 4 months apart and HPV-16 DNA positivity in cervical specimens from a cohort investigation of 2,048 women tested with an ELISA using HPV-16 virus-like particles. NARs were calculated by dividing the mean blank-subtracted (net) ODs by the equivalent values of a control serum pool included in the same plate in triplicate, using different dilutions. Stronger correlations were observed with NAR values than with net ODs at every dilution, with an overall reduction in nonexplained regression variability of 39%. Using logistic regression, the ranges of odds ratios of HPV-16 DNA positivity contrasting upper and lower quintiles at different dilutions and their averages were 4.73 to 5.47 for NARs and 2.78 to 3.28 for net ODs, with corresponding significant improvements in seroreactivity-risk trends across quintiles when NARs were used. The NAR standardization is a simple procedure to reduce measurement error in seroepidemiological studies of HPV infection.


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The Amazonian regions are characterized by large space-time variability in the humidity fields due to the intense convective process in those areas associated with the great humidity potential generated by high temperatures. An experiment denominated RACCI/DRY-TO-WET (RAdiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in the Amazonia during the DRY-TO-WET Transition Season) was carried out in the Brazilian Amazonian Region in 2002. The IWV values from GPS and other techniques, such as radiosondes, radiometer and humidity sounding satellites were used in this experiment to supply subsidies to evaluate the aerosols influence in the associated processes modifications to seasonality of atmospheric water vapor. Those regions are one of the most humid of the planet, where IWV (Integrated Water Vapor) average values are in the order of 50 kg/m2. As according the literature the IWV quantification using GPS has not been explored in those circumstances, the objective this paper is to present the preliminary results obtained in the evaluation of the GPS performance in Amazonian Regions when comparing with other techniques. The tendency measurement values indicated that the IWV values from GPS tend to be larger than those from radiosondes and smaller than those from radiometer. On the other hand, IWV values from GPS are very close of the average values supplied by radiosondes and radiometer. Due to the great amount of atmospheric water vapor existent in this region, the results obtained in the experiment in percentile terms are quite better than those found in the literature, which are around of 10%.


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This paper discusses the design and performance of the time measurement technique and of the synchronization systems of the CMS hadron calorimeter. Time measurement performance results are presented from test beam data taken in the years 2004 and 2006. For hadronic showers of energy greater than 100 GeV, the timing resolution is measured to be about 1.2 ns. Time synchronization and out-of-time background rejection results are presented from the Cosmic Run At Four Tesla and LHC beam runs taken in the Autumn of 2008. The inter-channel synchronization is measured to be within 2 ns. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.


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Two experiments evaluated an operant procedure for establishing stimulus control using auditory and electrical stimuli as a baseline for measuring the electrical current threshold of electrodes implanted in the cochlea. Twenty-one prelingually deaf children, users of cochlear implants, learned a Go/No Go auditory discrimination task (i.e., pressing a button in the presence of the stimulus but not in its absence). When the simple discrimination baseline became stable, the electrical current was manipulated in descending and ascending series according to an adapted staircase method. Thresholds were determined for three electrodes, one in each location in the cochlea (basal, medial, and apical). Stimulus control was maintained within a certain range of decreasing electrical current but was eventually disrupted. Increasing the current recovered stimulus control, thus allowing the determination of a range of electrical currents that could be defined as the threshold. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of the operant procedure combined with a psychophysical method for threshold assessment, thus contributing to the routine fitting and maintenance of cochlear implants within the limitations of a hospital setting.


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Background and Purpose: The circadian rhythm of melatonin in saliva or plasma, or of the melatonin metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (a6MTs) in urine, is a defining feature of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) function, the body's endogenous oscillatory pacemaker. The primary objective of this review is to ascertain the clinical benefits and limitations of current methodologies employed for detection and quantification of melatonin in biological fluids and tissues. Data Identification: A search of the English-language literature (Medline) and a systematic review of published articles were carried out. Study Selection: Articles that specified both the methodology for quantifying melatonin and indicated the clinical purpose were chosen for inclusion in the review. Data Extraction: The authors critically evaluated the methodological issues associated with various tools and techniques (e.g. standards, protocols, and procedures). Results of Data Synthesis: Melatonin measurements are useful for evaluating problems related to the onset or offset of sleep and for assessing phase delays or advances of rhythms in entrained individuals. They have also become an important tool for psychiatric diagnosis, their use being recommended for phase typing in patients suffering from sleep and mood disorders. Additionally, there has been a continuous interest in the use of melatonin as a marker for neoplasms of the pineal region. Melatonin decreases such as found with aging are or post pinealectomy can cause alterations in the sleep/wake cycle. The development of sensitive and selective methods for the precise detection of melatonin in tissues and fluids has increasingly been shown to have direct relevance for clinical decision making. Conclusions: Due to melatonin's low concentration, as well as the coexistence of numerous other compounds in the blood, the routine determination of melatonin has been an analytical challenge. The available evidence indicates however that these challenges can be overcome and consequently that evaluation of melatonin's presence and activity can be an accessible and useful tool for clinical diagnosis. © Springer-Verlag 2010.


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Objectives. One of the concerns of Sports Sciences is the search for methodologies that can help discover potential athletes. In this sense, some initiatives have been taken in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic profile of dermatoglyphic marks (fingerprints). The present work has the objective of understanding the distribution of quantitative dermatoglyphic indicators in basketball players with different levels of performance compared to non-players. Methods. The subjects observed constituted 125 individuals, divided into five numerically equal groups, three of which were composed of professional basketball players according to their level of participation (Brazilian Team, National Championship and São Paulo Championship) and the last two formed by weekend players and non-players, respectively. Eleven dermatoglyphic variables were analysed in the descriptive level by means of measurement of position, variability and limits of confidence of the median, and, in inferential terms, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was adopted. Results. The more expressive ones were: TRC, counting lines a-b and A'-d, behave differently between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusion. Studies about this kind of analysis should be continued, calling on resources that take into consideration all variables simultaneously as a multivariate study. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.


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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze and measure, under optical microscopy, the hybrid layer thickness and resin tags length, as well as the microtensile bond strength of two conventional adhesive systems when applied to dry and moist dentinal substrate. Methods: Thirty-two extracted human molars were randomly distributed into four groups according to the adhesive systems (XP Bond and Prime&Bond 2.1) and moisture condition (dry and moist). In Groups I and II, XP adhesive system was applied on dry and moist dentin, respectively; while Groups III and IV received PB adhesive system, in the same way as was done in Groups I and II, respectively. After adhesive and restorative procedures, all specimens were sectioned along their long axes; one hemi-tooth sample was subjected to the microtensile bond strength test while the other was decalcified and serially sectioned into six micron thick slices and sequentially mounted on glass slides. These sections were stained by the Brown and Brenn method for posterior analysis and measurement of the hybrid layer and resin tags under a light microscope with a micrometric ocular 40/075. Results: Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). For the variable hybrid layer thickness, XP showed no significant differences between dry and moist dentin (5.2 μm and 5.5 μm, respectively), but for PB, hybrid layer was significantly thicker for moist (4.0 μm) than for dry dentin (3.0 μm). For the variable resin tags length XP showed 17.9 μm length for dry dentin and 20.8 μm for moist dentin; PB 11.7 μm for dry and 12.69 μm for moist dentin;there was no significant differences between them, independent of the moisture condition. For the variable microtensile bond strength, XP showed 38.0 MPa for dry dentin and 44.5 MPa for moist dentin; and PB showed 22.7 MPa for dry dentin and 20.8 MPa for dry dentin no significant difference was observed between moist and dry dentin for XP (p=0.2) and PB (p=0.7), but XP was presented significantly higher bond strength values than PB in both moisture conditions (p=0.003 for dry and p=0.002 for moist). Conclusion: The two-step butanol-based etch-and-rinse adhesive XP Bond presented a superior behavior with regard to the hybrid layer thickness, length of resin tags and bond strength to dry and moist dentin substrates when compared with two-step acetone-based adhesive system Prime&Bond2.1. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Poor posture control has been associated with an increased risk of falls and mobility disability among older adults. This study was conducted to assess the test-retest reliability and sensitivity to group differences regarding the time-limit (TLimit) of one-leg standing and selected balance parameters obtained with a force platform in older and young adults. A secondary purpose was to assess the relationship between TLimit and these balance parameters. Twenty-eight healthy older adults (age: 69±5years) and thirty young adults (age: 21±4years) participated in this study. Two one-leg stance tasks were performed: (1) three trials of 30s maximum and (2) one TLimit trial. The following balance parameters were computed: center of pressure area, RMS sway amplitude, and mean velocity and mean frequency in both the anterio-posterior and medio-lateral directions. All balance parameters obtained with the force platform as well as the TLimit variable were sensitive to differences in balance performance between older and young adults. The test-retest reliability of these measures was found to be acceptable (ICC: 0.40-0.85), with better ICC scores observed for mean velocity and mean frequency in the older group. Pearson correlations coefficients (r) between balance parameters and TLimit ranged from -0.16 to -0.54. These results add to the current literature that can be used in the development of measurement tools for evaluating balance in older and young adults. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study evaluated the effect of different protein sources (soybean meal, cottonseed meal, peanut meal and sunflower meal) on dry matter and nutrient intake, productive performance and body measurements of dairy heifers, Holstein x Zebu, recreated in confinement. The experiment consisted in a randomized complete block design made up by 6 replications and 4 treatments. The mean values of ingestion of ether extract (EEI, kg day-1) were statistically different (p < 0.05). The neutral detergent fiber intake (NDFI, %BW) also presented differences (p < 0.05), with higher values in the diet containing sunflower meal (1.01% BW) in relation to the diet with soybean meal (0.84% BW). The average daily weight gain using the diet with soybean meal was superior (0.95 kg day-1) to the diet with sunflower meal (0.82 kg day-1), and considering the final body weight, the diet with soybean meal was superior to the other treatments (p < 0.05). The heart girth presented greater association with body weight (0.93). The soybean meal promoted the best productive performance of crossbred Holstein x Zebu heifers fed diets based on sugarcane. However, cottonseed meal, peanut meal and sunflower meal can be possible alternatives to soybean meal.