731 resultados para Mineração de Repositórios
Enquadramento - O envolvimento paterno no trabalho de parto tem suscitado o interesse de vários profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente dos enfermeiros obstetras, dado que os benefícios da presença paterna no contexto de parto ainda não são clara e totalmente assumidos por todos os profissionais. Por outro lado reconhece-se que o pai é o acompanhante ideal da grávida durante o trabalho de parto, pelo seu apoio e lugar que ocupa na tríade. Objetivos – Identificar os benefícios e constrangimentos do envolvimento paterno durante o trabalho de parto e parto. Método – Efetuada revisão integrativa da literatura sobre os “Benefícios e constrangimentos do envolvimento paterno durante o trabalho de parto e parto” nas bases de dados: PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Repositórios Institucionais e Bibliotecas Digitais e EBSCO Host, elaborados entre 2000 e 2014. Selecionaram-se 19 artigos que obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão deste estudo. Dos 19 artigos selecionados, 4 são revisões sistemáticas da literatura, 13 são estudos qualitativos e 2 são estudos quantitativos. Resultados – Evidenciou-se um “novo” pai, que acompanha a grávida desde a gravidez, e que esteve presente no trabalho de parto. É dada grande relevância aos Enfermeiros Especialistas em Saúde Materna e Obstetrícia, pelo seu papel na inclusão do pai na sala de parto e desmitificação de tabus. Após esta pesquisa constatou-se que, ainda há lacunas relativamente à presença do pai parto. São muitos os benefícios do envolvimento paterno no parto, mas ainda são visíveis constrangimentos por parte do pai relativamente ao contexto de parto. Conclusões - A presença do pai na sala de parto permite estreitar os laços mais íntimos, consolidando a união familiar e proporcionando bem-estar à grávida. Realça-se o papel dos profissionais de saúde na integração do pai na maternidade. Caminhamos para um contexto de parto mais alargado e do qual já não faz parte apenas a grávida e o seu filho, mas no qual o pai é também elemento chave de todo o processo. Palavras- chave: “Pai”, “Nascimento”, “Envolvimento paterno” e “Recém - Nascido”.
A análise de sentimentos é uma ferramenta com grande potencial, podendo ser aplicada em vários contextos. Esta dissertação tem com o objetivo analisar a viabilidade da aplicação da técnica numa base capturada do site de reclamações mais popular do Brasil, com a aplicação de técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural e de aprendizagem de máquinas é possível identificar padrões na satisfação ou insatisfação dos consumidores.
Mining is an activity of great economic and social value, assisting in the development of the country. However, it can be extremely harmful to the environment if no proper waste management study exists as mitigation measure its effects. Sample some of these harmful effects are pollution: water, through the seepage of waste into the groundwater; soil; of fauna and flora; sound (due to the noise of machines); visual from the residue stored in the open, changing the local landscape; and air. One way to mitigate environmental impacts caused by mining is the proper management of their waste through their use on highways. To that end, this paper proposes to give an appropriate destination to grit coming from the beneficiation of scheelite, due to mining activity from mining group Tomaz Salustino in Brejuí mine, located in the city of Currais Novos in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work was developed in four stages. The first comprised the chemical and mineralogical tests, DRX and FRX in which they sought to discover the composition of the material studied. The next step involved the physical characteristics of the waste by means of specific tests and grinding the solid mass, LL and LP. The third stage included the specific tests applied to the pavement, with the compaction test and test Index Support California. Finally, the fourth stage was the mechanical characterization, represented by direct shear tests, both in the flooded condition and not in flooded condition. The technical feasibility of using the modified energie compacted in layers of subbase power has been verified. In normal and intermediate energies is feasible to use less noble as layers as the subgrade. The incorporation of the waste in layers of road pavements provide an alternative to conventionally used in paving aggregates, providing a proper disposal of tailings from scheelite, as well as environmental preservation
A fragilidade brasileira quanto à competitividade turística é um fato observável nos dados da Organização Mundial do Turismo. O Brasil caiu em 2011, da 45ª para a 52ª posição, apesar de liderar no atributo recursos naturais e estar colocado na 23° em recursos culturais. Assim, grandes interesses e esforços têm sido direcionados para o estudo da competitividade dos produtos e destinos turísticos. O destino turístico é caracterizado por um conjunto complexo e articulado de fatores tangíveis e intangíveis, apresentando alta complexidade, dados de elevada dimensionalidade, não linearidade e comportamento dinâmico, tornando-se difícil a modelagem desses processos por meio de abordagens baseadas em técnicas estatísticas clássicas. Esta tese investigou modelos de equações estruturais e seus algoritmos, aplicados nesta área, analisando o ciclo completo de análise de dados, em um processo confirmatório no desenvolvimento e avaliação de um modelo holístico da satisfação do turista; na validação da estrutura do modelo de medida e do modelo estrutural, por meio de testes de invariância de múltiplos grupos; na análise comparativa dos métodos de estimação MLE, GLS e ULS para a modelagem da satisfação e na realização de segmentação de mercado no setor de destino turístico utilizando mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen e sua validação com modelagem de equações estruturais. Aplicações foram feitas em análises de dados no setor de turismo, principal indústria de serviços do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, tendo sido, teoricamente desenvolvidos e testados empiricamente, modelos de equações estruturais em padrões comportamentais de destino turístico. Os resultados do estudo empírico se basearam em pesquisas com a técnica de amostragem aleatória sistemática, efetuadas em Natal-RN, entre Janeiro e Março de 2013 e forneceram evidências sustentáveis de que o modelo teórico proposto é satisfatório, com elevada capacidade explicativa e preditiva, sendo a satisfação o antecedente mais importante da lealdade no destino. Além disso, a satisfação é mediadora entre a geração da motivação da viagem e a lealdade do destino e que os turistas buscam primeiro à satisfação com a qualidade dos serviços de turismo e, posteriormente, com os aspectos que influenciam a lealdade. Contribuições acadêmicas e gerenciais são mostradas e sugestões de estudo são dadas para trabalhos futuros.
The plant metabolism consists of a complex network of physical and chemical events resulting in photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis and degradation of organic compounds. This is only possible due to the different kinds of responses to many environmental variations that a plant could be subject through evolution, leading also to conquering new surroundings. The glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway found in glyoxysomes plant, which has unique role in the seedling establishment. Considered as a variation of the citric acid cycle, it uses an acetyl coenzyme A molecule, derived from lipids beta-oxidation to synthesize compounds which are used in carbohydrate synthesis. The Malate synthase (MLS) and Isocitrate lyase (ICL) enzyme of this cycle are unique and essential in regulating the biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Because of the absence of decarboxylation steps as rate-limiting steps, detailed studies of molecular phylogeny and evolution of these proteins enables the elucidation of the effects of this route presence in the evolutionary processes involved in their distribution across the genome from different plant species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a relationship between the molecular evolution of the characteristics of enzymes from the glyoxylate cycle (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) and their molecular phylogeny, among green plants (Viridiplantae). For this, amino acid and nucleotide sequences were used, from online repositories as UniProt and Genbank. Sequences were aligned and then subjected to an analysis of the best-fit substitution models. The phylogeny was rebuilt by distance methods (neighbor-joining) and discrete methods (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian analysis). The identification of structural patterns in the evolution of the enzymes was made through homology modeling and structure prediction from protein sequences. Based on comparative analyzes of in silico models and from the results of phylogenetic inferences, both enzymes show significant structure conservation and their topologies in agreement with two processes of selection and specialization of the genes. Thus, confirming the relevance of new studies to elucidate the plant metabolism from an evolutionary perspective
Tailings dams are structures that aims to retain the solid waste and water from mining processes. Its analysis and planning begins with searching of location for deployment, step on which to bind all kinds of variables that directly or indirectly influence the work, such as geological, hydrological, tectonic, topographic, geotechnical, environmental, social characteristics, evaluation security risks, among others. Thus, this paper aims to present a study on the most appropriate and secure type of busbar to design a layout structure of iron ore tailings, taking into account all the above mentioned variables. The case study involves the assessment of sites for location of dams of tailings disposal beneficiation of iron mine to be built in Bonito, in the municipality of Jucurutu in Seridó Potiguar. For site selection among alternatives, various aspects of the current state of the art were considered, one that causes the least environmental impact, low cost investment, adding value to the product and especially the safety of the implanted structure mitigates the concern about induced earthquakes as a result of liquefaction wastes somatized by dams in the region, as the tilling of Mina Bonito is located practically in the hydraulic basin dam Armando Ribeiro in environmental protection (APA). The methodology compares induced by dams in the semiarid region with the characteristics of the waste disposal and sterile seismicity, taking into account the enhancement of liquefaction by the action of seismicity in the Mina Bonito region. With the fulcrum in the methodology, we indicated the best busbar type for disposal of tailings from iron ore or combination of them, to be designed and built in semiarid particularly for Mina Bonito. Also presents a number of possible uses for the tailings and in engineering activities, which may cause processing to the common good.
Mining in Brazil has a key role in economic and social development, contributing directly to improve the lives of the population. However, the mining activity even if done responsibly and with a proper study of waste management to reduce the impact of its effects, may cause harmful damage to the environment. Other forms of pollution are also caused due to mining activity. The visual pollution caused by the waste storage at open sky, in addition to the noise pollution caused by the excessive noise of the machines both in the extraction of ore, as in processing. An alternative way to lessen the environmental impacts caused by mining is the use of waste in layers that will compose the pavements along the highways. Thus, this work sets out to give a proper disposal of the wastes from the processing of iron ore, resulting from the mining activity of the group of mining Mhag Services and Mining S/A, in the mine of Bonito, located in Jucurutu, a town in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The residues of the iron ore were stabilized with a granular soil from the city of Macaiba, also in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which is being used in the duplication of the BR-304 referring to the entitled passage of Reta Tabajara. The present work was developed in three stages, being the first one divided by the chemical and mineralogical tests, by the tests of physical characterization and by the tests of paving for the residues of the iron ore. The second stage corresponds to the same tests being performed for granular soil. The third stage includes the essays abovementioned for three different mixtures of iron ore waste and granular soil, being they: 15% of iron-ore waste and 85% of granular soil, 25% of iron-ore waste and 75% of granular soil, 50% of iron-ore waste and 50% of granular soil. The technical feasibility of using waste from the iron ore beneficiation was checked, compressed in the intermediate energy and modified for use in base layers, sub-base, reinforcement subgrade and subgrade. The incorporation of the residues originating from the improvement of the iron ore in highways will provide an alternative to the use of aggregate conventionally used in the paving, besides preserving the environment.
Educational Data Mining is an application domain in artificial intelligence area that has been extensively explored nowadays. Technological advances and in particular, the increasing use of virtual learning environments have allowed the generation of considerable amounts of data to be investigated. Among the activities to be treated in this context exists the prediction of school performance of the students, which can be accomplished through the use of machine learning techniques. Such techniques may be used for student’s classification in predefined labels. One of the strategies to apply these techniques consists in their combination to design multi-classifier systems, which efficiency can be proven by results achieved in other studies conducted in several areas, such as medicine, commerce and biometrics. The data used in the experiments were obtained from the interactions between students in one of the most used virtual learning environments called Moodle. In this context, this paper presents the results of several experiments that include the use of specific multi-classifier systems systems, called ensembles, aiming to reach better results in school performance prediction that is, searching for highest accuracy percentage in the student’s classification. Therefore, this paper presents a significant exploration of educational data and it shows analyzes of relevant results about these experiments.
Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.
Tourism is configured as an activity that presents constant movement could boost local development in the economic, sociocultural and human in locations with potential for structuring and such. Because it is a dynamic activity, tourism allows changes in its flow, extending the periods of seasonality. To this end, in view of the aforementioned dynamics, it becomes relevant to the presence of tourism planning, initially starting from the government so that it create laws and standards and develop projects for the management of activities in an orderly way, seeking citizen participation, making essential the presence of actors and agents in local tourism, expanding democracy and knowledge of their place of origin. In this scenario, the Ministry of Tourism is emerging with the National Tourism Plan which incorporates among its actions, the Regionalization Program Guide, adopting a model of regional local management, a participatory manner, through the bodies of governance imposed at the poles, and the shares of public policy in their various departments most responsible for promoting tourism in pole Seridó. This scientific work aims to analyze the pole Seridó, under the theory of tourism area life cycle (TALC) proposed by BUTLER (1980), locating actions for tourism and chronology of the locality applied the proposed process activity. For both the methodology is descriptive and exploratory, qualitative approach, historical, descriptive and narrative level, non-probability sampling, using secondary sources, through documents and other records occurred during the planning processes in the region, in order to have access to information related to the planning process of tourism in Seridó, using as a way to research the data collected the technique of content analysis. As a conclusion of this study it is observed that from the survey in relation to the history of tourism in the region, economic activities of livestock, cotton industry, mining and ceramics industry were responsible for the initiation of tourism in the locality through the flow directed to the same, the insertion of the first hotels and performing traditional events, giving rise to the demand for public policies that aided in directing the activity being, therefore, inserted into the engagement phase, the second phase proposed by BUTLER (1980) model, and the study was terminated with suggestions for the continuation of tourism in the region.
The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.
In States of Paraíba (PB) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN), northeast of Brazil, the most significant deposits of non-metallic industrial minerals are pegmatites, quartzites and granites, which are located in Seridó region. Extraction of clay, quartz, micas and feldspars occurs mainly in the cities of Várzea (PB), OuroBranco (RN) and Parelhas (RN). Mining companies working in the extraction and processing of quartzite generate large volumes of waste containing about 90% SiO2 in their chemical composition coming from quartz that is one of the basic constituents of ceramic mass for the production of ceramic coating. Therefore, this work evaluates the utilization of these wastes on fabrication of high-quality ceramic products, such as porcelain stoneware, in industrial scale. Characterization of raw materials was based on XRF, XRD, GA, TGA and DSC analysis, on samples composed by 57% of feldspar, 37% of argil and 6% of quartzite residues, with 5 different colors (white, gold, pink, green and black). Samples were synthesized in three temperatures, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, with one hour isotherm and warming-up tax of 10°C/min. After synthesizing, the specimens were submit to physical characterization tests of water absorption, linear shrinkage, apparently porosity, density, flexural strain at three points. The addition of 6% of quartzite residue to ceramic mass provided a final product with technological properties attending technical norms for the production of porcelain stoneware; best results were observed at a temperature of 1200°C. According to the results there was a high iron oxide on black quartzite, being their use in porcelain stoneware discarded by ethic and structural question, because the material fused at 1250°C. All quartzite formulations had low water absorption when synthesized at 1200°C, getting 0.1% to 0.36% without having gone through the atomization process. Besides, flexural strain tests overcame 27 MPa reaching the acceptance limits of the European Directive EN 100, at 1200°C synthesizing. Thus, the use of quartzite residues in ceramic masses poses as great potential for the production of porcelain stoneware.
Unfavorable climatic conditions to family farming associated to the legal difficulty of retirement for workers who work exclusively in mining are indications provided by previous papers on this topic and guiding of such joint activities in a group that we have decided to call “agromineradores”, who are located “Behind de mountain” of Princess at Parelhas, Seridó do RN. However, in addition to these aspects, the research provides comprehensive analysis and thorough examination of other factors that link these families to such labor association. The theories of Habitus, field and trajectory from Pierre Bourdieu as well as the concept of institutions from Geoffrey Hodgson are central in this paper to explain the inclusion of these part-time farmers in an institutional environment shaped by social structures that influence in the choices of individual and collective behavior and leading to the relevance of the power structures within and outside the family, along with the role of public policies directed to family farmers and miners. The data analyzed showed that there is a crystallized structure that manifests themselves for years in this field, proving the link that exists between these agents and institutions that surround them in the composition of behaviors and routinizing of practices.
The software product line engineering brings advantages when compared with the traditional software development regarding the mass customization of the system components. However, there are scenarios that to maintain separated clones of a software system seems to be an easier and more flexible approach to manage their variabilities of a software product line. This dissertation evaluates qualitatively an approach that aims to support the reconciliation of functionalities between cloned systems. The analyzed approach is based on mining data about the issues and source code of evolved cloned web systems. The next step is to process the merge conflicts collected by the approach and not indicated by traditional control version systems to identify potential integration problems from the cloned software systems. The results of the study show the feasibility of the approach to perform a systematic characterization and analysis of merge conflicts for large-scale web-based systems.
A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.