621 resultados para Meri, Lennart
The excavation of the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia in 1894 marks the beginning of Swedish archaeological fieldwork in Greece. During a couple of hot summer months, two philologists from Uppsala University, Sam Wide (1861-1918) and Lennart Kjellberg (1857-1936), worked in the sanctuary together with the architect Sven Kristenson (1858-1937), the Greek foreman Pankalos and around twenty local workmen. In 1997, the Swedish Institute at Athens began new excavations at the sanctuary. This thesis examines the beginnings of Swedish fieldwork in Greece. Within the framework of a cultural history of archaeology, inspired by archaeological ethnography and the New Cultural History, it explores how archaeology functioned as a cultural practice in the late nineteenth century. A micro-historical methodology makes use of a wide array of different source material connected to the excavation of 1894, its prelude and aftermath. The thesis takes the theoretical position that the premises for archaeological knowledge production are outcomes of contemporary power structures and cultural politics. Through an analysis of how the archaeologists constructed their self-images through a set of idealized stereotypes of bourgeois masculinity, academic politics of belonging is highlighted. The politics of belonging existed also on a national level, where the Swedish archaeologists entered into a competition with other foreign actors to claim heritage sites in Greece. The idealization of classical Greece as a birthplace of Western values, in combination with contemporary colonial and racist cultural frameworks in Europe, created particular gazes through which the modern country was appropriated and judged. These factors all shaped the practices through which archaeological knowledge was created at Kalaureia. Some excavations tend to have extensive afterlives through the production of histories of archaeology. Therefore, this thesis also explores the representations of the 1894 excavation in the historiography of Swedish classical archaeology. It highlights the strategies by which the excavation at Kalaureia has served to legitimize further Swedish engagements in Greek archaeology, and explores the way in which historiography shapes our professional identities.
In this thesis we consider algebro-geometric aspects of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation and the Generalised Classical Yang-Baxter Equation. In chapter one we present a method to construct solutions of the Generalised Classical Yang-Baxter Equation starting with certain sheaves of Lie algebras on algebraic curves. Furthermore we discuss a criterion to check unitarity of such solutions. In chapter two we consider the special class of solutions coming from sheaves of traceless endomorphisms of simple vector bundles on the nodal cubic curve. These solutions are quasi-trigonometric and we describe how they fit into the classification scheme of such solutions. Moreover, we describe a concrete formula for these solutions. In the third and final chapter we show that any unitary, rational solution of the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation can be obtained via the method of chapter one applied to a sheaf of Lie algebras on the cuspidal cubic curve.
Nationally, the education sector spends more than 5 billion dollars annually on digital tools, “yet seldom are technology solutions factored into any viable equation for improving student academic achievement” (Moersch, 2014, p. ix). Consider the following case in point: In July 2014, Apple announced that in just 3 years, the company had sold more than13 million iPads to educational institutions worldwide (Cavanagh, 2014). Put into perspective, that represents more than 5.2 billion dollars spent by the education industry to purchase iPads, which is the equivalent of the annual salaries of 89,655 teachers (“High School Teacher: Salary,” 2014). Despite such vast expenditures, there have been very few attempts to evaluate the efficacy of these digital tools on improving academic achievement. This research involved a quantitative data review of participant (student and teacher) survey data to explore one of the country’s largest K-12 iPad implementation undertakings in an effort to identify (a) best practices and (b) lessons learned from implementing the iPad into K-12 educational environments. It should be noted that the school system forming the basis of this research already had administered and collated the surveys used in this study.
Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä suomalaisen rakennusyhtiön toimittajayhteistyön nykytilaan, yhteistyön tiivistämiseen liittyviin mahdollisuuksiin ja haasteisiin sekä toimittajakannan segmentointiin. Työ pyrkii antamaan kokonaiskuvan yrityksen yhteistyösuhteiden tilasta sekä muodostamaan näkemyksiä mahdollisista ongelmakohdista. Näin ollen pyritään tarjoamaan yritykselle myös mahdollisuus tarttua toimittajasuhteisiin liittyviin asioihin, jotka eivät ole vielä yrityksen haluamalla tasolla. Tutkimuksen tulokset perustuvat aikaisemmista tutkimuksista muodostuvaan teoriaosuuteen sekä haastatteluiden avulla kerättyyn empiriaosioon. Haastattelut on suoritettu puolistrukturoituina ja materiaali on analysoitu teemoittelua hyödyntäen. Tutkimus osoitti, että kehittämällä toimittajasuhteita oikeanlaisten toimittajien kanssa, on yrityksen mahdollista saavuttaa paljon kaivattua kilpailuetua. Hyötyjen tavoitteleminen ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmatonta projektiluontoisella rakennusalalla, jossa toimittajasuhteista on haastavaakehittää jatkuvia suhteita vaihtuvien projektien vuoksi. Kohdeyrityksessä pyritään jo nyt hyödyntämään toimittajayhteistyöstä kumpuavia etuja, mutta paljon on vielä tekemättä. Nykyään hinta vaikuttaa vielä liikaa toimittajavalintaan, yhteistyön kehittämiselle ei ole olemassa tunnettua järjestelmää ja yhteistyösuhteiden merkitystä tulisi läpi organisaation painottaa vahvemmin. Yrityksen henkilöstö tiedostaa haasteet, joita yhteistyösuhteiden kehittämiseen liittyy, mutta yleinen mielipide on kuitenkin se, että toimittajasuhteiden kehittäminen on kannattavaa haasteellisuudesta huolimatta. Tulevaisuudessa yrityksen kannattaa yhä vahvemmin lähteä tavoittelemaan yhteistyösuhteita kehittämällä saavutettavissa olevia kilpailullisia etuja, koska osaamista ja resursseja siihen löytyy. Ennen kehittämisprosessia johdon kannattaa kuitenkin kiinnittää huomiota tutkimuksessa ilmenneisiin eriäviin mielipiteisiin muun muassa henkilösuhteiden vaikutuksesta ja organisaatiotason ymmärryksestä, jotta toimittajayhteistyön hyödyt saadaan realisoitumaan halutulla tavalla.
Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. Entrepreneurship includes creativity, innovation, risk taking, planning and management and is described as transferring ideas into action. Female entrepreneurship, in particular, is considered an important tool in enabling female empowerment and emancipation. In the light of recent world events, this has become a crucial area to study and understand, especially with respect to motivations, obstacles, constraints and consequences of female entrepreneurship. Having the previous framework in attention, this thesis focuses on female entrepreneurship in a developing country - Armenia – and proposes a conceptual framework of the phenomenon. A joint cooperation between the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allowed to conduct an enterprise survey in the country and from that survey a microeconomic dataset was released and applied in this research study. A logistic regression econometric method is applied to the dataset to identify and measure the relationship between female entrepreneurship and several factors such as the location, size, legal status, market and obstacles faced by Armenian firms. The study concludes that women entrepreneurs in Armenia share many common features and obstacles with their male counterparts. Moreover, gender of the top managers, the firm’s location, size, main market type, the number of competitors and full-time employees, the adoption of new marketing methods, the access to land, the tax administration system and an inadequately educated workforce are found to be statistical significant factors in the explanation of female entrepreneurship in Armenia.
The Scharff-technique is used for eliciting information from human sources. At the very core of the technique is the “illusion of knowing it all” tactic, which aims to inflate a source's perception of how much knowledge an interviewer holds about the event to be discussed. For the current study, we mapped the effects following two different ways of introducing this particular tactic; a traditional way of implementation where the interviewer explicitly states that s/he already knows most of the important information (the traditional condition), and a new way of implementation where the interviewer just starts to present the information that s/he holds (the just start condition). The two versions were compared in two separate experiments. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we measured the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge, and in Experiment 2 (N = 60), the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge gaps. We found that participants in the just start condition (a) believed the interviewer had more knowledge (Experiment 1), and (b) searched less actively for gaps in the interviewer's knowledge (Experiment 2), compared to the traditional condition. We will discuss the current findings and how sources test and perceive the knowledge his or her interviewer possesses within a framework of social hypothesis testing.