944 resultados para MARROW STROMAL CELLS


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Cells from transgenic mice expressing a human mini-gene for collagen I were used as markers to follow the fate of mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that were partially enriched by adherence to plastic, expanded in culture, and then injected into irradiated mice. Sensitive PCR assays for the marker collagen I gene indicated that few of the donor cells were present in the recipient mice after 1 week, but 1-5 months later, the donor cells accounted for 1.5-12% of the cells in bone, cartilage, and lung in addition to marrow and spleen. A PCR in situ assay on lung indicated that the donor cells diffusely populated the parenchyma, and reverse transcription-PCR assays indicated that the marker collagen I gene was expressed in a tissue-specific manner. The results, therefore, demonstrated that mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that are expanded in culture can serve as long-lasting precursors for mesenchymal cells in bone, cartilage, and lung. They suggest that cells may be particularly attractive targets for gene therapy ex vivo.


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Host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are known to be critical for the induction of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), but the relative contribution of specific APC subsets remains unclear. We have studied the role of host B cells in GVHD by using B-cell-deficient mu MT mice as BMT recipients in a model of CD4-dependent GVHD to major histocompatlibility complex antigens. We demonstrate that acute GVHD is initially augmented in mu MT recipients relative to wild-type recipients (mortality: 85% vs 44%, P < .01), and this is the result of an increase in donor T-cell proliferation, expansion, and inflammatory cytokine production early after BMT. Recipient B cells were depleted 28-fold at the time of BMT by total body irradiation (TBI) administered 24 hours earlier, and we demonstrate that TBI rapidly induces sustained interleukin-110 (IL-10) generation from B cells but not dendritic cells (DCs) or other cellular populations within the spleen. Finally, recipient mice in which B cells are unable to produce IL-10 due to homologous gene deletion develop more severe acute GVHD than recipient mice in which B cells are wild type. Thus, the induction of IL-10 in host B cells during conditioning attenuates experimental acute GVHD.


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Osteochondral tissue repair requires formation of vascularized bone and avascular cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells stimulate angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo but it is not known if these proangiogenic properties change as a result of chondrogenic or osteogenic differentiation. We investigated the angiogenic/antiangiogenic properties of equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eBMSCs) before and after differentiation in vitro. Conditioned media from chondrogenic and osteogenic cell pellets and undifferentiated cells was applied to endothelial tube formation assays using Matrigel™. Additionally, the cell secretome was analysed using LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry and screened for angiogenesis and neurogenesis-related factors using protein arrays. Endothelial tube-like formation was supported by conditioned media from undifferentiated eBMSCs. Conversely, chondrogenic and osteogenic conditioned media was antiangiogenic as shown by significantly decreased length of endothelial tube-like structures and degree of branching compared to controls. Undifferentiated cells produced higher levels of angiogenesis-related proteins compared to chondrogenic and osteogenic pellets. In summary, eBMSCs produce an array of angiogenesis-related proteins and support angiogenesis in vitro via a paracrine mechanism. However, when these cells are differentiated chondrogenically or osteogenically, they produce a soluble factor(s) that inhibits angiogenesis. With respect to osteochondral tissue engineering, this may be beneficial for avascular articular cartilage formation but unfavourable for bone formation where a vascularized tissue is desired. © Copyright 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Aim. To compare the incorporation, growth, and chondrogenic potential of bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in scaffolds used for cartilage repair. Methods. Human BM and AT MSCs were isolated, culture expanded, and characterised using standard protocols, then seeded into 2 different scaffolds, Chondro-Gide or Alpha Chondro Shield. Cell adhesion, incorporation, and viable cell growth were assessed microscopically and following calcein AM/ethidium homodimer (Live/Dead) staining. Cell-seeded scaffolds were treated with chondrogenic inducers for 28 days. Extracellular matrix deposition and soluble glycosaminoglycan (GAG) release into the culture medium was measured at day 28 by histology/immunohistochemistry and dimethylmethylene blue assay, respectively. Results. A greater number of viable MSCs from either source adhered and incorporated into Chondro-Gide than into Alpha Chondro Shield. In both cell scaffolds, this incorporation represented less than 2% of the cells that were seeded. There was a marked proliferation of BM MSCs, but not AT MSCs, in Chondro-Gide. MSCs from both sources underwent chondrogenic differentiation following induction. However, cartilaginous extracellular matrix deposition was most marked in Chondro- Gide seeded with BM MSCs. Soluble GAG secretion increased in chondrogenic versus control conditions. There was no marked difference in GAG secretion by MSCs from either cell source. Conclusion. Chondro-Gide and Alpha Chondro Shield were permissive to the incorporation and chondrogenic differentiation of human BM and AT MSCs. Chondro-Gide seeded with BM MSCs demonstrated the greatest increase in MSC number and deposition of a cartilaginous tissue.


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To date, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various tissues have been reported, but the yield and differentiation potential of different tissue-derived MSCs is still not clear. This study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the multilineage stem cell potential of bone and cartilage explant cultures in comparison with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The results showed that the surface antigen expression of tissue-derived cells was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing markers related to adhesion (CD29, CD166) and stem cells (CD90, CD105). The tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte lineage pathways when stimulated in the appropriate differentiating conditions. However, compared with BMSCs, tissue-derived cells showed less capacity for multilineage differentiation when the level of differentiation was assessed in monolayer culture by analysing the expression of tissue-specific genes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and histology. In high density pellet cultures, tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into chondrocytes, expressing chondrocyte markers such as proteoglycans, type II collagen and aggrecan. Taken together, these results indicate that cells derived from tissue explant cultures reserved certain degree of differentiation properties of MSCs in vitro.


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The absence of cellular immunity is central to the pathogenesis of herpesvirus-mediated diseases after allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). For both bone marrow (BM)– and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor–mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) HSCT, donor-derived Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) peptide–specific CD8+ T cells clones undergo early expansion and persist long-term, with additional diversification arising from novel antigen-specific clones from donor-derived progenitors. Whether BM or PBSC is the superior source of antiviral CD8+ T cells is unclear. Given that PBSC has largely replaced BM as a source of stem cells for HSCT, it is unlikely that herpesvirus effector T-cell reconstitution will ever be compared prospectively. PBSC grafts contain 10 to 30 times more T cells than BM and a randomized study found proven viral infections were more frequent in BM than PBSC recipients, suggesting viral-specific T-cell immunity is enhanced in PBSC. Recently Moss showed in lung cancer patients that herpesvirus-specific BM-derived CD8+ T cells have unique homing properties relative to herpesvirus-specific CD8+ T cells present in unmobilized peripheral blood (PB). Immunodominant EBV-lytic peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were enriched in BM but were reduced for CMV peptide–specific CD8+ T cells relative to PB. EBV-latent peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were equivalent, which has relevance in the context of posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder for which impaired EBV-latent CD8+ T-cell immunity is a risk-factor. A comparison of herpesvirus-specific cellular immunity in PBSC versus PB has yet to be performed.


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Cell based therapies for bone regeneration are an exciting emerging technology, but the availability of osteogenic cells is limited and an ideal cell source has not been identified. Amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells and bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were compared to determine their osteogenic differentiation capacity in both 2D and 3D environments. In 2D culture, the AFS cells produced more mineralized matrix but delayed peaks in osteogenic markers. Cells were also cultured on 3D scaffolds constructed of poly-e-caprolactone for 15 weeks. MSCs differentiated more quickly than AFS cells on 3D scaffolds, but mineralized matrix production slowed considerably after 5 weeks. In contrast, the rate of AFS cell mineralization continued to increase out to 15 weeks, at which time AFS constructs contained 5-fold more mineralized matrix than MSC constructs. Therefore, cell source should be taken into consideration when used for cell therapy, as the MSCs would be a good choice for immediate matrix production, but the AFS cells would continue robust mineralization for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that stem cell source can dramatically influence the magnitude and rate of osteogenic differentiation in vitro.


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Cell based therapies as they apply to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is to be able to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies therefore figures as an integral part of tissue engineering. Stem cells serve as a reserve for biological repair, having the potential to differentiate into a number of specialised cell types within the body; they therefore represent the most useful candidates for cell based therapies. The primary goal of stem cell research is to produce cells that are both patient specific, as well as having properties suitable for the specific conditions for which they are intended to remedy. From a purely scientific perspective, stem cells allow scientists to gain a deeper understanding of developmental biology and regenerative therapies. Stem cells have acquired a number of uses for applications in regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, gene therapy, but it is in the area of tissue engineering that they generate most excitement, primarily as a result of their capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. A unique feature of stem cells is their ability to maintain an uncommitted quiescent state in vivo and then, once triggered by conditions such as disease, injury or natural wear or tear, serve as a reservoir and natural support system to replenish lost cells. Although these cells retain the plasticity to differentiate into various tissues, being able to control this differentiation process is still one of the biggest challenges facing stem cell research. In an effort to harness the potential of these cells a number of studies have been conducted using both embryonic/foetal and adult stem cells. The use of embryonic stem cells (ESC) have been hampered by strong ethical and political concerns, this despite their perceived versatility due to their pluripotency. Ethical issues aside, other concerns raised with ESCs relates to the possibility of tumorigenesis, immune rejection and complications with immunosuppressive therapies, all of which adds layers of complications to the application ESC in research and which has led to the search for alternative sources for stem cells. The adult tissues in higher organisms harbours cells, termed adult stem cells, and these cells are reminiscent of unprogrammed stem cells. A number of sources of adult stem cells have been described. Bone marrow is by far the most accessible source of two potent populations of adult stem cells, namely haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Autologously harvested adult stem cells can, in contrast to embryonic stem cells, readily be used in autografts, since immune rejection is not an issue; and their use in scientific research has not attracted the ethical concerns which have been the case with embryonic stem cells. The major limitation to their use, however, is the fact that adult stem cells are exceedingly rare in most tissues. This fact makes identifying and isolating these cells problematic; bone marrow being perhaps the only notable exception. Unlike the case of HSCs, there are as yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing MSCs. Changing acuity about the pluripotency of MSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to MSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their study in vitro. Also, when MSCs are cultured in vitro, there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment, resulting in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage numbers in culture, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. As a consequence, it is necessary to establish protocols for generating large numbers of MSCs but without affecting their differentiation potential. MSCs are capable of differentiating into mesenchymal tissue lineages, including bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle, and marrow stroma. Recent findings indicate that adult bone marrow may also contain cells that can differentiate into the mature, nonhematopoietic cells of a number of tissues, including cells of the liver, kidney, lung, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and myocytes of heart and skeletal muscle. MSCs can readily be expanded in vitro and can be genetically modified by viral vectors and be induced to differentiate into specific cell lineages by changing the microenvironment–properties which makes these cells ideal vehicles for cellular gene therapy. MSCs can also exert profound immunosuppressive effects via modulation of both cellular and innate immune pathways, and this property allows them to overcome the issue of immune rejection. Despite the many attractive features associated with MSCs, there are still many hurdles to overcome before these cells are readily available for use in clinical applications. The main concern relates to in vivo characterization and identification of MSCs. The lack of a universal biomarker, sparse in vivo distribution, and a steady age related decline in their numbers, makes it an obvious need to decipher the reprogramming pathways and critical molecular players which govern the characteristics unique to MSCs. This book presents a comprehensive insight into the biology of adult stem cells and their utility in current regeneration therapies. The adult stem cell populations reviewed in this book include bone marrow derived MSCs, adipose derived stem cells (ASCs), umbilical cord blood stem cells, and placental stem cells. The features such as MSC circulation and trafficking, neuroprotective properties, and the nurturing roles and differentiation potential of multiple lineages have been discussed in details. In terms of therapeutic applications, the strengths of MSCs have been presented and their roles in disease treatments such as osteoarthritis, Huntington’s disease, periodontal regeneration, and pancreatic islet transplantation have been discussed. An analysis comparing osteoblast differentiation of umbilical cord blood stem cells and MSCs has been reviewed, as has a comparison of human placental stem cells and ASCs, in terms of isolation, identification and therapeutic applications of ASC in bone, cartilage regeneration, as well as myocardial regeneration. It is my sincere hope that this book will update the reader as to the research progress of MSC biology and potential use of these cells in clinical applications. It will be the best reward to all contributors of this book, if their efforts herein may in some way help the readers in any part of their study, research, and career development.


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Heart damage caused by acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a leading cause of death and disability in Australia. Novel therapies are still required for the treatment of this condition due to the poor reparative ability of the heart. As such, cellular therapies that assist in the recovery of heart muscle are of great current interest. Culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a stem and progenitor cell population that has been shown to promote tissue recovery in pre-clinical studies of AMI. For MSC-based therapies in the clinic, an intravenous route of administration would ideally be used due to the low cost, ease of delivery and relative safety. The study of MSC migration is therefore clinically relevant for a minimally invasive cell therapy to promote regeneration of damaged tissue. C57BL/6, UBI-GFP-BL/6 and CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were utilised to investigate mMSC migration. To assist in murine models of MSC migration, a novel method was used for the isolation of murine MSC (mMSC). These mMSC were then expanded in culture and putative mMSC were positive for Sca-1, CD90.2, and CD44 and were negative for CD45 and CD11b. Furthermore, mMSC from C57BL/6 and UBI-GFP-BL/6 mice were shown to differentiate into cells of the mesodermal lineage. Cells from CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were positive for Sca-1 and CD90.2, and negative for CD44, CD45 and CD11b however, these cells were unable to differentiate into adipocytes and chondrocytes and express lineage specific genes, PLIN and ACAN. Analysis of mMSC chemokine receptor (CR) expression showed that although mMSC do express chemokine receptors, (including those specific for chemokines released after AMI), these were low or undetectable by mRNA. However, protein expression could be detected, which was predominantly cytoplasmic. It was further shown that in both healthy (unperturbed) and inflamed tissues, mMSC had very little specific migration and engraftment after intravenous injection. To determine if poor mMSC migration was due to the inability of mMSC to respond to chemotactic stimuli, chemokine expression in bone marrow, skin injury and hearts (healthy and after AMI) was analysed at various time points by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT PCR). Many chemokines were up-regulated after skin biopsy and AMI, but the highest acute levels were found for CXCL12 and CCL7. Due to their high expression in infarcted hearts, the chemokines CXCL12 and CCL7 were tested for their effect on mMSC migration. Despite CR expression at both protein and mRNA levels, migration in response to CXCL12 and CCL7 was low in mMSC cultured on Nunclon plastic. A novel tissue culture plastic technology (UpCellTM) was then used that allowed gentle non-enzymatic dissociation of mMSC, thus preserving surface expression of the CRs. Despite this the in vitro data indicated that CXCL12 fails to induce significant migration ability of mMSC, while CCL7 induces significant, but low-level migration. We speculated this may be because of low levels of surface expression of chemokine receptors. In a strategy to increase cell surface expression of mMSC chemokine receptors and enhance their in vitro and in vivo migration capacity, mMSC were pre-treated with pro-inflammatory cytokines. Increased levels of both mRNA and surface protein expression were found for CRs by pre-treating mMSC with pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-á, IFN-ã, IL-1á and IL-6. Furthermore, the chemotactic response of mMSC to CXCL12 and CCL7 was significantly higher with these pretreated cells. Finally, the effectiveness of this type of cell manipulation was demonstrated in vivo, where mMSC pre-treated with TNF-á and IFN-ã showed significantly increased migration in skin injury and AMI models. Therefore this thesis has demonstrated, using in vitro and in vivo models, the potential for prior manipulation of MSC as a possible means for increasing the utility of intravenously delivery for MSC-based cellular therapies.


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Cell based therapies require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is the ability to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies is therefore an integral part of tissue engineering. Bone marrow is the most easily accessible source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and harbours two distinct populations of adult stem cells; namely hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Unlike HSCs, there are yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing BMSCs. Changing understanding about the pluripotency of BMSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to BMSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their in vitro study. Also, when BMSCs are cultured in vitro there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment which results in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage number, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. Accordingly, establishing protocols for generating large numbers of BMSCs without affecting their differentiation potential is necessary. The principal aims of this thesis were to identify potential molecular factors for characterizing BMSCs from osteoarthritic patients, and also to attempt to establish culture protocols favourable for generating large number of BMSCs, while at the same time retaining their proliferation and differentiation potential. Previously published studies concerning clonal cells have demonstrated that BMSCs are heterogeneous populations of cells at various stages of growth. Some cells are higher in the hierarchy and represent the progenitors, while other cells occupy a lower position in the hierarchy and are therefore more committed to a particular lineage. This feature of BMSCs was made evident by the work of Mareddy et al., which involved generating clonal populations of BMSCs from bone marrow of osteoarthritic patients, by a single cell clonal culture method. Proliferation potential and differentiation capabilities were used to group cells into fast growing and slow growing clones. The study presented here is a continuation of the work of Mareddy et al. and employed immunological and array based techniques to identify the primary molecular factors involved in regulating phenotypic characteristics exhibited by contrasting clonal populations. The subtractive immunization (SI) was used to generate novel antibodies against favourably expressed proteins in the fast growing clonal cell population. The difference between the clonal populations at the transcriptional level was determined using a Stem Cell RT2 Profiler TM PCR Array which focuses on stem cell pathway gene expression. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) generated by SI were able to effectively highlight differentially expressed antigenic determinants, as was evident by Western blot analysis and confocal microscopy. Co-immunoprecipitation, followed by mass spectroscopy analysis, identified a favourably expressed protein as the cytoskeletal protein vimentin. The stem cell gene array highlighted genes that were highly upregulated in the fast growing clonal cell population. Based on their functions these genes were grouped into growth factors, cell fate determination and maintenance of embryonic and neural stem cell renewal. Furthermore, on a closer analysis it was established that the cytoskeletal protein vimentin and nine out of ten genes identified by gene array were associated with chondrogenesis or cartilage repair, consistent with the potential role played by BMSCs in defect repair and maintaining tissue homeostasis, by modulating the gene expression pattern to compensate for degenerated cartilage in osteoarthritic tissues. The gene array also presented transcripts for embryonic lineage markers such as FOXA2 and Sox2, both of which were significantly over expressed in fast growing clonal populations. A recent groundbreaking study by Yamanaka et al imparted embryonic stem cell (ESCs) -like characteristic to somatic cells in a process termed nuclear reprogramming, by the ectopic expression of the genes Sox2, cMyc and Oct4. The expression of embryonic lineage markers in adult stem cells may be a mechanism by which the favourable behaviour of fast growing clonal cells is determined and suggests a possible active phenomenon of spontaneous reprogramming in fast growing clonal cells. The expression pattern of these critical molecular markers could be indicative of the competence of BMSCs. For this reason, the expression pattern of Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc, at various passages in heterogeneous BMSCs population and tissue derived cells (osteoblasts and chondrocytes), was investigated by a real-time PCR and immunoflourescence staining. A strong nuclear staining was observed for Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc, which gradually weakened accompanied with cytoplasmic translocation after several passage. The mRNA and protein expression of Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc peaked at the third passage for osteoblasts, chondrocytes and third passage for BMSCs, and declined with each subsequent passage, indicating towards a possible mechanism of spontaneous reprogramming. This study proposes that the progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality associated with increased passaging of BMSCs in vitro might be a consequence of loss of these propluripotency factors. We therefore hypothesise that the expression of these master genes is not an intrinsic cell function, but rather an outcome of interaction of the cells with their microenvironment; this was evident by the fact that when removed from their in vivo microenvironment, BMSCs undergo a rapid loss of stemness after only a few passages. One of the most interesting aspects of this study was the integration of factors in the culture conditions, which to some extent, mimicked the in vivo microenvironmental niche of the BMSCs. A number of studies have successfully established that the cellular niche is not an inert tissue component but is of prime importance. The total sum of stimuli from the microenvironment underpins the complex interplay of regulatory mechanisms which control multiple functions in stem cells most importantly stem cell renewal. Therefore, well characterised factors which affect BMSCs characteristics, such as fibronectin (FN) coating, and morphogens such as FGF2 and BMP4, were incorporated into the cell culture conditions. The experimental set up was designed to provide insight into the expression pattern of the stem cell related transcription factors Sox2, cMyc and Oct4, in BMSCs with respect to passaging and changes in culture conditions. Induction of these pluripotency markers in somatic cells by retroviral transfection has been shown to confer pluripotency and an ESCs like state. Our study demonstrated that all treatments could transiently induce the expression of Sox2, cMyc and Oct4, and favourably affect the proliferation potential of BMSCs. The combined effect of these treatments was able to induce and retain the endogenous nuclear expression of stem cell transcription factors in BMSCs over an extended number of in vitro passages. Our results therefore suggest that the transient induction and manipulation of endogenous expression of transcription factors critical for stemness can be achieved by modulating the culture conditions; the benefit of which is to circumvent the need for genetic manipulations. In summary, this study has explored the role of BMSCs in the diseased state of osteoarthritis, by employing transcriptional profiling along with SI. In particular this study pioneered the use of primary cells for generating novel antibodies by SI. We established that somatic cells and BMSCs have a basal level of expression of pluripotency markers. Furthermore, our study indicates that intrinsic signalling mechanisms of BMSCs are intimately linked with extrinsic cues from the microenvironment and that these signals appear to be critical for retaining the expression of genes to maintain cell stemness in long term in vitro culture. This project provides a basis for developing an “artificial niche” required for reversion of commitment and maintenance of BMSC in their uncommitted homeostatic state.


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The interaction between host and donor cells is believed to play an important role in osteogenesis. However, it is still unclear how donor osteogenic cells behave and interact with host cells in vivo. The purpose of this study was to track the interactions between transplanted osteogenic cells and host cells during osteogenesis. In vitro migration assay was carried out to investigate the ability of osteogenic differentiated humanmesenchymal stemcells (O-hMSCs) to recruit MSCs. At the in vivo level, O-hMSCs were implanted subcutaneously or into skull defects in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. New bone formation was observed bymicro-CT and histological procedures. In situ hybridization (ISH) against human Alu sequences was performed to distinguish donor osteogenic cells from host cells. In vitro migration assay revealed an increased migration potential of MSCs by co-culturing with O-hMSCs. In agreement with the results of in vitro studies, ISH against human Alu sequences showed that host mouse MSCs migrated in large numbers into the transplantation site in response to O-hMSCs. Interestingly, host cells recruited by O-hMSCs were the major cell populations in newly formed bone tissues, indicating that O-hMSCs can trigger and initiate osteogenesis when transplanted in orthotopic sites. The observations fromthis study demonstrated that in vitro induced O-hMSCs were able to attract hostMSCs in vivo andwere involved inosteogenesis togetherwith host cells,whichmay be of importance for bone tissue-engineering applications.