983 resultados para Ligas de cobalto-cromo


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We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature


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The study and fabrication of nanostructured systems composed of magnetic materials has been an area of great scientific and technological interest. Soft magnetic materials, in particular, have had great importance in the development of magnetic devices. Among such materials we highlight the use of alloys of Ni and Fe, known as Permalloy. We present measurement results of structural characterization and magnetic films in Permalloy (Ni81Fe19), known to be a material with high magnetic permeability, low coercivity and small magneto- crystalline anisotropy, deposited on MgO (100) substrates. The Magnetron Sputtering technique was used to obtain the samples with thicknesses varying between 9 150 nm. The techniques of X- ray Diffraction at high and low angle were employed to confirm the crystallographic orientation and thickness of the films. In order to investigate the magnetic properties of the films the techniques of Vibrant Sample Magnetometry (VSM), Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) and Magnetoimpedance were used. The magnetization curves revealed the presence of anisotropy for the films of Py/MgO (100), where it was found that there are three distinct axis - an easy-axis for θH = 0°, a hard-axis for θH = 45° and an intermediate for θH = 90°. The results of the FMR and Magnetoimpedance techniques confirm that there are three distinct axes, that is, there is a type C2 symmetry. Then we propose, for these results, the interpretation of the magnetic anisotropy of Py/MgO ( 100 ) is of type simple C2, ie a cubic magnetic anisotropy type ( 110 )


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The contamination of the waters resources for wastewater from industrial, agricultural, and domestic sources is a serious environment problem, compromising its use for human consumption and agriculture. The Extremoz-RN Lake is an important freshwater source for the supply of the city of Natal, supplying a population of approximately 160,000 habitants. This aquatic body is located near an industrial pole which can be a serious risk factor for quality of its waters. The objectives of this study were examined the genotoxicity of Extremoz Lake between September of 2006 and January of 2008, by a combination of the Allium micronucleus test, piscine micronucleus test and the comet assay in erythrocytes from peripheral blood of Oreochromis niloticus. Additionally, the level of eight different heavy metals was quantified through spectrometry of atomic absorption of flame. The Allium test did not detect increase in the frequencies of micronucleus in none of the analyzed periods, however a strong cytotoxic activity was demonstrated for decrease in mitotic index in the analyses carried in April and July of 2007. Negative results had been detected in the frequencies of micronucleus in O. niloticus. A statistic significant increase was observed in the levels of DNA damage in comet assay carried in July of 2007. The results of the chemical analysis had detected increase in the levels of cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in different periods. These results demonstrated an alteration of the water s quality of the Extremoz Lake caused for the contamination for heavy metals and increase of DNA strand breaks. The use of biomonitoring program of the heavy metal and other pollutants with genotoxic potential combinated with genotoxicity assays is recommends.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oral and facial bone defects can undertake appearance, psychosocial well-being and stomathognatic function of its patients. Over the yerars several strategies for bone defect regeneration have arised to treat these pathologies, among them the use of frozen and irradiated bone allograft. Manipulation of bone grafts it s not determined yet, and several osteotomy alternatives can be observed. The present work evaluated with a microscope the bone fragments obtained from different osteotomy methods and irrigation on rings and blocks allografts irradiated and frozen at 80° negative in a rabbit model. The study is experimental in vitro and it sample was an adult male New Zealand rabbit. The animal was sacrificed to obtain long bones, that were submitted to freezing at 80º negative and irradiated with Cobalt- 60. Then the long bones were sectioned into 24 bone pieces, divided into 4 groups: G1 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thickness with high-speed handpiece with manual irrigation; G2 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thick with surgical motor with a manual irrigation rotation 1500 rpm; GA (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using manual irrigation with saline; and GB (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using saline from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor. Five bone pieces of each group were prepared for analysis on light microscopy (LM) and one on electronic scan electronic microscopy (SEM). On the SEM analysis edges surface, presence of microcracks and Smear Layer were evaluated. Analyzing osteotomy technics on SEM was observed: increased presence of microcracks cutting with high speed; increased presence of areas covered by Smear Layer when cutting with motor implant. The irrigation analysis with SEM was observed: that the presence of microcracks does not depend on the type of irrigation; on manual irrigation, there was greater discrepancy between the cutting lines. The descriptive analysis of the osteotomy and irrigation process on LM showed: histological analysis showing the bony margins with clear tissue changed layer, composed of blackened tissue of charred appearance near to the cortical bone; on the edges of the bony part, bone fragments that were displaced during the bone cut and bone irregularities were observed. After analysis of results we can conclude: that there was greater regularity of the bone cut using high-speed handpiece than using motor implant; the cut with trephine using saline irrigated from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor showed greater homogeneity when compared with manual irrigation; charred tissue was found in all obtained bone samples, whit no significant statistically difference on the proportion of carbonization of the two analysed technics


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Tendo em vista a grande biodiversidade existente no litoral brasileiro, onde muitas espécies ainda são pouco conhecidas, inclusive sob o aspecto nutricional, e considerando que os moluscos bivalves se constituem em um recurso natural de boa aceitação pela população mundial, escolheu-se o molusco bivalve Anadara notabilis, por não ter sido encontrado na literatura nenhuma informação nutricional ou toxicológica sobre ele e devido seu tamanho ser bem maior que outras espécies de moluscos mais popularmente encontrados nessa região. Foram determinados neste trabalho teores de umidade, cinzas, proteínas, macro e microminerais, além de íons metálicos de importância toxicológica. Todas as determinações seguiram as Normas Analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. A determinação de proteína foi realizada pelo método de Kjeldahl. Todos os íons metálicos foram determinados por espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) descrito pela metodologia USEPA 6010C. Os resultados mostraram que a Anadara notabilis pode ser introduzida na alimentação dos seres humanos, tendo em vista sua riqueza mineral. Merecem destaque entre os macronutrientes o magnésio e o fósforo que apresentaram os respectivos valores em mg/kg 918,7 e 586,7. Com relação aos micronutrientes destacam-se o ferro presente com 586,7 mg/kg e o Zinco com 12,31 mg/kg. Não foi encontrado índice elevado de metais contaminantes para este molusco, o que impediria seu consumo, apenas o cromo esta 0,7 mg/kg acima do valor estabelecido pela legislação brasileira. Os resultados obtidos certamente serão muito úteis em futuras pesquisas nutricionais e para construção de uma tabela brasileira de composição química de alimentos


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Given the large existing biodiversity in the Brazilian coast, where many species are still little known, even under the nutritional aspect, and considering that bivalve molluscs are constituted by a natural resource of well accepted by the population, chose the bivalve Anadara notabilis, it was not found in the literature any nutritional or toxicological information about it and because its size is much larger than other species of mollusks commonly found in this region. Were studied moisture, ash, protein, macro and micro minerals, and metal ions of toxicological significance. All analytical determinations followed the standards of the Institute Adolfo Lutz. The protein determination was performed by the Kjeldahl method. All metal ions were determined by optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) method described by USEPA 6010C. The results showed that Anadara notabilis can be introduced into food for human beings, in view of its mineral wealth. Noteworthy among the macronutrients phosphorus and magnesium showed that their values in mg / kg 918.7 and 586.7. With regard to micronutrients stand out with this iron 586.7 mg / kg and zinc with 12.31 mg / kg. Was not found high content of metal contaminants to this mollusc, which would prevent their use, only this chromium 0.7 mg / kg above the value established by Brazilian legislation. The results will certainly be very useful in future studies of nutrition and to build a table of chemical composition of Brazilian foods


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The process of salting and drying in the sun is used to preserve meat since the beginning of civilization. There is evidence that this preservation technique has arisen in Egypt, between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. In our country, according to literature, was the first industrial product that gave the appearance of beef jerky, beef being produced, where about 70% to 75% of the muscle is composed of water, where it will be around 45% as a final product, according to the law in his article RIISPOA No. 432 provides that the jerky should contain no more than this amount of moisture in the muscular portion, or more than 15% of total ash with tolerance of up to 5% variation . Besides this parameter, proteins, lipids, ash, and minerals were analyzed in samples before and after the manufacturing process to know the content of these nutrients. Since these are considered important in product quality, thus the concentration in these samples, respectively, in the flesh Front (CD and CHD) before and after the manufacturing process for humidity were respectively 75.28% and 47.38% , the protein was 14.17 and 22.20 g / 100 g sample, 6.360 and 4.251 of lipids g/100g of the sample, and the ashes 0.974 9.144 g/100g sample, minerals like calcium and 4.074 30 , 06 ppm, sódio0, 055 and 5.401 g / L, sodium chloride, 0.139 and 13.74 g / L, potassium 237.5 and 166.8 ppm, 1.721 and 3.295 ppm iron, 0.143 and 0.135 ppm phosphorus, zinc and 4.690 6.905 ppm; magnésio14, 63 e13, 75 ppm manganese .017 e0, 007ppm, copper 0.057 and 0.039 ppm in the case of needle-type meat (CPA and CHPA), 68.04% and 44.17%, protein 13 , 72, and 24.42 g/100g of sample, 1.137 in the ash and 12.68 g / 100g of sample, and the minerals calcium 17.11 and 12.89 ppm; sódio0, 123 and 4.871 g / L, sodium chloride 0.312 and 12.39 g / L, potassium 305.3 and 182.1 ppm; ferro1, 817 and 1.513 ppm, 0.273 and 0.139 ppm phosphorus, zinc 6.305 and 4.783 ppm, 27.95 and 15.85 ppm magnesium, manganese and 0.025 0.011 ppm, 0.057 and 0.143 ppm copper and chromium 0.014 and 0.068 ppm


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Heavy metals can cause problems of human poisoning by ingestion of contaminated food, and the environment, a negative impact on the aquatic fauna and flora. And for the presence of these metals have been used for aquatic animals biomonitoramento environment. This research was done in order to assess the environmental impact of industrial and domestic sewage dumped in estuaries potiguares, from measures of heavy metals in mullet. The methods used for these determinations are those in the literature for analysis of food and water. Collections were 20 samples of mullet in several municipality of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the estuaries potiguares. Were analyzed the content of humidity, ash and heavy metals. The data were subjected to two methods of exploratory analysis: analysis of the main components (PCA), which provided a multivariate interpretation, showing that the samples are grouped according to similarities in the levels of metals and analysis of hierarchical groupings (HCA), producing similar results. These tests have proved useful for the treatment of the data producing information that would hardly viewed directly in the matrix of data. The analysis of the results shows the high levels of metallic species in samples Mugil brasiliensis collected in Estuaries /Potengi, Piranhas/Açu, Guaraíra / Papeba / Arês and Curimataú


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Two pillaring methods were tested to synthesize pillared clays containing mixed Al/Co pillars. Using the first method, based on the traditional procedure, were obtained materials containing different Co concentrations: 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % of Co in the pillaring solution. Just the experiments with low concentrations (10 and 25 % of Co) has formed pillared clays, whereas the sample with 25 % of cobalt showed best results compared with the one obtained just using Al as pillaring agent (basal spacing higher than 18 Å and surface area bigger than 300 m²/g). The 27Al NMR results pointed out the formation of mixed Al/Co pillars due to decreased between the intensities of AlVI/AlIV signals, indicating that the AlIV content decreased while Co content increased, suggesting the isomorphic substitution of Al atoms for Co in the Keggin ion structure (pillaring agent). For the samples containing 75 and 100 % of cobalt, it was verified the formation of others materials, which could be identified as hydrotalcite like compounds. The second pillarization method was named mixed layers, because the objective was to intercalate clay layers with hydrotalcite layers. Thus, after calcination, the hydrotalcite layers would dehydroxylate, resulting just in the metals oxides, intercalated between the clay sheets, thus generating, a pillared clay. For this purpose, were tested 4 synthesis procedures: physical mixture, mixture in water, ionic exchange under reflux and in situ synthesis. Of these, the method which showed the best results was the in situ synthesis, in which basal spacings of 14 Å (after calcination) were obtained, indicating that the samples are intercalated with metal oxides (Mg and Al). This procedure was reproduced with a Co-Al LDH (layered double hydroxide) and similar results were obtained, testifying the method reproducibility


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Were synthesized spinel-type ferrites with general formula Ni0,8Mg0.2-xMxFe2O4, where M represents the doping Mn, Co or Mn + Co simultaneously, x ranges for the values 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1. The value of x was divided by 2 in cases where M equals Mn and Co conjugates. We used the citrate precursor method and heat treatment to obtain the phases at 1100°C. The materials were characterized by XRD, TGA/ DTGA, SEM, MAV and reflectivity measurements by the method of waveguide. Powders to 350°C/3.5 h were crystalline and nanosized. According to the results this temperature all powders have a percentage of ferrite phase over 90%. The composition had the addition of Mn and Co simultaneously showed a higher percentage of secondary phase NiO, 5.8%. The TGA/DTGA curves indicate that this sample reached phase (s) crystalline (s) at lowest temperatures. The X-ray diffractograms of the samples calcined at 350°C and 1100°C were treated with the Rietveld refinament technique. The powders calcined at 1100 °C/3h in air show to be 100% except spinel phase composition with 0.02 doping. The micrographs show clusters of particles with sizes smaller than 1 μm in calcination temperature of 1100°C which agreed with the result of Rietveld refinement. In the compositions doped with Mn were higher values of magnetization (45.90 and 53.20 Am2/kg), which did not cause high microwave absorption. The theoretical calculation of magnetization (MT) was consistent with the results, considering that there was agreement between the increase of magnetization experimental and theoretical. It was observed that there was the interrelation of the final effect of absorption with the thickness of MARE, the composition of ferrimagnetic materials and in particular the specific values of frequency. The analysis shows that the reflectivity increases in the concentration of cobalt increased the frequency range and also for absorption 10.17 GHz and 84%, respectively. The best result of chemical homogeneity and the value of 2.96 x 10-2 tesla coercive field were crucial for high performance ferrite absorber with 0.1 cobalt. The Cobalt has high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, it is associated with an increased coercive field, Hc. Therefore, this property improves the results of reflectivity of spinel ferrites


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Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are supramolecular structures consisted of ions or metal clusters coordinated to organic ligands which are repeated in two or three dimensions. These structures have atracted much attention due to their properties such as low density, high specific surface area and large volume of pores. In this work, MOFs consisted of zinc clusters connected by ditopic ligands, terephthalic acid (1,4- H2BDC) or isophthalic acid (1,3-H2BDC) were synthesized. To obtain the proposed materials, different routes and synthetic parameters were tested, such as the molar ratio of the precursors, the addition of template molecules, the type of solvente, the addition of organic base or the type of a counter-ion of Zn salt. It was found that the variation of these parameters led to the formation of different metalorganic structures. The solids obtained were characterized by XRD, SEM and IR. For the samples identified as MOF- 5, it was verified that the structure was composed of both interpenetrated and non interpenetrated structures. These samples showed a low stability, becoming totally transformed into another structure within less than 72 hours. The addition of the nickel and/or cobalt was found to be a promissing method for increasing the stability of MOF- 5, which in this case, still remained unconverted to another structure even after 15 days of exposure to air. The samples prepared from 1,3-H2BDC were probably new, still unknown Metal Organic Frameworks


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In this work, the structures of LaCoO3, La0,8Ba0,2CoO3 and La0,8Ca0,2CoO3 perovskites were characterized as a function of temperature (LaCoO3 structure being analyzed only at room temperature). The characterization of these materials were made by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), in the cobalt K-edge, taking into account the correlated Einstein model X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The first part of the absorption spectrum corresponded the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). These materials were prepared by the combustion method. The combustion products were calcinated at 900 0C, for 6 hours in air. Noted that the sample LaCoO3 at room temperature and samples doped with Calcium and Barium in the temperature range of 50 K to 298 K showed greater distortion to monoclinic symmetry with space group I2/a. However, the sample doped with barium at the temperatures 50 K, 220 K, and 260 K showed a slight distortion to rhombohedral symmetry with space group R-3c. The La0,8Ca0, 2CoO3 structure was few sensitive to temperature variation, showing a higher local distortion in the octahedron and a higher local thermal disorder. These interpretations were in agreement with the information electronic structural on the XANES region and geometric in the EXAFS region


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Ceramic powders based on oxides of perovskite-type structure is of fundamental interest nowadays, since they have important ionic-electronic conductivity in the use of materials with technological applications such as gas sensors, oxygen permeation membranes, catalysts and electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The main objective of the project is to develop nanostructured ceramic compounds quaternary-based oxide Barium (Br), Strontium (Sr), Cobalt (Co) and Iron (Fe). In this project were synthesized compounds BaxSr(1-x)Co0, 8Fe0,2O3- (x = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) through the oxalate co-precipitation method. The synthesized powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis (TGADTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) with the Rietveld refinement using the software MAUD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the synthesis technique used was suitable for production of nanostructured ceramic solid solutions. The powders obtained had a crystalline phase with perovskite-type structure. The TGA-DTA results showed that the homogeneous phase of interest was obtained temperature above 1034°C. It was also observed that the heating rate of the calcination process did not affect the elimination of impurities present in the ceramic powder. The variation in the addition of barium dopant promoted changes in the average crystallite size in the nanometer range, the composition being BSCF(5582) obtained the lowest value (179.0nm). The results obtained by oxalate co-precipitation method were compared with those synthesis methods in solid state and EDTA-citrate method