953 resultados para Labor movement -- Catalonia -- Girona -- History -- 19th century


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The aim in this chapter is to develop a deeper understanding about the informal Björling 'School' in Sweden. Contextually the example is related to the micro history of opera education contributing to the macro perspective illuminating a provincial example of the concept of domestic opera schooling. The specific focus was on Karl David Björling (1873-1926), the teaching parent of the Swedish tenor Jussi Björling (1911-1960) and his brothers Gösta and Olle.   The Björling family model of opera schooling belongs to the classical canon of domestic home education which was common during the epoch. The phenomenon is also within the field of opera singing an important reference to the historical context of the Nordic opera history of vocal education.   The uniqueness concerning the Björling School seems to be the rigorous and exceptionally early training. David Björling’s pedagogy was rooted in earlier German theories of musical upbringing. It's clear from his results that he was familiar with the neo-humanistic ideal on which reformed music education was based. Of a specific interest is the term Gesang als Unterricht as a concept for developing childrens musical and memorising capacities.   Conceptually the roots of the Björling model are in the eighteenth-century Romantic view of prodigies and their abilities. The extensive touring is connected to the promotion of wonder-children, and David Björling’s educational style to the conservative Master-pupil tradition.   David Björling's vocal ideal was a part of the contemporary debate about “The decadence of the singing art”, and seems to have its roots in an older Italian tradition. There are recurring similarities between his educational methods and the didactic principles of the Lamperti School: Enjoying a revival around the late 1800s and early 1900s, it has been called the natural or the national school. Nevertheless, through authentic experiences and gramophone recordings the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso became David Björling’s pedagogical role model.


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Os fenômenos convulsivos despertaram o interesse de estudiosos e pensadores já na Antigüidade, quando aspectos mágicos e sobrenaturais eram a eles associados. No século XIX foram lançadas as bases dos conceitos atuais sobre a desestruturação funcional cerebral na epilepsia, e Berger, em 1929, marcou definitivamente a história com a descoberta dos ritmos cerebrais. Crise epiléptica e epilepsia não são sinônimos, já que o último termo refere-se a crises recorrentes espontâneas. Ela costuma iniciar na infância, daí a preocupação com o risco de repetição do primeiro episódio e com a decisão de instituir tratamento medicamentoso. Fatores prognósticos são apontados, mas não há consenso. No Brasil existem poucas pesquisas nesta linha, tanto de prevalência da epilepsia como de fatores envolvidos na recorrência de crises. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral avaliar aspectos clinicoeletrográficos capazes de auxiliar no prognóstico e no manejo da epilepsia da criança e do adolescente. Foram objetivos específicos determinar a incidência de crise epiléptica não provocada recorrente; identificar fatores remotos implicados na ocorrência de crise epiléptica; relacionar tipo de crise com achados eletrencefalográficos; relacionar tipo de crise, duração da crise, estado vigília/sono no momento da crise e achados eletrencefalográficos com possibilidade de recorrência; e identificar os fatores de risco para epilepsia. Foram acompanhados 109 pacientes com idades entre 1 mês e 16 anos, com primeira crise não-provocada, em média por 24 meses, a intervalos trimestrais, no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Foram realizados eletrencefalogramas (EEG) após a primeira crise; depois, solicitados anualmente. Não foram incluídos casos com epilepsia ou síndrome epiléptica bem definida, ou que fizeram uso prévio de drogas antiepilépticas. A média de idade foi 6 anos, com predomínio da faixa etária de 6 a 12 anos. Setenta eram meninos e 39, meninas. Os indivíduos brancos eram 92, e os não-brancos, 17. O nível de escolaridade dos casos esteve de acordo com a distribuição da idade e, entre os responsáveis, predominaram 8 anos de escolaridade. Foi possível concluir que as crises únicas não-provocadas mais freqüentes foram generalizadas, e sem predomínio significativo do tipo de EEG. A incidência de crise não-provocada recorrente foi 51,4%. História de intercorrências pré-natais maternas aumentou em 2 vezes o risco de repetição de crises. Via de nascimento, escore de Apgar no 5º minuto, relação peso ao nascer/idade gestacional, intercorrências no período pós-natal imediato e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor não tiveram influência na recorrência. História familiar de crises mostrou tendência à significância estatística para repetição dos episódios, com risco de 1,7. Não foi encontrada associação entre tipo de crise e achado eletrencefalográfico. A maioria das crises foi de curta duração (até 5 minutos), mas este dado não esteve relacionado com a recorrência. Estado de vigília teve efeito protetor na recorrência. Se a primeira crise foi parcial, o risco de repetição foi 1,62, com tendência à significância. Quando o primeiro EEG foi alterado, houve relação significativa com primeira crise tanto generalizada como parcial. O primeiro EEG com alterações paroxísticas focais apontou risco de repetição de 2,90. Quando as variáveis envolvidas na repetição de crises foram ajustadas pelo modelo de regressão de Cox, EEG alterado mostrou risco de 2,48, com riscos acumulados de 50%, 60%, 62% e 68%; com EEG normal, os riscos foram 26%, 32%, 34% e 36% em 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses respectivamente.


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O presente trabalho pretendeu analisar de que forma se originou a construção da chamada “natureza turística” da cidade de Petrópolis, através de uma perspectiva histórica. Como objetivo específico, pretendi descrever como se deu a organização da atividade turística no município, destacando as suas origens, buscando compreender e identificar as principais narrativas e imagens que sustentam essa construção cultural, destacando as suas origens entre os anos de 1900 e 1930. Com este fim, o trabalho apresenta as origens e evolução da cidade de Petrópolis desde os antecedentes de sua fundação no século XIX. Em seguida, trabalhei no sentido de desvendar as transformações sociais no ato de viajar, na perspectiva de compreender as origens e consolidação da atividade turística organizada no município. Finalmente, analisei algumas narrativas e imagens que representam a construção cultural da “natureza turística” de Petrópolis, tendo como referência as primeiras décadas do Século XX. O estudo foi realizado através de recurso a literatura técnico-científica existente e também de pesquisa documental e iconográfica que retratasse narrativas e imagens do turismo em Petrópolis no início de sua organização. Para isso, foram selecionados guias e revistas publicados entre os anos de 1900 e 1930.


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Esta dissertação trata daqueles que são considerados os principais compêndios didáticos de História do Brasil do século XIX. A construção do Estado Imperial provocou significativas mudanças nas vidas de muitos componentes da "boa sociedade", dentre eles os próprios dirigentes imperiais. Uma destas vidas foi a de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo - professor do principal colégio do Império, autor dos mais importantes compêndios de História do Brasil do século XIX e divulgador de um método de ensino adotado por inúmeras gerações de professores. Lições de História do Brasil para uso dos alunos do Imperial Colégio de Pedro 11 e Lições de História do Brasil para uso das escolas de Instrução Primária - obras de perfil conservador, elas fixaram para sucessivas gerações de "boa sociedade" imperial conteúdos, métodos, valores e imagens de uma História do Brasil que cumpria o papel de não apenas legitimar a ordem imperial, mas também e sobretudo de pôr em destaque o lugar do Império do Brasil no conjunto das "Nações Civilizadas" e o lugar da "boa sociedade" no conjunto da sociedade imperial, permitindo, assim, a construção de uma identidade.


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This paper argues that trade specialization played an indispensable role in supporting the Industrial Revolution. We calibrate a two-good and two-sector overlapping generations model to Englandís historical development and investigate how much different Englandís development path would have been if it had not globalized in 1840. The open-economy model is able to closely match the data, but the closed-economy model cannot explain the fall in the value of land relative to wages observed in the 19th century. Without globalization, the transition period in the British economy would be considerably longer than that observed in the data and key variables, such as the share of labor force in agriculture, would have converged to Ögures very distant from the actual ones.


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The implications of technical change that directly alters factor shares are examined. Such change can lower the income of some factors of production even when it raises total output, thus offering a possible explanation for episodes of social conflict such as the Luddite uprisings in 19th century England and the recent divergence in the U. S. between wages for skilled and unskilled labor. An explanation also why underdeveloped countries do not adopt the latest technology but continue to use outmoded production methods. Total factor productivity is shown to be a misleading measure of technical progress. Share-altering technical change brings into question the plausibility of a wide class of endogenous growth models.


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The present study has as objective to explaining about the origins of the mathematical logic. This has its beginning attributed to the autodidactic English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864), especially because his books The Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847) and An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854) are recognized as the inaugural works of the referred branch. However, surprisingly, in the same time another mathematician called Augutus of Morgan (1806-1871) it also published a book, entitled Formal Logic (1847), in defense of the mathematic logic. Even so, times later on this same century, another work named Elements of Logic (1875) it appeared evidencing the Aristotelian logic with Richard Whately (1787-1863), considered the better Aristotelian logical of that time. This way, our research, permeated by the history of the mathematics, it intends to study the logic produced by these submerged personages in the golden age of the mathematics (19th century) to we compare the valid systems in referred period and we clarify the origins of the mathematical logic. For that we looked for to delineate the panorama historical wrapper of this study. We described, shortly, biographical considerations about these three representatives of the logic of the 19th century formed an alliance with the exhibition of their point of view as for the logic to the light of the works mentioned above. In this sense, we aspirated to present considerations about what effective Aristotelian´s logic existed in the period of Boole and De Morgan comparing it with the new emerging logic (the mathematical logic). Besides of this, before the textual analysis of the works mentioned above, we still looked for to confront the systems of Boole and De Morgan for we arrive to the reason because the Boole´s system was considered better and more efficient. Separate of this preponderance we longed to study the flaws verified in the logical system of Boole front to their contemporaries' production, verifying, for example, if they repeated or not. We concluded that the origins of the mathematical logic is in the works of logic of George Boole, because, in them, has the presentation of a new logic, matematizada for the laws of the thought similar to the one of the arithmetic, while De Morgan, in your work, expand the Aristotelian logic, but it was still arrested to her


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The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics


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This text is organized through discussions undertaken in the area of the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte, circumscribed to the History of Women from the first decades of the Brazilian Republic, and to the analysis of what was expected of this education. We examined representations of women in Natal, between 1889 and 1914, with the goal of configuring relations between the sexes with the emphasis on moral, intellectual and pedagogical aspects required of these women. As documental sources we utilized the educational, civil and criminal Legislation, on a National scope, as well as on a State and Municipal scope. We circumscribed our search to the newspaper A República, in which we found literature that circulated in Natal in the form of pamphlets, short stories and poetry, as well as other texts by authors that were part of the corpus of analysis of this study, located in public and private archives in Rio Grande do Norte, such as the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN) and the State Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte (APE-RN). The use of the indexing method and the propositions of Cultural History were the appropriate theoretical-methodological framework to complete studies of this nature. This operational perspective permitted us to elaborate nuances about this time of transition from the 19th to the 20th Century, and to spotlight the fire of the women from this period. The basis of the argument that related women to maternity and domesticity, and within the ideals of abnegation and religious leadership, aligned to a demand coming from the increase in the quantity of schools for women, allocated women as the most appropriate for superior in educational performance in the country, based on its foundations: primary education. Beyond the universe of formal education, the other side of women appeared in republican politics. The mother-spouse and the institutionalization of domestic education associated the female gender with the role of educator at home as well. Be it in the public sphere, as a teacher, or in private, as mother-spouse, female care is perceived in this configuration, as an educational base that the Republic, and in transition, bequeathed to the Brazilian 20th Century


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A partir du XVIe siècle, le Brésil surgit comme l'un des éléments centraux du surgissement d'un ordre économique et social dans lequel le navire apparaît comme un espace de luttes et de contradictions entre gouvernements, commandants et marins. Nous examinerons ici le processus de prolétarisation, au Brésil au cours de la premier moitié du XIXe siècle, qui a transformé en main d' uvre de travail maritime des indiens, des petits agriculteurs, des noirs libres et des esclaves.


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Machado de Assis understood his time and brought his perception of Brazilian society in the 19th century, with its multiple aspects economy, politics, culture, amongst others - to the texts he wrote. Through the tensions lived in his novels and short stories, Machado displays Brazilian social reality and the changes it had been undergoing. Mariana and Pai contra mãe show the crisis of the slavery system, the relation of dependency, the treatment given to the captives and the lack of coherence of a country that intended to adopt Liberalism as an ideology, but which kept on living under the shadow of slavery and its consequences. A country where the priorities were given to the landlords, owners of slaves, in protection of their interests. O caso da vara tells about how the crias da casa little black girls who lived in the household and learned how to make spool embroidery were treated. What were the punishments for desobedience and how they were levelled out, how should be the behaviour of a child who lived as a social outcast. Thus, this paper aims at playing a game of mirrors between History and fiction. Not only to play it, but to analyze how Machado deals with the reflections of 19th century Brazil on his short stories


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The exponential figure of Gregório de Matos e Guerra has been subject of many theoretical discussions through the years, since his apparition in a public place, in the 19th century, and even more, during the 20th century, when he was salvaged by the modernist vanguard. As a result, there are yet two antagonist points of view linked to Gregório de Matos, on one side, there some researchers who defend him, on the other, some of them attack him. The first ones say this poet from Bahia was the first literary voice in Brazil, from the Baroque basis, while the last ones say he is a merely plagiarist of the Spanish poets from the 17th century, without a real contribution to the development of Brazilian Literature. With this in mind, this thesis follows the perspective this poet is an anthropophagus-baroque, devouring cultures, with an active participation in the process of our cultural and literary identity. For that reason, it was made a literature review about the biography of this poet trying to break romantic descriptions, emphasizing some scientific facts that can contribute to present the baroque profile of this poet. In this sense, it was discussed the History of Literature focused on this creole poet, mainly based on the historians point of view about the Gregorian poetry in the formation of Brazilian Literature scenery. In the defense of the hypothesis that Gregório de Matos was our first anthropophagus, this work aims to analyze how his poetry reveals the intrinsic characteristics of Baroque and Anthropophagy, focusing its carnivalesque aspect, showing to the world, with a satiric tone, the idiosyncrasies of human life. In this way, analyzing this corpus in Spanish is the strength of this thesis because, besides it is previously unpublished, it contributes to the comprehension of the anthropophagy as a theoretical mechanism that explains the process of formation of our cultural literary identity. Then, we have Augusto de Campos (1968; 1978; 1984; 1986; 1988), Haroldo de Campos (1976; 2010a; 2010b; 2011), Severo Sarduy ([1988?]), Oswald de Andrade (1945; 1978; 2006), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Octavio Paz (1979), Segismundo Spina (1980; 1995; 2008), Afrânio Coutinho (1986a; 1986b; 1994), Affonso Ávila (1994; 1997; 2004; 2008), among others, to constitute this theoretical scenery. The Gregorian poetry, in this way, have contributed to the formation of baroque-anthropophagic scenery in Brazilian boundaries, with a special attention to the transition of time, because he is not only from the 17th century, established by the historiography, but his work is present nowadays due to the contemporaneously of his themes, centered to the eternal doubts of baroque man


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This paper analyses the history of Hypolita Maria das Dores, mulatto woman, free born, was enslaved and, by an act of freedom, appealed to court to prove the illegitimacy of her captivity and regain their freedom and their children. The main scenarios of this social and legal struggle are Crato (Ceará) and Exu (Pernambuco), places where she lived in the 19th century. The main objective of this work is to understand how to set the tensions and alliances involving the struggle for freedom inside and outside justice, in differentiated provincial spaces. An approach that belongs to the field of the social history of slavery, we ll prioritize the narrative of life. In it, Hypolita is taken as the subject of her story, as she faces stately and patriarchal values in a slave society. The documentary corpus that allows such vertical investigative consists of parish registers, we examined the baptisms, marriages and death records; analyzed registry documents of postmortem inventories, petitions and crafts; reports of provincial presidents and, finally, the O Araripe s and O Cearense s journalistic information. The investigation of the case allowed the understanding of how, in space and time specific, freedom was understood, usurped and claimed by various social subjects in the frame of morals and justice institutionalized


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L'article discute la structure discoursive de deux oeuvres qui représentent des voix féminines en défense de l'éducation et du travail des femmes et qui ont eu quelque répercussion au Brésil au XIXe siècle : Opúsculo humanitário (1853), de la brésilienne Nísia Floresta (1809 ou 1810-1885), et Mulheres e crianças (1880), de la portugaise Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho (1847-1921). Nous avons essayé d'identifier à qui les textes étaient adressés et comment ils justifiaient le droit d'auteur et l'érudition féminine à un moment où la traditionnelle interdiction du mot public et de la presse aux femmes commençait à être questionnée.


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Estudando o trabalho experimental sobre eletromagnetismo realizado por Michael Faraday no início do século XIX, encontramos vários elementos que poderiam ser utilizados no Ensino de Ciências. Um conhecimento histórico sobre o trabalho experimental desenvolvido por Faraday e que o levou à descoberta da indução eletromagnética pode transmitir aos estudantes uma concepção mais adequada do processo de desenvolvimento da Ciência. No entanto, isso só pode ser feito utilizando-se um estudo detalhado e bem fundamentado do processo histórico ocorrido, deixando de lado as simplificações e os mitos que costumam ser apresentados.