998 resultados para Língua portuguesa Vícios de linguagem
Tese de doutoramento, Lingustica (Lingustica Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
Este trabalho pretende descrever e interpretar a Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada no mbito das prticas de Ensino Aprendizagem no domnio da Expresso e Comunicao no Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Bsico. O objetivo principal deste estudo, verificar algumas caractersticas do mtodo observado e implementado ao longo Prtica de Ensino Supervisionada na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Como tal, o trabalho apresenta e discute as prticas que, na PES, tiveram o objetivo de desenvolver as capacidades cognitivas e intelectuais dos alunos neste campo. O presente trabalho considerado um estudo qualitativo, na rea da aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa onde o grupo de alunos estudado, tinha como base a Cartilha Maternal Joo de Deus de forma adaptada. Nesta perspetiva, dinamizaram-se atividades cujo objetivo incidia na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita. Algumas das dificuldades, que se manifestam nas escolas, poderiam ser ultrapassadas se as metodologias abrangessem os princpios bsicos que orientam a linguagem oral. A compreenso do impacto, que os diferentes mtodos de leitura e escrita provocam, colocam a quem aprende, algumas questes relevantes relativamente forma como se ensina e na relao com a capacidade de aprender a ler e escrever. A competncia para ler e escrever no considerada uma aprendizagem inata, por necessitar de um ensino sistematizado e consistente para que esta competncia seja alcanada. Durante o perodo de iniciao da aprendizagem da leitura e escrita os alunos utilizam estratgias de substituio, isto , substituem uma palavra que lhes seja desconhecida por uma que se adapte ao contexto. Sendo que, no fim do primeiro ano de escolaridade, muitos alunos j deixaram de utilizar as ditas estratgias de substituio, passando a dominar as estratgias que envolvem o uso de relaes entre ortografia e o sistema fontico.
The objective of this research is to describe and analyze in literary corpus, the way we conceptualize emotions, especially anger. Using the assumptions of the call Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, present a general overview of cognition metaphor on the basis of Cognitive Linguistics, and in a deeper way, we analyze the metaphorical conceptualization of anger. The proposal embodied mind, prevalent in current cognitive science, is fundamental for studies involving mental simulation. Recent research shows that the metaphor is the result of cognitive processes that involve our perception sensorimotor combined with socio-cultural experiences. The ability to build via frequency standards for our experiments is crucial to our language, including metaphorical constructions. Such constructions are the result of cognitive processes that involve the relationship between image schemas and frames. Image schemas comes from our sensorimotor experience, which lists the limits of our bodies to the limits of our surroundings, and frames, in turn, comes from our ability to stock sociocultural events. The metaphorical construction is the result of this constant relationship between body, mind and culture, situating us in bodily experiences and cultural. By analyzing five national literary works, we created an analytical framework on how anger is understood, specifically in Portuguese language. The results are important to understand, through language, how culture is part of our cognition, in conjunction with the sensorimotor aspects.
This is a qualitative and reflexive research with focus on digital literacy. Among the digital media that could support the teaching of argumentation in the Science & Technology and Information Technology undergraduate courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, we chose a serious game as object of research. Given the object of study in the discipline of reading and writing II argumentation and genre from the order of argumentative writing -, common to the undergraduate courses mentioned, we invest on the development of a serious game, named ArgumentACTION, because we believe that it may, in fact, become a promising didactic instrument. Therefore we intend to understand whether and how this game can help students develop their reading and writing skills more independently, specifically towards an argumentative order genre: the opinion piece. With this research, we intend to contribute to the teaching of the Portuguese language on three bases: extending theoretical scope, in order to generate greater intelligibility on the teaching-learning process of argumenting; proposing a new methodological possibility, with the incorporation of a serious games to teaching; perfecting the game with which we are working, in order to build and make available a more refined digital tool to subsidize the teaching and learning of reading and writing of opinion pieces. To do so, we use the following as theoretical-methodological: Studies of Literacy (KLEIMAN, 2012b; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA, 2010; GEE, 2009; 2010; ROJO, 2012), The Applied Linguistics (KLEIMAN, 1998; BUSH-LEE, 2009), The Philosophy of Language (BAKHTIN, VOLOSHINOV, 2012) and Critical Pedagogy (DEWEY, 2010). A group of students from the upper mentioned undergraduate courses collaborated with this research by playing and analyzing the game. They were also interviewed about their experience in this matter. From the data generated, we established the categories of analysis: decollection, interest, multimodality/multisemiosis and interactivity, agent of literacy, learning principles. The conclusions we obtained show that the investment in applications, especially games, can bring real benefits to the teaching/learning of the Portuguese language; moreover they reveal that the work on argumenting has much to gain with the incorporation of serious games; however the possible advantages depend on a focused teaching practice and constant improvements and updates of this type of interactive tool, as well as the pedagogical practice from those who use and develop the games.
We study the use of nominal suffixes of degree, such as -inho, -o, -ssimo, -limo, -rrimo in written texts in Brazilian Portuguese, by focusing on semantic, cognitive, pragmatic and discourse aspects involved in using these suffixes. In general, we aim to identify semanticcognitive and discourse-pragmatic factors that motivate the usage of nominal suffixes of degree and to contribute for the study of degree in Portuguese class in Basic Education. The theoretical perspective underlying our research is the Lingustica Funcional Centrada no Uso, as conceived by group of researchers of Discurso & Gramtica (FURTADO DA CUNHA, BISPO, SILVA, 2013; MARTELOTTA, 2011). According to this theoretical model, language model uses the shape of the grammar of a language at the same time they are provisioned for it. In this sense, speech and grammar influence each other. In terms of methodology, we make an eminently qualitative research with quantitative support as evidence of use of trend. It is characterized also by descriptive and interpretive bias of the phenomenon under study. Empirical evidence from our analysis come from a corpus consisting of written texts from Veja magazine, January to June 2011 issues, particularly Carta do Leitor e Gente sections, the latter representative of the Coluna Social magazine. The results of our analysis showed that the use of nominal graders suffixes are related to semantic-cognitive factors (construction of certain text directions, the association more grounded aspects of concrete experience or the more abstract meanings, for example), the discourse-pragmatic issues (range certain communicative purposes, as critique, judge, mock, claim, involving the reader, seeking her membership of a particular point of view). In addition, we found that the use of these morphic elements in genres of the sample analyzed were related to the subjectivity of the writer and the inter-subjective issues involving writer and reader, as Traugott and Dasher (2002). Finally, we contemplate discussion about the approach of our object of study in Portuguese classes in Basic Education.
This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.
Reading is a activity of paramount importance in the life of every human being, since this practice is essential condition for the exercise of citizenship. Therefore, it is through reading that the student has access to the knowledge that part of the world around him. However, given the complexity involved in the process of learning to read, teach students to read is not an easy task because often they do not acquire the skills necessary to understand the texts. According to this view, the present study focuses on an educational intervention who aim at contribut to the development of reading competence of students in 6th grade "U" of the State School Senador Jos Bernardo, in So Joo do Sabugi - RN. The activities which were of that intervention process were conducted in Portuguese Language classroom and developed through didactic sequences drawn from reading strategies, based on the genres tale and news, since students had serious problems with regard to reading comprehension. Given the importance of meeting the aforementioned difficulty, we seek to develop a proposal for interactive reading activities through genres as a language of social practices, whose goal aimed read to understand and make sense of texts. This intervention proposal falls under the Applied Linguistics and to perform it, were taken as a basis some theories focused on the notion of language as sociointerativa practice, such as studies of Bakhtin (2006, 2011), Bronckart (2012) and targeted contributions to the teaching of reading activity, including, Sol (1998), Oliveira (2010), Kleiman (2013), Leffa (1996, 1999), Silveira (2005). Discussions about genres followed the studies of Bakhtin (2011), Marcuschi (2008), as well as other theoretical; the didactic sequences were constructed from Bronckart (2012), Dolz; Noverraz; Schneuwly (2013) and, with regard to the teaching of Portuguese Language, the guidelines were adopted contained in PCN / LP (1998), as well as in Antunes (2003, 2009) and other authors. The results showed that students in the 6th grade increased their understanding capacity of the read texts, by implementing the didactic and pedagogical actions, thereby acquiring the reading competence they needed to keep learning.
The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grsillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as concluded, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.
Some of the current discussions in the teaching of Portuguese Language (LP) pertain to how the school should deal with the phenomenon of language variation in the classroom. In 2010, for example, an explosion of talk took over the academic corridors: a book, entitled "Por uma vida melhor", the collection "Viver, Aprender", published by the MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) to students EJA (Youth and Adults) brought notions regarding linguistic variation, even in their first chapter. In it is clear the notion that it is possible to make use of structures as "pretty boy", instead of "pretty boys", depending on the context in which such use is insert. Therefore, the discussions focused around the notions of variety cultivated, standard and popular measuring them to the possibilities of linguistic appropriateness. The community was surprised by the defense of the "power" to use, since it would be the school space to teach a standard "default", and not the possibility of legitimate use of grammatical patterns that clashed with those recommended in traditional grammars. The television media has been responsible for a major blaze that MEC had endorsed the use in schools of a book that legitimized such linguistic patterns. The quarrel was released on Youtube and in that space, netizens expressed themselves for or against the proposal of LD often directing the discussion to questions of a purely political. We observed that, on one side, loomed arguments related to Sociolinguistics (BAGNO , 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009; BAGNO, M.; STUBBS, M., Gagne, G., 2006; Bortoni - RICARDO, S.M., 2008; Tarallo, F., 1982; U. Weinreich, MARVIN I. HERZOG, Labov, W., 1968, Labov 1972, etc.); another, arguments concentrated on defending the school is the area of language teaching standard, and not fit to bring certain discussions within an LD. It was from these words, that this research was born. Interested in the particular way that the community media, which seemed to have no training in linguistics, understand the concepts of right, wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, so intimate in academic circles. Our thoughts take as reference the theoretical studies on the question of sociolinguistic variation and education, official documents that guide the "work" with the Portuguese language in the classroom, like the NCP (National Curriculum) and Curriculum Proposal for Education Youth and Adult (PCEJA). In our analysis, we found that LD" For a better life "makes no apology for teaching the "error", but it raises discussions about the possibility of "change", linked to factors and different order. We realize how significant it is to observe how speakers of a language are positioned in relation to language teaching which they are not speakers and scholars. Our study showed that certain issues regarding the teaching of the Portuguese language, as is the case of linguistic variation, points are far from being resolved, either for linguists and/or grammarians, whether for language speakers.
This thesis is a writing of (d)enunciation because it reveals the language experiencies of those individuals who take, in social school space, the social role of the teacher and of the student, for some reason, they feel restrained by a demand which prevents them of teaching and learning how to write and, even, their own writing. On this basis, we consider some questions concerning Benvenistes theory of enunciation and the teaching and learning process in Portuguese from the triad among teacher teaching of writing/ knowledge student, making this theoretical area closer to the pedagogical one. We support in the working hypothesis that is based on the position of the loosening of this triad has its effects in the process of intervention-interference to the point where it does not leave a scar which can remain working on productive effects on the students writing. As a consequence, we show two findings which allow us to think the teaching of writing in Portuguese is a space for writing creativity in such a way it reveals itself as a sine qua non condition for the institutionalized and subjective writing. The first finding is that taking genre as a model has some implications in the teaching and learning process of writing according to the instructions of the official documents. The second finding, as a result of the first one, is the assumption that genre is at the same time a model and a transgression and taking it as a (ex)sample opens space for writing creativity which is a transposition of the interior language (BENVENISTE, 2014 [1968-1969], p. 132) in a way this creativity makes it intelligible and highlights what is a model (interactiveness) and a transgression (inventiveness). From such findings, we organize our heterogeneous corpus according to these procedures: recording the classes in audio; recording the interviews we made with teachers and students in audio; and constituting an archive with the students writing production. From this corpus, we analyzed the (d)enunciative mo(ve)ments in the teacher teaching of writing/ knowledge student triad and the history of (d)enunciations, of language experiences. Besides, we analyzed the teachers discourse in relation to the way he plans his classes based on the knowledge that must be taught and his own way of managing this knowledge in order to understand his interference in his students writings. Our analyses (re)affirm that when the loosening of the triad happens, the students become lost, what makes them unable of working upon their own writing epilinguisticaly. Because of it, schools have lost their specificity as a place for teaching students how to read and write as they open space for training, only. On this basis, we consider that the effect of such a loosening generates complaints and denunciations. Therefore, based on such (d)enunciations, we present the Primary sketches of a proposition for intervention-interference in teaching how to write and we aim at introducing much knowledge to teachers and students in order to allow them to think about possible ways out.
At a time when the issue of the inclusion of hearing-impaired students in regular schools has been discussed, it becomes necessary to reflect upon the relevance of a recurrent educational process in schools specialized in education for the hearing-impaired: the bilingual schools. Such institutions, still scarce in Brazil, offer an oriented and specialized education to hearing-impaired children and adolescents, since they have the Brazilian Sign Language as a language of instruction in all subjects, and the Portuguese written language as an additional language, which gives them the bilingual status. This research aims to investigate how the practices developed in my Portuguese classes in a bilingual school have contributed to the development of students literacy, specifically the Critical Literacy (STREET, 1985, 1990, 1998), in two classes of hearing-impaired students enrolled in the final grades of elementary school. It is a qualitative, ethnographic research, which uses the triangulation system for analyzing data: (i) the pedagogical sequences; (ii) the students activities and (iii) the teachers and students written accounts registered as field notes. Through the intersection of the data, this work evaluates whether students have achieved some level of Critical Literacy, and what kind of collaboration and/or activity is relevant during this process. This research is justified by the need to evaluate practices at bilingual schools that, although supported by current law in Brazil, are still a minority whose work is still not acknowledged or valued. The results show that activities using real texts of different genres can contribute to the development of Critical Literacy, and also to dynamic classes, with discussions about relevant topics to society in Sign Language. Also, activities that encourage students to do research and that provide to the hearing-impaired student, the understanding of the real usefulness of Portuguese as an instrument for the social inclusion of the hearing-impaired providing opportunities for them to change their social position can collaborate to this process.
The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the realization of the /R/ at the end of the syllable (coda) in the city of Uberlndia-MG, taking into account variationist aspects and possible phonological phenomena that permeates the variable realization of this segment. We used the labovian variationist methodology, that gave us the needed support to investigate and systematize the variation of one linguistic community. The corpus was compound by 5139 occurrences of /R/, which 2528 were retroflex realizations, 2480 were deletions and 132 were occurrences of other segments. The informants of this research were stratified by: sex; age group; scholarly; they were born in Uberlndia or they arrived in this city before fifth birthday. Beyond the extralinguistic variables (sex, age group and scholarty), we established as linguistic variables: following context; previous context; tonicity of syllable; lexical item; coda position in the syllable; and, at last, the word size. After the statistic analisis computed by the Goldvarb software, the favoring contexts to the retroflex realization were: coronal segments in the following context; labial segments in the previous context; unstressed syllables; nouns and others (non verbs); and words with one syllable. The favoring contexts to deletion were: dorsal segments int the following context and verbs. The extra linguistic variables favored the variation less scholarty. So, the factors male sex and age group from 26 to 49 years favored the retroflex variant, while the factors female and the age group with more than 49 years favored the deletion.
Introduo: A prtica de exerccio fsico, para alm de combater o sedentarismo, contribui de forma significativa para a manuteno da aptido fsica nos idosos, seja na sua vertente de sade, como nas capacidades funcionais, e na melhoria das funes orgnicas e cognitivas, garantindo maior independncia pessoal e prevenindo doenas. essencial a traduo, adaptao e validao de instrumentos para Portugal que considerem a perceo do idoso em relao ao exerccio fsico, uma vez que no existem escalas que avaliem esta vertente na populao portuguesa. Objetivos: Traduzir a MOEES para a língua portuguesa (portugus europeu); Adaptar transculturalmente a MOEES para a populao portuguesa; Determinar as propriedades psicomtricas da verso portuguesa da MOEES; Comparar as propriedades psicomtricas da verso portuguesa da MOEES com a MOEES original; Verificar as expectativas dos idosos em relao aos resultados do exerccio fsico na melhora da sua qualidade de vida. Metodologia: A Adaptao transcultural da MOEES foi realizada segundo as guidelines da American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, que consistiu em traduo inicial, sntese de tradues, retroverso e MOEES-VPT, e anlise psicomtrica (validade e fiabilidade). Foram includos no estudo 88 indivduos, idosos, fisicamente ativos, maioritariamente do gnero feminino. Resultados: Segundo a anlise estatstica, a MOEES revelou tima validade de constructo (KMO=0,879, TEB X2=1094,253 e varincia total explicada=61,7%), muito boa consistncia interna (-Cronbach Geral= 0,928, -Cronbach Dimenses entre 0,829 e 0,897) e reprodutibilidade (p=0,000 para todas as dimenses), tornando-se num instrumento vlido, fivel e eficaz para a populao portuguesa. Concluso: A MOEES revelou ser um instrumento com boas propriedades psicomtricas para a populao portuguesa, uma vez que se obtiveram resultados iguais e superiores que a escala original.
O presente artigo situa-se nos domnios de especialidade da Fontica e Fonologia. Pretende-se, com efeito, destacar algumas caractersticas fontico-fonolgicas do portugus culto falado em Angola, nomeadamente no domnio do vocalismo, identificadas e recolhidas de enunciados orais de cidados angolanos e residentes em Angola, estudantes e profissionais com nvel de instruo mdio-alto. No falar portugus desses indivduos constam elementos que se opem a determinados usos e hbitos lingusticos normativos do Portugus europeu, recomendados como usos e hbitos oficiais. Procura-se, assim, demonstrar que, pelo menos em relao ao sistema voclico, o portugus angolano das camadas cultas da populao difere do Portugus europeu.