999 resultados para Jornal Ponto Final
O presente relatório tem por base o relato da experiência de estágio curricular, decorrida numa instituição do concelho de Coimbra, no periodo de 10 de novembro a 03 de Junho de 2011. Neste relatório apresentam-se alguns pontos importantes, sob ponto de vista teórico, sobre a profissão de educador de infãncia, tal como a sua formação, o seu perfil mediante a análise do decreto-lei nº 241/2001 de 30 de Agosto do perfil específico de ducador, e a metodologia utilizada na prática pedagógica decorrida. Ainda neste trabalho, faz-se referência, à educação de infância em Portugal, à evolução do conceito de criança ao longo do tempo, e atoda a organização do ambiente educativo do jardim-de-infância. (...)
Num ciclo de estudos que possui a duração de apenas um ano lectivo e que visa a profissionalização em Educação Pré-Escolar, a vertente prática, interligada com os conteúdos leccionados ao longo do percurso académico, possui um carácter de extrema importância. Dada a abrangência de matérias abordadas no 1º ciclo de estudos (licenciatura em Educação Básica), a especificação de uma área de intervenção em educação, possível neste Mestrado, permitiu a aquisição de novas competências e conhecimentos que, até à data, eram pouco desenvolvidos e trabalhados. A actuação prática, com o devido suporte das docentes de Prática Educativa, permitiu a aprendizagem pela acção, tendo sido possível colocar em prática e reflectir acerca daquilo que foi aprendido e dos resultados daí obtidos. Ainda assim, sem a interiorização de um papel de investigador/a, esta aprendizagem pouco se traduzirá em mudanças no quotidiano educativo das crianças e na própria prática, seja actual ou futuramente, ao ser exercida a profissão. Numa época em que, constantemente, surgem instrumentos de auxílio cada vez mais rigorosos, que nos apoiam em diversos campos como a avaliação e organização, torna-se essencial a adopção de uma postura em que os profissionais da educação tenham abertura para (re)aprender, reflectir e (re)avaliar as suas práticas, considerando sempre seu objectivo proporcionar experiências novas e que, principalmente, se adeqúem às necessidades demonstradas pelas crianças. Abandonar a ideia de que o adulto é quem sabe o que é melhor para as crianças, e tornar-se um guia das necessidades e interesses manifestados por elas, constitui-se um ponto de partida indispensável e decisivo na educação pré-escolar.
A reflexão e pesquisa sobre a nossa prática educativa são o ponto de partida para este trabalho, que pretende contribuir para a edificação de uma pedagogia diferenciada, baseada na concepção da criança como sujeito activo e actor principal do seu processo educativo. Depois de uma breve análise do contexto educativo, procedemos à abordagem da aprendizagem activa e por descoberta, com o recurso à descrição reflexiva do desenvolvimento de um projecto cooperativo temático, no qual foi garantido às crianças o direito a uma voz activa e a serem ouvidas. (...)
O romance Cântico Final insta o leitor a refletir sobre o significado da vida num Mundo em que, conforme afirma Elsa (uma das personagens centrais da obra), Deus morrera: “ […] que pena Deus ter morrido! Já o não podemos desafiar…” (147).Porém, ao proclamarem a morte de Deus, quer Elsa, quer Mário, o protagonista, com quem Elsa vive um romance fugaz mas intenso, ficam à mercê da sua condição humana de incompletude e de uma linguagem também humana e como tal reducionista, precária. Ainda que nos momentos de maior intimidade entre si estas personagens prefiram o silêncio ao diálogo, numa tentativa de aproximação e comunhão com um absoluto dessacralizado, a sua demanda de plenitude permanecerá vã. É o que acontece, por exemplo, quando o casal passa férias em Sesimbra, uma vila junto ao mar, com toda a simbologia que os espaços marítimos transportam e evocam. Já a Morte é incontornável, total e definitiva. É devido à inverosimilhança da morte dos seus pais que Mário abandona o espaço rural da sua aldeia e ruma a Lisboa, espaço cosmopolita, de arte e de cultura. Aí, cruza-se com várias personagens que o fazem acreditar no potencial da Arte para captar os pequenos milagres e aparições da vida. Contudo, também a arte, seja a verbal, a pictórica ou a quinestésica, é uma forma de linguagem e daí a sua natureza humana, truncada. Por isso Mário, confrontado com a iminência da sua própria morte, retorna às origens, ao espaço rural que tão bem se enquadra na noção de trialética da espacialidade tal como foi definida por Edward Soja (1999), ou seja espaço macro e micro, subjectivo e imaginado, vivido e experienciado. Ao pintar a capela da Senhora da Noite, erigida no cimo de um monte transbordante de silêncio, Mário assegura, ainda que muito parcialmente, a sua permanência, ao mesmo tempo que o rosto da Senhora da Noite capta, também fruto das tintas de Mário, uma parcela da essência de Elsa. O protagonista responde assim, de um certo ponto de vista, ao apelo de lugar, “pull of place”, como é definido por Lucy Lippard (1997,20) que lhe permite, ainda que ilusoriamente, ultrapassar o sentimento de alienação que mora em si como em todo o sujeito. Circular como a trajetória de Mário, a diegese abre e fecha num mesmo espaço: a aldeia, lugar não de ausência, mas de presença, próxima como está da voz primordial, de que são testemunho as pedras e a montanha secular, símbolos de “união indestrutível dos céus e da terra” (127).
Phase I trials use a small number of patients to define a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and the safety of new agents. We compared data from phase I and registration trials to determine whether early trials predicted later safety and final dose. We searched the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website for drugs approved in nonpediatric cancers (January 1990-October 2012). The recommended phase II dose (R2PD) and toxicities from phase I were compared with doses and safety in later trials. In 62 of 85 (73%) matched trials, the dose from the later trial was within 20% of the RP2D. In a multivariable analysis, phase I trials of targeted agents were less predictive of the final approved dose (OR, 0.2 for adopting ± 20% of the RP2D for targeted vs. other classes; P = 0.025). Of the 530 clinically relevant toxicities in later trials, 70% (n = 374) were described in phase I. A significant relationship (P = 0.0032) between increasing the number of patients in phase I (up to 60) and the ability to describe future clinically relevant toxicities was observed. Among 28,505 patients in later trials, the death rate that was related to drug was 1.41%. In conclusion, dosing based on phase I trials was associated with a low toxicity-related death rate in later trials. The ability to predict relevant toxicities correlates with the number of patients on the initial phase I trial. The final dose approved was within 20% of the RP2D in 73% of assessed trials.
Reports of long-term tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) treatment in HIV-infected adolescents are limited. We present final results from the open-label (OL) TDF extension following the randomized, placebo (PBO)-controlled, double-blind phase of GS-US-104-0321 (Study 321). HIV-infected 12- to 17-year-olds treated with TDF 300 mg or PBO with an optimized background regimen (OBR) for 24-48 weeks subsequently received OL TDF plus OBR in a single arm study extension. HIV-1 RNA and safety, including bone mineral density (BMD), was assessed in all TDF recipients. Eighty-one subjects received TDF (median duration 96 weeks). No subject died or discontinued OL TDF for safety/tolerability. At week 144, proportions with HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL were 30.4% (7 of 23 subjects with baseline HIV-1 RNA >1000 c/mL initially randomized to TDF), 41.7% (5 of 12 subjects with HIV-1 RNA <1000 c/mL who switched PBO to TDF) and 0% (0 of 2 subjects failed randomized PBO plus OBR with HIV-1 RNA >1000 c/mL and switched PBO to TDF). Viral resistance to TDF occurred in 1 subject. At week 144, median decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate was 38.1 mL/min/1.73 m (n = 25). Increases in median spine (+12.70%, n = 26) and total body less head BMD (+4.32%, n = 26) and height-age adjusted Z-scores (n = 21; +0.457 for spine, +0.152 for total body less head) were observed at week 144. Five of 81 subjects (6%) had persistent >4% BMD decreases from baseline. Some subjects had virologic responses to TDF plus OBR, and TDF resistance was rare. TDF was well tolerated and can be considered for treatment of HIV-infected adolescents.
BACKGROUND: The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) was developed to predict short-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis. There are few reports studying the correlation between MELD and long-term posttransplantation survival. AIM: To assess the value of pretransplant MELD in the prediction of posttransplant survival. METHODS: The adult patients (age >18 years) who underwent liver transplantation were examined in a retrospective longitudinal cohort of patients, through the prospective data base. We excluded acute liver failure, retransplantation and reduced or split-livers. The liver donors were evaluated according to: age, sex, weight, creatinine, bilirubin, sodium, aspartate aminotransferase, personal antecedents, brain death cause, steatosis, expanded criteria donor number and index donor risk. The recipients' data were: sex, age, weight, chronic hepatic disease, Child-Turcotte-Pugh points, pretransplant and initial MELD score, pretransplant creatinine clearance, sodium, cold and warm ischemia times, hospital length of stay, blood requirements, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT >1,000 UI/L = liver dysfunction). The Kaplan-Meier method with the log-rank test was used for the univariable analyses of posttransplant patient survival. For the multivariable analyses the Cox proportional hazard regression method with the stepwise procedure was used with stratifying sodium and MELD as variables. ROC curve was used to define area under the curve for MELD and Child-Turcotte-Pugh. RESULTS: A total of 232 patients with 10 years follow up were available. The MELD cutoff was 20 and Child-Turcotte-Pugh cutoff was 11.5. For MELD score > 20, the risk factors for death were: red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. For the patients with hyponatremia the risk factors were: negative delta-MELD score, red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. The regression univariated analyses came up with the following risk factors for death: score MELD > 25, blood requirements, recipient creatinine clearance pretransplant and age donor >50. After stepwise analyses, only red cell requirement was predictive. Patients with MELD score < 25 had a 68.86%, 50,44% and 41,50% chance for 1, 5 and 10-year survival and > 25 were 39.13%, 29.81% and 22.36% respectively. Patients without hyponatremia were 65.16%, 50.28% and 41,98% and with hyponatremia 44.44%, 34.28% and 28.57% respectively. Patients with IDR > 1.7 showed 53.7%, 27.71% and 13.85% and index donor risk <1.7 was 63.62%, 51.4% and 44.08%, respectively. Age donor > 50 years showed 38.4%, 26.21% and 13.1% and age donor <50 years showed 65.58%, 26.21% and 13.1%. Association with delta-MELD score did not show any significant difference. Expanded criteria donors were associated with primary non-function and severe liver dysfunction. Predictive factors for death were blood requirements, hyponatremia, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. CONCLUSION: In conclusion MELD over 25, recipient's hyponatremia, blood requirements, donor's sodium were associated with poor survival.
Evolving interfaces were initially focused on solutions to scientific problems in Fluid Dynamics. With the advent of the more robust modeling provided by Level Set method, their original boundaries of applicability were extended. Specifically to the Geometric Modeling area, works published until then, relating Level Set to tridimensional surface reconstruction, centered themselves on reconstruction from a data cloud dispersed in space; the approach based on parallel planar slices transversal to the object to be reconstructed is still incipient. Based on this fact, the present work proposes to analyse the feasibility of Level Set to tridimensional reconstruction, offering a methodology that simultaneously integrates the proved efficient ideas already published about such approximation and the proposals to process the inherent limitations of the method not satisfactorily treated yet, in particular the excessive smoothing of fine characteristics of contours evolving under Level Set. In relation to this, the application of the variant Particle Level Set is suggested as a solution, for its intrinsic proved capability to preserve mass of dynamic fronts. At the end, synthetic and real data sets are used to evaluate the presented tridimensional surface reconstruction methodology qualitatively.
This work proposes to determine the water activity and the freezing point depression of tangerine, pineapple and lemon juices at various concentrations (10-55oBrix) and to achieve a correlation between these properties. The freezing point depression was determined with a LAKTRON cryoscope and common laboratory materials. The water activity was determined with a DECAGON CX-2 hygrometer in the temperature range of 15 to 30oC. With the results, the adjustment to CHEN (1987) water activity prediction equation to non-electrolyte mixtures was verified, through the calculation of the variation coefficient (CV). Being CV smaller than 3% for the proposed model, it can be said that the experimental data have adjusted well to the prediction equation. The water activity and the freezing point depression was correlated for tangerine, pineapple and lemon juices and r2 values were higher than 99%. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the water activity by knowing the freezing point depression of studied juices.
This paper reports some exemplary data related to a research project on the role of translation in foreign language teaching-learning. The data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 47 Brazilian ESL learners. Specifically, the points of the analysis are: how the translation process is conceived by the students; why and when the translation is used by the learners in classroom situations; mother tongue/foreign language relationships in this specific context, among other aspects. The findings reveal that translation, when used a mediating resource for foreign language teaching-learning, can promote target language management.
Evolving interfaces were initially focused on solutions to scientific problems in Fluid Dynamics. With the advent of the more robust modeling provided by Level Set method, their original boundaries of applicability were extended. Specifically to the Geometric Modeling area, works published until then, relating Level Set to tridimensional surface reconstruction, centered themselves on reconstruction from a data cloud dispersed in space; the approach based on parallel planar slices transversal to the object to be reconstructed is still incipient. Based on this fact, the present work proposes to analyse the feasibility of Level Set to tridimensional reconstruction, offering a methodology that simultaneously integrates the proved efficient ideas already published about such approximation and the proposals to process the inherent limitations of the method not satisfactorily treated yet, in particular the excessive smoothing of fine characteristics of contours evolving under Level Set. In relation to this, the application of the variant Particle Level Set is suggested as a solution, for its intrinsic proved capability to preserve mass of dynamic fronts. At the end, synthetic and real data sets are used to evaluate the presented tridimensional surface reconstruction methodology qualitatively.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física