774 resultados para Ius aedificandi
On 3 April 2012, the Spanish Supreme Court issued a major ruling in favour of the Google search engine, including its ‘cache copy’ service: Sentencia n.172/2012, of 3 April 2012, Supreme Court, Civil Chamber.* The importance of this ruling lies not so much in the circumstances of the case (the Supreme Court was clearly disgusted by the claimant’s ‘maximalist’ petitum to shut down the whole operation of the search engine), but rather on the court going beyond the text of the Copyright Act into the general principles of the law and case law, and especially on the reading of the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) in a positive sense so as to include all these principles. After accepting that none of the limitations listed in the Spanish Copyright statute (TRLPI) exempted the unauthorized use of fragments of the contents of a personal website through the Google search engine and cache copy service, the Supreme Court concluded against infringement, based on the grounds that the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) is to be read not only in a negative manner but also in a positive sense so as to take into account that intellectual property – as any other kind of property – is limited in nature and must endure any ius usus inocui (harmless uses by third parties) and must abide to the general principles of the law, such as good faith and prohibition of an abusive exercise of rights (Art. 7 Spanish Civil Code).The ruling is a major success in favour of a flexible interpretation and application of the copyright statutes, especially in the scenarios raised by new technologies and market agents, and in favour of using the three-step test as a key tool to allow for it.
Il volume raccoglie i più significativi saggi di Wolfgang Waldstein sul ius naturale romano.
Zur Realisierung der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann sind institutionelle Mechanismen unabdingbar. Der Artikel zeigt die Entwicklung und den aktuellen Stand der öffentlichen Fachstellen zur Föderung der Gleichstellung in der Schweiz auf und geht – untermauert mit verschiedenen Beispielen aus der Praxis – auf die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Akteurinnen und Akteure ein. Das kulturelle und politische Umfeld für die Förderung von Gleichstellung unterscheidet sich stark zwischen den Kantonen und Regionen. Dies wird am Beispiel von familienergänzender Kinderbetreuung und Ressourcen für die Gleichstellungsarbeit illustriert
The synthesis of AlN on diamond is a great challenge, not only because of the between an AlN/diamond interface, but also because of the high surface roughness of the diamond layers [8, 9]. In the case of microcrystalline diamond, the last problem was solved by polishing. However, polishing nanocrystalline diamond is not straightforward. For the diamond synthesis by CVD, silicon was used as a substrate. The diamond/Si interface presents a smoother diamond than the diamond/air interface. This paper reports on the fabrication of high frequency SAW resonators using AlN/Diamond/Si technology.
In this work we present the assessment of the structural and piezoelectric properties of Al(0.5-x)TixN0.5 compounds (titanium content menor que6% atomic), which are expected to possess improved properties than conventional AlN films, such as larger piezoelectric activity, thermal stability of frequency and temperature resistance. Al:Ti:N films were deposited from a twin concentric target of Al and Ti by reactive AC sputtering, which provided films with a radial gradient of the Ti concentration. The properties of the films were investigated as a function of their composition, which was measured by electron dispersive energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The microstructure and morphology of the films were assessed by X-ray diffraction and infrared reflectance. Their electroacoustic properties and dielectric constant were derived from the frequency response of BAW test resonators. Al:Ti:N films properties appear to be strongly dependent on the Ti content, which modifies the AlN wurtzite crystal structure leading to greater dielectric constant, lower sound velocities, lower electromechanical factor and moderately improved temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency.
Contiene : Leyes Rhódianas / traducidas al castellano por el texto que publicó Leonclavio en su Ius Greco-Romano
Lo studio delle nuove forme di vitalizio diffuse nella prassi giuridica, da sempre oggetto di vivo interesse, ha sollevato l'annosa e complessa problematica degli incerti rapporti con il modello tipico della rendita vitalizia; diverse, nel tempo, sono state le ricostruzioni della dottrina e della giurisprudenza, che hanno animato e tuttora sollecitano il dibattito dottrinale e giurisprudenziale in detta materia, in relazione alle molteplici ipotesi di vitalizi, tradizionalmente identificati come vitalizi impropri, così da tenerli distinti, almeno dal punto di vista classificatorio, dalla matrice della rendita di fonte codicistica. Delineati i tratti salienti dei medesimi vitalizi e ripercorso il lungo processo evolutivo sulla ricostruzione del concetto di causa del contratto - culminante con l'affermazione della causa quale funzione economico-individuale nonché dell'assoluta rilevanza dell'attenta valutazione degli interessi concretamente in gioco ai fini di una corretta analisi di ogni singola figura negoziale - si è pervenuto, facendo impiego di quest'ultimo criterio di indagine nella verifica, in detta materia, della variegata prassi contrattuale, al superamento della contrapposizione dicotomica di tipicità ed atipicità in sede di inquadramento dei vitalizi impropri ed alla consapevolezza della necessità di esaminare, per ciascuna delle fattispecie di vitalizio improprio, la regolamentazione posta dalle parti, al fine di accertare, volta a volta, la compatibilità delle singole norme legislative in tema di rendita con la concreta sistemazione di interessi voluta dai paciscenti.
Il seguente lavoro si occupa del vincolo di destinazione nei suoi diversi aspetti : la genesi dell'art. 2645-ter del codice civile, la natura giuridica, la struttura, gli elementi essenziali, la casistica ed i soggetti coinvolti