952 resultados para Heren, Dieter
Telescopic systems of structural members with clearance are found in many applications, e.g., mobile cranes, rack feeders, fork lifters, stacker cranes (see Figure 1). Operating these machines, undesirable vibrations may reduce the performance and increase safety problems. Therefore, this contribution has the aim to reduce these harmful vibrations. For a better understanding, the dynamic behaviour of these constructions is analysed. The main interest is the overlapping area of each two sections of the above described systems (see markings in Figure 1) which is investigated by measurements and by computations. A test rig is constructed to determine the dynamic behaviour by measuring fundamental vibrations and higher frequent oscillations, damping coefficients, special appearances and more. For an appropriate physical model, the governing boundary value problem is derived by applying Hamilton’s principle and a classical discretisation procedure is used to generate a coupled system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations as the corresponding truncated mathematical model. On the basis of this model, a controller concept for preventing harmful vibrations is developed.
To compare clinical benefit response (CBR) and quality of life (QOL) in patients receiving gemcitabine (Gem) plus capecitabine (Cap) versus single-agent Gem for advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer.
To assess the effects of long-term treatment of bone loss with alendronate in a group of paraplegic men, 55 patients were evaluated in a prospective randomized controlled open label study that was 2 years in duration comparing alendronate and calcium with calcium alone. Bone loss was stopped at all cortical and trabecular infralesional sites (distal tibial epiphysis, tibial diaphysis, total hip) with alendronate 10 mg daily.
To study the time course of demineralization and fracture incidence after spinal cord injury (SCI), 100 paraplegic men with complete motor loss were investigated in a cross-sectional study 3 months to 30 years after their traumatic SCI. Fracture history was assessed and verified using patients' files and X-rays. BMD of the lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN), distal forearm (ultradistal part = UDR, 1/3 distal part = 1/3R), distal tibial diaphysis (TDIA), and distal tibial epiphysis (TEPI) was measured using DXA. Stiffness of the calcaneus (QUI.CALC), speed of sound of the tibia (SOS.TIB), and amplitude-dependent SOS across the proximal phalanges (adSOS.PHAL) were measured using QUS. Z-Scores of BMD and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) were plotted against time-since-injury and compared among four groups of paraplegics stratified according to time-since-injury (<1 year, stratum I; 1-9 years, stratum II; 10-19 years, stratum III; 20-29 years, stratum IV). Biochemical markers of bone turnover (deoxypyridinoline/creatinine (D-pyr/Cr), osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase) and the main parameters of calcium phosphate metabolism were measured. Fifteen out of 98 paraplegics had sustained a total of 39 fragility fractures within 1,010 years of observation. All recorded fractures were fractures of the lower limbs, mean time to first fracture being 8.9 +/- 1.4 years. Fracture incidence increased with time-after-SCI, from 1% in the first 12 months to 4.6%/year in paraplegics since >20 years ( p<.01). The overall fracture incidence was 2.2%/year. Compared with nonfractured paraplegics, those with a fracture history had been injured for a longer time ( p<.01). Furthermore, they had lower Z-scores at FN, TEPI, and TDIA ( p<.01 to <.0001), the largest difference being observed at TDIA, compared with the nonfractured. At the lower limbs, BMD decreased with time at all sites ( r=.49 to.78, all p<.0001). At FN and TEPI, bone loss followed a log curve which leveled off between 1 to 3 years after injury. In contrast, Z-scores of TDIA continuously decreased even beyond 10 years after injury. LS BMD Z-score increased with time-since-SCI ( p<.05). Similarly to DXA, QUS allowed differentiation of early and rapid trabecular bone loss (QUI.CALC) vs slow and continuous cortical bone loss (SOS.TIB). Biochemical markers reflected a disproportion between highly elevated bone resorption and almost normal bone formation early after injury. Turnover declined following a log curve with time-after-SCI, however, D-pyr/Cr remained elevated in 30% of paraplegics injured >10 years. In paraplegic men early (trabecular) and persistent (cortical) bone loss occurs at the lower limbs and leads to an increasing fracture incidence with time-after-SCI.
Der Aufsatz untersucht anhand von zwei Beispielen aus dem Bereich der Oberfinanzdirektion Hannover, inwieweit die Behandlung der Sinti und Roma durch die Finanzverwaltung mit der von Juden übereinstimmte bzw. wo es Unterschiede gab. Seit Kriegsausbruch orientierte sich die NS-Politik gegenüber Sinti und Roma auf eine 'Endlösung der Zigeunerfrage'. An den Beispielen einer größeren Gruppe Sinti und des Fuhrunternehmers Friedrich wird gezeigt, wie auf der Basis des 'Gesetzes über die Einziehung volks- und staatsfeindlichen Vermögens' der Besitz der Betroffenen nach ihrer Verhaftung und Deportation vom Staat eingezogen wurde. Das auf politische Gegner zielende Gesetz von 1933 war 1941 erst auf Juden, dann auf Sinti und Roma ausgedehnt worden. Die Vermögensverwertungsstelle des Oberfinanzpräsidenten übertrug den zuständigen Finanzämtern die eingezogenen Vermögen mit dem Auftrag, sie "wie Judensachen zu behandeln". Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Rechtsgrundlagen und Strukturen der Behandlung bei Sinti und Roma und Juden identisch waren, dass aber bei den Sinti das prinzipiell gleiche Verfahren der Finanzbürokratie summarischer und willkürlicher angewandt wurde, wodurch die legalistische Bemäntelung des Raubs zu einer sinnentleerten Formalie wurde. Sie sieht darin eine Konsequenz des traditionellen Antiziganismus der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und der traditionell gegen die Bürgerrechte verstoßenden Zigeunerpolitik und Zigeunergesetzgebung in Deutschland.
While navigation systems for cars are in widespread use, only recently, indoor navigation systems based on smartphone apps became technically feasible. Hence tools in order to plan and evaluate particular designs of information provision are needed. Since tests in real infrastructures are costly and environmental conditions cannot be held constant, one must resort to virtual infrastructures. This paper presents the development of an environment for the support of the design of indoor navigation systems whose center piece consists in a hands-free navigation method using the Microsoft Kinect in the four-sided Definitely Affordable Virtual Environment (DAVE). Navigation controls using the user's gestures and postures as the input to the controls are designed and implemented. The installation of expensive and bulky hardware like treadmills is avoided while still giving the user a good impression of the distance she has traveled in virtual space. An advantage in comparison to approaches using a head mounted display is that the DAVE allows the users to interact with their smartphone. Thus the effects of different indoor navigation systems can be evaluated already in the planning phase using the resulting system
To examine the effect of diagnosis, mood state, and anxiety on subjective wellbeing in patients with affective and non-affective psychotic disorders treated with quetiapine IR.
Cognitive-perceptive 'basic symptoms' are used complementary to ultra-high-risk criteria in order to predict onset of psychosis in the pre-psychotic phase. The aim was to investigate the prevalence of a broad selection of 'basic symptoms' in a representative general adolescent population sample (GPS; N=96) and to compare it with adolescents first admitted for early onset psychosis (EOP; N=87) or non-psychotic psychiatric disorders (NP; N=137).
To study the longitudinal patterns of subjective wellbeing in schizophrenia using cluster analysis and their relation to recovery criteria, further to examine predictors for cluster affiliation, and to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of baseline subjective wellbeing cut-offs for cluster affiliation.
Gelten die im Zuge des Wohnungsbauprogramms in der DDR seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre in industrieller Bauweise errichteten Neubaugebiete als Inbegriff ortloser Betonghettos, steht jener öffentlichen Wahrnehmung die Intention gegenüber, durch die Integration des natürlichen, landschaftlichen und baulichen Erbes sowie durch künstlerische Strategien der Vermittlung regionaler Gegebenheiten Identität zu stiften. Den Hintergrund hierfür bildeten sowohl ein verändertes Geschichtsbild als auch ein sich allmählich herausbildendes Umweltbewusstsein. Im vermeintlichen Typeneinerlei der Großwohnsiedlung Berlin-Marzahn sucht der Beitrag nach theoretischen Grundlagen und praktischen Ansätzen für die Einbeziehung des mittelalterlichen Angerdorfs sowie nach Spuren der Repräsentation der märkischen Landschaft. Ihrer rudimentären Verwirklichung zum Trotz bilden sie die Grundlage für Umbau und weitere Entwicklung.