915 resultados para Garner, Mark: Language : An ecological view
RESUMO: A violência escolar, entendida como todo ato praticado de maneira isolada ou em grupo nas instituições de ensino ou em suas redondezas, envolvendo o corpo discente e/ou docente desses estabelecimentos, é uma realidade vivenciada pelos mesmos e reconhecida por toda a sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa investigou a problemática nas instituições de ensino público da Cidade de Aracaju, capital de Sergipe, Brasil. A pesquisa possibilitou demonstrar algumas das causas e consequências da violência, e entender os motivos que permitem o seu desenvolvimento em escolas públicas, campo da pesquisa, com subsídios não somente na ciência da educação como também na ciência jurídica, visto que fundamenta suas ideias em Leis e Normas que orientam e tipificam o comportamento do indivíduo na sociedade. Nesta pesquisa – de caráter exploratório e descritivo, de cunho analítico, coerente com as questões e objetivos propostos ao objeto de estudo – recorreu-se a uma pesquisa de campo com análise quali-quantitativa com resultados apresentados em gráficos, quadros e registros de ocorrência, utilizando como universo pesquisado escolas públicas municipais de Aracaju, através de questionário aplicado aos diretores e funcionários em visita “in loco”. A pesquisa é baseada em teorias que fundamentam os resultados encontrados de que o “homem é produto do meio”, isto é, a sociedade em que vive e a família têm uma influência e um papel fundamental na formação da personalidade do indivíduo, seja ele bom ou ruim. ABSTRACT: The school violence, understood as any act performed in isolation or in groups in educational institutions or in its surroundings, involving the student body and / or teaching of these establishments, is a reality faced by them and recognized throughout society. From this perspective, this research investigated the issue in public education institutions in the city of Aracaju, capital of Sergipe, Brazil. The research allow us to demonstrate some of the causes and consequences of violence, and understand the reasons that allow its development in public schools, field of research, with subsidies not only in science education as well as in legal science, since it bases its ideas on Laws and Regulations that guide and typify the behavior of the individual in society. In this research, exploratory and descriptive character, of an analytical view, consistent with the proposed objectives and issues to the object of this study - resorted to a field research with quantitative and qualitative analysis with results presented in graphs, charts and records of occurrence, using as group studied public schools in Aracaju, through a questionnaire applied to directors and employees to visit in the place. The research is based on theories that motivate the results found that “the man is the product of the environment”, this means, the society in which they live and the family have an influence and a key role in shaping the character of the individual, be it good or bad. KEYWORDS: school
O presente estudo visa identificar opiniões e conceções de cinco professoras de educação especial em relação ao seu contexto profissional e ao seu desempenho no mesmo. O estudo lida, assim, com as perspetivas dessas professoras, pretendendo-se caraterizar o seu pensamento sobre as condições reais para a inclusão de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) e o seu papel nesse sentido, apesar dos constrangimentos existentes. Assume-se que o professor é, enquanto profissional, não só produto de valores pessoais, sociais e institucionais/políticos como também seu veículo. Os dados foram recolhidos através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas às referidas professoras, seleccionadas pelos seus largos anos de experiência em escolas da região da Grande Lisboa. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que as professoras são afetadas no seu desempenho profissional por fatores pessoais e sociais e ainda pelas interações com professores titulares de turma, técnicos especializados e poder institucional. Pode ainda concluir-se que as professoras preocupam-se em fazer uma intervenção ecológica junto do aluno, preocupando-se não só com o seu desenvolvimento pessoal, como também com a sua inclusão na escola, família e sociedade. Ressaltam ainda, do estudo, preocupações no que concerne ao futuro destes alunos e à evolução da Educação Especial, resultado das políticas educativas vigentes.
This paper contains a speech discrimination test in Southern Sotho language (an African language spoken in Southern Africa).
El planeamiento del autor hace referencia a como el ordenamiento territorial y el control –estatal, comunal o privado– de los recursos estratégicos del país serán el tema central de debate en la Asamblea Constituyente de Bolivia. Garcés pasa revista a las propuestas de las organizaciones y del gobierno boliviano y finaliza señalando que será un desafío para la Asamblea y para el gobierno de Morales tomar en cuenta los planteamientos de las organizaciones indígenas y campesinas del país.
La epidemiología empírico-analítica asume como un pilar interpretativo la noción de "lugar" para las descripciones que construye. La epidemiología crítica supera esa noción restrictiva y propone una construcción innovadora del espacio de la salud urbana retomando los aportes de la teoría crítica del espacio y la geografía, y articulando estos avances con los de la propia epidemiología desde una perspectiva de la determinación social de la salud. Desde esta óptica se repiensa la relación urbano-rural a la luz de los procesos históricos de aceleración, drástica pérdida de sustentabilidad y profunda inequidad urbanas, así como del papel de la nueva ruralidad capitalista monopólica, en avivar el cierre del espacio de la vida en nuestras ciudades. Se busca superar el mito de la dualidad urbano rural, se cuestiona el paradigma dominante de la modernidad que impuso la comprensión de dos mundos prácticamente contrapuestos: la ciudad como rectora, cosmopolita, avanzada y pujante, y lo rural como un mundo atrasado, local, más simple, y secundario, pues en años más recientes, la distinción clásica entre lo urbano y lo rural se hace cada vez más difícil, lamentablemente con una perversa dialéctica de deterioro e influjos malsanos de uno a otro espacio.
The extent to which species are plastic in the timing of their reproductive events relative to phenology suggests how climate change might affect their demography. An ecological mismatch between the timing of hatch for avian species and the peak availability in quality and quantity of forage for rapidly growing offspring might ultimately affect recruitment to the breeding population unless individuals can adjust the timing of breeding to adapt to changing phenology. We evaluated effects of goose density, hatch timing relative to forage plant phenology, and weather indices on annual growth of pre-fledging Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from 1993-2010 at Akimiski Island, Nunavut. We found effects of both density and hatch timing relative to forage plant phenology; the earlier that eggs hatched relative to forage plant phenology, the larger the mean gosling size near fledging. Goslings were smallest in years when hatch was latest relative to forage plant phenology, and when local abundance of breeding adults was highest. We found no evidence for a trend in relative hatch timing, but it was apparent that in early springs, Canada geese tended to hatch later relative to vegetation phenology, suggesting that geese were not always able to adjust the timing of nesting as rapidly as vegetation phenology was advanced. Analyses using forage biomass information revealed a positive relationship between gosling size and per capita biomass availability, suggesting a causal mechanism for the density effect. The effects of weather parameters explained additional variation in mean annual gosling size, although total June and July rainfall had a small additive effect on gosling size. Modelling of annual first-year survival probability using mean annual gosling size as an annual covariate revealed a positive relationship, suggesting that reduced gosling growth negatively impacts recruitment.
The alphaviruses were amongst the first arboviruses to be isolated, characterized and assigned a taxonomic status. They are globally very widespread, infecting a large variety of terrestrial animals, insects and even fish, and circulate both in the sylvatic and urban/peri-urban environment, causing considerable human morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, despite their obvious importance as pathogens, there are currently no effective antiviral drugs with which to treat humans or animals infected by any of these viruses. The EU-supported project—VIZIER (Comparative Structural Genomics of Viral Enzymes Involved in Replication, FP6 Project: 2004-511960) was instigated with an ultimate view of contributing to the development of antiviral therapies for RNA viruses, including the alphaviruses [Coutard, B., Gorbalenya, A.E., Snijder, E.J., Leontovich, A.M., Poupon, A., De Lamballerie, X., Charrel, R., Gould, E.A., Gunther, S., Norder, H., Klempa, B., Bourhy, H., Rohayemj, J., L’hermite, E., Nordlund, P., Stuart, D.I., Owens, R.J., Grimes, J.M., Tuckerm, P.A., Bolognesi, M., Mattevi, A., Coll, M., Jones, T.A., Åqvist, J., Unger, T., Hilgenfeld, R., Bricogne, G., Neyts, J., La Colla, P., Puerstinger, G., Gonzalez, J.P., Leroy, E., Cambillau, C., Romette, J.L., Canard, B., 2008. The VIZIER project: preparedness against pathogenic RNA viruses. Antiviral Res. 78, 37–46]. This review highlights some of the major features of alphaviruses that have been investigated during recent years. After describing their classification, epidemiology and evolutionary history and the expanding geographic distribution of Chikungunya virus, we review progress in understanding the structure and function of alphavirus replicative enzymes achieved under the VIZIER programme and the development of new disease control strategies.
Many studies are accumulating that report the neuroprotective, cardioprotective, and chemopreventive actions of dietary flavonoids. While there has been a major focus on the antioxidant properties, there is an emerging view that flavonoids, and their in vivo metabolites, do not act as conventional hydrogen-donating antioxidants but may exert modulatory actions in cells through actions at protein kinase and lipid kinase signalling pathways. Flavonoids, and more recently their metabolites, have been reported to act at phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), Akt/protein kinase B (Akt/PKB), tyrosine kinases, protein kinase C (PKC), and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) signalling cascades. Inhibitory or stimulatory actions at these pathways are likely to affect cellular function profoundly by altering the phosphorylation state of target molecules and by modulating gene expression. A clear understanding of the mechanisms of action of flavonoids, either as antioxidants or modulators of cell signalling, and the influence of their metabolism on these properties are key to the evaluation of these potent biomolecules as anticancer agents, cardioprotectants, and inhibitors of neurodegeneration (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents results to indicate the potential applications of a direct connection between the human nervous system and a computer network. Actual experimental results obtained from a human subject study are given, with emphasis placed on the direct interaction between the human nervous system and possible extra-sensory input. An brief overview of the general state of neural implants is given, as well as a range of application areas considered. An overall view is also taken as to what may be possible with implant technology as a general purpose human-computer interface for the future.
By 2030, the world’s human population could rise to 8 billion people and world food demand may increase by 50%. Although food production outpaced population growth in the 20th century, it is clear that the environmental costs of these increases cannot be sustained into the future. This challenges us to re-think the way we produce food. We argue that viewing food production systems within an ecosystems context provides the basis for 21st century food production. An ecosystems view recognises that food production systems depend on ecosystem services but also have ecosystem impacts. These dependencies and impacts are often poorly understood by many people and frequently overlooked. We provide an overview of the key ecosystem services involved in different food production systems, including crop and livestock production, aquaculture and the harvesting of wild nature. We highlight the important ecosystem impacts of food production systems, including habitat loss and degradation, changes to water and nutrient cycles across a range of scales, and biodiversity loss. These impacts often undermine the very ecosystem services on which food production systems depend, as well as other ecosystem services unrelated to food. We argue that addressing these impacts requires us to re-design food production systems to recognise and manage the limitations on production imposed by the ecosystems within which they are embedded, and increasingly embrace a more multifunctional view of food production systems and associated ecosystems. In this way, we should be able to produce food more sustainably whilst inflicting less damage on other important ecosystem services.
Long time series of ground-based plant phenology, as well as more than two decades of satellite-derived phenological metrics, are currently available to assess the impacts of climate variability and trends on terrestrial vegetation. Traditional plant phenology provides very accurate information on individual plant species, but with limited spatial coverage. Satellite phenology allows monitoring of terrestrial vegetation on a global scale and provides an integrative view at the landscape level. Linking the strengths of both methodologies has high potential value for climate impact studies. We compared a multispecies index from ground-observed spring phases with two types (maximum slope and threshold approach) of satellite-derived start-of-season (SOS) metrics. We focus on Switzerland from 1982 to 2001 and show that temporal and spatial variability of the multispecies index correspond well with the satellite-derived metrics. All phenological metrics correlate with temperature anomalies as expected. The slope approach proved to deviate strongly from the temporal development of the ground observations as well as from the threshold-defined SOS satellite measure. The slope spring indicator is considered to indicate a different stage in vegetation development and is therefore less suited as a SOS parameter for comparative studies in relation to ground-observed phenology. Satellite-derived metrics are, however, very susceptible to snow cover, and it is suggested that this snow cover should be better accounted for by the use of newer satellite sensors.
During his lifetime, Sir Bernard Spilsbury was referred to as the ‘‘father of forensic medicine.’’ He became a household name as a result of several famous cases. Several articles have been written about his life and work, but an objective assessment has proved difficult because of the lack of available material that Spilsbury himself produced. His main legacy has been a series of case cards, but for many years these were unavailable to the researcher. In 2008, a collection of some 4000 of Spilsbury’s case cards was bought by The Wellcome Library in London and therefore entered the public domain. In this article, we report our study of 650 of these cards. We discuss trends in Spilsbury’s work and several specific cases in more detail. These cards allow an objective view to be taken of Spilsbury’s everyday work, and we feel that some reappraisal of his legacy is now timely
Two central issues in magnetospheric research are understanding the mapping of the low-altitude ionosphere to the distant regions of the magnetsphere, and understanding the relationship between the small-scale features detected in the various regions of the ionosphere and the global properties of the magnetosphere. The high-latitude ionosphere, through its magnetic connection to the outer magnetosphere, provides an important view of magnetospheric boundaries and the physical processes occurring there. All physical manifestations of this magnetic connectivity (waves, particle precipitation, etc.), however, have non-zero propagation times during which they are convected by the large-scale magnetospheric electric field, with phenomena undergoing different convection distances depending on their propagation times. Identification of the ionospheric signatures of magnetospheric regions and phenomena, therefore, can be difficult. Considerable progress has recently been made in identifying these convection signatures in data from low- and high-altitude satellites. This work has allowed us to learn much about issues such as: the rates of magnetic reconnection, both at the dayside magnetopause and in the magnetotail; particle transport across the open magnetopause; and particle acceleration at the magnetopause and the magnetotail current sheets.
Detailed observations of the solar system planets reveal a wide variety of local atmospheric conditions. Astronomical observations have revealed a variety of extrasolar planets none of which resembles any of the solar system planets in full. Instead, the most massive amongst the extrasolar planets, the gas giants, appear very similar to the class of (young) Brown Dwarfs which are amongst the oldest objects in the universe. Despite of this diversity, solar system planets, extrasolar planets and Brown Dwarfs have broadly similar global temperatures between 300K and 2500K. In consequence, clouds of different chemical species form in their atmospheres. While the details of these clouds differ, the fundamental physical processes are the same. Further to this, all these objects were observed to produce radio and X-ray emission. While both kinds of radiation are well studied on Earth and to a lesser extent on the solar system planets, the occurrence of emission that potentially originate from accelerated electrons on Brown Dwarfs, extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks is not well understood yet. This paper offers an interdisciplinary view on electrification processes and their feedback on their hosting environment in meteorology, volcanology, planetology and research on extrasolar planets and planet formation.