633 resultados para Galaxy: bulge
A stately fraction of the Universe volume is dominated by almost empty space. Alongside the luminous filamentary structures that make it up, there are vast and smooth regions that have remained outside the Cosmology spotlight during the past decades: cosmic voids. Although essentially devoid of matter, voids enclose fundamental information about the cosmological framework and have gradually become an effective and competitive cosmological probe. In this Thesis work we present fundamental results about the cosmological exploitation of voids. We focused on the number density of voids as a function of their radius, known as void size function, developing an effective pipeline for its cosmological usage. We proposed a new parametrisation of the most used theoretical void size function to model voids identified in the distribution of biased tracers (i.e. dark matter haloes, galaxies and galaxy clusters), a step of fundamental importance to extend the analysis to real data surveys. We then applied our built methodology to study voids in alternative cosmological scenarios. Firstly we exploited voids with the aim of breaking the degeneracies between cosmological scenarios characterised by modified gravity and the inclusion of massive neutrinos. Secondly we analysed voids in the perspective of the Euclid survey, focusing on the void abundance constraining power on dynamical dark energy models with massive neutrinos. Moreover we explored other void statistics like void profiles and clustering (i.e. the void-galaxy and the void-void correlation), providing cosmological forecasts for the Euclid mission. We finally focused on the probe combination, highlighting the incredible potential of the joint analysis of multiple void statistics and of the combination of the void size function with different cosmological probes. Our results show the fundamental role of the void analysis in constraining the fundamental parameters of the cosmological model and pave the way for future studies on this topic.
Dynamical models of stellar systems represent a powerful tool to study their internal structure and dynamics, to interpret the observed morphological and kinematical fields, and also to support numerical simulations of their evolution. We present a method especially designed to build axisymmetric Jeans models of galaxies, assumed as stationary and collisionless stellar systems. The aim is the development of a rigorous and flexible modelling procedure of multicomponent galaxies, composed of different stellar and dark matter distributions, and a central supermassive black hole. The stellar components, in particular, are intended to represent different galaxy structures, such as discs, bulges, halos, and can then have different structural (density profile, flattening, mass, scale-length), dynamical (rotation, velocity dispersion anisotropy), and population (age, metallicity, initial mass function, mass-to-light ratio) properties. The theoretical framework supporting the modelling procedure is presented, with the introduction of a suitable nomenclature, and its numerical implementation is discussed, with particular reference to the numerical code JASMINE2, developed for this purpose. We propose an approach for efficiently scaling the contributions in mass, luminosity, and rotational support, of the different matter components, allowing for fast and flexible explorations of the model parameter space. We also offer different methods of the computation of the gravitational potentials associated of the density components, especially convenient for their easier numerical tractability. A few galaxy models are studied, showing internal, and projected, structural and dynamical properties of multicomponent galaxies, with a focus on axisymmetric early-type galaxies with complex kinematical morphologies. The application of galaxy models to the study of initial conditions for hydro-dynamical and $N$-body simulations of galaxy evolution is also addressed, allowing in particular to investigate the large number of interesting combinations of the parameters which determine the structure and dynamics of complex multicomponent stellar systems.
Cool giant and supergiant stars are among the brightest populations in any stellar system and they are easily observable out to large distances, especially at infrared wavelengths. These stars also dominate the integrated light of star clusters in a wide range of ages, making them powerful tracers of stellar populations in more distant galaxies. High-resolution near-IR spectroscopy is a key tool for quantitatively investigating their kinematic, evolutionary and chemical properties. However, the systematic exploration and calibration of the NIR spectral diagnostics to study these cool stellar populations based on high-resolution spectroscopy is still in its pioneering stage. Any effort to make progress in the field is innovative and of impact on stellar archaeology and stellar evolution. This PhD project takes the challenge of exploring that new parameter space and characterizing the physical properties, the chemical content and the kinematics of cool giants and supergiants in selected disc fields and clusters of our Galaxy, with the ultimate goal of tracing their past and recent star formation and chemical enrichment history. By using optical HARPS-N and near-infrared GIANO-B high-resolution stellar spectra in the context of the large program SPA-Stellar Population Astrophysics: the detailed, age-resolved chemistry of the Milky Way disk” (PI L. Origlia), an extensive study of Arcturus, a standard calibrator for red giant stars, has been performed. New diagnostics of stellar parameters as well as optimal linelists for chemical analysis have been provided. Then, such diagnostics have been used to determine evolutionary properties, detailed chemical abundances of almost 30 different elements and mixing processes of a homogeneous sample of red supergiant stars in the Perseus complex.
La tesi si propone di descrivere le diverse fasi storiche attraverso le quali si è evoluta la struttura narrativa del personaggio di Perceval nei primi due secoli della sua genesi nella letteratura romanza ed europea. Il personaggio ha avuto un notevole successo dal Medioevo di Chrétien of Troyes fino all'età moderna e contemporanea. Lo studio filologico dell'evoluzione del personaggio all'interno della galassia testuale e delle forme della sua tradizione permette di delineare un quadro composito, in cui è possibile rintracciare la genesi e lo sviluppo di importanti fenomeni storico-letterari, destinati a influenzare la letteratura europea e occidentale nel lungo periodo. Una seconda parte è invece dedicata allo studio della struttura letteraria e narrativa del personaggio rintracciabile all'interno della lettura delle differenti opere che tramandano le versioni della storia di Perceval. Infine, la ricerca si concentra su un caso di studio in grado di illuminare la persistenza delle strutture sopra individuate: le Prophecies de Merlin, romanzo arturiano della seconda metà del XIII secolo, sono infatti espressione delle modalità in cui la storia della vita di Perceval viene messa in scena in testi che non si concentrano direttamente sulla sua biografia. All'interno della tradizione delle Prophecies de Merlin, il profeta del regno arturiano di cui sono raccolte numerose profezie, il caso del Livre d'Helias et Perceval è emblematico. Il Livre d'Helias et Perceval delle Prophecies de Merlin, accompagnato da uno studio filologico che comprende un'edizione critica, uno studio completo della tradizione e un'analisi linguistica, si propone quindi come caso di studio ideale per analizzare la fortuna e l'evoluzione del personaggio di Perceval nel Medioevo romanzesco ed europeo.
Almost 18-35% of cutaneous melanomas are located in the head and neck region (2-5% of them in the scalp) and according to multiple epidemiological studies they are supposed to have a worse prognosis with respect to those of other body areas. The aim of this phD project is to perform a global evaluation of head/neck region cutaneous melanomas with a distinct analysis of histological, dermoscopic and molecular features of the selected cases. The diffuse distribution of folliculotropism (≥3 HF/specimen), the presence of atypical melanocytes into the isthmus, and the perifollicular involvement were associated with melanoma recurrence. The dermoscopic parameter grey circles in lentigo maligna was correlated to the depth of folliculotropism, with a higher probability of an isthmic or bulge follicular extension of neoplastic melanocytes. The detection of grey circles, light/dark brown pseudonetwork and light brown structureless areas in lentigo maligna melanoma was associated with the distribution of folliculotropism (focal/diffuse). MiR-146a-5p expression was shown to be significantly greater in melanomas with a mitotic rate ≥1/mm2 as well as in ulcerated lesions compared to those without ulceration. No difference emerged evaluating regression when considering all melanomas subtypes, but an higher expression was noticed in the lentigo maligna melanoma group. Moreover, miR-146a-5p expression was lower in head/neck region cutaneous melanomas with Breslow thickness ≥0.8 mm. These results give further insights for the management of cutaneous melanomas with specific adverse prognostic elements. As the majority of head/neck region cutaneous melanomas are wild type of BRAF and NRAS mutations and not suitable for targeted therapies, the discovery of new molecular targets may provide relevant opportunities for their treatment.
This Thesis presents the results of my work on how galaxy clusters form by the accretion of sub-clumps and diffuse materials, and how the accreted energy is distributed in the X-ray emitting plasma. Indeed, on scales larger than tens of millions of light years, the Universe is self-organised by gravity into a spiderweb, the Cosmic Web. Galaxy clusters are the knots of this Cosmic Web, but a strong definition of filaments (which link different knots) and their physical proprieties, is still uncertain. Even if this pattern was determined by studying the spatial distribution of galaxies in the optical band, recently, also in the X-rays probes of filamentary structures around galaxy clusters were obtained. Therefore, given these observational facilities, the galaxy clusters’ outskirts are the best candidate regions to detect filaments and study their physical characteristics. However, from X-rays observations, we have only a few detections of cosmic filaments to date. On the other hand, it is crucial to understand how the accreted energy is dissipated in the baryon content of galaxy clusters and groups. Indeed, it is well known that in the central region of galaxy clusters and groups, the baryon fraction increases with the halo mass. On the outer region, the lack of X-rays constraints influences our understanding of the evolution of baryons in the halos volume. The standard assumption of “closed-box” system, for which the baryon fraction should approach the cosmological ratio Omega_bar/Omega_m, for galaxy clusters and groups seems to be too strong, especially for less massive objects. Moreover, a complete redshift evolution of baryons in galaxy clusters and groups is still missing.
Understanding how Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shape galaxy evolution is a key challenge of modern astronomy. In the framework where black hole (BH) and galaxy growth are linked, AGN feedback must be tackled both at its “causes” (e.g. AGN-driven winds) and its “effects” (alteration of the gas reservoir in AGN hosts). The most informative cosmic time is z~1-3, at the peak of AGN activity and galaxy buildup, the so-called cosmic noon. The aim of this thesis is to provide new insights regarding some key questions that still remain open in this research field: i) What are the properties of AGN-driven sub-pc scale winds at z>1? ii) Are AGN-driven winds effective in influencing the life of galaxies? iii) Do AGN impact directly on star formation (SF) and gas content of their hosts? I first address AGN feedback as “caught in the act” by studying ultra-fast outflows (UFOs), X-ray AGN-driven winds, in gravitationally lensed quasars. I build the first statistically robust sample of high-z AGN, not preselected based on AGN-driven winds. I derive a first estimate of the high-z UFO detection fraction and measure the UFO duty cycle of a single high-z quasar for the first time. I also address the “effects” of AGN feedback on the life of host galaxies. If AGN influence galaxy growth, then they will reasonably impact the molecular gas reservoir first, and SF as a consequence. Through a comparative study of the molecular gas content in cosmic-noon AGN hosts and matched non-active galaxies (i.e., galaxies not hosting an AGN), we find that the host galaxies of more regular AGN (not selected to be the most luminous) are generally similar to non-active galaxies. However, we report on the possibility of a luminosity effect regulating the efficiency by which AGN might impact on galaxy growth.
Radio galaxies (RGs) are extremely relevant in addressing important unknowns concerning the interaction among black hole accretion, radio jets, and the environment. In the classical scheme, their accretion rate and ejection of relativistic jets are directly linked: efficient accretion (HERG) is associated with powerful edge-brightened jets (FRIIs); inefficient accretion (LERG) is associated with weak edge-darkened jets (FRIs). The observation of RGs with an inefficient engine associated with edge-brightened radio emission (FRII-LERGs) broke this scheme. FRII-LERGs constitute a suitable population to explore how accretion and ejection are linked and evaluate the environment's role in shaping jets. To this aim, we performed a multiwavelength study of different RGs catalogs spanning from Jy to mJy flux densities. At first, we investigated the X-ray properties of a sample of 51 FRIIs belonging to the 3CR catalog at z<0.3. Two hypotheses were invoked to explain FRII-LERGs behavior: evolution from classical FRIIs; the role of the environment. Next, we explored the mJy sky by studying the optical-radio properties of hundreds of RGs at z<0.15 (Best & Heckman 2012 sample). FRII-LERGs appear more similar to the old FRI-LERGs than to the young FRII-HERGs. These results point towards an evolutive scenario, however, nuclear time scale changes, star population aging, and kpc-Mpc radio structure modification do not agree. The role of the Mpc environment was then investigated. The Wen et al. 2015 galaxy clusters sample, built exploiting the SDSS survey, allowed us to explore the habitat of 7219 RGs at z<0.3. Most RGs are found to live in outside clusters. For these sources, differences among RG classes are still present. Thus, the environment is not the key parameter, and the possibility of intrinsic differences was reconsidered: we speculated that different black hole properties (spin and magnetic field at its horizon) could determine the observed spread in jet luminosity.
The discovery of scaling relations between the mass of the SMBH and some key physical properties of the host galaxy suggests that the growth of the SMBH and that of the galaxy are coupled, with the AGN activity and the star-formation (SF) processes influencing each other. Although the mechanism of this co-evolution are still a matter of debate, all scenarios agree that a key phase of the co-evolution is represented by the obscured accretion phase. This phase is of the co-evolution is the least studied, mostly due to the challenge in detecting and recognizing such obscured AGN. My thesis aims at investigating the AGN-galaxy co-evolution paradigm by identifying and studying AGN in the obscured accretion phase. The study of obscured AGN is key for our understanding of the feedback processes and of the mutual influence of the SF and the AGN activity. Moreover, these obscured and elusive AGN are needed to explain the X-ray background spectrum and to reconcile the measurements and the theoretical prediction of the BH accretion rate density. In this thesis, we firstly investigate the synergies between IR and X-ray missions in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. We exploited UV/optical emission lines to select high-redshift obscured AGN at the cosmic noon, where the highest SFR density and BH accretion rate density are expected. We provide X-ray spectral analysis and UV-to-far-IR SED-fitting. We show that our samples host a significant fraction of very obscured sources; many of these are highly accreting. Finally, we performe a thoughtful investigation of a galaxy at z~5 with unusual and peculiar features, that lead us to identify a second extremely young population of stars and hidden AGN activity.
This Thesis explores two novel and independent cosmological probes, Cosmic Chronometers (CCs) and Gravitational Waves (GWs), to measure the expansion history of the Universe. CCs provide direct and cosmology-independent measurements of the Hubble parameter H(z) up to z∼2. In parallel, GWs provide a direct measurement of the luminosity distance without requiring additional calibration, thus yielding a direct measurement of the Hubble constant H0=H(z=0). This Thesis extends the methodologies of both of these probes to maximize their scientific yield. This is achieved by accounting for the interplay of cosmological and astrophysical parameters to derive them jointly, study possible degeneracies, and eventually minimize potential systematic effects. As a legacy value, this work also provides interesting insights into galaxy evolution and compact binary population properties. The first part presents a detailed study of intermediate-redshift passive galaxies as CCs, with a focus on the selection process and the study of their stellar population properties using specific spectral features. From their differential aging, we derive a new measurement of the Hubble parameter H(z) and thoroughly assess potential systematics. In the second part, we develop a novel methodology and pipeline to obtain joint cosmological and astrophysical population constraints using GWs in combination with galaxy catalogs. This is applied to GW170817 to obtain a measurement of H0. We then perform realistic forecasts to predict joint cosmological and astrophysical constraints from black hole binary mergers for upcoming gravitational wave observatories and galaxy surveys. Using these two probes we provide an independent reconstruction of H(z) with direct measurements of H0 from GWs and H(z) up to z∼2 from CCs and demonstrate that they can be powerful independent probes to unveil the expansion history of the Universe.
In this Thesis work we investigate some of different cosmological background scenarios using one of the main probes used in cosmology: the halo mass function. The observed abundance of galaxy clusters (or similarly DM haloes) can indeed be compared to its theoretical predictions to derive fundamental constrains on the cosmological scenario assumed. Given the importance of exploring and constraining models degenerate with the ΛCDM one, we test the applicability of some notable halo mass function models to these scenarios. To this purpose, we made use of the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder N-body simulations, which assume cosmological scenarios that include modified gravity in the form of f(R) models and massive neutrinos. We carried on the analysis of 3 simulation snapshots at different redshifts, z = 0, 0.5, 1, building multiple samples of dark matter haloes by applying different overdensity thresholds during the procedure of halo identification. We started our analysis by considering the halo mass function model introduced by Despali et al. (2016), who proposed a parametrization that encapsulates the effect of the different halo mass definitions and the relative evolution with the redshift. We calibrated the main parameters of this relation by using the ΛCDM halo catalogues extracted from the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulations, fitting the measured halo abundances at all redshifts and density thresholds. Afterwards we tested the same model parametrization with halo catalogues extracted from the simulations implementing both modified gravity and massive neutrinos. We repeated therefore the calibration procedure on these data to search for discrepancies with respect to the ΛCDM model. Finally we focused the analysis on the cosmological models implementing modified gravity only. We took our ΛCDM calibrated halo mass function and we modified it with the additional f (R) gravity form proposed by Gupta et al. (2022).
Cosmic voids are vast and underdense regions emerging between the elements of the cosmic web and dominating the large-scale structure of the Universe. Void number counts and density profiles have been demonstrated to provide powerful cosmological probes. Indeed, thanks to their low-density nature and they very large sizes, voids represent natural laboratories to test alternative dark energy scenarios, modifications of gravity and the presence of massive neutrinos. Despite the increasing use of cosmic voids in Cosmology, a commonly accepted definition for these objects has not yet been reached. For this reason, different void finding algorithms have been proposed during the years. Voids finder algorithms based on density or geometrical criteria are affected by intrinsic uncertainties. In recent years, new solutions have been explored to face these issues. The most interesting is based on the idea of identify void positions through the dynamics of the mass tracers, without performing any direct reconstruction of the density field. The goal of this Thesis is to provide a performing void finder algorithm based on dynamical criteria. The Back-in-time void finder (BitVF) we present use tracers as test particles and their orbits are reconstructed from their actual clustered configuration to an homogeneous and isotropic distribution, expected for the Universe early epoch. Once the displacement field is reconstructed, the density field is computed as its divergence. Consequently, void centres are identified as local minima of the field. In this Thesis work we applied the developed void finding algorithm to simulations. From the resulting void samples we computed different void statistics, comparing the results to those obtained with VIDE, the most popular void finder. BitVF proved to be able to produce a more reliable void samples than the VIDE ones. The BitVF algorithm will be a fundamental tool for precision cosmology, especially with upcoming galaxy-survey.
L'obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi consiste nel descrivere sia il processo necessario per la creazione di osservazioni sintetiche di galassie simulate simili alla Via Lattea nella riga di emissione a 21 cm dell'idrogeno neutro (HI), sia il lavoro di analisi fondamentale che serve a confrontare in modo efficace l'output generato con delle osservazioni di galassie reali. Come prima cosa è descritta la teoria quantistica che sta alla base dell'emissione a 21 cm di HI, illustrando l'importanza di tale riga di emissione nell'ambito dell'astronomia e come si possano ottenere informazioni fondamentali sulle sorgenti di questa radiazione a partire dai dati osservativi. Il lavoro poi si focalizza sull'utilizzo del software MARTINI per la creazione di osservazioni sintetiche della linea a 21 cm per una galassia simulata con proprietà simili alla Via Lattea generata utilizzando il modello numerico SMUGGLE. Infine, si passa ad una breve descrizione dell'analisi dei dati sintetici creati, e al loro confronto con dei dati provenienti da osservazioni reali di galassie con proprietà simili, per ottenere una valutazione qualitativa della bontà del modello SMUGGLE impiegato nella simulazione numerica.
The internal dynamics of elliptical galaxies in clusters depends on many factors, including the environment in which the galaxy is located. In addition to the strong encounters with the other galaxies, we can also consider the gravitational interaction with the ubiquitous Cluster Tidal Field (CTF). As recognized in many studies, one possible way in which CTF affects the dynamics of galaxies inside the cluster is related to the fact that they may start oscillating as “rigid bodies” around their equilibrium positions in the field, with the periods of these oscillations curiously similar to those of stellar orbits in the outer parts of galaxies. Resonances between the two motions are hence expected and this phenomenon could significantly contribute to the formation of the Intracluster Stellar Population (ISP), whose presence is abundantly confirmed by observations. In this thesis work, we propose to study the motion of an elliptical galaxy, modelled as a rigid body, in the CTF, especially when its center of mass traces a quasi-circular orbit in the cluster gravitational potential. This case extends and generalizes the previous models and findings, proceeding towards a much more realistic description of galaxy motion. In addition to this, the presence of a further oscillation, namely that of the entire galaxy along its orbit, will possibly increase the probability of having resonances and, consequently, the rate of ISP production nearly to observed values. Thus, after reviewing the dynamics of a rigid body in a generic force field, we will assess some physically relevant studies and report their main results, discussing their implications with respect to our problem. We will conclude our discussion focusing on the more realistic scenario of an elliptical galaxy whose center of mass moves on a quasi-circular orbit in a spherically symmetric potential. The derivation of the fundamental equations of motion will serve as the basis for future modelling and discussions.
Radio relics are one of the different types of diffuse radio sources present in a fraction of galaxy clusters. They are characterized by elongated arc-like shapes, with sizes that range between 0.5 and 2 Mpc, and highly polarized emission (up to ∼60%) at GHz frequencies The linearly polarized radiation of relics, moving through a magnetized plasma which is the ICM, is affected by the rotation of the linear polarization vector. This effect, known as “Faraday rotation”, can cause depolarization. The study of this effect allows us to constrain the magnetic field projected along the line of sight. The aim of this thesis work is to constrain the magnetic field intensity and distribution in the periphery of the cluster PSZ2 G096.88+24.18: this cluster hosts a pair of radio relics that can be used for polarization analysis. To analyse the polarization properties of the relics in PSZ2 G096.88+24.18 radio relics we used new Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations together with archival observations. The polarization study has been performed using the Rotation Measure Synthesis technique, which allows us to recover polarization, minimizing the bandwidth depolarization. Thanks to this technique, we recovered more polarization from the southern relic (with respect to provious works), We studied also the depolarization trend with the resolution for the southern relic, and found that the polarization fraction decreases with the beamsize. Finally, we have produced simulated magnetic fields models, varying the auto-correlation lengths of the magnetic field, in order to reproduce the observed depolarization trend in the southern relic. Comparing our observational results and model predictions, we were able to constrain the scales over which the turbulent magnetic field varies within the cluster. We conclude that the depolarization observed in the southern relic is likely due to external depolarization caused by the magnetized ICM distribution within the cluster.