705 resultados para Futebol Torcedores
The article aims to recover the manifestations process of June 2013, in an attempt to understand the elements, which characterized it. It is intended to indicate how and why the main political consequences generated by the manifestations became its own possibility of a rematch in June 2014, during the hosting of the World Cup, organized by FIFA and the Brazilian government. It is suggested which may be the nature and extent of its impacts over the general election in this year. It is argued that the key issue is the ability of the State, the governments and their police in dealing with manifestations that have, relatively, new, persuasive, and violent ideas.
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
O futebol nos dias de hoje representa algo muito maior do que um exerccio fsico ou uma atividade de descontrao. Ele desempenha um papel dentro da sociedade que extrapola as perspectivas do jogo. Reduzir a anlise sobre o futebol profissional apenas ao aspecto ldico do esporte tambm diminui a concepo sobre o que ele realmente representa. Nos bastidores do espetculo futebolstico existe um universo de atos polticos que abrangem diversas esferas do poder que por sua vez auxiliam na execuo do esporte como um evento esportivo com milhes de espectadores. Uma das razes para que o mbito poltico do esporte seja menos conhecido do que as tticas dos tcnicos ou dribles dos jogadores a cobertura feita pelos meios de comunicao. No decorrer de sua existncia, o futebol se transformou em um evento globalizado que envolve em sua rbita muito mais do que apenas o aspecto esportivo. Com os anos, o esporte foi se firmando em diversos pases como produto cultural e at mesmo ferramenta poltica. O que se v contudo a sobreposio miditica do jogo sobre a sua verdadeira estrutura. O entretenimento trazido pelo esporte ganha as pginas enquanto o jogo poltico que sustenta a realizao do mesmo recebe uma ateno mais discreta das mdias. A proposta deste trabalho analisar como foi feita a divulgao de notcias referentes Copa do Mundo de 2014, que ser realizada no Brasil, nos jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo durante o ano de 2012 atravs dos seus cadernos de esportes. O objetivo compreender qual o teor e a intensidade da cobertura sobre os fatos polticos que ajudam a dar forma ao evento mais importante do futebol. Acontecimentos desta proporo exigem preparao do pas, o que implica em um trabalho em conjunto entre o Governo Federal e FIFA. Pretende-se analisar a contextualizao feita pelos jornais em relao ao esporte ao seu aspecto esportivo, podendo...
This text aims to analyze two chronicles: Drummonds Pel, the Wizard, and Camposs Man Garrincha. These texts, although they have been taken from various works, respectively, When the day is football (2006); and The Goal is needed: chronic sports (2008), both dealing with the same theme: Soccer. Therefore, we seek to raise reciprocal relationships between these two works, always in search of possible thematic-stylistic affinities present in the fiction of both authors. More specifically, we intend to present the two books, then analyze the two chronicles, considering that approach, too, by dazzle that manifest in relation to football and metalinguistic approach by giving the theme.
Sports team, specifically soccer and handball, has traditionally composing the physical education school contents as a curriculum component. There are several criticisms to extend this approach beyond the sportive discourse. While we recognize this need for expansion, we believe that the methodological endeavors to teach these sports content are still very poor, requiring, therefore, studies that guide us in changing not only contents but also the way of teaching it, which implies new e teaching, pupils and teaching relationship perspective. In this sense, the objective of this study was to identify and analyze, from a sports team tactics teaching approaches of invasion, the demonstrations by students, the phases of handball and soccer games, as well as the elements/dynamic structural, functional and operational in the same school environment. Given this objective, qualitative research, specifically, collaborative action research, best meets investigation is this scenario, since classroom teacher and students also participated in the content construction and strategies undertaken during the intervention. The study enrolled 28 students in the fifth grade, aging 10 to 11 years, in a Bauru/SP public school, physical education teacher and the researcher. Were planned and taught together, 14 classes over a semester with the handball and futsal content, guided for teaching tactics approaches. The data collections were made through systematic lessons observation (through filming and recording diary), interviews with students and descriptive reports made by the classroom teacher and researcher. The results indicate that there was an improvement in the phases of soccer and handball game, even though only the latter has changed its category phase to decentralized anarchic phase. Several students showed in the situational interviews, a more elaborate game understanding than the one identified in the game demonstration. In the analysis of relationship levels..
Futsal is one of the most popular sports in Brazil, played on five continents, in hundreds of countries, but is still a poorly studied sports science. Among the types of training used in the preparation of soccer players, the collective training is one of the most used because it is a simulation game. The application of the training load is often made in large quantities (volume) with exercise duration and intensity greater than what the athlete can handle. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the intensity of physical exertion of futsal players of basic category during collective training. We evaluated twenty (N=20) soccer players from two teams with different levels of training. There were ten players on a team federated (FED) and ten players on a team for a project extension (EXT). Samples were collected at the respective locations of training. An evaluation of anthropometric and during collective training heart rate was measured and at the end of each training time blood samples were collected for analysis of blood lactate concentration and perceived exertion of the players. There was significant difference between the two teams only in fat percentage (FED=13,4 e EXT=21,2). The average heart rate during training was 174 12.2 bpm, which corresponds to 84% HRmax. There was significant difference between heart rate and the percentage of HRmax in the two parts of training in both teams. The Federated team players remained most of the time in more intense intensity zone (above 85% HRmax), while the EXT players were most of the time zone of moderate intensity (65-85% HRmax). The rating of perceived exertion (FED=3,5 e EXT=3,2) and blood lactate concentration (FED=2.4 mmol/L and EXT=2.9 mmol/L) showed no significant difference between the two teams and between the two times. During training there was a significant correlation (p= 0.71) between heart rate and lactate concentration. The collective training showed an intensity that is supposed to be...
The present study proposes an initial approach to a comparative study between supporter groups from Brazil (torcidas organizadas) and Argentina (hinchadas). The text presents a thick description that points to similarities and differences, in synchronic and diachronic terms, between both groups of football spectators. The paper focuses on each group's emergence, organizational framings, logics of belonging, and most significant practices and representations. Finally, it illustrates the contributions of this research to the construction of a public sociology of regional sport.
Modern society lives daily with groups of human beings who have high rates of aggression and violence. Scholars in the field point to the influence of certain environmental condition for the development of aggressive behavior. Among such circumstances, we can quote various aspects including the influence of media, and more specifically, the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The MMA is now one of the world's most popular sport, having international visibility through your largest organization, the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The sport's global coverage is surely source of influence for our children and adolescents, who without the correct direction, can take the scenes seen in the sport as common facts of everyday life, making aggression and violence acceptable behaviors in their lives. Many studies show behavioral changes related to violent practices in virtue of exposure of individuals to aggression scenes by media. Works provide some interesting theoretical models to explain the observational learning. Under such aspects, the determined reality brings a need for in-depth studies on the subject addressed, looking for a better understanding of relations between the sport's violence and your influences on social behavior of individuals in this context, and then, look for possible solutions to deal with the problem pre supposed
Neste presente estudo buscou-se identificar quais as leses mais frequentes nos esportes de grande apelo nacional (como futebol, voleibol e basquetebol), quais os fatores (fsicos ou psicolgicos) influenciam para a ocorrncia das leses, quais as implicaes para a vida profissional e social do atleta e quais as melhores estratgias presentes na Psicologia para auxiliar o atleta no processo de preveno e reabilitao. Desta forma, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de tipo exploratrio descritiva, com base em uma reviso de literatura atual e concluiu-se que se devem adotar questionrios (QER-D ou POMS) que salientem as condies psicolgicas do atleta em relao ao seu momento vivido no universo esporte e fora dele. Quanto reabilitao, adotar quatro etapas (aproximao e relao de confiana entre o profissional e o atleta/ educar o atleta acerca de sua leso / traar estratgias para sua volta s atividades esportivas / aplicar as estratgias traadas anteriormente) pelo Psiclogo do Esporte, do indcios de serem as melhores para que o atleta tenha uma recuperao psicolgica ideal e que seu desempenho no seja negativamente afetado pela situao passada
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Comunicao - FAAC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
From the 1990s, Brazilian newspapers began to refer to the convening of different personalities to comment on the World Cup soccer in their sports pages. This article seeks to examine this phenomenon under the notion that the French philosopher Michel Foucault called the author function - one that establishes the existence, circulation and functioning of certain discourses within a specific audience.
Introduo: O Projeto de Extenso FutFEB procura estimular o interesse dos alunos do ensino mdio, tcnico e fundamental para seguirem carreira nas reas de engenharia e cincia da computao. Para isso so utilizados robs mveis simples em conjunto com material didtico e audiovisual para despertar de forma ldica, atravs de palestras e demonstraes prticas, o interesse dos jovens para os desafios e atrativos das carreiras tecnolgicas. Essas atividades so desenvolvidas por alunos do Colgio Tcnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia do Campus de Bauru. Objetivos: Propiciar condies para que os alunos do Colgio Tcnico Industrial e da Faculdade de Engenharia desenvolvam atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento sobre robs mveis autnomos funcionando como complemento e estmulo a sua formao acadmica nas reas de engenharia eltrica, mecnica, e computao. Assim, espera-se a criao da cultura e de um ambiente propcios para desenvolvimento de pesquisas e de inovao tecnolgica, que ajudem a consolidar os Cursos Tcnicos, de Graduao e PsGraduao da FEB. Mtodos: O uso de robs mveis em cursos de engenharia ou cursos visando o desenvolvimento tecnolgico no uma novidade. Inmeros experimentos so relatados na literatura, sendo que esta abordagem tem se tornado quase que uma obrigatoriedade nos cursos de boa qualidade [Hoopes, 2003], [Martin, 1994], [Miglino, 1998]. Um dos pilares desta nova linha de ensino tecnolgico o trabalho desenvolvido por Resnick no MIT [Kafai & Resnick, 1996] que parte importante do conhecido Projeto LEGO Mindstorms. Esta perspectiva altera significativamente o posicionamento do estudante, dando-lhe maturidade profissional e responsabilidade. Com isso espera-se formar um profissional mais capacitado tanto no aspecto de fundamentos e conceitos tcnicos, como na capacidade de empreender e inovar. Tambm existe a expectativa de que muitos dos trabalhos desenvolvidos sejam transformados em projetos de Iniciao Cientfica. Resultados: toda a tecnologia utilizada no conceito Futebol de Robs continua sendo desenvolvida e aprimorada, diversos trabalhos cientficos de ponta podem ser encontrados na literatura recente, trabalhos que abordam entre outros temas, o problema da navegao autnoma dos robs mveis. Apresenta-se a seguir trabalhos de alunos vinculados ao Projeto de Extenso FutFEB, submetidos ao Congresso de Iniciao Cientfica da UNESP - 2011.- Software de Mapeamento para Navegao de Robs Mveis Autnomos.- Sensoriamento por Infra-Vermelho para Robs Mveis Autnomos.- Sensoriamento por Ultra-Som para Robs Mveis Autnomos.- Segmentao de Imagens Coloridas para Reconhecimento de Objetos.- Algoritmos de Subtrao de Plano de Fundo em Frames de Vdeo.