867 resultados para Fragmented oocytes


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Tutkimus on esiselvitystyö, jonka tavoitteena oli selvittää miten luoda innovaatiojärjestelmä Kouvolan seudulle. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää alueen innovaatiojärjestelmän nykytila, tutkia miten toimijat saadaan sitoutumaan ja toimimaan kohti yhteistä päämäärää sekä kuvata prosessi kehitystyölle. Kouvolan seudulla on tapahtunut lähiaikoina runsaasti muutoksia, jotka vaikuttavat myös innovaatiotoimintaan. Kehitystä on tapahtunut, mutta kehitystä on kiihdytettävä, jotta alue on tulevaisuudessa elinvoimainen seutu asua ja yrittää. Suoritettujen kahdeksan asiantuntijahaastattelun pohjalta voidaan todeta, että Kouvolan seudulla ei nykyisellään ole innovaatiojärjestelmää. Kouvolan seudulla on innovaatiojärjestelmän osia, mutta toiminta on hajanaista ja toimijoilla ei ole selkeää kuvaa omasta roolistaan osana kokonaisuutta. Innovaatioiden syntyä ei voi jättää sattuman käsiin, vaan uusien innovaatioiden syntyminen vaatii yhteistyötä ja vuorovaikutusta eri yritysten ja organisaatioiden välillä. Innovaatiojärjestelmän luomiseen Kouvolan seudulle ei ole yhtä oikeaa ja helppoa tietä. Harmaakorven alueellinen kehitysalustamenetelmä tarjoaa selkeän prosessin kehitystyöhön, mutta onko Kouvolassa tarvittavia resursseja ja osaamista prosessin läpivientiin? Tulisiko lähteä liikkeelle pienistä asioista, yhteisesti määritellyistä käsitteistä, päämääristä ja rooleista. Yhtenä ratkaisuna on Kouvolan seudun innovaatio-ohjelman rakentaminen, jossa nämä määritellään. Ohjelman kehittämisessä on syytä olla mukana mahdollisimman laajalti innovaatiojärjestelmän toimijoita, mutta kehittämisprosessin on syytä olla kevyt. Jo ohjelmaa kehittäessä tarvitaan erilaisia pilot-projekteja ja foorumeita, joiden kautta Kouvolan seudun innovaatiojärjestelmää saadaan kehitettyä ja pikku hiljaa rakennettua luottamusta ja yhteistyötä. Tekemisen kautta tietoisuus toiminnasta ja sen eduista leviää, ja Kouvolan seudun saadaan luotua toimiva alueellinen innovaatiojärjestelmä.


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Changes in the hydrological regime of the Lower São Francisco River, located in Northeastern Brazil have brought negative environmental impacts, jeopardizing the flora and fauna of a global biodiversity hotspot, due to implementation of hydroelectric power dams and surface water withdrawal for irrigation in public and private perimeters. Remnants of the riparian stratum associated to the riverbank destabilization in six fragments were studied by surveying trees, shrubs, herbs, and aquatic species. The calculation of the Factor of Safety (FS) was performed in order to understand the riverbank's stability related to soil texture and vegetation cover. An overall number of 51 botanic families distributed in 71 genera and 79 species were recorded, predominantly from the families Mimosaceae, Myrtaceae, and Fabaceae. The fragmented riparian vegetation is mostly covered by secondary species under a strong anthropogenic impact such as deforestation, mining and irrigation, with an advanced erosion process in the river margins. Strong species that withstand the waves present in the river flow are needed to reduce the constant landslides that are mainly responsible for the river sedimentation and loss of productive lands. A lack of preservation attitude among the local landholders was identified, and constitutes a continuing threat to the riparian ecosystem biodiversity.


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The "Serra do Mar" region comprises the largest remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The coast of the Paraná State is part of the core area of the "Serra do Mar" corridor and where actions for biodiversity conservation must be planned. In this study we aimed at characterizing the landscape structure in the APA-Guaraqueçaba, the largest protected area in this region, in order to assist environmental policies of this region. Based on a supervised classification of a mosaic of LANDSAT-5-TM satellite images (from March 2009), we developed a map (1:75,000 scale) with seven classes of land use and land cover and analyzed the relative quantities of forests and modified areas in slopes and lowlands. The APA-Guaraqueçaba is comprised mainly by the Dense Ombrophilous Forest (68.6% of total area) and secondary forests (9.1%), indicating a forested landscape matrix; anthropogenic and bare soil areas (0.8%) and the Pasture/Grasslands class (4.2%) were less representative. Slopes were less fragmented and more preserved (96.3% of Dense Ombrophilous Forest and secondary forest) than lowlands (71.3%), suggesting that restoration initiatives in the lowlands must be stimulated in this region. We concluded that most of the region sustains well-conserved ecosystems, highlighting the importance of Paraná northern coast for the biodiversity maintenance of the Atlantic Forest.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida kokonaisratkaisuja tarjoavan järjestelmätoimittajan suorituskyvyn mittaamisen suunnittelua johdon päätöksenteon tukivälineeksi. Alitavoitteena oli suunnitella mittaristo case-yrityksen valitulle yksikölle sekä konsernitasolle. Tutkimuksen myötä havaittiin tarpeelliseksi tunnistaa järjestelmätoimittajan toimialatason vahvimmat ydinkyvykkyydet ja esittää ratkaisuja niiden mittaamiselle. Tutkimuksesta rajattiin mittariston hyödyntäminen yksilötason ohjauksessa. Tutkimusta lähestyttiin toiminta-analyyttisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä määriteltiin järjestelmätoimittaja teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan toimijaksi, jonka mittaus painottuu asiakaslähtöisen toiminnan edistämiseen. Suurimmat haasteet muodostuivat aineettoman pääoman, pääosin uudistuvan ja uuden liiketoiminnan verkostojen mittaamisesta. Tutkimustuloksena voitiin havaita, että toimialatason keskeisimpiin ydinkyvykkyyksiin ja case-yrityksen linjaamiin menestystekijöihin pohjautunut tarkastelu onnistui tunnistamaan keskeisiä ongelmakohtia järjestelmätoimittajan mittariston suunnittelussa. Merkittävimmät toimenpidesuositukset ja laaditut mittariehdotukset painottavat asiakkaan prosessien tuntemista, oman osaamisen johtamista asiakkaan prosesseihin soveltuviksi, uusien innovaatioiden ja kyvykkyyksien luomista, erilaisten verkostojen tunnistamista ja kehittämistä, kyvykkyyksien johtamista ja tuotekeskeisen myynnin kehittämistä palvelukeskeiseen suuntaan. Tutkimus esittää näihin tuloksiin pohjautuvan mittariston ja prosessin aikana syntyneet mittariehdotukset.


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Tutkimukseni käsittelee J. A. Hollon (1885–1967) sivistyskasvatusajattelua. Hollo oli monitoiminen kulttuurivaikuttaja, joka toimi kriitikkona, kirjailijana, suomentajana ja kasvatustieteilijänä. Häntä voidaan pitää J. V. Snellmanin rinnalla yhtenä merkittävimpänä suomalaisena kasvatusajattelijana. Hänen kasvatusajattelustaan ei ole kuitenkaan aiemmin tehty väitöskirjatason tutkimusta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat seuraavat: 1. Millainen on Hollon näkemys kasvatuksesta, kasvatuksen maailmasta ja kasvatuksen teoriasta? 2. Mikä on Hollon käsitys kasvattajan ja kasvatettavan merkityksestä kasvatustapahtumassa? 3. Mitä asioita sisältyy sivistyskasvatuksen eli kasvamaan saattamisen elementteihin? Tutkimukseni on kasvatusfilosofinen. Tutkimusmenetelmäni on systemaattinen analyysi ja lähestymistapani on hermeneuttinen. Tutkimukseni pääaineistona ovat Hollon kasvatusta koskevat kirjoitukset, joista tärkeimmät ovat Mielikuvitus ja sen kasvattaminen I-II (1918, 1919), Kasvatuksen maailma (1927), Kasvatuksen teoria (1927) ja Itsekasvatus ja elämisen taito (1931). Hollon mukaan kasvatuksen maailma on suhteellisen itsenäinen elämänmuoto (Lebensform), jolla on oma ontologinen erityislaatunsa, so. sui generis. Kasvatusoppia ei pidä redusoida psykologiaan tai filosofiaan, koska sillä tavoin se menettää tieteellisen itsenäisyytensä. Hollon mielestä kasvatuksen teoria on teoria käytäntöä varten. Kasvatuksen teorian luomisessa tulee ottaa huomioon kasvatuksen maailman erityispiirteenä oleva kokonaisvaltainen näkökulma ja elämän palvelemisen päämäärä. Kasvattaminen on aina myös eettistä toimintaa. Kasvatuksen tavoitteena on hyvä elämä. Hollon mukaan kasvattajan tehtävä on luoda kasvatettavalleen eheä sivistyksellinen perusta. Tämä voi tapahtua vain laaja-alaisen sivistyskasvatuksen avulla, jonka runkona on antiikin humanistinen sivistysperinne. Sivistyskasvatukseen kuuluvat älyllinen, eettinen, uskonnollinen, esteettinen ja toiminnallinen kasvatus. Mielikuvituksen avulla kasvattaja voi yhdistää kasvatuksen osa-alueet eheäksi kokonaisuudeksi. Ilman mielikuvitusta erilaiset ilmiöt olisivat pirstaleisina, toisistaan erillisinä osina ihmisen mielessä. Opettajan persoona on merkittävä tekijä kasvatuksessa. Se tulee ottaa huomioon opettajankoulutuksen eli kasvattajan kasvattamisen valinnoissa. Opettaja-kasvattajan on tärkeää opiskella laajasti humanistisia opintoja, koska kasvatuksessa on kysymys ihmisestä. Ennen kaikkea kasvattajan eettistä ja esteettistä kykyä tulee harjoituttaa. Näin hän oppii käyttämään mielikuvitustaan kasvatustapahtumassa siten, että hän tulee kasvatuksellisesti näkeväksi kasvamaan saattajaksi, joka ymmärtää sen, mikä kussakin tilanteessa vaatii erityistä huomiota. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että Hollon henkitieteellinen ja fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen kasvatusnäkemys ei ole vain vastaparadigma empiiriselle kasvatustieteelle, vaan myös nykyajan teknis-taloudelliselle eetokselle, joka yhtäältä uhkaa välineellistää kasvatuksen ja toisaalta väärällä tavoin tieteellistää kasvatuksen tutkimuksen. Tämän takia kasvatusoppi kysymyksineen uhkaa siirtyä kasvatuskeskustelussa syrjemmälle, jopa hävitä kokonaan. Kasvatuksen ja kasvatuksen tutkimuksen vaarana on niiden liiallinen sitouttaminen tuotantoelämän jatkeeksi, minkä seurauksena on ihmisyyden toteuttamisen vaikeutuminen. Tutkimuksen lopuksi esitän ideaalikoulunäkemykseni, joka perustuu osittain Hollon kasvatusnäkemykseen. Hollon näkemys on yhä ajankohtainen ja merkittävä kontribuutio kasvatusta, sen teoriaa ja käytäntöä koskevaan keskusteluun.


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The intent of this research was to develop a model that describes the extent to which customer behavioral intentions are influenced by service quality, customer satisfaction and customer perceived value in the business-to-business service context. Research on customer behavioral intentions is quite fragmented and no generalized model has been presented. Thus, there was need for empirical testing. This study builds on the services marketing theory and assesses the relationships between the identified constructs. The data for the empirical analysis was collected via a quantitative online survey and a total of 226 usable responses were obtained for further analysis. The model was tested in an employment agency service setting. The measures used in this survey were first assessed by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) after which the hypothesized relationships were further verified using structural equation modeling (SEM) in LISREL 8.80. The analysis identified that customer satisfaction played a pivotal role in the model as it was the only direct antecedent of customer behavioral intentions, however, customer perceived value showed a strong indirect impact on buying intentions via customer satisfaction. In contrast to what was hypothesized, service quality and customer perceived value did not have a direct positive effect on behavioral intentions. Also, a contradicting finding with current literature was that sacrifice was argued to have a direct but positive impact on customer perceived value. Based on the findings in this study, managers should carefully think of their service strategies that lead to their customers’ favorable behavioral intentions.


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The morphofunctional aspects of oogenesis of Poecilia vivipara were studied aiming to understand the reproductive biology and development of species with internal fertilization, particularly those belonging to the family Poeciliidae. The stages of gonadal maturation and follicular development were characterized using mesoscopic, histological, histochemical, and lectin cytochemical analyses. Through mesoscopic evaluation the ovarian development was classified in six phases of development: immature, in maturation I, in maturation II, mature I, mature II, and post-spawn. Based on microscopic examination of the ovaries, we identified the presence of oocytes types I and II during the previtellogenic phase and types III, IV, and V during the vitellogenic phase. As oogenesis proceeded the oocyte cytosol increased in volume and presented increased cytoplasmic granule accumulation, characterizing vitellogenesis. The zona radiata (ZR) increased in thickness and complexity, and the follicular epithelium, which was initially thin and consisting of pavimentous cells, in type III oocytes exhibited cubic simple cells. The histochemical and cytochemical analyses revealed alterations in the composition of the molecular structures that form the ovarian follicle throughout the gonadal development. Our study demonstrated differences in the female reproductive system among fish species with internal and external fertilization and we suggest P. vivipara can be used as experimental model to test environmental toxicity.


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From the Tropic of Capricorn to Equator, the seasonality of domestic cat is known to be absent, i.e., these animals are considered non-seasonal breeders at these regions. We hypothesized that this particularity might have some influence on in vitro embryo production. The aim of this experiment was to determine the percentage of cleavage and morulae and blastocyst formation produced from oocytes recovered from queen ovaries of three distinct status - follicular, luteal or inactive - during two different reproductive seasons experienced by cats in southeast of Brazil (22°53'09" S and 48°26'42" W) - non breeding season (NBS), comprehending January to March; and breeding season (BS), August to October. Thirty queens were neutered. Ovaries were classified according to their status and were sliced in PBS for cumulus oocyte complex (COC) releasing. Grade I COC were washed three times in H-MEM supplemented with BSA, glutamine, sodium pyruvate, cysteine, streptomycin and penicillin. Oocytes were incubated in groups of 20-30 in 400µL of DMEM supplemented with FSH, LH, estradiol, IGF-I and basic fibroblast growth factor under mineral oil for 30 or 36 hours at 38°C in humidified environment of 5% de O2, 5% CO2 and 90% N2. COC were fertilized in Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with BSA, cysteine, pyruvate and streptomycin/penicillin (culture medium) with fresh semen selected through swim up technique. Eighteen hours later, the presumptive zygotes were denuded, the percentage of cleavage was determined and every 10 zygotes were transferred to 100mL drops of culture medium for culture during three days. After 72 hours of culture the percentage of morulae formation was evaluated and these structures were transferred to drops of the same culture medium. At the eighth day of culture blastocyst formation was analyzed. During NBS, from a total of 272 (inactive), 162 (luteal) and 134 (follicular) fertilized oocytes, the percentage of cleaved zygotes, morulae and blastocysts derived from inactive ovaries were 24.63, 16.54 and 8.09 respectively; for those derived from luteal ovaries, the percentage was 21.6, 12.96 and 8.64, and for those from follicular ovaries, they were 24.62, 16.41 and 8.21. Considering BS, from a total of 102 (inactive), 198 (luteal) and 86 (follicular) fertilized oocytes, the relative frequency (%) of cleaved zygotes, morulae and blastocysts derived from inactive ovaries were 64.7, 41.17 and 23.53 respectively; for those derived from luteal ovaries, the percentage was 64.14, 40.41 and 23.73, and for those from follicular ovaries, they were 63.95, 39.54 and 24.41. The results of this experiment demonstrate that no statistically significant difference (P<0.05) was verified in the frequency of cleaved embryos and morulae and blastocyst formation when comparing the three ovarian conditions in the same season. However the breeding season presented better results considering cleavage and morulae and blastocyst formation.


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The present thesis discusses the coherence or lack of coherence in the book of Numbers, with special regard to its narrative features. The fragmented nature of Numbers is a well-known problem in research on the book, affecting how we approach and interpret it, but to date there has not been any thorough investigation of the narrative features of the work and how they might contribute to the coherence or the lack of coherence in the book. The discussion is pursued in light of narrative theory, and especially in connection to three parameters that are typically understood to be invoked in the interpretation of narratives: 1) a narrative paradigm, or ‘story,’ meaning events related to each other temporally, causally, and thematically, in a plot with a beginning, middle, and end; 2) discourse, being the expression plane of a narrative, or the devices that an author has at hand in constructing a narrative; 3) the situation or languagegame of the narrative, prototypical examples being factual reports, which seeks to depict a state of affairs, and storytelling narratives, driven by a demand for tellability. In view of these parameters the present thesis argues that it is reasonable to form four groups to describe the narrative material of Numbers: genuine narratives (e.g. Num 12), independent narrative sequences (e.g. Num 5:1-4), instrumental scenes and situations (e.g. Num 27:1-5), and narrative fragments (e.g. Num 18:1). These groups are mixed throughout with non-narrative materials. Seen together, however, the narrative features of these groups can be understood to create an attenuated narrative sequence from beginning to end in Numbers, where one thing happens after another. This sequence, termed the ‘larger story’ of Numbers, concerns the wandering of Israel from Sinai to Moab. Furthermore, the larger story has a fragmented plot. The end-point is fixed on the promised land, Israel prepares for the wandering towards it (Num 1-10), rebels against wandering and the promise and is sent back into the wilderness (Num 13-14), returns again after forty years (Num 21ff.), and prepares for conquering the land (Num 22-36). Finally, themes of the promised land, generational succession, and obedience-disobedience, operate in this larger story. Purity is also a significant theme in the book, albeit not connected to plot in the larger story. All in all, sequence, plot, and theme in the larger story of Numbers can be understood to bring some coherence to the book. However, neither aspect entirely subsumes the whole book, and the four groups of narrative materials can also be understood to underscore the incoherence of the work in differentiating its variegated narrative contents. Numbers should therefore be described as an anthology of different materials that are loosely connected through its narrative features in the larger story, with the aim of informing Israelite identity by depicting a certain period in the early history of the people.


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In 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection, the process occurring based on fitness benefits and fitness costs at the individual level. Traditionally, evolution has been investigated by biologists, but it has induced mathematical approaches, too. For example, adaptive dynamics has proven to be a very applicable framework to the purpose. Its core concept is the invasion fitness, the sign of which tells whether a mutant phenotype can invade the prevalent phenotype. In this thesis, four real-world applications on evolutionary questions are provided. Inspiration for the first two studies arose from a cold-adapted species, American pika. First, it is studied how the global climate change may affect the evolution of dispersal and viability of pika metapopulations. Based on the results gained here, it is shown that the evolution of dispersal can result in extinction and indeed, evolution of dispersalshould be incorporated into the viability analysis of species living in fragmented habitats. The second study is focused on the evolution of densitydependent dispersal in metapopulations with small habitat patches. It resulted a very surprising unintuitive evolutionary phenomenon, how a non-monotone density-dependent dispersal may evolve. Cooperation is surprisingly common in many levels of life, despite of its obvious vulnerability to selfish cheating. This motivated two applications. First, it is shown that density-dependent cooperative investment can evolve to have a qualitatively different, monotone or non-monotone, form depending on modelling details. The last study investigates the evolution of investing into two public-goods resources. The results suggest one general path by which labour division can arise via evolutionary branching. In addition to applications, two novel methodological derivations of fitness measures in structured metapopulations are given.


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This study discusses the importance of diasporas’ knowledge with regard to the national competitive advantage of Finland. The purpose of this study is to suggest an interaction framework, which illustrates how diasporas can benefit the host country via intentional knowledge spillovers, with two sub-objectives: to seek which features are crucial for productive interaction between a host government and diasporas, and to scrutinize the modes of interaction currently effective in Finland. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on expert interviews. The interview data was collected between September and November 2013. Eight interviews were made; five with representatives of expert organizations, and three with immigrants. Thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, thematic networks were built to act as a basis of analysis. This study finds that knowledge, especially new combinations of knowledge, is a significant input in innovation. Innovation is found to be the basis of national competitive advantage. Thus the means through which knowledge is transferred are of key importance. Diasporas are found a good source of new knowledge, and thus may aid the innovative process. Host country stance and policy are found to have a major impact on the ability of the host country to benefit from diasporas’ knowledge. As a host country, this study finds Finland to have a very fragmented strategy field and a prejudiced attitude, which currently make it difficult to utilize the potential of diasporas. The interaction framework based on these findings suggests ways in which Finland can improve its national competitive advantage through acquiring the innovative potential of diasporas. Strategy revision and increased promotion are discussed as means towards improved interaction. In addition, the importance of learning is emphasized. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the relationship between the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. In addition, this study ties the relationship to economic benefit. Future research is, however, necessary in order to fully understand the meaning of the relationship, as well as to increase understanding of the generalizability of the interaction framework.


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This work aims to carry out a comparative analysis using RAPD molecular markers in four Commelina weed species from the state of Paraná and C. benghalensis populations from the states of Paraná and São Paulo, Brazil. The genomic plant DNA sample was extracted from the leaves, separated, randomly fragmented and amplified by PCR. Random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments (RAPD markers) were analyzed by using POPGENE statistical program. Eighty-five primer sequences were tested but only three were suitable as molecular markers producing 37 DNA polymorphic fragments for comparisons among four Commelina species and 22 polymorphic fragments for comparisons among C. benghalensis populations. The results showed that there were inter-specific and intra-specific genetic variabilities among Commelina plant genera. Genetic diversity analysis between species indicated four mono-specific clusters and it was suggested to keep C. villosa as one species. Regarding the intra-specific genetic variability of C. benghalensis alone, three groups were verified, although there were 13 populations from two geographical areas. However, these clusters do not correspond to the distinct characteristics verified.


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High elevation treelines are formed under common temperature conditions worldwide, but the functional mechanisms that ultimately constrain tree growth are poorly known. In addition to environmental constraints, the distribution of high elevation forests is largely affected by human influence. Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) forests are an example of such a case, forests commonly growing in isolated stands disconnected from the lower elevation montane forests. There has been ample discussion as to the role of environmental versus anthropogenic causes of this fragmented distribution of Polylepis forests, but the importance of different factors is still unclear. In this thesis, I studied functional, environmental and anthropogenic aspects determining Polylepis forest distribution. Specifically, I assessed the degree of genetic determinism in the functional traits that enable Polylepis species to grow in cold and dry conditions. I also studied the role of environment and human influence constraining Polylepis forest distribution. I found evidence of genetically determined climatic adaptations in the functional traits of Polylepis. High elevation species had reduced leaf size and increased root tip abundance compared to low elevation species. Thus these traits have potentially played an important role in species evolution and adaptation to high elevation habitats, especially to low temperatures. I also found reduced photosynthesis rate among high elevation tree species compared to low elevation species, supporting carbon source limitation at treelines. At low elevations, Polylepis forest distribution appeared to be largely defined by human influence. This suggests that the absence of Polylepis forests in large areas in the Andes is the result of several environmental and anthropogenic constraints, the role of environment becoming stronger towards high elevations. I also show that Polylepis trees grow at remarkably low air and soil temperatures near treelines, and present new evidence of the role of air temperatures in constraining tree growth at high elevations. I further show that easily measurable indices of accessibility are related to the degree of degradation of Polylepis forest, and can therefore be used in the rapid identification of potentially degraded Polylepis forests. This is of great importance for the conservation and restoration planning of Polylepis forests in the Andes. In a global context, the results of this thesis add to our scientific knowledge concerning high elevation adaptations in trees, and increase our understanding of the factors constraining tree growth and forest distribution at high-­elevation treelines worldwide.


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The influence of climatic variations on fructan content in tropical regions is not well known. The present study deals with the effects of temperature on fructan contents in rhizophores of plants of Vernonia herbacea, a native species from the Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Intact plants and fragmented rhizophores were subjected to different temperatures under natural and controlled environmental conditions. Rhizophores of plants in pre-dormant stage (aerial parts showing some yellowish leaves) presented higher fructan content at 5oC than those kept at 25oC, whereas in dormant plants (aerial parts absent) temperature treatments did not affect fructan contents. Fragmented rhizophores obtained from dormant plants presented higher levels of fructo-polysaccharides at the end of the experiment than at the beginning of the treatment, regardless of the temperature they were stored, whereas fragments obtained from vegetative plants showed a decrease in fructan content under the same treatments. It was concluded that variations observed in fructan contents are related to the phenological state of the plants prior to the treatment rather than to extraneous temperatures they are subjected to during this stage.


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Tutkimus käsittelee Yrittäjyyskasvatuksen Mittariston -projektia, jossa tutkimuskohteena on peruskoulun ensimmäisen asteen luokan- ja aineenopettajien näkemys ja kokemus yrittäjyyskasvatuksen verkostoyhteistyöstä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten hyvin opettajat tuntevat verkostoyhteistyötä, mikä on heidän tietämyksensä yrittäjyyskasvatuksesta ja kuinka tämä näkyy heidän työssään ja opetuksessaan. Tutkimuksen otos on 450 opettajaa. Tulokset analysoitiin SPSS-tilastomenetelmäohjelmalla. Tilastollisina tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin jakaumien frekvenssianalyysiä, Faktori­analyysin Pääkomponenttianalyysiä ja Kaksisuuntaista varianssianalyysia (Anova). Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että opettajien tiedot yhteistyö-verkostojen tarjoamista palveluista ovat hyvin hajanaiset. Ongelma jatkuu helposti niin kauan kunnes opettajien koulutusohjelmaan tuodaan lisää yrittäjyyskasvatus- ja yrittäjyysopintoja. Tämä pitäisi huomioida myös tulevissa opetussuunnitelmissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuoda esille Yrittäjyyskasvatuksen mittariston tulosten kautta yrittäjyyskasvatuksen nykytila, tuoda ratkaisuja ehdotusten kautta opetukseen ja herättää keskustelua yrittäjyyskasvatuksen parantamiseksi.