994 resultados para Field Hockey--U-M


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Integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as non-trivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, the model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. It is interesting to note that our model exhibits a free parameter in the bulk Hamiltonian but no free parameter exists on the boundaries. This is in sharp contrast to the impurity models arising from the supersymmetric t-J and extended Hubbard models where there is no free parameter in the bulk but there is a free parameter on each boundary.


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A new parafermionic algebra associated with the homogeneous space A(2)((2))/U(1) and its corresponding Z-algebra have been recently proposed. In this paper, we give a free boson representation of the A(2)((2)) parafermion algebra in terms of seven free fields. Free field realizations of the parafermionic energy-momentum tensor and screening currents are also obtained. A new algebraic structure is discovered, which contains a W-algebra type primary field with spin two. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.


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E. coli was submitted to a 5G electromagnetic field generated by a alternate 60 Hz voltage source. The differences on growth and glucose consume in control and exposed groups were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. There was a significant difference in glucose consume and growth in E. coli after 8 hours of exposition to electromagnetic field. It can be concluded that electromagnetic field had a positive effect in consume of glucose and growth of E. coli. The cause of these results can be explained by an increasing of glucose entrance through membrane due to the stimulated transport system via Facility Diffusion or cyclotron resonance. The growth can be caused by shortening of lag phase and excitement of log phase.


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A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Química no ramo de Otimização Energética na Indústria Química, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estudo energético foi desenvolvido na empresa Petrogal, S.A, na Refinaria de Matosinhos, avaliando a possível racionalização energética do processo existente na Fábrica de Aromáticos. Os objetivos propostos basearam-se na realização de uma integração energética à unidade de pré-destilação, denominada por U-0100, que se encontra instalada na Fábrica de Aromáticos. Pretende-se, de uma forma geral, o reaproveitamento máximo da energia do processo, diminuindo o recurso a utilidades externas. Para tal recorreu-se à metodologia da análise do ponto de estrangulamento, designada por tecnologia Pinch. Numa primeira fase da otimização foi necessário conhecer todo o processo em causa e os conceitos associados à tecnologia aplicada. Após contactar com o processo procedeu-se ao levantamento energético do mesmo, referente ao ano 2013. Nesta etapa foram recolhidos todos os dados considerados relevantes para a quantificação energética das correntes e das utilidades empregues. Depois da recolha efetuou-se a integração energética estabelecendo um ∆Tmin ótimo para o processo de 5°C, após uma prévia análise da influência deste parâmetro sobre os consumos. Constatou-se que atualmente o processo de separação opera com uma taxa de recuperação energética de 16,8% da energia total, sendo a restante energia introduzida por utilidades externas. Com a análise do ponto de estrangulamento concluiu-se que a unidade de pré - destilação U-0100 se encontra integrada energeticamente, não sendo essencial proceder a qualquer modificação à mesma. No entanto sugere-se como trabalho futuro um estudo técnico e económico da implementação de um pré-aquecedor de ar, necessário ao processo de combustão que se dá na fornalha H-0101. Isto tendo em vista o reaproveitamento máximo da corrente, gases de combustão, que é desperdiçada para o meio ambiente.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Fieldiana. Botany, v. 13, part 2


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This paper aims at presenting the stakes related to the access to protected land in the United States and to its conservation, through the analysis of the professional practice of U.S. mountain guides. From a methodological standpoint, this research is based both on a theoretical analysis grounded in the field of environmental economics and on an empirical study. The authors' starting point is Garrett Hardin's paper, "The Tragedy of the Commons" (Science, 1968), even if it introduces some confusion on the notion of common goods. So as to avoid this confusion, the authors use two theoretical tools pertaining to a typology of common goods and the different property rights that can be applied in National Parks. Finally, they apply this framework to the observations made on the field in Colorado in July 2009.


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RésuméCette étude a pour objectif d'observer l'évolution des actes agressifs dans deux sports d'équipes en fonction de facteurs situationnels (périodes de jeu, lieu de la faute, état du score) et du type d'agressions (instrumentales, hostile). 60 matchs professionnels de football et de hockey sur glace ont été filmés puis analysés à l'aide de grilles d'observation différenciant les deux types d'agressions. Les résultats révèlent que dans ces deux sports, les agressions instrumentales sont plus fréquentes dans les zones importantes du terrain (milieu ou défense) ou lorsque le score est serré. En revanche, les agressions hostiles ne varient pas (ou peu) selon ces facteurs. Les résultats sont discutés au regard de la théorie de l'apprentissage social et de l'hypothèse frustration-agression.AbstractThis study aims at examining observed aggression in two team sports as a function of situational triggers (periods, zones of field, games score) and of type of aggression (instrumental, hostile). 60 soccer and ice hockey games were recorded and analyzed using a grid that differentiates the two types of aggression. The results revealed that theses two sports, instrumental aggressions were more frequent in important zones of field (neutral or defensive ones) and in tied score situations. However, no difference was found for hostile aggression according to these factors. The discussion focused on the social learning theory and frustration-aggression hypothesis.


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One of the main goals in radiobiology research is to enhance radiotherapy effectiveness without provoking any increase in toxicity. In this context, it has been proposed that electromagnetic fields (EMFs), known to be modulators of proliferation rate, enhancers of apoptosis and inductors of genotoxicity, might control tumor recruitment and, thus, provide therapeutic benefits. Scientific evidence shows that the effects of ionizing radiation on cellular compartments and functions are strengthened by EMF. Although little is known about the potential role of EMFs in radiotherapy (RT), the radiosensitizing effect of EMFs described in the literature could support their use to improve radiation effectiveness. Thus, we hypothesized that EMF exposure might enhance the ionizing radiation effect on tumor cells, improving the effects of RT. The aim of this paper is to review reports of the effects of EMFs in biological systems and their potential therapeutic benefits in radiotherapy.