983 resultados para Explicit recasts


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The population density of an organism is one of the main aspects of its environment, and shoud therefore strongly influence its adaptive strategy. The r/K theory, based on the logistic model, was developed to formalize this influence. K-selectioon is classically thought to favour large body sizes. This prediction, however, cannot be directly derived from the logistic model: some auxiliary hypotheses are therefor implicit. These are to be made explicit if the theory is to be tested. An alternative approach, based on the Euler-Lotka equation, shows that density itself is irrelevant, but that the relative effect of density on adult and juvenile features is crucial. For instance, increasing population will select for a smaller body size if the density affects mainly juvenile growth and/or survival. In this case, density shoud indeed favour large body sizes. The theory appears nevertheless inconsistent, since a probable consequence of increasing body size will be a decrease in the carrying capacity


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BACKGROUND: Prospective data describing the appropriateness of use of colonoscopy based on detailed panel-based clinical criteria are not available. METHODS: In a cohort of 553 consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy to two university-based Swiss outpatient clinics, the percentage of patients who underwent colonoscopy for appropriate, equivocal, and inappropriate indications and the relationship between appropriateness of use and the presence of relevant endoscopic lesions was prospectively assessed. This assessment was based on criteria of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and explicit American and Swiss criteria developed in 1994 by a formal panel process using the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method. RESULTS: The procedures were rated appropriate or equivocal in 72.2% by criteria of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, in 68.5% by explicit American criteria, and in 74.4% by explicit Swiss criteria (not statistically significant, NS). Inappropriate use (overuse) of colonoscopy was found in 27.8%, 31.5%, and 25.6%, respectively (NS). The proportion of appropriate procedures was higher with increasing age. Almost all reasons for using colonoscopy could be assessed by the two explicit criteria sets, whereas 28.4% of reasons for using colonoscopy could not be evaluated by the criteria of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (p < 0.0001). The probability of finding a relevant endoscopic lesion was distinctly higher in the procedures rated appropriate or equivocal than in procedures judged inappropriate. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of inappropriate use of colonoscopy is substantial in Switzerland. Explicit criteria allow assessment of almost all indications encountered in clinical practice. In this study, all sets of appropriateness criteria significantly enhanced the probability of finding a relevant endoscopic lesion during colonoscopy.


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Plasmids carry a wide range of genes that are often involved in bacterial social behaviour. The question of why such genes are frequently mobile has received increasing attention. Here, we use an explicit population genetic approach to model the evolution of plasmid-borne bacterial public goods production. Our findings highlight the importance of both transmission and relatedness as factors driving the evolution of plasmid-borne public goods production. We partition the effects of plasmid transfer of social traits into those of infectivity and the effect of increased relatedness. Our results demonstrate that, owing to its effect on relatedness, plasmid mobility increases the invasion and stability of public goods, in a way not seen in individually beneficial traits. In addition, we show that plasmid transfer increases relatedness when public goods production is rare but this effect declines when production is common, with both scenarios leading to an increase in the frequency of plasmid-borne public goods. Plasmids remain important vectors for the spread of social genes involved in bacterial virulence thus an understanding of their dynamics is highly relevant from a public health perspective.


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This paper presents a new method and circuit for the conversion of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signals into amplitude shift keying signals. The basic principles of the conversion method are the superharmonic injection and locking of oscillator circuits, and interference phenomena. The first one is used to synchronize the oscillators, while the second is used to generate an amplitude interference pattern that reproduces the original phase modulation. When combined with an envelope detector, the proposed converter circuit allows the coherent demodulation of BPSK signals without need of any explicit carrier recovery system. The time response of the converter circuit to phase changes of the input signal, as well as the conversion limits, are discussed in detail.


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In this paper we analyze the time of ruin in a risk process with the interclaim times being Erlang(n) distributed and a constant dividend barrier. We obtain an integro-differential equation for the Laplace Transform of the time of ruin. Explicit solutions for the moments of the time of ruin are presented when the individual claim amounts have a distribution with rational Laplace transform. Finally, some numerical results and a compare son with the classical risk model, with interclaim times following an exponential distribution, are given.


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[spa] En este artículo hallamos fórmulas para el nucleolo de juegos de asignación arbitrarios con dos compradores y dos vendedores. Se analizan cinco casos distintos, dependiendo de las entradas en la matriz de asignación. Los resultados se extienden a los casos de juegos de asignación de tipo 2 x m o m x 2.


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Social scientists often estimate models from correlational data, where the independent variable has not been exogenously manipulated; they also make implicit or explicit causal claims based on these models. When can these claims be made? We answer this question by first discussing design and estimation conditions under which model estimates can be interpreted, using the randomized experiment as the gold standard. We show how endogeneity--which includes omitted variables, omitted selection, simultaneity, common methods bias, and measurement error--renders estimates causally uninterpretable. Second, we present methods that allow researchers to test causal claims in situations where randomization is not possible or when causal interpretation is confounded, including fixed-effects panel, sample selection, instrumental variable, regression discontinuity, and difference-in-differences models. Third, we take stock of the methodological rigor with which causal claims are being made in a social sciences discipline by reviewing a representative sample of 110 articles on leadership published in the previous 10 years in top-tier journals. Our key finding is that researchers fail to address at least 66 % and up to 90 % of design and estimation conditions that make causal claims invalid. We conclude by offering 10 suggestions on how to improve non-experimental research.


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Calculations of the binding energy of bound positron states in metal surfaces, with explicit inclusion of plasmon dispersion and single-particle effects, are presented. The binding energy is greatly reduced with respect to the undispersed case.


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The influence of Delta isobar components on the ground-state properties of nuclear systems is investigated for nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei. Many-body wave functions, including isobar configurations and binding energies, are evaluated employing the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. It is demonstrated that the effect of isobar configurations depends in a rather sensitive way on the model used for the baryon-baryon interaction. As examples for realistic baryon-baryon interactions with explicit inclusion of isobar channels we use the local (V28) and nonlocal meson-exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently developed by the Salamanca group, which is based on a quark picture. The differences obtained for the nuclear observables are related to the treatment of the interaction, the pi-exchange contributions in particular, at high momentum transfers.


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Animal dispersal in a fragmented landscape depends on the complex interaction between landscape structure and animal behavior. To better understand how individuals disperse, it is important to explicitly represent the properties of organisms and the landscape in which they move. A common approach to modelling dispersal includes representing the landscape as a grid of equal sized cells and then simulating individual movement as a correlated random walk. This approach uses a priori scale of resolution, which limits the representation of all landscape features and how different dispersal abilities are modelled. We develop a vector-based landscape model coupled with an object-oriented model for animal dispersal. In this spatially explicit dispersal model, landscape features are defined based on their geographic and thematic properties and dispersal is modelled through consideration of an organism's behavior, movement rules and searching strategies (such as visual cues). We present the model's underlying concepts, its ability to adequately represent landscape features and provide simulation of dispersal according to different dispersal abilities. We demonstrate the potential of the model by simulating two virtual species in a real Swiss landscape. This illustrates the model's ability to simulate complex dispersal processes and provides information about dispersal such as colonization probability and spatial distribution of the organism's path


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Disturbances affect metapopulations directly through reductions in population size and indirectly through habitat modification. We consider how metapopulation persistence is affected by different disturbance regimes and the way in which disturbances spread, when metapopulations are compact or elongated, using a stochastic spatially explicit model which includes metapopulation and habitat dynamics. We discover that the risk of population extinction is larger for spatially aggregated disturbances than for spatially random disturbances. By changing the spatial configuration of the patches in the system--leading to different proportions of edge and interior patches--we demonstrate that the probability of metapopulation extinction is smaller when the metapopulation is more compact. Both of these results become more pronounced when colonization connectivity decreases. Our results have important management implication as edge patches, which are invariably considered to be less important, may play an important role as disturbance refugia.


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A retarded backward equation for a non-Markovian process induced by dichotomous noise (the random telegraphic signal) is deduced. The mean-first-passage time of this process is exactly obtained. The Gaussian white noise and the white shot noise limits are studied. Explicit physical results in first approximation are evaluated.


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We develop a singular perturbation approach to the problem of the calculation of a characteristic time (the nonlinear relaxation time) for non-Markovian processes driven by Gaussian colored noise with small correlation time. Transient and initial preparation effects are discussed and explicit results for prototype situations are obtained. New effects on the relaxation of unstable states are predicted. The approach is compared with previous techniques.


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The kinetics of crystallization of four amorphous (or partially amorphous) melt spun Nd-Fe-B alloys induced by thermal treatment is studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy, In the range of temperatures explored experimentally, the crystallization process is thermally activated and generally proceeds in various stages. The Curie temperature and the crystallization behavior have been measured. The apparent activation energy of crystallization of most of the crystallization stages has been determined for each melt spun alloy. The explicit form of the kinetic equation that best describes the first stage of crystallization has been found. It follows in general the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Erofe'ev model, but clear deviations to that model occur for one alloy. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates that preferentially hetereogeneous nucleation occurs at the ribbon surface which was in contact with the wheel. From crystallization kinetics results the lower part of the experimental time-temperature-transformation curves for all studied alloys are deduced and extrapolated to the high temperature limit of their range of validity, also deduced.


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We develop a systematic method to derive all orders of mode couplings in a weakly nonlinear approach to the dynamics of the interface between two immiscible viscous fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell. The method is completely general: it applies to arbitrary geometry and driving. Here we apply it to the channel geometry driven by gravity and pressure. The finite radius of convergence of the mode-coupling expansion is found. Calculation up to third-order couplings is done, which is necessary to account for the time-dependent Saffman-Taylor finger solution and the case of zero viscosity contrast. The explicit results provide relevant analytical information about the role that the viscosity contrast and the surface tension play in the dynamics of the system. We finally check the quantitative validity of different orders of approximation and a resummation scheme against a physically relevant, exact time-dependent solution. The agreement between the low-order approximations and the exact solution is excellent within the radius of convergence, and is even reasonably good beyond this radius.