817 resultados para Embedding mappin


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È ben noto che non è possibile definire un embedding dello spazio proiettivo P^2(R) in R^3. Werner Boy nel 1901 provò per via teorica l’esistenza di un’immersione di P^2 in R^3: l’immagine di tale immersione è nota come superficie di Boy. Successivamente tale immersione venne fornita esplicitamente e si dimostrò che la superficie di Boy poteva essere ottenuta deformando la superficie romana di Steiner. Quest’ultima è una rappresentazione di P^2(R) in R^3 che non è tuttavia un’immersione, per la presenza di punti singolari detti pinch points.


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La Sentiment analysis, nata nell'ambito dell’informatica, è una delle aree di ricerca più attive nel campo dell’analisi del linguaggio naturale e si è diffusa ampiamente anche in altri rami scientifici come ad esempio le scienze sociali, l’economia e il marketing. L’enorme diffusione della sentiment analysis coincide con la crescita dei cosiddetti social media: siti di commercio e recensioni di prodotti, forum di discussione, blog, micro-blog e di vari social network. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quello di progettare un sistema di sentiment analysis in grado di rilevare e classificare le opinioni e i sentimenti espressi tramite chat dagli utenti della piattaforma di video streaming Twitch.tv. Per impostare ed organizzare il lavoro, giungendo quindi alla definizione del sistema che ci si è proposti di realizzare, sono stati utilizzati vari modelli di analisi in particolare le recurrent neural networks (RNNLM) e sistemi di word embedding (word2vec),nello specifico i Paragraph Vectors, applicandoli, dapprima, su dati etichettati in maniera automatica attraverso l'uso di emoticon e, successivamente, su dati etichettati a mano.


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This study compared the efficiency of air abrasion on enamel caries with selective enamel powder (SEP) or with alumina powder and a negative and positive control group. Ninety-three extracted molars with non-cavitated incipient enamel lesions were selected. After embedding the roots in resin, each lesion was sectioned perpendicular to the surface and photographed. Each lesion was classified microscopically as having or not having dentin involvement. The lesions were distributed into four groups with an equal number of enamel caries with or without dentin involvement. Each group was treated differently: Group 1 had SEP abrasion, Group 2 had alumina abrasion, Group 3 had sodium bicarbonate abrasion (negative control) and Group 4 had bur treatment (positive control). The surface was rephotographed after treatment. Superimposition of the photographs identified areas of "correct-excavation," "under-excavation" and "over-excavation." There were no statistical differences between lesions treated with or without dentin involvement for Groups 2 through 4. However, in the SEP group, all measured areas were significantly influenced by dentin involvement. In pairwise comparisons, no statistical differences were found between the alumina and bur groups. The SEP group, however, showed statistically significant differences for each area compared to the alumina group in enamel caries without dentin involvement. SEP performed as well as alumina and bur in lesions with dentin involvement. SEP is different in its ablative properties toward caries with dentin involvement or no dentin involvement. In terms of dental treatment, SEP seems to have a diagnostic potential for enamel lesions before operative intervention in patients with high caries risk.


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Bacteria are generally difficult specimens to prepare for conventional resin section electron microscopy and mycobacteria, with their thick and complex cell envelope layers being especially prone to artefacts. Here we made a systematic comparison of different methods for preparing Mycobacterium smegmatis for thin section electron microscopy analysis. These methods were: (1) conventional preparation by fixatives and epoxy resins at ambient temperature. (2) Tokuyasu cryo-section of chemically fixed bacteria. (3) rapid freezing followed by freeze substitution and embedding in epoxy resin at room temperature or (4) combined with Lowicryl HM20 embedding and ultraviolet (UV) polymerization at low temperature and (5) CEMOVIS, or cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections. The best preservation of bacteria was obtained with the cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections method, as expected, especially with respect to the preservation of the cell envelope and lipid bodies. By comparison with cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections both the conventional and Tokuyasu methods produced different, undesirable artefacts. The two different types of freeze-substitution protocols showed variable preservation of the cell envelope but gave acceptable preservation of the cytoplasm, but not lipid bodies, and bacterial DNA. In conclusion although cryo electron microscopy of vitreous sections must be considered the 'gold standard' among sectioning methods for electron microscopy, because it avoids solvents and stains, the use of optimally prepared freeze substitution also offers some advantages for ultrastructural analysis of bacteria.


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Accurate experimental values for the free energies of hydration, or the free energies of solvation, of the H+, OH-, and H3O+ ions are of fundamental importance. By use of the most accurate value for the free energy of solvation of H+, the known value for the free energy of solvation of water, and the known values for the gas phase and aqueous phase deprotonation of water, the corresponding experimental free energy of solvation for OH- is −106.4 ± 0.5 kcal/mol. Similarly, by use of the known values for ΔGf 0 for H3O, H2O+, and OH-, the known values for ΔGs for H+ and OH-, and the known value for the aqueous phase autoionization of water, we obtain an experimental free energy of solvation value for H3O+ of −103.4 ± 0.5 kcal/mol. These values are in excellent agreement with the commonly accepted values and with the value for ΔGs(OH-) obtained from embedding clusters of OH-(H2O)n in a dielectric continuum.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Currently, several new stent retriever devices for acute stroke treatment are under development and early clinical evaluation. Preclinical testing under standardized conditions is an important first step to evaluate the technical performance and potential of these devices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate recanalization effect, recanalization efficacy, thrombus-device interaction, and safety of a new stent retriever intended for thrombectomy in patients with acute stroke. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The pREset thrombectomy device (4 × 20 mm) was evaluated in 16 vessel occlusions in an established swine model. Radiopaque thrombi (10-mm length) were used for visualization of thrombus-device interaction during application and retrieval. Flow-restoration effect immediately after deployment and after 5-minute embedding time before retrieval, recanalization rate after retrieval, thromboembolic events, and complications were assessed. High-resolution FPCT was performed to illustrate thrombus-device interaction during the embedding time. RESULTS: Immediate flow restoration was achieved in 75% of occlusions. An increase or stable percentage of recanalizations during embedding time before retrieval was seen in 56.3%; a decrease, in 12.5%; reocclusion of a previously recanalized vessel, in 18.8%; and no recanalization effect at all, in 12.5%. Complete recanalization (TICI 3) after retrieval was achieved in 93.8%; partial recanalization (TICI 2b), in 6.2%. No distal thromboembolic events were observed. High-resolution FPCT illustrated entrapment of the thrombus between the stent struts and compression against the contralateral vessel wall, leading to partial flow restoration. During retrieval, the thrombus was retained in a straight position within the stent struts. CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental study, the pREset thrombus retriever showed a high recanalization rate in vivo. High-resolution FPCT allows detailed illustration of the thrombus-device interaction during embedding time and is advocated as an add-on tool to the animal model used in this study.


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The granule cells of the dentate gyrus give rise to thin unmyelinated axons, the mossy fibers. They form giant presynaptic boutons impinging on large complex spines on the proximal dendritic portions of hilar mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal neurons. While these anatomical characteristics have been known for some time, it remained unclear whether functional changes at mossy fiber synapses such as long-term potentiation (LTP) are associated with structural changes. Since subtle structural changes may escape a fine-structural analysis when the tissue is fixed by using aldehydes and is dehydrated in ethanol, rapid high-pressure freezing (HPF) of the tissue was applied. Slice cultures of hippocampus were prepared and incubated in vitro for 2 weeks. Then, chemical LTP (cLTP) was induced by the application of 25 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) for 10 min. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from CA3 pyramidal neurons revealed a highly significant potentiation of mossy fiber synapses when compared to control conditions before the application of TEA. Next, the slice cultures were subjected to HPF, cryosubstitution, and embedding in Epon for a fine-structural analysis. When compared to control tissue, we noticed a significant decrease of synaptic vesicles in mossy fiber boutons and a concomitant increase in the length of the presynaptic membrane. On the postsynaptic side, we observed the formation of small, finger-like protrusions, emanating from the large complex spines. These short protrusions gave rise to active zones that were shorter than those normally found on the thorny excrescences. However, the total number of active zones was significantly increased. Of note, none of these cLTP-induced structural changes was observed in slice cultures from Munc13-1 deficient mouse mutants showing severely impaired vesicle priming and docking. In conclusion, application of HPF allowed us to monitor cLTP-induced structural reorganization of mossy fiber synapses.


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Objective: Root canal obliterations may pose esthetic and clinical problems or may even be a risk factor for tooth survival. Microcalcifications in the pulp can be so extensive that the entire root canal system becomes obliterated. Since bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are involved in both physiological and pathological mineralization processes, our hypothesis was that these two bone-related noncollagenous proteins are present in microcalcifications of the pulp. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to characterize the nature of microcalcifications in the pulp of aged human teeth. Methods: From a large collection of human teeth, 10 were found to exhibit pulpal microcalcifications. The teeth were extracted for periodontal reasons from 39-60 year old patients. After fixation in aldehydes and decalcification, teeth were processed for embedding in LR White resin for analysis in the light and transmission electron microscope. For the detection of BSP and OPN, post-embedding high resolution immunocytochemistry was applied. Results: The microcalcifications were round or elongated, occasionally coalescing, and intensely stained with toluidine blue. Collagen fibrils were found in most but not all microcalcifications. All microcalcifications were immunoreactive for both antibodies and showed an identical labeling pattern. Gold particle labeling was extensively found throughout the interfibrillar ground substance of the microcalcifications, whereas the dentin matrix lacked immunolabeling. Conclusion: BSP and OPN appear to be major matrix constituents of pulp microcalcifications and may thus, like in other mineralized tissues, be involved in their mineralization process.


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Elderly patients frequently suffer from osteoporotic vertebral fractures resulting in the need of vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. Nevertheless, no data are available about the long-term consequences of cement injection into osteoporotic bone. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the long-term tissue reaction on bone cement injected to osteoporotic bone during vertebroplasty. The thoracic spine of an 80-year-old female was explanted 3.5 years after vertebroplasty with polymethylmethacrylate. The treatment had been performed due to painful osteoporotic compression fractures. Individual vertebral bodies were cut in axial or sagittal sections after embedding. The sections were analysed using contact radiography and staining with toluidine blue. Furthermore, selected samples were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy and micro-compted tomography (in-plane resolution 6 microm). Large amounts of newly formed callus surrounding the injected polymethylmethacrylate were detected with all imaging techniques. The callus formation almost completely filled the spaces between the vertebral endplate, the cancellous bone, and the injected polymethylmethacrylate. In trabecular bone microfractures and osteoclast lacuna were bridged or filled with newly formed bone. Nevertheless, the majority of the callus formation was found in the immediate vicinity of the polymethylmethacrylate without any obvious relationship to trabecular fractures. The results indicate for the first time that, contrary to established knowledge, even in osteoporosis the formation of large amounts of new bone is possible.


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The objective of modern transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in life science is to observe biological structures in a state as close as possible to the living organism. TEM samples have to be thin and to be examined in vacuum; therefore only solid samples can be investigated. The most common and popular way to prepare samples for TEM is to subject them to chemical fixation, staining, dehydration, and embedding in a resin (all of these steps introduce considerable artifacts) before investigation. An alternative is to immobilize samples by cooling. High pressure freezing is so far the only approach to vitrify (water solidification without ice crystal formation) bulk biological samples of about 200 micrometer thick. This method leads to an improved ultrastructural preservation. After high pressure freezing, samples have to be subjected to follow-up procedure, such as freeze-substitution and embedding. The samples can also be sectioned into frozen hydrated sections and analyzed in a cryo-TEM. Also for immunocytochemistry, high pressure freezing is a good and practicable way.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are interesting materials with extraordinary properties for various applications. Here, vertically-aligned multiwalled CNTs (VA-MWCNTs) are grown by our dual radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After optimizing the synthesis processes, these VA-MWCNTs were fabricated in to a series of devices for applications in vacuum electronics, glucose biosensors, glucose biofuel cells, and supercapacitors In particular, we have created the so-called PMMA-CNT matrices (opened-tip CNTs embedded in poly-methyl methacrylate) that are promising components in a novel energy sensing, generation and storage (SGS) system that integrate glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. The content of this thesis work is described as follows: 1. We have first optimized the synthesis of VA-MWCNTs by our PECVD technique. The effects of CH4 flow rate and growth duration on the lengths of these CNTs were studied. 2. We have characterized these VA-MWCNTs for electron field emission. We noticed that as grown CNTs suffers from high emission threshold, poor emission density and poor long-term stability. We attempted a series of experiments to understand ways to overcome these problems. First, we decrease the screening effects on VA-MWCNTs by creating arrays of self-assembled CNT bundles that are catalyst-free and opened tips. These bundles are found to enhance the field emission stability and emission density. Subsequently, we have created PMMA-CNT matrices that are excellent electron field emitters with an emission threshold field of more than two-fold lower than that of the as-grown sample. Furthermore, no significant emission degradation was observed after a continuous emission test of 40 hours (versus much shorter tests in reported literatures). Based on the new understanding we learnt from the PMMA-CNT matrices, we further created PMMA-STO-CNT matrices by embedding opened-tip VA-MWCNTs that are coated with strontium titanate (SrTiO3) with PMMA. We found that the PMMA-STO-CNT matrices have all the desired properties of the PMMA-CNT matrices. Furthermore, PMMA-STO-CNT matrices offer much lower emission threshold field, about five-fold lower than that of as grown VA-MWCNTs. The new understandings we obtained are important for practical application of VA-MWCNTs in field emission devices. 3. Subsequently, we have functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices for glucose biosensing. Our biosensor was developed by immobilized glucose oxidase (GOχ) on the opened-tip CNTs exposed on the matrices. The durability, stability and sensitivity of the biosensor were studied. In order to understand the performance of miniaturized glucose biosensors, we have then investigated the effect of working electrode area on the sensitivity and current level of our biosensors. 4. Next, functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices were utilized for energy generation and storage. We found that PMMA-CNT matrices are promising component in glucose/O2 biofuel cells (BFCs) for energy generation. The construction of these BFCs and the effect of the electrode area on the power density of these BFCs were investigated. Then, we have attempted to use PMMA-CNT matrices as supercapacitors for energy storage devices. The performance of these supercapacitors and ways to enhance their performance are discussed. 5. Finally, we further evaluated the concept of energy SGS system that integrated glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. This SGS system may be implantable to monitor and control the blood glucose level in our body.


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Inductive-capacitive (LC) resonant circuit sensors are low-cost, wireless, durable, simple to fabricate and battery-less. Consequently, they are well suited to sensing applications in harsh environments or in situations where large numbers of sensors are needed. They are also advantageous in applications where access to the sensor is limited or impossible or when sensors are needed on a disposable basis. Due to their many advantages, LC sensors have been used for sensing a variety of parameters including humidity, temperature, chemical concentrations, pH, stress/pressure, strain, food quality and even biological growth. However, current versions of the LC sensor technology are limited to sensing only one parameter. The purpose of this work is to develop new types of LC sensor systems that are simpler to fabricate (hence lower cost) or capable of monitoring multiple parameters simultaneously. One design presented in this work, referred to as the multi-element LC sensor, is able to measure multiple parameters simultaneously using a second capacitive element. Compared to conventional LC sensors, this design can sense multiple parameters with a higher detection range than two independent sensors while maintaining the same overall sensor footprint. In addition, the two-element sensor does not suffer from interference issues normally encountered while implementing two LC sensors in close proximity. Another design, the single-spiral inductive-capacitive sensor, utilizes the parasitic capacitance of a coil or spring structure to form a single layer LC resonant circuit. Unlike conventional LC sensors, this design is truly planar, thus simplifying its fabrication process and reducing sensor cost. Due to the simplicity of this sensor layout it will be easier and more cost-effective for embedding in common building or packaging materials during manufacturing processes, thereby adding functionality to current products (such as drywall sheets) while having a minor impact on overall unit cost. These modifications to the LC sensor design significantly improve the functionality and commercial feasibility of this technology, especially for applications where a large array of sensors or multiple sensing parameters are required.


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Television and movie images have been altered ever since it was technically possible. Nowadays embedding advertisements, or incorporating text and graphics in TV scenes, are common practice, but they can not be considered as integrated part of the scene. The introduction of new services for interactive augmented television is discussed in this paper. We analyse the main aspects related with the whole chain of augmented reality production. Interactivity is one of the most important added values of the digital television: This paper aims to break the model where all TV viewers receive the same final image. Thus, we introduce and discuss the new concept of interactive augmented television, i. e. real time composition of video and computer graphics - e.g. a real scene and freely selectable images or spatial rendered objects - edited and customized by the end user within the context of the user's set top box and TV receiver.


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The article introduces the E-learning Circle, a tool developed to assure the quality of the software design process of e-learning systems, considering pedagogical principles as well as technology. The E-learning Circle consists of a number of concentric circles which are divided into three sectors. The content of the inner circles is based on pedagogical principles, while the outer circle specifies how the pedagogical principles may be implemented with technology. The circle’s centre is dedicated to the subject taught, ensuring focus on the specific subject’s properties. The three sectors represent the student, the teacher and the learning objectives. The strengths of the E-learning Circle are the compact presentation combined with the overview it provides, as well as the usefulness of a design tool dealing with complexity, providing a common language and embedding best practice. The E-learning Circle is not a prescriptive method, but is useful in several design models and processes. The article presents two projects where the E-learning Circle was used as a design tool.


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Fehlende Grundkenntnisse in der Mathematik zählen zu den größten Hindernissen für einen erfolgreichen Start in ein Hochschulstudium. Studienanfänger in einem MINT-Studium bringen inzwischen deutlich unterschiedliche Vorrausetzungen mit: „Mathe-Angst“ gilt als typisches Phänomen und der Übergang in ein selbstbestimmtes Lernverhalten stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Fall-Studie beschreibt, wie mit Hilfe einer Mathe-App bereits zu Beginn des Studiums aktives Lernen unterstützt und selbstbestimmtes Lernen eingeübt werden kann. Das neue Kurskonzept mit App-Unterstützung stößt an der Hochschule Offenburg auf breite Akzeptanz. Der mobile BYOD-Ansatz ermöglicht Lern-Szenarien, die über PC- bzw.- Laptop-gebundene eLearning-Lösungen nicht realisierbar sind. Der Inhalt des MassMatics-Vorbereitungskurs orientiert sich am Mindestanforderungskatalog des cosh-Arbeitskreises für den Übergang Schule-Hochschule. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der App-gestützte Kurs mit seinen über 500 Aufgaben von mehr als 1000 Studierenden besucht.