933 resultados para Dynamics of a particle
The bound state of constituent quarks forming a Qqq composite baryon is investigated in a QCD-inspired effective light-front model. The light-front Faddeev equations are derived and solved numerically. The masses of the spin 1/2 low-lying states of the nucleon, Lambda(0), Lambda(c)(+) and Lambda(b)(0), are found and compared to the experimental data. The data are qualitatively described with a flavor independent effective interaction.
We consider the critical short-time evolution of magnetic and droplet-percolation order parameters for the Ising model in two and three dimensions, through Monte Carlo simulations with the (local) heat-bath method. We find qualitatively different dynamic behaviors for the two types of order parameters. More precisely, we find that the percolation order parameter does not have a power-law behavior as encountered for the magnetization, but develops a scale (related to the relaxation time to equilibrium) in the Monte Carlo time. We argue that this difference is due to the difficulty in forming large clusters at the early stages of the evolution. Our results show that, although the descriptions in terms of magnetic and percolation order parameters may be equivalent in the equilibrium regime, greater care must be taken to interpret percolation observables at short times. In particular, this concerns the attempts to describe the dynamics of the deconfinement phase transition in QCD using cluster observables.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The time evolution of the matter produced in high energy heavy-ion collisions seems to be well described by relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. In addition to the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom related to energy-momentum conservation, degrees of freedom associated with order parameters of broken continuous symmetries must be considered because they are all coupled to each other. of particular interest is the coupling of degrees of freedom associated with the chiral symmetry of QCD. Quantum and thermal fluctuations of the chiral fields act as noise sources in the classical equations of motion, turning them into stochastic differential equations in the form of Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin (GLL) equations. Analytic solutions of GLL equations are attainable only in very special circumstances and extensive numerical simulations are necessary, usually by discretizing the equations on a spatial lattice. However, a not much appreciated issue in the numerical simulations of GLL equations is that ultraviolet divergences in the form of lattice-spacing dependence plague the solutions. The divergences are related to the well-known Rayleigh-Jeans catastrophe in classical field theory. In the present communication we present a systematic lattice renormalization method to control the catastrophe. We discuss the implementation of the method for a GLL equation derived in the context of a model for the QCD chiral phase transition and consider the nonequilibrium evolution of the chiral condensate during the hydrodynamic flow of the quark-gluon plasma.
We investigate the effects of dissipation in the deconfinement transition for pure SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories. Using an effective theory for the order parameter, we study its Langevin evolution numerically. Noise effects are included for the case of SU(2). We find that both dissipation and noise have dramatic effects on the spinodal decomposition of the order parameter and delay considerably its thermalization. For SU(3) the effects of dissipation are even larger than for SU(2).
The dynamics of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus-Dione is investigated with a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the domain of the planar general three-body problem. Using surfaces of section and spectral analysis methods, we study the phase space of the system in terms of several parameters, including the most recent data. A detailed study of the main possible regimes of motion is presented, and in particular we show that, besides the two separated resonances, the phase space is replete of secondary resonances.
In this paper we search for the dynamics of a simple portal structure in the free and in the periodic excitation cases. By using the Center Manifold approach and Averaging Method, we obtain results on both stability and bifurcation of equilibrium points and periodic orbits. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A probable capture of Phobos into an interesting resonance was presented in our previous work. With a simple model, considering Mars in a Keplerian and circular orbit, it was shown that once captured in the resonance, the inclination of the satellite reaches very high values. Here, the integrations are extended to much longer times and escape situations are analyzed. These escapes are due to the interaction of new additional resonances, which appear as the inclination starts to increase reaching some specific values. Compared to classical capture in mean motion resonances, we see some interesting differences in this problem. We also include the effect of Mars' eccentricity in the process of the capture. The role played by this eccentricity becomes important, particularly when Phobos encounters a double resonance at a approximate to 2.619R(M). Planetary perturbations acting on Mars and variation of its equator are also included. In general, some possible scenarios of the future of Phobos are presented.
Tuned liquid column dampers are U-tubes filled with some liquid, acting as an active vibration damper in structures of engineering interest like buildings and bridges. We study the effect of a tuned liquid column damper in a vibrating system consisting of a cart which vibrates under driving by a source with limited power supply (non-ideal excitation). The effect of a liquid damper is studied in some dynamical regimes characterized by coexistence of both periodic and chaotic motion. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work we study the dynamics of fictitious satellites of the Earth. In the first part we do not consider the effect of the Moon and study the dynamics in the restrict three-body model, i.e., a massless satellite under the effect of the gravitational force of an oblate Earth and that of the Sun. We show that a satellite starting with an almost circular orbit suffers very large variations of eccentricity, depending on the initial inclination of the orbit with respect to the reference plane. As the eccentricity may be driven to very large values (approximate to0.9) mutual collisions between satellites or collisions with the planet may occur. In the second part, we include the gravitational effect of the Moon. In this case, we find two regions with large variations of eccentricity due to the presence of the Moon. Consequently, in both scenarios, we find some large regions of the phase space where the long-term stability of some fictitious Earth's satellites is not possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper considers the dynamics of two planets, as the planets B and C of the pulsar PSR B1257+12, near a 3/2 mean-motion resonance. A two-degrees-of-freedom model, in the framework of the general three-body planar problem, is used and the solutions are analyzed through surfaces of section and Fourier techniques in the full phase space of the system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Some dynamical properties for a dissipative time-dependent oval-shaped billiard are studied. The system is described in terms of a four-dimensional nonlinear mapping. Dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions of the particle with the boundary, thus implying that the particle has a fractional loss of energy upon collision. The dissipation causes profound modifications in the dynamics of the particle as well as in the phase space of the non-dissipative system. In particular, inelastic collisions can be assumed as an efficient mechanism to suppress Fermi acceleration of the particle. The dissipation also creates attractors in the system, including chaotic. We show that a slightly modification of the intensity of the damping coefficient yields a drastic and sudden destruction of the chaotic attractor, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with its own basin of attraction and confirmed that inelastic collisions do indeed suppress Fermi acceleration in two-dimensional time-dependent billiards. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.