935 resultados para Districts
This multicentric population-based study in Brazil is the first national effort to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B (HBV) and risk factors in the capital cities of the Northeast. Central-West, and Federal Districts (2004-2005). Random multistage cluster sampling was used to select persons 13-69 years of age. Markers for HBV were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The HBV genotypes were determined by sequencing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Multivariate analyses and simple catalytic model were performed. Overall. 7,881 persons were inculded < 70% were not vaccinated. Positivity for HBsAg was less than 1% among non-vaccinated persons and genotypes A, D, and F co-circulated. The incidence of infection increased with age with similar force of infection in all regions. Males and persons having initiated sexual activity were associated with HBV infection in the two settings: healthcare jobs and prior hospitalization were risk factors in the Federal District. Our survey classified these regions as areas with HBV endemicity and highlighted the risk factors differences among the settings.
Prior to deforestation, So Paulo State had 79,000 km(2) covered by Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) physiognomies, but today less than 8.5% of this biodiversity hotspot remains, mostly in private lands. The global demand for agricultural goods has imposed strong pressure on natural areas, and the economic decisions of agribusiness managers are crucial to the fate of Cerrado domain remaining areas (CDRA) in Brazil. Our aim was to investigate the effectiveness of Brazilian private protected areas policy, and to propose a feasible alternative to promote CDRA protection. This article assessed the main agribusiness opportunity costs for natural areas preservation: the land use profitability and the arable land price. The CDRA percentage and the opportunity costs were estimated for 349 municipal districts of So Paulo State through secondary spatial data and profitability values of 38 main agricultural products. We found that Brazilian private protected areas policy fails to preserve CDRA, although the values of non-compliance fines were higher than average opportunity costs. The scenario with very restrictive laws on private protected areas and historical high interest rates allowed us to conceive a feasible cross compliance proposal to improve environmental and agricultural policies.
The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are considered to be the main centers of the mammalian circadian timing system. In primates, the IGL is included as part of the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN), a cell group located mediodorsally to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. This work was carried out to comparatively evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin D-28k (CB), parvalbumin (PV), and calretinin (CR) into the circadian brain districts of the common marmoset and the rock cavy. In both species, although no fibers, terminals or perikarya showed PV-immunoreaction (IR) into the SCN, CB-IR perikarya labeling was detected throughout the SCN rostrocaudal extent, Seeming to delimit its cytoarchitectonic borders. CR-IR perikarya and neuropil were noticed into the ventral and dorsal portions of the SCN, lacking immunoreactivity in the central core of the marmoset and filling the entire nucleus in the rockcavy. The PGN of the marmoset presented a significant number of CB-, PV-, and CR-IR perikarya throughout the nucleus. The IGL of the rocky cavy exhibited a prominent CB- and CR-IR neuropil, showing similarity to the pattern found in other rodents. By comparing with literature data from other mammals, the results of the present study suggest that CB, PV, and CR are differentially distributed into the SCN and IGL among species. They may act either in concert or in a complementary manner in the SCN and IGL, so as to participate in specific aspects of the circadian regulation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The cancer risks (CR) by oral ingestion, dermal absorption, and inhalation exposure of trihalomethanes (THM) from tap water of ten districts in Fortaleza, Brazil were estimated. The mean levels of THM compounds were obtained in Fortaleza tap water as follow: 63.9 mu g L(-1) for chloroform (CHCl(3)), 40.0 mu g L(-1) for bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl(2)), and 15.6 mu g L(-1) for dibromochloromethane (CHBr(2)Cl). Bromoform (CHBr(3)) was not detected. The mean CR for THMs in tap water is 3.96 x 10(-4). The results indicate that Fortaleza residents have a higher CR by inhalation than dermal absorption and oral ingestion. The CR for CHCl(3) contributes with 68% as compared with the total CR, followed by CHBrCl(2) (21%), and CHBr(2)Cl (11%). The hazard index (HI) is about ten times lower than unity, not indicating non-cancer effects.
Every mother and child has the right to survive childbirth which requires skilled birth attendants together with referral and available emergency obstetric care (EmOC). The objective of the study was to describe delivery care routines at different levels in the health care system in Quang Ninh province, Northern Vietnam. The design was cross sectional using a structured questionnaire. Two districts in Quang Ninh province with 40 Community Health Centres (CHC), three district hospitals and one region hospital was included in the study, in total 138 (CHC n=105 and hospitals n=33) health care providers participated. In our study 20% (CHC) of the health care providers assisting deliveries at CHC were midwives and health care provider’s in our study further report to have assisted at less then 10 deliveries/year (81% of respondents at CHC). Findings show that the health care provider’s routines and care for women during labour and delivery vary and that there is a need for re-training and that women in labour should be cared for by health care providers with adequate training like midwifery. In our study CHC had poor resources to provide basic or comprehensive EmOC. Our findings indicate that there is a need for re-training in delivery care among health care providers and since the number of deliveries at CHC is few they should be handled by someone who is a skilled birth attendant. Our findings also show a variation in care routines during labour and delivery among health care providers at CHC and hospital levels and this also show the need for re-training and support from proper authorities in order to improve maternal and newborn health.
This investigation shall focus upon the issue of legalized abortion. I believe the complex controversy surrounding the issue of abortion, demonstrates more clearly than any other single contemporary issue the social, political, moral and religious forces working for change in a post-Reagan America. I shall examine in depth the theology, writings, strategies and activities of those Americans who seek to express themselves and their beliefs in religious, or religiously supported interest groups. The current debate surrounding abortion legislation lends itself to several forms of analysis: religious, political, sociological, etc. I will write from the perspective of a student of religion. I shall focus more upon the religious, moral and theological conviction-s of the abortion activists than upon their constitutional right to free speech or assembly. I shall give more attention to denominational structures and church/state relations than to the structuring of representative districts and democratic theory.
Urban sprawl is a significant issue in the United States, one effect of which is the departure of the wealth from cities. This study examined the distribution of wealth in Erie County, New York, focused around Buffalo. The question is then raised, why do those with the money leave the city, and to where do they go? While this study does not attempt to explain all of the reasons, it does examine two significant issues: quality of public school education, and proximity to main highways with easy access to the city. Using ArcGIS, I was able to place the public high schools and their relative ranking over a distribution of per capita income. The results of this analysis show that the wealthiest areas are located within the best school districts. Moreover, the areas where the wealth accumulates are directly connected by major highways.
Este trabalho analisa o papel das micro , pequenas e médias empresas no Brasil, sua importância na geração de rendas e empregos e compara os principais indicadores desse segmento com o de outros países. O trabalho faz uma análise dos principais problemas que dificultam o desenvolvimento das MPME, evidencia o que já foi feito e sugere que as políticas públicas priorizem a melhoria da competitividade das empresas, através da redução dos obstáculos causados pela excessiva regulamentação, dificuldades de acesso a financiamentos de médio e de longo prazos e através de programas e incentivos visando a melhoria da gestão das mesmas. O trabalho evidencia a importância e a evolução dos Distritos Industriais ( APL's) no Brasil, por muitos considerado como uma alternativa de fortalecimento das MPME e de desenvolvimento regional. É feita uma análise dos principais indicadores da economia informal e como algumas medidas de políticas públicas poderiam colaborar para redução dos atuais níveis de informalidade. O trabalho é concluído reenfatizando as principais ações que poderiam ser priorizadas nas diversas áreas - regulamentação, judiciário, tributária, crédito, todas objetivando melhorar a produtividade das MPME.
The Brazilian public administration must act with efficiency, developing its activities with readiness and minimizing the use of resources. However, it has not been being able to work with increasing demand in solve complex problems. Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ) is the entity responsible for the operational audit of the public institutions of Rio de Janeiro State and its Municipals districts, except for the Capital. It has detected itself that the society demand is superior to its operational capacity of assistance. This dissertation tries to know if the public works audits system adopted by TCERJ could be considered a viable system. Considering that the systems approaches represents the key to work with a reality more and more complex, the Viable System Modelo (VSM) was adopted as reference, having been developed by Stafford Beer with cybernetics basis. Finally, taking VSM as reference in the normative level, it could be affirmed that the studied system is not a viable system to verify that, the studied system is not a viable system yet.
With the globalization of the economy and the growing participation of several world investors in financial markets, combining the political, economical and social differences of each country, the varying Accounting Statements based on principles, standards, procedures or idiosyncratic accounting patterns become inadequate to provide comprehensible and useful financial information to the users at international level. Considering a country¿s conditions, peculiarities and the stage of development, the need to promote the convergence of the effective accounting practices in the public sector with the emerging international accounting standards is imperative as the public entities endeavor to provide transparent and comparable accounting information that can be understood by financial analysts, investors, auditors and other users, independent of their origin and location. Consequently, the objective of this research was described through the following questions: Which are the main differences between the international and local accounting norms applicable to the public sector in Brazil? Which are the main differences between the applicable international accounting norms and the practices adopted by the Brazilian public sector? And, which are the main differences between the practices adopted by the entities of the Brazilian public sector and the practices adopted by entities of the public sector of countries that formally follow the international accounting norms? The methodology adopted in this research was the one of comparative analysis between standards and practices. To provide a basis for the comparative analysis, the Brazilian standards were used for the public sector and the international standards were identified by consulting with the main international accounting committees. In the comparative analyses of norms adopted in national accounting statements the financial accounting statements of the Municipal districts of Rio de Janeiro and of São Paulo were used, and compared with the international accounting statements of New Zealand. The results of these comparative analyses provide important conclusions about the convergence and harmonization processes in accounting norms and practices for the public sector mainly as they demonstrate some of the conflicts among the recent efforts to base and harmonize accounting practices in the near future, but today significant differences remain between the norms and practices. It was also noticed that, in practice, the divergence in Brazilian accounting practices from the international standards are accentuated by the recognition of the registrations of the budgetary execution in the patrimonial accounting; and, the comparison with the practices adopted by New Zealand demonstrated that the foreign country¿s advances towards harmonizing its standards to the international norms and practices in such an important way that New Zealand independently overcomes the minimum exigencies of harmonization, which in practice, is more complete than the practices currently adopted in Brazil.
Esta tese de doutorado estuda a produção de unidades habitacionais para famílias de baixa renda coordenada com o programa de revitalização da região central do município de São Paulo. O estudo recupera o discurso da teoria microeconômica tradicional aplicada a estudos urbanos e o contrapõe a um discurso alternativo. Foi criada uma base de dados original na forma de um levantamento dos imóveis subutilizados nos distritos Sé e República a partir de visitas a campo, com observações diretas dos imóveis e utilizando técnicas de identificação por imagens de satélite e sistemas de geoprocessamento para avaliar a extensão e os padrões da degradação imobiliária. Os resultados da análise do banco de dados demonstram a plausibilidade do discurso alternativo e apontam para alguns fatores significativos que contribuem para o atual estado de degradação. Retoma-se então a análise da política de repovoamento da região central por meio de um programa de moradias para famílias de baixa renda e mostra-se como as técnicas empregadas permitem avaliar as razões para o baixo desempenho dessa agenda política no contexto de um amplo programa de revitalização urbana.
o presente estudo trata da avaliação da questão legal, expressa pela disposição constitucional que define as competências concorrentes dos executivos municipais, estaduais e da União. Por outro lado, realiza o contraste dessas competências com a realidade do cooperativismo na Federação da República brasileira. Tem-se muito difundido, que a distribuição de encargos realizada pelo constituinte, contribuiu para um processo de disputa e de pulverização de recursos entre os entes da Federação, e, conseqüentemente, para práticas descoordenadas das políticas sociais. Tal assertiva é, com freqüência, destacada por especialistas. Percebendo-se a questão das responsabilidades comuns aos municípios, estados e União como inerente à Forma de Estado Federativa, acredita-se que possam consistir em estímulo às ações conjuntas dos executivos no campo das políticas sociais. Assim, dá-se à questão legal a sua real dimensão em face à história não cooperativa vivenciada no Brasil e levantam-se problemas correlacionados ao não cooperativismo entre os entes da Federação.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisa realizada em escolas públicas do Município do Rio de Janeiro. Procedeu-se à Análise de Discurso de professores e alunos das séries iniciais do Primeiro Grau, bem como técnicos das escolas, dos Distritos Educacionais e da secretaria de Educação. As enunciações registradas tiveram como tema principal a alfabatização, e foram analizadas com base no modelo proposto por Pêcheux, que articula três regiões do conhecimento científico: a ideológico-cultural, a linguística e a discursiva, relacionando-se o discurso e suas condicões de produção, e situando os protagonistas e o objeto do discurso. A fundamentação teórica da análise partiu das teorias linguísticas de Saussure e Beneviste, utilizando-se também os trabalhos de Baktin, Blikstein, Vital Brazil e Orlani. Segue-se a discussão em torno de aspectos da teoria da subjetividade, de natureza psicanalítica, onde foram utilizadas as teorias de Freud e Lacan. À alienação do sujeito na ordem da linguagem associa-se a alienação do trabalho, considerada por Marx e discutida no trabalho de Meszaros. As relações do sujeito com o trabalho e com a produção são também pensadas a partir dos pontos de vista de Baudrillard e Giannotti. A partir da análise das falas, propõe-se a desconstrução do simbólico e o estabelecimento dee uma nova prática, de novas relações institucionais que possam transformar o cotidiano escolar, livrando alunos e professores do assujeitamento a que ficam submetidos.
Trata-se de uma discussão sobre as dificuldades de se desenvolver ações de educação ambiental no Brasil, bem como a sugestão de alternativas para esta situação, através de um projeto piloto de Coleta Seletiva de Lixo. Esta experiência, pioneira no Brasil, foi implantada inicialmente no bairro de São Francisco, em Niterói, RJ, e vem fornecendo resultados que indicam a viabilidade de sua disseminação, não só como forma de educação ambiental, mas também como técnica alternativa e de baixo custo visando enfrentar a grave questão que representa o lixo doméstico para os municípios brasileiros.
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar até que ponto o processo de descentralização adotado pelo Departamento de Polícia Técnica da Bahia (DPT-BA) foi eficiente no atendimento às demandas de perícias de Computação Forense geradas pelas Coordenadorias Regionais de Polícia Técnica (CRPTs) do interior do Estado. O DPT-BA foi reestruturado obedecendo aos princípios da descentralização administrativa, seguindo a corrente progressista. Assumiu, com a descentralização, o compromisso de coordenar ações para dar autonomia às unidades do interior do Estado, com a criação de estruturas mínimas em todas as esferas envolvidas, com ampla capacidade de articulação entre si e com prestação de serviços voltados para um modelo de organização pública de alto desempenho. Ao abordar a relação existente entre a descentralização e a eficiência no atendimento à demanda de perícias oriundas do interior do estado da Bahia, o estudo, por limitações instrumentais, se manteve adstrito ao campo das perícias de Computação Forense, que reflete e ilustra, de forma expressiva, o cenário ocorrido nas demais áreas periciais. Inicialmente foram identificadas as abordagens teóricas sobre descentralização, evidenciando as distintas dimensões do conceito, e, em seguida, sobre a Computação Forense. Foram realizadas pesquisa documental no Instituto de Criminalística Afrânio Peixoto (Icap) e pesquisa de campo por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com juízes de direito lotados nas varas criminais de comarcas relacionadas ao cenário de pesquisa e com peritos criminais das Coordenações Regionais, das CRPTs e da Coordenação de Computação Forense do Icap. Correlacionando os prazos de atendimento que contemplam o conceito de eficiência definido pelos juízes de direito entrevistados, clientes finais do trabalho pericial e os prazos reais obtidos mediante a pesquisa documental os dados revelaram alto grau de ineficiência, morosidade e inadimplência, além de realidades discrepantes entre capital e interior. A análise das entrevistas realizadas com os peritos criminais revelou um cenário de insatisfação e desmotivação generalizadas, com a centralização quase absoluta do poder decisório, demonstrando que o processo de descentralização praticado serviu, paradoxalmente, como uma ferramenta de viabilização e camuflagem da centralização.