963 resultados para Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784


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Os conhecimentos produzidos por comunidades tradicionais, quilombolas e povos indígenas são cada vez mais reconhecidos como importante fonte de informação para as atividades de bioprospecção, especialmente àqueles conhecimentos associados à biodiversidade. Em uma sociedade denominada por muitos autores como a sociedade do conhecimento, torna-se urgente a discussão sobre a titularidade e a forma de proteção de tais conhecimentos tradicionais, que geram lucros de forma direta ou indireta às empresas do setor biotecnológico sem, contudo possuírem ainda sistemas eficazes de proteção. A presente tese analisa a forma de produção desses conhecimentos tradicionais associados à biodiversidade e à bioprospecção, a fim de estudar os mecanismos legais regulatórios incidentes sobre a sua proteção, acesso e repartição de suas informações, conforme estabelecido pela Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica. O objetivo central é contribuir ao estabelecimento de marco jurídico, através da discussão sobre a viabilidade, os benefícios e as limitações para a sua elaboração. Através de uma metodologia qualitativa são estabelecidas inicialmente a importância, as características e as diversas espécies dos conhecimentos tradicionais. Em seguida é abordada a interface desses conhecimentos com os conhecimentos científicos, os direitos de propriedade intelectual e a natureza jurídica dos direitos sobre tais conhecimentos que passam a ser denominados COTABIOs. Após essa etapa cognitiva, é apresentado o arcabouço institucional-legal da repartição de benefícios, acesso e proteção dos COTABIOs em diversos fóruns internacionais e em alguns países, com especial ênfase ao panorama nacional brasileiro. Ao término desse processo são formuladas propostas de medidas especificas que poderão contribuir para a proteção legal dos COTABIOs. A tese é concluída com considerações gerais sobre as propostas formuladas, a fim de contribuir para o preenchimento da lacuna existente em decorrência da esparsa legislação nacional e internacional sobre a repartição de benefícios, acesso e proteção dos COTABIOs sem, contudo ter a pretensão de esgotar o tema e sim contribuir para a reflexão e discussão sobre a necessidade de mudanças nesse setor


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o valor expressivo das frases nominais no romance Pedro Pedra, de Gustavo Bernardo. No ensino de língua materna, comumente as frase nominais só recebem a classificação de construção que dispensa o uso do verbo. Desse modo, pouco é explorado dessa construção linguística. A presente pesquisa estabelece, portanto, como objetivo uma proposta de leitura que busca não só o valor gramatical das frases nominais, mas também o valor expressivo que elas podem desempenhar no texto. Além disso, procura estreitar o elo indispensável, na Educação Básica, entre as aulas de língua materna e as de literatura , a fim de articular a leitura do texto literário com o ensino de Língua Portuguesa. Durante a pesquisa, observou-se que as frases nominais possuem variações e que cada uma delas apresenta uma característica própria, expressando, nas passagens em que são utilizadas, uma especificidade. É no universo descritivo que as construções nominais ganham maior destaque, contribuindo para a representação mental do elemento descrito, dando-lhe realce e propiciando impressões sensoriais. Desse modo, a presente dissertação trabalha as frases nominais como um recurso expressivo da língua. Com isso, pretende-se a reflexão sobre a produtividade do trabalho com a leitura literária nas aulas de língua materna, levando em conta de que o texto literário possui todas as possiblidades da língua em potencial.


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本文综合形态学、孢粉学和细胞学以及等位酶分析的实验证据,阐明了中国华中铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium sarelii Hook. Complex)中两个四倍体种的起源问题,并从生物系统学的角度讨论了其中多个种的分类学问题。过去认为的四倍体的“华中铁角蕨”被证明是起源于二倍体华中铁角蕨(A. sarelii Hook.)和二倍体细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)的杂交,并被处理为新种:武当铁角蕨(A. wudangense Z.R. Wang et X. Hou, sp. nov.)。 而变异铁角蕨(A. varians Wall., Hook. et Grev.)则被认为起源于二倍体细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)和二倍体尖齿铁角蕨(A. argutum Ching)的杂交或二者同源四倍体的杂交。根据原细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)和尖齿铁角蕨(A. argutum Ching)在宏观和微观特征上的相似性,以及二者的遗传一致度(0.581~0.705),本文将这两个种处理为细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)的两个亚种:细茎亚种(ssp. tenuicaule)和尖齿亚种(ssp. argutum (Ching) Vaine, Rashbach et Reichst., ined.)。依据形态和遗传上的相似性以及各自占有一定部分重叠的分布区域,原云南铁角蕨(A. yunnanense Franch.)、宝兴铁角蕨(A. moupinense Franch.)和云南铁角蕨深裂铁角蕨变种(A. yunnanense Franch. var daraeiforme(Franch.)H. S. Kung)被处理为云南铁角蕨(A. yunnanense Franch.)的三个亚种:云南铁角蕨亚种(ssp. yunnanense)、宝兴铁角蕨亚种(ssp. moupinense (Franch.)Z. R. Wang et X. Hou, st. nov.)和深裂铁角蕨亚种(ssp. daraeiforme(Franch.)Z. R. Wang et X. Hou, st. nov.)。 同时,本文运用孢粉学、细胞学、生态学和形态学的综合手段,处理了中国铁角蕨(Asplenium trichomanes L. s. l.)的种下分类问题,划分了中国该种的四个亚种:原亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. trichomanes,喜钙亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. inexpectans Lovis,四倍亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. Meyer emend. Lovis,粗轴亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. pachyrachis (Christ) Lovis et Reichst.,并将一个变种:哈如变种A. trichomanes L. var. harovii Moore emend. Midle,归并入粗轴亚种ssp. pachyrahcis (Christ) Lovis et Reichst.,同时提供了它们在中国的分布情况。查阅研究PE的标本时发现一些定名为为A. trichomanes L. var. centrochinense Christ(中国变种)的模式标本碎片,因在形态上和倍性上均不同于已知分类群,认为应给予种的分类地位。


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A total of 1784 legal-size (≥356 mm TL) hatchery-produced red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were tagged and released to estimate tag-reporting levels of recreational anglers in South Carolina (SC) and Georgia (GA). Twelve groups of legal-size fish (~150 fish/group) were released. Half of the fish of each group were tagged with an external tag with the message “reward” and the other half of the fish were implanted with tags with the message “$100 reward.” These fish were released into two estuaries in each state (n=4); three replicate groups were released at different sites within each estuary (n=12). From results obtained in previous tag return experiments conducted by wildlife and fisheries biologists, it was hypothesized that reporting would be maximized at a reward level of $100/tag. Reporting level for the “reward” tags was estimated by dividing the number of “reward” tags returned by the number of “$100 reward” tags returned. The cumulative return level for both tag messages was 22.7 (±1.9)% in SC and 25.8 (±4.1)% in GA. These return levels were typical of those recorded by other red drum tagging programs in the region. Return data were partitioned according to verbal survey information obtained from anglers who reported tagged fish. Based on this partitioned data set, 14.3 (±2.1)% of “reward” tags were returned in SC, and 25.5 (±2.3)% of “$100 reward” tags were returned. This finding indicates that only 56.7% of the fish captured with “reward” tags were reported in SC. The pattern was similar for GA where 19.1 (±10.6)% of “reward” message tags were returned as compared with 30.1 (±15.6)% for “$100 reward” message tags. This difference yielded a reporting level of 63% for “reward” tags in GA. Currently, 50% is used as the estimate for the angler reporting level in population models for red drum and a number of other coastal finfish species in the South Atlantic region of the United States. Based on results of our study, the commonly used reporting estimate may result in an overestimate of angler exploitation for red drum.


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The natural diet of 506 American lobsters (Homarus americanus) ranging from instar V (4 mm cephalothorax length, CL) to the adult stage (112 mm CL) was determined by stomach content analysis for a site in the Magdalen Islands, Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. Cluster and factor analyses determined four size groupings of lobsters based on their diet: <7.5 mm, 7.5 to <22.5 mm, 22.5 to <62.5 mm, and ≥62.5 mm CL. The ontogenetic shift in diet with increasing size of lobsters was especially apparent for the three dominant food items: the contribution of bivalves and animal tissue (flesh) to volume of stomach contents decreased from the smallest lobsters (28% and 39%, respectively) to the largest lobsters (2% and 11%, respectively), whereas the reverse trend was seen for rock crab Cancer irroratus (7% in smallest lobsters to 53% in largest lobsters). Large lobsters also ate larger rock crabs than did small lobsters.


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The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has a central role in working memory (WM). Resistance to distraction is considered a fundamental feature of WM and PFC neuronal activity. However, although unexpected stimuli often disrupt our work, little is known about the un


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Superimposed on the activation of the embryonic genome in the preimplantation mouse embryo is the formation of a transcriptionally repressive state during the two-cell stage. This repression appears mediated at the level of chromatin structure, because it is reversed by inducing histone hyperacetylation or inhibiting the second round of DNA replication. We report that of more than 200 amplicons analyzed by mRNA differential display, about 45% of them are repressed between the two-cell and four-cell stages. This repression is scored as either a decrease in amplicon expression that occurs between the two-cell and four-cell stages or on the ability of either trichostatin A tan inhibitor of histone deacetylases) or aphidicolin tan inhibitor of replicative DNA polymerases) to increase the level of amplicon expression. Results of this study also indicate that about 16% of the amplicons analyzed likely are novel genes whose sequence doesn't correspond to sequences in the current databases, whereas about 20% of the sequences expressed during this transition likely are repetitive sequences. Lastly, inducing histone hyperacetylation in the two-cell embryos inhibits cleavage to the four-cell stage. These results suggest that genome activation is global and relatively promiscuous and that a function of the transcriptionally repressive state is to dictate the appropriate profile of gene expression that is compatible with further development.


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An increasingly common scenario in building speech synthesis and recognition systems is training on inhomogeneous data. This paper proposes a new framework for estimating hidden Markov models on data containing both multiple speakers and multiple languages. The proposed framework, speaker and language factorization, attempts to factorize speaker-/language-specific characteristics in the data and then model them using separate transforms. Language-specific factors in the data are represented by transforms based on cluster mean interpolation with cluster-dependent decision trees. Acoustic variations caused by speaker characteristics are handled by transforms based on constrained maximum-likelihood linear regression. Experimental results on statistical parametric speech synthesis show that the proposed framework enables data from multiple speakers in different languages to be used to: train a synthesis system; synthesize speech in a language using speaker characteristics estimated in a different language; and adapt to a new language. © 2012 IEEE.


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